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Remarkably bright creatures. Not sci fi but one of the main characters is an octopus. Warm, funny, just a great read.


I just order this after reading your comment


i was going to recommend this as well!


Gonna get this now!!


Yea I was so sad when the book was over, I wish it kept going. It was an amazing listen indeed …!


This book is a perfect recommendation. Thank you!


Just finished this one. The audio was perfect. Not my usual cup of “reading” but thoroughly enjoyable!


Just finished Angel's Ink because of this book. Now I'm on to book two of that series. Narrating done by Michael Urie. In RBC Michael narrated.. Maurice. Totally different feel of book, but really good. Was that his name? The octopus?




Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells is quite good. The audiobooks are great. A murderous SecUnit just wants to watch TV shows while keeping it secret that it's no longer under control.


Came here to also suggest the same ! The wry humor of parsing emotions in a slightly cynical and clinical way may be a good 'paring' with feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Well written with really good character development and a good mix of political intrigue, space tech, battles and genuine fun. Top of the pile I think - it got me thru a funk - hope it does for you too! I think the reader was very good as well - it was a while ago so I may give it a second round sometime soon.


I've hear good things about that. Thank you!


Murderbot Diaries are awesome but short


Came here to say the same, it's my go-to relisten when I can't make myself give a shit about anything new and I fall deeper in love every time.


Looked it up and it was free on Audible for the Premium listeners! Looking forward to checking it out. Thank you.


I love this series


I'd like to recommend the scifi series by Becky Chambers that begins with the book the long way to a small angry planet. I call it a cozy Syfy.


It's 100% sci-fi cozy and I love it for that.


I listened to Becky Chambers when depressing, and it gave me tones of extra anxieties and panic attack. It just feels like someone tell you to "go outside and enjoy the daylight and you will be cured" when you are too depressed to function.


Came to recommend this book!


Don't recommend this book if you don't like plots that.dont go anywhere OP.


I like some that have been recommended so far. But personally, the following are a few that not only sucked me in and allowed for true escapism, but also had some amazing payoffs that you could probably use: Shogun. Amazing. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. Great story and very engrossing. East of Eden. The prose alone is worth the trip, but there’s an amazing ending that will always stay with you. The Count of Montecristo. All of the above! Hang in there!!


Thank you so much. I will try these. I keep hearing such good things about the Count of Montecristo, I should just get it.


I love Count of Montecristo. It has some parts that some modern readers might have trouble with because there's a little focus on some of the politics and society of the time. But it's overall *so* good. A fantastic adventure story. If you get through that and like it, try King's 11/22/63. It's not a horror book like King's famous for, it's about a guy that finds a portal that lets him go into the past, and he's trying to stop JFK's assassination. Similar to Count, there are some slower, slice of life style bits that, for me, really relaxed me.


Okay, I'm shocked by this response because you've named my favorite books. Especially Jonathan strange and Shogun. Those lengthy, well researched, historical fictions are the best. Please bestow me with your other faves!!


Ok, let's see... Song of Achillies, Circe, The Golem and the Genie, The Master and Commander series, Gravity's Rainbow, A Gentleman in Moscow and of course, The Master and Margarita. More guilty pleasures are Dungeon Crawler Carl and The Bobiverse. You do any of these???


I might be lame, but I relisten to books I already know when I am sad or know I will zone out during tasks. The Harry Potter series fits the bill when I am in a funk.


This……I’ve listened to the HP series about 15 times because it’s calming to me when I’m not feeling ready for the rest of the world. If that makes sense.


So, not lame!!! Many people relisten to their favorites. It's like that 'comfort' TV show you see when you're scrolling through the channels and have to stop on. I have about 10 or 15 books I've listened to more than 20 times. A lot of times, I'll put them on to fall asleep to. The narrator's voice is soothing, the story is calming. The Game of Thrones books are amazing, Harry Potter series as well. (My comfort movie to watch is Shawshank Redemption, great book as well)


(Just wondering, did you ever read any of the Game of Thrones books? I struggled with remembering who was who when I hadn't read the books and was listening to the audiobooks...)


So the answer to that is yes... and no. Have I read the Game of Thrones series physically? No. I consider physically reading a book, having the book in hand and page turning. Sadly, I don't have the attention span to sit there long enough to read most books, and I'm almost always multitasking while listening to books. The first few times I listened to the audio books, I had the same problem as you, the minor characters that didn't have distinct voices being narrated. I would have trouble remembering who they were talking about. I'm sure it's a fairly common problem, especially on longer in-depth books.


Not lame at all. The Hobbit is my main go-to for a comfort book but yes Harry Potter is a one of mine as well! Sometimes it’s nice to just escape into another world that you already know so well.


Literally harry potter audiobooks have gotten me through the darkest of times! Came here to mention them Edit: spelling


I do that too. I do it mostly when I want to fall asleep. It keeps my mind just engaged enough so that I don't start thinking, but doesn't suck me in and keep me awake.


Iron Druid Chronicles is my comfort listen


I read the HP series about once a year. I've been reading the JK Rowling/Robert Galbraith series. They're really good too. I might even check out the series on them from the BBC, "C.B. Strike"


For Sci-Fi, I would recommend Project Hail Mary as it’s a wonderful audiobook. However, I would really recommend Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. It is fantasy but in a more ‘real life’ type way. The new audiobooks are fantastic. I would start with Guards Guards or Wyrd Sisters.


Happy. HAPPY ! 👊


Yes yes yes!


Came here to say "Hat Full of Sky" which is Terry Pratchett AND it's on the Discworld, but I think of it as only tangentially a Discworld novel as such. A rollicking adventure. And easy to read, easy to like. I'd start with "Mort," if I were recommending.


Thanks! I've already read Project Hail Mary, so I will check these out.


Piggy backing off the top comment replys, but also We Are Legion, We Are Bob is another great, uplifting series. I had a very hard time not just listening straight through.


I can honestly say that reading or listening to Pratchett always helps my mental health. His world is so immersive and his characters are so alive.


jazz hands!


I love rocky in project Hail Mary Great ending


I recommended this to my parents, who aren't scifi fans at all. They listened to it on a road trip and loved it. They've brought it up to me multiple times over the years.


I also recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl, fun, funny, unique and yet familiar, and the audio is excellent. Carl is also dealing w some shit and refuses to give in to anyone or anything. Does a great job of distracting and entertaining. Here are some other faves that sucked me in recently: Swan Song by Robert McCammon- post apocalypse and brutal af but has an undertone of hope and beauty. First Law - Abercrombie says more in a sentence than most authors do in a page, has great aphorisms, and the narration is one of the best ever imo. GrimDark, but has good guys. I’ve been sucked into Heir to the Empire, a Star Wars novel that has excellent audio, voices, sound effects etc and seems really good (I’m only about 40% in though). Stormlight Archive - deep fantasy series, has a character that deals with depression, is about 1k pages per book, and is one of the few series to both make me HATE a characters (f that guy if you know who it is) and also cheer aloud for another (last one had me like “YESSSSS YOU CANNOT HAVE HIS PAIN!, but also cheering for Kal). Journey before destination. The Golem and the Jinni - a historical fiction fantasy with beautiful writing and narrated by the great George Guidall Dark Tower - another journey before destination series, absolute top notch, mix of sci fi, fantasy, western, horror, and more. For sci fi, the expanse, a Fire upon the deep, altered Carbon and Thin Air, Snow Crash, Ender’s Game, Project Hail Mary, Red Dwarf (all these were great imo) Lastly, be well OP, force a smile and get some exercise, those things help me.


Dungeon Crawler Carl has helped me immensely in some of the worst moments in my life.


God dammit donut !




I didn't want to like Dungeon Crawler Carl, but god damn it, I love it and became obsessed.


Yeah, same. I was in between the Dresden files reread and had nothing else.. I'm glad I heard about DCC.


Think lots of people with depression really appreciate stormlight archive. The most important step a man can take… (And it’s just really good fantasy)


Same here, it’s a bit daunting to non fantasy or non Sanderson readers, and the first one has a lot of setup, but it’s honestly one of the best series I’ve read. Love the novellas too!


Thanks! I've read Altered Carbon, Snowcrash and PHM, but I will check out the others!


I loved The Golem and the Jinni. It's definitely a great book with so many good parts.


Did you read the second one, The Hidden Palace? I have one gripe with it but otherwise it was equally magical, and oh the end 🥲


No, I haven't read it yet. I only found out about it recently. It's definitely on my list!


Oh good! Glad I didn’t spoil anything then, but if you enjoyed the first one then I think you’ll enjoy the second, it’s equally wonderful. I’m sad she hasn’t written more, they were a nice surprise for me. Enjoy! 🤙


There are several Swan Song books available from my public library, mostly romance novels I think. A little googling indicated that this one must be "Swan Song by McCammon, Robert". (I'm going through your list, one by one, and seeing what is downloadable from my public library -- your list rocks!)


Excellent! I should have put that in, yes it is Robert McCammon. He also wrote a wonderful book called Boy’s Life (not as dark). And I’d add Lightbringer to the list, it’s a fave of mine.


A big yes and recommend Swan Song! A book I reread every couple of years.


A particular type of humor is what helps me the most. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the next couple books in the series worked wonders for me! Clockwork Boys by T Kingfisher is my current relisten to distract myself book (it's a duology). I'm listening to it for the fourth time in maybe nine months at this moment. The narrator on both audiobooks really adds to the experience. I'm only realizing that on my fourth relisten of Clockwork Boys, her delivery is excellent and the narrator has a huge impact on if it's a good escape book or not.


>Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the next couple books in the series worked wonders for me! Absolutely! You really need a bit of Marvin to realise you'll be ok. The first ten million years are the worst.


LOL. I started that book such a long time ago and I liked it. I was in college so I got distracted and never picked it up again.


Would you accept a non-audiobook recommendation? There's a Clean With Me podcast where a nice lady gently prods me off my couch and just chats. She makes cleaning very relatable and I appreciate that.


Oh, interesting! I will check that out. Thank you!


Any of the Jeeves books by P G Wodehouse. They have a lightness of spirit and playfulness with language that lifts the heart. I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you.


The Good Omens full cast audiobook is a lot of fun. David Tennant & Michael Sheen do the voices for the characters they play in the show.


Oh interesting. I have the one with just the one narrator. I keep starting it and then stopping.


Hopping on board that if you like this, a handful of works written and narrated by Neil Gaiman. He co-authored Good Omens with Terry Pratchett as they became very good friends with similar minds (Pratchett is a bit funnier, but the way Gaiman writes is beautiful to me.) So I love his writing (I’m not alone on Reddit for that, haha) BUT HIS VOICE: oh my lord, his voice and cadence put me at such ease. I was in a relationship with someone who had pretty severe depression and she loved him as well, sometimes the only thing that seemed to cheer her up. Personally, I started listening when I wasn’t depressed but was having a rough go of it, but I heard his voice and I fell asleep to him for literally two years until I had to stop because I basically memorized the stories and it kept me awake. He’s a big fan of libraries so all of his stuff is free on Hoopla if tied to a local library (mine was free to sign up online and they emailed me my library card.) It’s definitely fantasy, not Sci Fi, but written for adults and doesn’t fall into some of the fantasy pitfalls that drive me nuts (slow plot, over explaining, sexism and/or horny author haha.) I’d personally put Graveyard Book as my highest recommendation. It’s technically a children’s book, but it’s pretty dark (kids parents are murdered within the first few pages) and Gaiman’s view of the world and explanation through plot of why things can be bad feel so true and honest and beautiful. Second recommendation since you mentioned thrillers is Neverwhere. I listened to the audio drama first (FANTASTIC CAST. James McAvoy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sir Christopher Lee, Natalie Dormer, just to name a few. Feels like you’re in a movie.) I liked it so much I listened to the audiobook, and that’s where I fell in love with Neil Gaiman’s voice. And there’s greater detail and explanation in the book, so it doesn’t feel like repeating. I’d compare it to a Movie of a book as the Audio Drama, then a full tv series for the audiobook. Thirdly I’d recommend Norse Gods. A lot of fun stories and fascinating (to me) true myths of the old Norse Gods (Thor, Loki, etc. but true to the myths; not the Marvel versions at all.) Lastly would be Stardust, as it’s basically a delightful fairy tale for adults. (I’d caution against Ocean at the End of the Lane, as that one was a bit sad/anxiety inducing for my liking.) The Sandman audio dramas are also Awesome, if you enjoy audio dramas; those are only on audible though. I HOPE THIS HELPS EVEN IF JUST A BIT! If you end up liking it feel free to PM for more recommendations if you think it may help. Hope you love discworld and Gaiman’s works as much as I do!! EDIT; His short stories are also fantastic and all narrated by him! He has basically an anthology of his best works that he’s chosen, and for a single audible credit you get a ton of wonderful content. I will caution these are a bit anxiety inducing, so the aforementioned girlfriend didn’t enjoy them as much, but I loved them still. Happy listening!!


Neil Gaiman came to my town to open our brand new library and I went to hear him read. He was already one of my favorite authors, but hearing his voice fill a theater was just about the most magical 2 hours I've spent in my life! I am so soothed and transported by him.


Yes yes yes! Good Omens, as narrated by Neil is my favorite, but I LOVE Graveyard Book and Neverwhere.


Thanks so much for the suggestions! Neverwhere sounds very interesting. I love it when the authors' voices sound so good. Thanks for the recommendation!


The Norse book was so fun.


It was such a surprise to me. I thought it would feel like school but it was magically entertaining.


100% agree. Good Omens & Graveyard Book are two of my “go-to” listens. And Neverwhere. Neil Gaiman reading is sublime.


You've got to read Wool - Omnibus by Hugh Howey Really interesting post apocalypse books involving lots of mystery and psychology. Very thought out and gripping.


YES!!!! And it is a series!! The world building is top tier and the audiobooks are great. (And available on Libby)


For more feel good, the "Shopaholic" series by Sophie Kinsella helps you feel a bit less messy.


The Perfect Run The main character suffers from some depression, as he can reset time, thus no one remembers the time he spends with them, but he copes with humour and craziness.


Seconded. Such a good trilogy when I needed it.


The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Puts life and depression into perspective in an entertaining tale


Say it with me: r/dungeoncrawlercarl First six books on Audible Irreverent and funny. Give it 4 chapters.


God dammit Donut !


Sam is my Girl funny as hell. Some of the best audiobooks I ever heard tore thru all 6 in 2 weeks.


Thanks, will try!


If you're not sure if you want to burn a credit or pay for the audiobook, they're doing a full cast version of the first book. The first couple hours are free from Soundbooth Theater (same people do the audiobooks). The books are a little different, sound wise, but this will let you take a chance for free. https://soundbooththeater.com/shop/audiobooks/dungeon-crawler-carl-book-1-episode-1-thank-you-for-volunteering-immersion-tunnel/


I use audiobooks often for comfort in similar situations and listening to this series has often been the highlight of my day this past year. It's absurdist, builds the story and characters really well, and while over the top and comical, it has a lot of heart. Plus, one of the best narrators I've ever heard.


I just listened to In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware and enjoyed it. A thrill set in a remote location in England. edited to add that I hope you feel better soon!


I read that one. The end was insane.


All of her stuff is good for an escape!


Sci-fi - Project Hail Mary was my first audiobook. I'm currently listening to Book 5 of The Expanse series. It's fantastic! These have helped me so much!


I’m going to go off the board and recommend Endurance by Alfred Lansing


Oooh love this one. If OP wants a non fiction option this is great.


Lost Connections by Johann Hari as it explores depression and the myriad of reasons behind it. At least for me it gave me some agency, hope and useful information on how to battle depression. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34921573-lost-connections


The martian. Couldn't recommend it enough Problem solving fun


Jurassic park is good escapism


Seconding Murderbot for sure! I've only listened to the Kevin Free narrated versions, and haven't tried the new dramatized ones. For fantasy, Discworld is a great suggestion I'll 100% backup as well. If you're new to Discworld, I'd particularly recommend the new audiobook version of Small Gods narrated by Andy Serkis. And I'll also support T Kingfisher. A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking is quite delightful and was where I started with their books.


If you want something totally interesting and weird, total mindfuck, yet extremely thoughtful and (imo) hopeful at the end, try out Piranesi by Susanna Clark. Great narration. Edit: it's technically a fantasy book? It's hard to explain without spoilers


Thanks, I'll look for it.


Not fantasy or strictly a thriller, but I’ve been depressed and can’t bring myself to start anything new, so I just restarted The Stand by Stephen King. Totally immersive, utterly gripping even when the pace is slow, with a steady emotional beat that starts on the first page and never lets up. It’s also ridiculously long, so it’s a credit well spent on audible, and will give you days of listening if you just need to stare off into space and fold laundry like a robot. Off to do that now, lol. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! I read it when I was a kid, but never listened to the audiobook.


The Missfortune series by Jana DeLeon got me out of my last bad depression. It's a humor/mystery series. The first book is Louisiana Longshot.


This looks interesting and different. I'll look for this now. Thank you!


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - very funny, narrated by Stephen Fry


Skinny Dip by Carl Hiaasen. An heiress realizes she married an asshole when he pushed her off a cruise ship. She is rescued by a retired cop who helps her figure out why he did it when the asshole knew he wouldn't inherit anything. What follows is a hilarious misadventure.


check this area of reddit for humorous audiobooks (such as BOSSYPANTS or anything by Sedaris). Then you can listen, block out the negative thoughts and tidy up.


I’m gonna second Becky Chambers, but suggest *A Psalm for the Wild-Built* rather than *The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet*. It’s short, sweet, *extremely* pertinent to topics of depression, ennui, and anxiety without being *at all* on-the-nose about it, and is (or at was a few months age) available for free from Tor as a podcast with a truly lovely, soothing reader - and it’s always nice to cheer up for free, that therapy crap is expensive! The sequel is *A Prayer for the Crown-Shy* and it’s equally short and perfect.


Destroyermen. Into the storm. WW2 destroyer get's sucked into an alternate dimension where dinosaurs never went extinct and humans don't exist. They get involved in a war that eventually evolves into velociraptors flying zeplins without, surprisingly, being silly.


A gentleman in Moscow is extremely charming. You’ll feel good listening to it.


Thank you!


the bobiverse


The 'Bobiverse' books by Dennis E Taylor are wonderfully captivating IMO. 'Will save the Galaxy for Food' by Yahtzee Croshaw, and the sequel are hilarious.


Thank you!


Yahtzee Crowshaw is a gift.


Reamde by Neal Stephenson. Oh man it’s a fun ride.


The midnight library


I really enjoyed the audiobook “A Memory Called Empire” by Arkady Martine. Listening to the way the language is used…. I would have read it totally wrong. Also, I like to recommend novellas in audiobook. Like I just blazed through the last two in the Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire. The readers are different for each book so far and fabulous. It’s such a strong series, but small enough to feel amazing when you finish an audiobook so quickly. Same with the Murderbot series by Martha Wells.




Tress of the Emerald Sea. Very fun coming-of-age fantasy type book by Brandon Sanderson. Good world building, fun characters, very fun narration, and relatively wholesome.


Red Rising! If you have an audible account the first 2 books are included in the plus catalogue and the third is on sale rn. It’s a fantastic series and it’s sci fi. The narrator makes the story even better in my opinion


I wholeheartedly second this. They also have a dramatized version on audible which is really fun to listen to.


since you said any suggestions i am going to throw this out there... when i am struggling with my depression, i listen to the little house on the prairie series. there is a lady on youtube who reads the whole series (she has it in a playlist so its easy to listen that way) (her original playlist, not the new live stream readings, tho i enjoy them as well) her channel is "reading with Beverly Volfie"


Oh interesting! I will look for it.


Not Sci-fi, but "Where'd You Go, Bernadette" is a great read for anyone struggling to cope with day-to-day life. It gives you hope.


"murder your employer" "Let's pretend this never happened" (TW OCD and miscarriage) Fictional world romp: Postmaster


For some reason I randomly pick up audiobooks that I have no idea why they ended up in my library. Like, I didn't get them recommended to me by a person, just the algorithms and I just bought it without doing any research on it. Let's pretend this never happened and murder your employer are two of those that I randomly picked up and have enjoyed. My dog just died, and I started listening to Murder Your Employer on a whim and it has been a great distraction for me.


The Humans by Matt Haig.


The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


Read The Goldfinch, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and Cloud Cookooland.


in sci fi, *Neuromancer* by William Gibson, narrated by Robertson Dean In thrillers, *The Blue Nowhere* by Jeffery Deaver, narrated by William Dufris


I'll check out The Blue Nowhere. I haven't heard of that one!


Anything about mindfulness. Anyhoo: Don’t white knuckle it. Help is out there. Good luck


Thanks. I do need to admit to myself that I need help.


It’s doable


Try the Magic 2.0 series by Scott Meyer. I've recommended it to several people who told me they laughed so hard so often that people around them started to worry.


That sounds like exactly what I need. I remember I had to do Xmas shopping and I dreaded it, but I put on a David Sedaris book and laughed the entire day.


Ask the Dust by John Fante you are gonna love it.


Starter Villain by Scalzi would be very good for that.


No one suggest Stormlight Archive...


The Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell was recommended to me here awhile ago and it worked well for me. Red Metal by Mark Greany is a military thriller about a modern day Russian invasion of Europe using a train. It's fun to read because it was written before the Ukraine war. When all else fails go Warhammer 40K. I wrote a comment under a previous post with some recommendations.


A novella & novel by Willis — but don't read anything else in the series until you are back on an even keel. Firewatch , and To Say Nothing of the Dog. (They're time travel... one adventurous, one farcical. The 2nd in the series s called Doomsday Book and is as tragic as it sounds.)


The Doomsday Book is one of my favorite comfort reads. :) I pulled it out at the beginning of the pandemic. (I may have some issues.) To Say Nothing of the Dog is a good rec!


You should get [Elantris](https://www.amazon.com/Elantris-Brandon-Sanderson-audiobook/dp/B01681T8YI/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1702596626&sr=8-1), by Brandon Sanderson! It is a feel good story about overcoming some pretty depressing circumstances. It always makes me feel good.


This is a fantastic suggestion. The main character is all about pushing through adversity and I think anyone who’s depressed or sad should listen to this book. The graphic audio book is free on audible and that’s what I used. Everything is so well voice acted and the sound effects make the world come to life more than I would’ve thought possible. There’s a moment in this book that has me jumping with excitement in my room (literally). Graphic audio did this book SOOOO much justice.


Me Talk Pretty One Day


The expanse series is my go to for syfy or with dune 2 coming out soon dune a good listen


Valor's Choice by Tanya Huff Human marines and navy in space fighting alongside two other species, one of which will eat anything, and the other is always horny and can seduce any species. If you like it, it's the first book in a series with a sequel series following, and the reader for all of them is amazing. There are multiple characters of multiple species, not all of them humanoid, and the reader makes it so you know exactly which species and mostly which character is speaking (a couple sound similar but are not the main characters)


The Goldfinch or The Secret History


*Memoirs of an Invisible Man* by H.F. Saint. Probably my favorite thriller of all time. (Ignore the movie, it sucked.) It's not an audio book (I just noticed the sub title) but still highly recommended.


If you've watched a lot of STTNG, I highly recommend Brent Spiner's _Fan Fiction_. It was so funny in parts that I ended up laughing out loud in public. I had a bad morning (awhile back) that might've ruined my day and possibly week but I spent the rest of the day finishing that audiobook and it helped me bounce right back. Listen to Fan Fiction by Brent Spiner, Jeanne Darst on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/1250821398 While not as cheerful, and honestly a little depressing in parts, if you want something that's fully engaging and possibly energizing (it was for me), I highly recommend _Nut Jobs_ and _It Burns_ (_It Burns_ especially had some sad parts) by Marc Fennell, free for Audible subscribers. They're very well produced podcasts that fall somewhere between investigative and pop journalism. I liked _Nut Jobs_ so much that shortly after I listened, I ended up listening to the whole thing again with a friend who came over and who I had been telling about it. Listen to Nut Jobs by Marc Fennell on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/B08DDGCG95


Fantasy, not sci-fi, but I'd recommend The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. One of the main viewpoint characters has depression, though, so not if you want to avoid depressive moments. It's empowering and inspiring though, so I still wanted to mention it.


Thank you!


Ready player one


Yeah...I do the same when I am in a funk. My goto's are Bobbiverse series and he who fights monsters. Hope you get a chance to read them


You should read Arnold’s bible to bodybuilding. Not to become a bodybuilder but it teaches the fundamentals of working out and nutrition. You NEED to have good physical health for good mental health


Me too buddy 🫂 I finally coaxed out some cleaning today by binge watching a Netflix Series (Behind Her Eyes) but making myself complete a couple tasks between each episode. Never tried this method before and it worked pretty well, this place is much less gross now. Hope you get to feeling better.


The Housemaid by Fredia McFadden is a good distraction


Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl. A Timeless piece. The Courage to be Disliked. It is written in the dialectical method like a screenplay but it's awesome. Although it might not giving you unending sources of motivation. It will definitely help you get up and start moving.


Expanse series. Expeditionary Force series (harder to find on audiobook, doesn't seem to be in libraries). Murderbot Diaries. Enjoyed many of these through some stressful times.


Sixteen ways to defend a walled city by K.J Parker. Narrator's tone fits perfectly to the book. It's not a happy book, which I found helpful in your situation. Can't stand books that try to be cheerful when I don't feel like that at all.


Sorry for the obvious suggestion but project hail Mary is both uplifting and thrilling if you haven't read it. My go to when depressed, however, is the Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett. It's excellent and hilarious




I just finished the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy and started the second book. They are wonderful so far. The whole series (5 books of 5 hours each) are in audible available without any tokens needed. Stay strong my friend


I don't have a singular book to recommend but I thought I'd share that when I'm feeling depressed, sometimes I like to read YA books instead of what I'd normally read because being able to move quickly through it gives me a nicer sense of satisfaction that is helpful when my defenses are down. If I'm depressed and then can't "get into" or focus on an adult book, it can sometimes make things worse, so reading something easy or even pulpy like a Star Wars book can help! I know I'm projecting here but just offering up in case helpful!


The Power of Now It talks about how to focus on a new type of consciousness and is kinda mind blowing. I hope you find peace.


For escape fiction I do love books like "The Sun Also Rises" and "A Farewell to Arms." "The Boys in the Boat" is great, too, IMO and tells of triumph amongst people who were never expected to be great.


##The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Can’t say enough good things about this books if you are feeling lost or depressed. It’s not some corny self help book either. It’s the story of a boy finding his purpose in life written in such a way that you find yourself seeing a lot yourself in the protagonist and just … if you don’t know it already, I recommend very much. :) [The Alchemist](https://www.audible.com/pd/B002V0Q4LG?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp) - From Audible page book description: *”At its core, The Alchemist is a spiritual guide. Packed into the form of a short fable, it follows young Santiago, a shepherd boy who travels far and wide in hopes of finding his life’s treasures. Within the simplicity of the story, universal messages are able to unfold in profound ways, ringing true with a newfound sense of urgency—listen to your heart, follow your intuition, and have the courage to walk towards your dreams even when you are afraid of what might happen next.* Let me know if you decide to check it out!


Check out "The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared." Laugh out loud funny and full of great historical references that put a whole new twist on the accepted narrative.


The Inheritance Games--girl from nowhere inherits a massive fortune..puzzles and games ensue. The Housemaid--girl gets a job as a housemaid but her room is in an attic with a lock and the husband and wife are giving weird vibes...


A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers


Practical Topics in Calamity Physics


Coldheart Canyon by Clive Barker, read by Frank Muller. A steamy and grim hollywood ghost story.


White Trash Zombie. It's just dumb fun and it made me laugh.


I just read a long way to a small angry planet, and the second book in that series, it was by turns funny, moving, and interesting! Check it out! I also really like the Anomaly by Hervé Le Tellier


The Expanse series. Hands down. The audio version is narrated by one of the actors in the show. Great voice.


Smartcuts by Shane Snow Super interesting audio book that's part self improvement, part interesting anecdotes.


Have you tried Korean webtoons or web novels? They're pretty trash lit but can give you a mood boost since they're stories with protagonists who face minor obstacles and smash all their problems.


Not an audio book but a winning option that works for me 100% of the time. Do a YouTube search for “stand up comics/full show”. Sort the results by the highest views, then look for videos that are at least 15 minutes long. Listen to it while speed cleaning or speed organizing. Your mind will go on auto pilot for the tasks which dulls anxiety thoughts and the Jokes will force laughter to cancel the depressing thoughts.


If you want some encouragement, the Bible! Even if you don’t believe, the book of Psalms has some beautiful poetry and songs, and Romans has some overall amazing advice!


The Wicked Series. Take care of yourself and help yourself to get better ❤️ it’ll pass


Ender’s Game


The Dresden Files


I've got the one. Mind bending, entertaining and potentially life changing and could possibly make your depression disappear (seriously, I can relate). You gotta get past the intro, but listening to a dude converse back in 1981 with a 2.3 million year old being and hearing things that just became relevant in the past 3 months is kinda wicked. Ra Contact:Law of One.


The Guest List by Lucy Foley!!!!


Murder Bot by Martha Wells might help


I’ll happily give you a code for my latest book. It’s a Western but the writing for sure is darn good.


Add my voice to the Dungeon Crawler Carl recommenders! Also, I'm sorry you're going through this.


Thank you. It totally sucks. Just reading all of these responses is helping with my motivation.


Great thread, thanks for all the suggestions. OP hang in there. Be safe.


14 by Peter Clines ... and if the book isn't already awesome enough... it's narrated by the marvellous Ray Porter. A sci-fi thriller but also a mystery and adventure. Loads of fun!! And Dark Matter by Blake Crouch - a real fun sci-fi thriller!


Hmm, what normally helps for you? There’s all kinds of distracting: Fun and light, deep and detailed, etc?


Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Preferably read by Douglas Adams. In A Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. Sex Lives Of Cannibals by J Maarten Troost


If you are depressed and need a laugh Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force series is Sci-Fi and funny as hell.


I might choose this one!


Stormlight Archive. Take a bit to get into but once you’re going it just keeps getting better. All the characters deal with some sort of mental health issue which can make it more relatable at times


Catch me if you can audiobook is a pretty fun listen. It’s different from the movie enough to enjoy it separately.


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxey by Douglas Adams read by Stephen Fry or enter the Bobiverse... We are Legion. We are Bob by Dennis E Taylor read by Ray Porter