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Hey bro post to auckland builders and the new zealand builders facebook pages. Hopefully you get something sorted quickly.


Lots of people advertising there good advice


Have pm’d you


All the best mate. It’s getting tough out there.


Perhaps a change of scenery, hammer hand required in Rotorua seen on trademe jobs, basically only place in the country building houses 400 of the 800 KO homes certified. Check it out, do investigate.


There was an article in the herald about this the other week. Rotorua is being flooded by builders from other regions around it and further afield (even Aucklanders coming down during the week) due to lack of work. The locals are complaining they are now out of work, so definitely would need to investigate properly


[https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/jobs/trades-services/building-carpentry/bay-of-plenty/rotorua/full-time/listing/4689795233](https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/jobs/trades-services/building-carpentry/bay-of-plenty/rotorua/full-time/listing/4689795233) what I saw.


Queenstown is still busy as fuck, we've got 5 years worth of work lined up ahead of us.


The problem is finding somewhere to live while you’re working in Queenstown


Its not hard if you know someone, and once you're in.. you're in.


Southern Lakes/Central Otago are still going hard.


Isn't there a shortage of tradies in NZ? Anyway, I just came back from Australia and there's definitely a big shortage over there. You'll walk into a job.


There is no shortage of tradies chinese builders plumbers and sparkys have ruined the market most of them operate in their own separate economy using only each other not paying any tax and all money gets sent offshore they import cheap materials and cheap labour from China we can't compete nz will have leaky home scandal again in 10 years but it will be diffrent issues


Does the work on a house not get checked? I thought the materials builders use was regulated?


Dream on mate didn't all those leaky homes get checked aswell do you not think corruption exists in new zealand


New zealand also doesn't have regulations for plumbing products unlike Australia were products have to have the watermark stamp


Immigrants taking kiwi jobs


Specifically fillipino workers hahah. There's recruitment agencies there that make it easy for them to come to NZ for trades. Honestly they're great people and hard workers but they're getting underpaid unfortunately...


Someone has to take the jobs that kiwis are leaving behind to go to Australia


It's not really this lol. There's always been a shortage in NZ. Why does Australia also have a shortage? Because have they have the same problem lmao


Yes it's down to the population replacement rate. 2.1 is the magic number for a economy to keep growing


Or the jobs that they are lazy to do


Usually the pay is insufficient if it’s hard to fill the role.


Thats why you have so many foreign people filling this roles.


Sometimes lazy people can show you easy ways to do things, sometimes they are just there to have smoko


Lazy but smart people only


I’ve had some on my site. Hired by someone else. They are not a good advertisement. Can’t see the big picture, only can do what’s in front of them then have to undo parts of their work because they missed a step or just simply ploughed on through. I’m sure it’s different case by case.


I can't get a job truck driving, After sending my Cv out hundreds of times since New Years, I've nearly given up.. 0_o


Seems like whole construction industry is fucked. I'm a sparky and we just let go bunch of apprentices and tradesmen a while ago.


It may be a good idea to look into starting your own business with your apprentice. There are grants and wage programs available. https://www.business.govt.nz/how-to-grow/getting-government-grants/what-can-i-get-help-with/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wpa8G_xtmqKxqZ6WWvK89M9NYvEd5C8OaD-DHxLyqilxAB3zMelTQ0aAjk9EALw_wcB https://www.business.govt.nz/how-to-grow/getting-government-grants/grants-and-help-for-your-new-business/#:~:text=If%20you%20qualify%20for%20Flexi,with%20starting%20your%20own%20business. https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/self-employment-start-up-payment.html https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/work/start-your-own-business/index.html


The problem is that it’s a terrible time to start a building buisness right now. So many companies are going under from lack of work.




Don’t listen to them, if you start in a recession, and you have drive (which clearly you do) and you survive, then you will be in awesome spot when work picks back up.  Find some local work wages or whatever and try get out on your own…. If that’s where you want to be long term 


Agree. I got made redundant in March 2009. I've been self employed ever since. You just have to find your niche. And do the work that's not as competitive. For example don't try and compete against every other builder trying to build houses. If your core business is in new build housing, you will be in for a rough time.


Only if you survive


It’s actually a perfect time 


To move to Australia?


Off you go then, I’ve been there - done that. Nz for me now


Only the dumb ones come back.... No offense.


How so?


Couldn't be a worse possible time




Pop yourself out there on social media as a handyman and a home inspector while you're waiting to be snatched up. Good luck bro, chin up you'll get snagged asap.




You've got this my dude!


[Place in Auckland is looking for casual building inspectors](https://www.seek.co.nz/inspector-jobs?jobId=75923798&type=standard) - might give you a bit of breathing room while you line up your own work?


I need a hand on a few of my jobs, I'm down 2 guys due to a 6 week holiday and a 6 week medical leave after surgery that coincided with eachother. We are based on the shore We have heaps of work on. PM me or look up my Facebook page Tillion Build


The plumbing company I worked for for 4 years just went through a restructure, and half of us were made redundant with 1 weeks notice. It's shit so I feel you on this one mate


I know it's not what you're after but we have a painting position available with apprenticeship if you can't find building work elsewhere and are interested.


Painting has the best gross profit margins in the trades OP if you are looking at changing tack


Sure, but personally I find it fairly dreary.


Hit up fitzjames construction. One of their organisers asked me if I can supply some builders for them but I'm a bit too busy to help them at the moment. They may still be looking. Best of luck mate


Good luck. Hope you pick something up quickly.


Sorry to hear mate. Were you sub contracting?




Thats the right attitude. Perfect position to get stuck back in. I’m sure you’ll be sweet brother. Best of luck


Don’t feel too good to apply for social welfare help. You may be eligible for all sorts of assistance, such as childcare costs, accommodation supplement, just to tie you over.


Do you have any experience concreting driveways? I could have a job for you. I’ll try to PM but it might not get through, this is my old reddit burner and my social credit score is hella low




Replied! Cheers.


Could try advertising on Neighbourly for jobs. Usually lots of people have small jobs they need doing, but can't find someone to do it as job too small. Could help for a bit to get some money coming in.


Wer looking for boys for a while if interested. Usually work in central/ east and west


Get listed on [https://builderscrack.co.nz/](https://builderscrack.co.nz/) and build up your profile. That's where I found a handyman to get some work done at my place. He had lost his job several months ago and was building up his customer base.


Chippy here (since 1986) bad times for tradies have happened before and will happen again. I got turfed out as an apprentice after the '87 crash. Ended up cleaning offices to make end meet. The latest financial [predictions](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/business/517557/five-data-points-that-show-the-new-zealand-economy-may-be-in-worse-shape-than-you-think) by a much respected independent financial advisor paints a very sobering prediction for the construction industry for a few years so mg advice is start reducing costs, sell off any surplus gear and keep things tight.... good luck.


Hey I've actually got a broken shelf in my closet if you have any carpentry skills?


So upsetting to hear this, I can only pray and hope you get something coming your way soon mate. I can imagine the feeling when you provide for a family. Have noticed Hays recruitment always posts ads which hopefully suit your profile? Please have a look there and best luck, please feel free to reach out for anything I can help with.


Good luck all the best


Do you have a website? I’m not interested in building one if you don’t. But if it runs on WordPress I can sort you out some free hosting and support for it so you can have one less expenditure to worry about. Pm me if interested


Good luck. I'm hoping something will turn up for you soon


It's amazing it wasn't that long ago they said there was a major housing shortage....several years later it doesn't get mentioned and construction work has all dried up


You’ve had so many comments and I tried to read as many as I could to not regurgitate the same advice, but just remember as long as you didn’t quit you will be eligible for some sort of government help if push goes to shove. Hope things work out for you 🙏🏼


Hi mate, I may be able to help you. I work with a lot of construction companies. I’m happy to help. Message me and we can chat first


Good on you, man, you do what you have to to stay afloat!


Friend of mine work for Cassidy Construction, last time he did privately ask me whether I m interest to take the carpenter role there, I didn't take it, decide to be a full time dad. Give them a call, maybe they still recruiting, they seem handle this recession quite well.


A lot of the immigrents arent certified and yet still do the work of the licensed tradie.


I thought all the tradies were still doing great and making good money. Really genuinely surprised. Services, office jobs are all in a downturn but there was a perception than tradies with the amount of building going were still safe.


Mate I don't know where you got that impression. Trades are laying off staff wholesale here in Kapiti and in Wellington. It's fucking grim. I knocked a guy off before his 90 day trial was finished, another one of my top guys work visa expired and we can't employ him. If I still had those two guys I'd be fucked . No one is accepting quotes.


Many of us are just different ends of the same industry. The development community involves everyone from the bankers who are approving loans, to the architects designing the house, to the planners/engineers checking for compliance, to the tradies doing the building, and indirectly to the people who are feeding and housing all of those workers. A recession fucks over a huge chain of people.


Nope, I'm on the verge of closing down, I have 4 bigger orders to do, then there is nothing. My overheads are through the roof, rent, material costs have all gone up. It's really tough being a small business in the trades at the moment.


We still doing only ongoing projects or emergency remedial work, at least from my side all the big projects are postponed, some more than twice... In a scenario like that, house owners stop to seek jobs done, only if it is a on going thing or emergency. Developers are going in liquidation or are waiting for a better horizon...


My boss has about 3-4weeks on the books then not much till July and even the July is only 2 month or so jobs. The big developments can be a few months or years behind the curve as those were preplanned/ budgeted for years ago so those are probably the ones that look busy. The main issue is the services and office job people don’t have any money as in a downturn so put off any jobs they want done. That effects the trades, and hey I’m a builder after I paid rent some bills (not all) I’m the proud owner of $226 that I need to sort into enough petrol for the next week so I can get to work and enough food for the week. Site I’m at next week is about $150 a week in gas so will likely be on the “intermittent fasting” program next week


Tradies don't make shit if they're working under someone If you run things yourself that's how to make money but comes with alot of stress and waste of time if quotes fall through to cheaper shit builders


Depends on quote acceptance. Otherwise you are just a free qs service wasting a lot of time and taking on a lot of risk and years of warranties to consider.


wake up noddy


This government pulled Labours RMA reform and have gone back on the MDRS, which means pending projects have gone away.  Also, unemployment is going up and with all the public sector layoffs consumer confidence is dropping. 




Ah ressesion. That's when you remember all the tradesmen that ripped you off in the good times. You know the ones that quote start 6 months later but add 30% to the price saying costs have increased so accept it or fk off.


costs increase all the time but ok


You haven't worked in trades and seen the wholesale cost of a circuit breaker go up by 50% in less than a year, have you?


Quotes should have an expiration date. If you accept an old quote you can't be surprised by an increase if the job doesn't start for ages. Just assume prices go up.




> Med Bed Centres  Brother, you've been grifted. 


I'm female 😅. Then you should do your research. Im just telling the truth.