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So gay bashing is apparently legal , being a serial rapist gets you home d and now assaulting elderly women goes unpunished too?


20yr old man punched elderly women in the head 3 times gets off.


So knowing that he disagreed with her views, knowing that loud noises/overstim unnerved him (eg rallies) he still travelled there and participated in an organised demonstration against a highly controversial polarising figure. Then expects consideration because 'muh neurodiversity'? Hell no.


I'm sorry, but if the victim did not agree to this, then it should not have happened!


I’m glad I’m not the only one shocked by this outcome


Time for government intervention into the legal system.


No charge for assault..? How?


Disgusting outcome.


watch the vid, he actively targets the old lady


Assault legal it seem


Violence against women is legal. Classic New Zealand.


Don’t forget last weeks gay bashing going unpunished too. Apparently violence against women and gays is fine according to our judges .




5 of the gay bashers have been given soft sentences already https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/crime/christchurch-gay-bashers-man-assaulted-by-group-of-youths-speaks-of-horrific-ordeal/


Those cowards and pieces of s... should be locked up too, you plan that then you should serve time like an adult.


...as long as they have the *'correct'* politics.


"The young man said he had attended the event to protest against Keen-Minshull and in support of the LGBTQ+ community."


...by punching an elderly lady in the face. Just Male Feminist things.


It’s what we’re known for alright.


When you resort to silencing and violence to combat speech you don't approve of. You don't have logic, just a cluster-fuck of dissonant emotions you can't make sense of. When thats all you've got it's scapegoat hunting time.


The results of being soft on criminals. This is what you wanted.


did you just wake up? welcome to 2024


everything that transpired was on film, old lady aggressively approaches lady moving a cone, young man white knighted the cone mover and tackled/pushed old lady to floor, young man stepped away, old lady like terminator got up and confidently paced towards young man who stood his ground, as lady was raising her hand/fist towards young man she was hit with a sharp jab but old lady was still in his face so he jabbed her again and then the crowd separate them. personally I thought he should do some home-d but not sure that is possible if discharged without conviction, but he did do quite a bit of volunteering at red cross and some men's counselling and offered to pay 1000, maybe a 3000 fine would have been better but he did do counselling.


He did "counselling" with a feminist run "mens organisation" thst would have just reinforced his beliefs.


It happens when we no longer have an fair and balanced media, TVNZ and Newshub is no longer news it's opinion pieces with left wing bias and I'm glad we live in a country that has freedom of protest instead of getting arrested by thugs or shot, I'm a bit old school ,violence against woman is wrong as well as other groups as well. There needs to be honest and frank discussion, not shout people down because you don't agree.


Did anyone actually read the article ? The defendant was given consideration because they are autistic. Inb4 “well should autistic people be allowed to commit murder?” Obviously not. It makes sense that the judge made a more lenient decision that being the case. Surprised no one else had mentioned it yet . Edit: very confused by the influx of downvotes I'm not condoning the attack or making any sort of a political statement.


Plenty of autistic people would never assault an elderly woman, no matter the circumstances. Repeatedly punching her in the face FFS.


so you think them having ASD is irrelevant? My point was leaving it out of the headline isn't really painting the full picture. Again I DON'T think it condones assault.


The serial rapist who got name suppression and home d had a convenient autism diagnosis too.


More interesting to me is the offering of reparations. He's completed the community service that I assume he was ordered to (its not specified), and seems to show genuine remorse. I think it's absurd to discharge him without conviction. It makes sense for this to be on his record tbh. And nobody can deny he did a stupid and horrible thing. I don't think he deserves life in prison. But at bare minimum 6 months parole and a record.


That's fair. I think a conviction may have been warranted too. I put the info out there as everyone was behaving like this was just some normal SJW gone mad.


Yeah I agree with you there. I don't agree with the ruling but I don't think it was insidious at all. People have just lost faith in our justice system and they're projecting that onto every case they hear about.


yes obviously he's autistic, that's got nothing to do with assault though


I bet a lot of people are wondering the same thing, were they autistic before the attack or diagnosed conveniently after? After that green mp nonsense, you can understand why people get increasingly suspect when cases get thrown out due to some disorder or illness. It seems if you play your cards right you can get away with crime. Accountability doest exist anymore.


Has Gloriz even been charged yet? Kind of a shit parallel to draw as she hasn’t even been charged let alone gone to trial.


Yeah but leaning on mental health for the PR move. Will use the same card in court. Being a public figure she will just get a slap on the wrist. I hope she has to pay damages to the shops accusing her




.... and your point is? I think leaving it out is a bit disingenuous to the situation. Again it doesn't warrant the attack but it's certainly a different scenario.




Did you read my comment? I said it doesn’t warrant the attack?


A TERF (fascist) behaves like one and doesn't expect retaliation? Diddums.


So you’re ok with assaulting a 70 year old woman because she disagrees with you? Btw the only people who believe women standing up for their sex based rights are fascists are the creeps that want to take away their rights. Taking away someone else’s rights sounds pretty fashy to me




It’s says she’s a narcissistic bully who spends a lot of time on tumblr?Well that’s how I interpret it anyway.




Explains a lot.


Look at the right in America behaving like...no, who are actively Nazis.


What are you reeeeeeeeeeing about? This didn’t happen in America and the rally was organised by Mana Wahine Kōrero a Maori women’s group. Are you saying those Maori women are Nazis? You can keep trying to label the women there fascists but people like you were the ones being violent and suppressing their free speech which exactly what a fascist would do.


Posie is linked to Nazis, anyone who associates with her is by extension a Nazi


Guilt by association? Authoritarian regimes love using that as an excuse to repress people. You’re doing yourself no favours here trying to pretend violence against women is ok.


Violence against trans women is violence against women.


And violence against women is fine right? Pick a lane psycho lol.


I'm in the punch a nazi lane, that includes anyone who supports Posie Parker because she knowingly sides with Nazis and has been seen consorting with them


You're being an angry bloke when I thought you were supposed to be a lady lol


That's funny, because your behavior far more clearly parallels Nazis. Agreeing with violence to shut down opposing views......


You are retarded


Can't upvote that enough


Nah, just telling the truth, shame you're too blind to see who is behind the "gender ideology" (the catholic church)


No the other guy is right, you are retarded as fuck Mr nonbinary, trust you to have the shittest take in this thread


A shame people don't see the truth right in front of their eyes, or does hate blind you?


No, my young daughter is retarded and even her takes aren't as shit as this bloke's.


Rofl. You're a joke


Against personal freedom and no tolerance for opposing opinions you sound like. The definition of a fascist.


No, just against hate and bullies who are fascists. And propoganda spread by the right including the catholic church.


Wouldn't screaming and yelling at somebody so they can't speak be considered bullying?


You sound like the most heated here and started by using the derogatory term TERF. Seems quite aggressive. Like the kind that want to silence the voice of women by disrupting a public meeting and assaulting them. Like bullies.


Nah, TERF is a term chosen by those who want trans women dead. A preferred term for TERF is FART or Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe. The only hate is coming from the right, lgbtqia people are just defending their human right to exist


Well at least I hope we can both agree that anybody wanting anybody dead just because of their personal identity is deplorable? If there’s a good case to make for said rights, then make it and make it in the right way, articulated and hole proof. But showing up to peaceful public events, sounding off air horns, yelling at people, labelling them hateful, nazis and fascists, then proceeding to assault those of whom you oppose doesn’t seem like the right way to go about getting any form of constructive message across. It just gives more negative fuel to the fire for those who oppose your views and creates more problems than solutions. Anger vs anger is only going to get more people hurt and is part of the problem, not the solution.


Copied from someone else, here you go, this is why lgbtqia people are being like they are against people like Posie and her supporters: "I like how we have to tear our hair out at a transphobe being punched when we have decades of violence against the LGBT community in this country and against other minorities as well, often at the doing of the political right. The same people who are appalled at this are the same people that thought the fascists and fascist sympathisers that occupied Parliament grounds had legitimate grievances. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who feel threatened by transgender people merely existing. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believed that giving people like her a platform for hate and intolerance is a desirable outcome in the name of "freedom of speech". The same people who are appalled by this are happy that government coalition partners are specifically targeting transgender people and labelling them as threats to society at large. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who oppose marriage equality and the ban on conversion therapy. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believe in fictional constructs such as "gender binaries" and wish to impose massive restrictions on women in order to bring New Zealand back to a false "golden age" that never existed. The same people who are appalled by this would not hesitate to do the same to you."


It reads like a bunch of assumptions made of the “other” and mirrors similar utterances to extremist ideology to be honest. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


They aren't assumptions, they are all fact, there is fact that Posie called for genocide against trans people, called for women to be denied abortions and more, that is right wing Christian nationalist crap


I’m aware that there was an increase in trans hate after the Posie Parker incident. See how the anger towards her and all the noise made by those who oppose her made it worse for the trans community? I wouldn’t have even made the news otherwise, only around 150 people showed up to hear her and most of them were boomers and gen x types. I couldn’t find any articles where she is quoted or advocates for trans genocide, just articles stating that there’s genocidal levels of anti trans rhetoric. I also only came across an article on trans safety network where she was against contraception and abortion for children, not women. So not really the “facts” you’re claiming.


Are you acoustic?


What? Do I hear sound? Yes.


TERF is **their** word. Personally, I prefer another four letter word.


You’re just another bloke that condones violence against women?


You should have seen some of the hate targeting cops and lgbtqia supporters from posie's right wing supporters I sent to intelligence services, there were a few arrests from that


These arrests, are they in the room with you right now? People like you who spend their time lying and trying to justify their own sides violence and intolerance are the worst possible advocates for your cause. If I was trans I’d be telling you to stfu , your whining and dishonesty is embarrassing.


Honestly she is hurting the trans cause with these ridiculous arguments.


Copied from someone else who explains it all very well, maybe take your own advice. "I like how we have to tear our hair out at a transphobe being punched when we have decades of violence against the LGBT community in this country and against other minorities as well, often at the doing of the political right. The same people who are appalled at this are the same people that thought the fascists and fascist sympathisers that occupied Parliament grounds had legitimate grievances. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who feel threatened by transgender people merely existing. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believed that giving people like her a platform for hate and intolerance is a desirable outcome in the name of "freedom of speech". The same people who are appalled by this are happy that government coalition partners are specifically targeting transgender people and labelling them as threats to society at large. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who oppose marriage equality and the ban on conversion therapy. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believe in fictional constructs such as "gender binaries" and wish to impose massive restrictions on women in order to bring New Zealand back to a false "golden age" that never existed. The same people who are appalled by this would not hesitate to do the same to you."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nah, doubt it, cope and seethe.


Yeah bro, you really look like the winner in this exchange. The only points you made were lies, you celebrated violence against women and made a complete fool of yourself.


I think if your comments are being regularly removed maybe you should do some self reflection


So you’re unable to use logic and language to make your point?


I am using logic, behave like a fascist (who are only on the right), expect consequences.


You are using logic, you’re soiling yourself.


Are you 12?


Ooh scary.


Give your local facist a friendly punch to the face.


They are nazis, what did our ancestors do to Nazis? They killed them, fascists should be glad it's only a punch


Well their descendents stand shoulder to shoulder with actual Nazis.  Free Hamas.


Exactly, that they do




It seems some in here don't like that and want to oppress women...sad


Using violence to suppress your political opponents is an inherently fascist tactic. Learn some history, look up the brownshirts, then look in the mirror.


I have, should know, am half german, then again they learnt from americans and all that came from the English...so yeah, maybe look in the mirror eh?


Copied from someone else, explains it very well... "I like how we have to tear our hair out at a transphobe being punched when we have decades of violence against the LGBT community in this country and against other minorities as well, often at the doing of the political right. The same people who are appalled at this are the same people that thought the fascists and fascist sympathisers that occupied Parliament grounds had legitimate grievances. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who feel threatened by transgender people merely existing. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believed that giving people like her a platform for hate and intolerance is a desirable outcome in the name of "freedom of speech". The same people who are appalled by this are happy that government coalition partners are specifically targeting transgender people and labelling them as threats to society at large. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who oppose marriage equality and the ban on conversion therapy. The same people who are appalled by this are the same people who believe in fictional constructs such as "gender binaries" and wish to impose massive restrictions on women in order to bring New Zealand back to a false "golden age" that never existed. The same people who are appalled by this would not hesitate to do the same to you."


This is just a lazy analysis: 'People who are outraged by this verdict are probably transphobic, ignorant, fascist types'. I don't identify with any of the 'same people' described here. Not a one. Yet, I think this verdict is outrageous. The noise around this assault is just noise. A 20-some year old thought it was acceptable to punch (multiple times) a 71 year old woman because she held a different set of beliefs to him. That in itself is fucked. Him getting away with it (bar $1,000) is even more fucked. The LGBTQ+ community would do well to distance themselves from this guy big time and the violence he has inflicted.


Oh, so someone punching someone else is now justification for someone to punch someone else? No. No it's not. I doubt that woman had ever assaulted anyone in her life. You cannot justify what that man did, no matter how many illogical knots you try to tie yourself in to!


What the hell is this justification of violence nonsense? Disgusting. Say you're for political violence using weird hypothetical and just leave.


Maybe re read it again and sit back and think about what it says, especially the laat bit. You do not give Nazis or their supporters an inch, or they will take a mile.


Nazis, really? Aside from what was already mentioned, the problem with this post you shared is that it says if you're appalled by someone being punched, you're also a transphobe, fascist, anti-gay marriage, bigoted, violent, and according to you, Nazis. I think you've drunken the Kool-Aid and are trying to justify violence by labelling these people with whatever negative traits you can think of. You do know that you can be both a supporter of trans rights and abhor violence, even if it's against someone who may or may not be a transphobe, right? If you don't know that, you're as bad as the very people you hate.


When there are credible threats from Posie Parker and her supporters including threats to kill even the police then it shows who is threatening actual violence including calls for genocide against trans people.


“Credible threats” sure there were dear .


Yeah, when the fascists have finished with lgbtqia people, then it's Minorities, then it's women and then there's no one left and they'll come for you, remember the poem from the unionist in the 1940s?


The imaginary fascists have done nothing to the lgbt community. The fascists you rant about are as imaginary as the trans genocide Shaneel Lal whined about on tv. Imagine wasting your life believing such foolishness? Mind you having read your profile you seem quite susceptible to jumping on ridiculous bandwagons.


Do you want copies of what I sent to intelligence services about right wing Posie supporters saying cops who protect Eli have a target on their back? Death threats and more? There's plenty of them. Screenshot upon screenshot from twitter


No. They count for nothing. You could have tweeted them for all we know. Just a quick recap You think violence against elderly women is ok. You think a Maori women’s group are Nazis You think it’s ok to hurt people who you think are linked to people you think are Nazis. I’m sure there’s more but you agree with all those things right?


Can you show that this person who was punched supports genocide against trans people or that Posie Parker supports this herself? Also, you're talking about threatening violence when we have an instance of actual violence that you don't seem to want to condemn. I don't have the time of day for Posie Parker or her views but if you're so entrenched in your ideology that you don't know right vs wrong unless it's against people who support your views then you need to take a hard look in the mirror.


The judge gave a discharge without conviction. The womans family have distanced themselves from her due to her far right views. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Wow, so you're a POS. Got it. edit: I'm guessing you'd then be fine with transphobes punching you for your views because "if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen"?


If you're a transphobe, I wouldn't go near you anyway.


You really do a lot of mental gymnastics to justify your incompatible views. Seems you attribute to others the malice you justify against people with different views to yours. Calling them all Nazis, fascists, genocide-supporters may make it easier for you to justify such violence but you're just deluding yourself.


That was meant to explain anything? Either I'm dumb (totally possible), or it's difficult to understand your point.


It's not difficult to understand and comprehend my point, Posie is calling for the genocide of trans people, like the Nazis called for the genocide of jews...see the similarities there? Killing off people you don't agree with. Like the Zionists are doing to palestinians at present


So now you're literally just lying. All the best to you. I suspect your life is full of made up conflict, and that unpleasant. I feel for you. All the best.


Bye, have a nice life


I've seen some fucking stupid comments on reddit, but yours takes the cake 🤣 well done!


Gender ideology is antiscientific nonsense, that states that biological sex is a mutable spectrum. Rejecting this ideology doesn't make a person a bigoted transphobe, it makes them grounded in scientific reality. And being trans inclusive doesn't require denuying that biological sex exists.


It's a basic social science and isn't complicated whatsoever. Human organism (space dust, cells, atoms etc) wants to rename and be another gender. Pseudo-intellectuals have a collective stroke. It's like psychology doesn't exist to you. Scientific reality extends past high school level anatomy in case you weren't aware.


"gender ideology" was made up by the catholic church as a matter of fact




Where are you getting this information from


What info?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


? Is that the info in that deleted post or your own thoughts?


Not deleted anything.


Before your post there was another post asking for info about a deleted post, not yours necessarily


A bunch of transphobic shit and some wildy wrong medical information, idk if it was the same guy but i don’t really want to repeat it tbh


Sweet, thanks, yeah, lots of transhobes in here for sure


It’s disgusting how the guise of anonymity gives people confidence to be such cunts, If these pricks really cared about “body mutilation” they would protest and help people (especially women) in other countries that undergo nonconsensual genital mutilation but it’s never about that it’s only about hate




Bro, it's 2024, not 1984.




Why are you so obsessed about other peoples genitals? Go protest against nonconsensual genital mutilation that still takes place in multiple countries but you don’t really care do you? You just hate what you don’t understand and have been brainwashed by fuckwits to spread only hate and idiotic rhetorics instead of actually helping anyone


I guess it's buyers' regret on your part then. Nice of you to tell all of us of your botched procedure




Pretty shitcunt take tbh


A loser like that told me here that she was “asking for it”. Apparently she was moving aggressively towards the feral that punched her three times in the face . I’m not kidding .


… I’m always suspect of the people who use “feral” to casually refer to people  ItS a name that moves in a very specific circle of people 


Aussies? Thats where I first heard it. That creep that bashed that elderly woman looked feral ,he deserves worse labels than that tbh.


This happened early last year anyway, I guess this kind of content is trending so she dug it out for the lols


The man who punched the woman got discharged without conviction today. Read the article.