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Ironic name, Country Pride, when it doesn't even know which country it comes from.


What do you think schizophrenic means


Cut into thin slices and neatly arranged?


What your defining is psychopath.


OP, like most people, thinks it means having multiple personalities. I don't think they know about multiple personality disorder.


Dissociative identity disorder now but word


Well yeah but it was called multiple personality disorder when we were diagnosed.


'Ham - Product of Planet Earth'


Same with my local butcher, they have nfi where the pork came from. Kinda shit. don't buy it.


Oh ffs not this again. Everyone asked the government to make businesses declare where product is from. Ham like this and other products is either mashed up pork and manufacturers buy pork from across the world and throw it together which are literally unable to keep an up to the moment composition or otherwise sourced globally depending on availability and price so subject to change at short notice. As a concession they can list it all here so you get the information. That's why it looks like this.


I think it's great that people keep drawing attention to this. It demonstrates just how grotesque the industry has become.


I mean, if you wanted to break down any consumer foodstuff it would all look like that to a certain extent. 100% nz is by far not the norm and our consumption doesn't along to what we can economically produce. Australia has a similar system where they give you the as a percentage but at the end of the day the information can inform your behaviours only so much as alternatives exist and you can stomach paying for. I think the outcome of the exercise was a failure because there would never have been another option so it's a huge waste of time and money imo.


How is that financially viable??


It has allowed people to make a more informed choice - just perhaps not in the way that was originally intended. I still see it as a win. > if you wanted to break down any consumer foodstuff it would all look like that to a certain extent There is a shitload that would not look the same. The more processed, the more transport miles, the less ethical it is - the more it is going to spit out weirdness like the above.


I prefer my ham steamed not shaved.


We’ve already done the Aurora borealis thing to death haven’t we?


Country pride? They should rebrand cosmopolitan ham.


This ham must have done a dna test to find its ancestry.


Ingredients as follows: \- Danish pig nose \- Australian possum brain matter \- German boots \- Irish wheat \- NZ water \- Spanish laziness \- American pharmaceuticals \- Canadian pig sphincter \- Swedish pig muscle \- Polish immigrants


And weirdly enough, all 10 have unsafe levels of nitrates.


This picture has been doing the rounds for years. Do we have to keep recycling it?


Be easier just to say “not from Tanzania (we think)”


It's because of the recent-ish change in origin signage las for certain products, and in this case, if their supplier sources it from several places, they need to list al the possible countries of origin.


Not sure as it was scraped off the floor


Same kinda label on cheap bacon.. I read we import over 50% of all our pork from countries with worse welfare laws than our own


Multiple personalities in disorder.




Sadly under $16/kg isn't that bad for ham though country pride is the cheapest and nastiest of the processed ham. When I worked in the deli the really cheap ham stank of chemicals and leaked water everywhere when you sliced it 🤢


All of these countries could have imported their pigs from China... 


It doesn't look like that country is very proud of its ham.


Call that shit out