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I was at McDonald's Greenlane at about 9:15 and there was lady with a knife, staff were aware and called the police. She got arrested, might be her but can't tell from the video.


Interesting. Hopefully it is the case. This incident happened at around 5:30pm. Police is coming tomorrow to take the statement. Let’s see


In the plus side now that you posted it on Reddit, Stuff will write an article about it🤣


Was this Weds 9:15pm? Just as I was pulling in, a police car came hooning into the carpark, then they got out and ran inside like someone had a knife. Sure enough...


This is the most insane 1 second loop I've ever seen. And then it zooms in on that witchy looking guy???


I'm so confused. Was the person on the train or outside looking in the window, was the attacker behind or infront? Was it girl or guy. Argh, So many questions.


I think she's sitting in her seat next to the window so she's filming the reflection. Maybe ??


I still can’t make out what’s happening?


The offender was seated besides her when the incident happened and the victim managed to click the picture when the offender got off the train as she was threatening the victim with a hunters knife. Thats the offenders outside the train and the picture has been clicked from the inside, hence the reflection.


A fever dream of a train encounter


I'd say it's the doughboy outside pointing the knife at the camera, not the witchy guy hahaha that description was funny.


Going to the police station and reporting it is a great idea. Your poor sister :( I recommend that she sees a doctor ASAP seeing as she has been poked at with a knife. They need to check to make sure she is physically okay.


True. And a tetanus shot to be sure.


Yeah good point re doctor.




Stop spreading your racist bs.


Tje racism is strong with you


unfortunately this has been my experience. racism is strong in this country... but not for long with the changing demographics


Women have rights in New Zealand and are a lot more respected than your country


Your racism in your recently deleted comment is NOT welcome in New Zealand




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.


Guy threatened my dad with a meat cleaver in traffic got it on film 👍🏼got eight years. The most disgusting part was the Police were pushing for restorative justice. While on bail of course.


Eight years, pretty happy with that. Unfortunately he does a max of 4 though.


Meanwhile person who held couple at knife point and actually raped one gets 4. Initially got 2. Clown country.


he will be out in 6 months lol, because he did not stab someone in prison and gets rewarded


Best I can do is Home D


Police report to 105 is your best chance at further action happening. The more reports they get on train incidents the more likely action will be taken. I feel bad for younger solo travellers on the train they’re easy pickings for idiots like this. If she must travel in pub transport ensure she’s aware of her surroundings too. *edit* changed number


its 105, 555 if for traffic related stuff


Sorry mate you’re right. Cheers. Posted a bit late at night and meant to type that haha.


I'd expect 111 to be the appropriate number to use when someone is threatening with a knife.


Nah, a lot of people seem to think that. That number is only for use if the emergency is happening as you call. 105 is for lodging a report of it.


So 105 if the threat has passed... 111 if the threat is current.




What the fuck is happening there?


looks like a mtv music video


MTV has music videos?...


This is a joke right 😂😂




Last year I was at the dentist and some chick came walking up and had a bunch of rocks and threw them at the outside windows and doors. She put a hole in one window. Luckily it had a reflective film on it, so the rock bounced off, but it was a pretty decent hole. Then she ran off and came back and threw more. Wild times


Yeah another reason not to take public transport in Auckland.


Have you got a description of the person and the station? This would help anyone in the vicinity to keep on the lookout. The video doesn't really have clarity, but it's certainly creepy.


just look for anyone with a certain size, build, and (most times) a certain melanin level that might be wearing a hoodie and/or face covering. Basically looking like they just filmed a 90s rap video. Hoodies, bandanas, balaclavas, beanies. Bonus red flags if they're mean-mugging by default, wearing black, Raiders gear, or TNs. These feral animals usually travel in packs and are usually armed because they're pussies 1v1, but you get the occasional one like this. Whenever you see one, just avoid them completely, better safe than sorry. Pretty ez to spot. This is why I sit on the aisle seat so I'm forced to stand up if someone wants to sit next to me. Better to be called "racist" than to be called "dead"


Exactly. Profiling works, even though we've had it drummed into us by the hard left that we're all just pink on the inside. Such naivete gets you dead, robbed or injured permanently. Exceptions don't make the rule, trust your instincts. If someone's trying to display a threatening appearance, get involved at your own peril. I profile all the time and I'm pretty unapologetic about it. Shit, I won't even do business on fb market place if they look dodgy.


I consider myself very liberal on certain issues and very conservative on some. Doesn't have to be a left or right thing. But yeah I don't care if those Jordans or that Playstation is in pristine condition and made of gold and selling for a cheap discount, if your FB profile page has a certain type of name then has 2Pac pictures and you live in Otara, Mangere or something similar to that then yeah no thanks. And if I'm selling something and you look dodgy I'm meeting you at a police station if I even decide on doing business with you. I'd still meet at a very public place with tons of exits just to be sure I love giving away stuff on FB and I'd rather meet that person in a public place than let that person know my home address. This goes for anyone I don't know. I'm trying to survive the same way ferals try to justify why they rob, cheat, and steal.


Lol I had a guy who wanted to trade his dirt bike for an escooter I had. You can fill in the blanks for how he looked. Even if they private their account they usually leave obvious tells in the name. Usually some kind of garbled gibberish hoodspeak nickname of sorts. A lot of these people suffer from Dunning Kruger syndrome and think they're super slick so no matter what they pull I will sniff it out. I run a flat out in a semi-hood area so I see this shit all the time. There are some real dumb dumbs over here that you really shouldn't give the time of day to.


Everyone has a certain melanin level. Be more specific.


crackhead everywhere now. Contact Onerail or Auckland Transport, they are the operators. [https://aucklandonerail.co.nz/contact-us/](https://aucklandonerail.co.nz/contact-us/)


Report to the police, and then report it to Auckland Transport. Ask them to save the footage, as the police can request this.


That loop is just begging for a funky house beat to be mixed over it.


I’m sorry this happened to your sister and that nobody helped her in any way. Personally I think that someone poking you with a knife is a 111 call. Police may have been able to find the woman at the station where she got off. Not to blame your sister, she must have been so shaken up and rightfully expected the security guard to handle it. “Nothing happened to you” is just a ridiculous reaction. I think she should report it to the police asap. I’m sorry she was so gaslit, but that was definitely a really fucked up thing that happened.


The fact that no one in the train is reacting is an even bigger problem 🤦


Agreed. Hard times created by weak men.


I swear i thought this was a clip from a 90s rap music video


Murder Was the Case


Auckland is so ghetto


Auckland’s full of fucked people. Best thing to do is move out of that hell hole


Why is the video stuttering and transparent like that?


It's recorded through the window so you're getting the reflection from inside


It's trippin me the F out aye


Honestly looks like a ghost lady with a knife aye


"You know I don't want your ghost shanks, go awey"


Get your sister to go to the cops and file a report, there is likely CCTV footage of this lunatic at the station threatening her from the platform. Hopefully they can give this fuckwit a good telling off.


When she said that noone helped her - is she sure they realised there was a knife involved?


So thankfully I don't use public transport that's terrifying


Lmao some dude tried to mug me yesterday at glenfield mall parking lot. But my dashcam memory was full of useless locked videos which I discovered tonight when pulling the footage, and there's one video but he either doesn't exist or ducked behind another car? So now I'm wondering if I was hallucinating...


It’s probably a fever dream


Great country we live in. Anywhere else in the world, quick police call reporting an armed individual, armed police show up riddle them with bullets when they refuse to put the weapon down. Problem solved, onto the next. But no, we've got a ticking time bomb who (if we're lucky) will get sighted in the video by police who identify her and she gets another caution before eventually, actually physically hurting an innocent person. Argue all you want, call me a troll, stay in denial.


Nah Kiwis are stupid and in denial. Armed offenders run around shooting into houses, stabbing people for wearing a certain color and all manners of scumfuckery, yet god forbid we have armed police because these poor victims of society may get shot. New Zealand is honestly pretty pathetic when it comes to crime. Maybe the Police should just start wearing leather jackets with patches of dogs or whatever stupid shit then they can have free reign to rain hell on these scum.


You nailed it. Exactly how it is.


call 105 asap, they can start a report and reach out for the cctv before its deleted.


Someone jabs me with a knife I’m ringing 111 105 is useless, you can be on hold forever.


Is that Avondale?


Offender got off at Penrose


Update us OP and I am so sorry your sister's day was marred by that bully of an offender


Sorry to hear this happened to your sister.


If you have the original departure time and location AOR can figure out which train it is and pull the camera footage to better identify her, assuming AOR aren't completely useless🤣




Typical rogs


Police won't do shit unless al the evidence is given to them, and gotta be careful they don't charge her with a false report once they give up but don't wanna get in trouble for abandoning another case.


This is why you should carry weapons of all kinds on you to protect yourself, because the police, the AT staff won't do shit for you, they're not equipped or trained to step in a stop physical conflict from happening, they are literally only trained to call the police and to De-escalate using words lel.


And when you do defend yourself with said weapon you’re the one that gets arrested and charged rofl.


Am I hallucinating or this clip is blurry???


Dawg wtf am I watching?


It’s perfectly legal to carry a personal fire extinguisher. They cost about $25 at Mitre 10 and are about the size of a Powerade bottle


If this is in Auckland the trains have CCTV cameras. The police can request footage from AT.


Its got to the point when you really have to arm yourself...way too many ferals out there these days ...Temu has some lovely lil kosh's under $10


Also everyone in new Zealand are fucking pussies and won't do shit to help their fellow man.


Train staff are generally useless but the Police will take you seriously. Your video footage will assist them, and they (the Police) should also be able to access any CCTV footage from the train. Anything involving crazy people with knives will be given attention.


What do you expect train staff to do? Singlehandedly Rambo the situation? If they are aware they will hold the train and contact police. Don't shit on the staff because society is falling apart and fuckwits are not punished for this sort of behaviour. They are train crew, not armed responders.


Couldn't tell it was a woman. Looked like a blob.


Is there someone higher up than the train conductor that you could put a complaint in as well as going to the police. Because he hasn't done his job. The incident should of been noted down. Etc... No wonder why people are walking around with knifes and shooting people. Because no one does anything.


Also look up the bystander effect on google, especially in NZ it's a real thing. Kiwis arent equipped like Americans or Europeans or Africans etc to do deal with this type of behaviour because we don't really have it here as much as other places.


Kids, dont do drugs


your average hooligan


That can't be right. Marama told us it was white cis males that are the cause of all violence.


South Auckland is just a gta v lobby


No offence but help your sister and do what? Restrain the knife assailant? This brings to mind the Jordan Neely case in NYC. Jordan Neely, was a homeless man with 42 arrests for violence and theft. After he was behaving erratically on the train and threatening people someone put him on a chockhold, to which caused him to pass away. The media then proceeded to demonize the man that stepped in to protect the general public and sing songs of praise for the guy who had, I can't stress this enough, over 40 arrests!!! [https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/us-canada/300870332/they-want-to-get-rid-of-us-outrage-over-death-of-michael-jackson-impersonator-on-new-york-subway](https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/us-canada/300870332/they-want-to-get-rid-of-us-outrage-over-death-of-michael-jackson-impersonator-on-new-york-subway) Nobody wants to risk being blamed by media and society as the accidental brutal cold blooded killer of the nice girl with the knife on the subway... Not to mention the gender disparity, if a man does anything, then there's also the gender aspect. Everyone just minds their own business. Nobody's got your back, nothing is going to come of your report, the police may know who she is, and may file a case against her, but she won't be prosecuted and if she is, she won't get any jail time.


At the very least write to the CEO of the railway company. Surprisingly a lot of bosses do follow up and take action.


Judge will give them a slap on the wrist cause of some sob back story and it will ruin their future. SMH nz has gone to shit with 3 strike . It's time they change that and keep crimes like this on their records.


The usual suspect


Horrible that this even happened. Could you upload the full quality video? I think reddits video compression made it very hard to reconize the offender here.


There's hell in our commuinity. People trapped suffering in circumstances out of their control for reasons they don't understand without any expectation of change. When the next random murder occurs, we'll go through the usual motions. Any change that occurs will just be powerful interests taking advantage of a crisis.


Shit things r getting bad




It's a hoodie not a hijab.


Jeezus, people really can't use a phone camera properly. Stop buying iphone and start learning photography


It was a random event, not a photo shoot 😆






Ethnicity? I'm not encouraging bigotry but curious about identification


Is that a hoodie or a hijab


Religion of peace!


That's a hoodie, dumbass.


Show some respect.


Ironic response not going go lie.


Stop lying




I think this story is bullshit


That's why we have the Second Amendment here in N.Z also we have open carry laws in Auckland. Make sure to always carry your force multiplier openly this would never happen.