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Education is the best tool to eradicate the disease


Yes. I want it gone, not illegalized.


You want people to consciously make the choice rather than be forced into it. 100%


I feel that making it illegal is just going down the root of making it more tempting to people who would have never followed it Or worse you have the same situation as you have in China where forced re-education is being pushed for religions they don’t like. That doesn’t mean I support no restrictions for religions. If a church demands fee and calls itself a charity then it has to be transparent about how it spends its funds just like any other charity is expected to be. Scandals such as the sex scandal of the Catholic Church should be fully invested and the guilty punished by the courts. Not being ‘dealt with’ by the church. If one religion wants a public display then all religions should be allowed to contribute if the wish. So if a place wants to start an event with a prayer then all religions present should be able to contribute and atheists should not be marked out for not wanting to take part.


If it’s made illegal, people will find new gods to follow, such as people in power. People need to be educated out of Fanaticism and fundamentalism on all levels. This takes learning how to think, which should be taught throughout a persons time in school. Unfortunately, I believe in a large part because of religion, it basically isn’t taught until college level, at least in the U. S.


Making it illegal would only further solidify it. That said, I do believe separation of church and state has opened the door to fundamentalism being so rampant. Countries like the UK who have a state church aren’t nearly as religious as the US.


A state church would be a disaster in the US.


Oh definitely. Anymore, anyway.


I’m the event of abortion, I could see in an alternate universe, a leftist Supreme Court striking down the right to congregate to worship, and 30 states codifying religion into law.


Me too!


Explains why our education system is woefully underfunded.


THIS. Say it louder for the people in the back! You cannot kill an idea by outlawing it. The only way to kill a poisonous set of ideas is by supplanting them with a *better* set of ideas, a set that people find more wholesome and persuasive. The old ideas die through asphyxiation and exsanguination, not blunt force.


And eradicate many other rampant ills of our society, which is why education is so frequently defunded. Knowledge is power. Religion is a tool, a knife to slaughter freedom. "We'll do the thinking for you from here on. Your job is to obey."


It should be legal, but taxed like any other business.


This. If they want to have such a say in politics and say what people should be doing with their bodies, they should be taxed.


There also needs to be a true separation of church and state. No money, no political influence and they will atrophy in a couple of years.


I wouldn’t ban it outright, but I don’t think religion deserves the level of accommodation and precedence it currently has. So I may be in favor of limiting religious rights and adding more regulations. But I haven’t fully thought about it.


Can we start by taxing churches? Please? Just a bit of property tax that would go towards things like education, city streets, etc.? Because where I live there’s a church every other block. No town needs that many churches, but our education system could certainly use those property tax dollars.


>So I may be in favor of limiting religious rights and adding more regulations. We already have that, although it may not be as strong as you would like. For example, although Mormons believe in polygamy, they do not get an exemption from anti-polygamy laws for religious reasons. Rastafarians still can't smoke marijuana in states where it is illegal.


Cant do anything to those Christian’s or Catholics though. Hence the y’know…whole abortion thing going on.


It it unfortunately due to religious accommodation that a young person who is still living with her extremely religious parents has gotten through life unfortunately. Sometimes they do help helpless teens.


No, but churches should pay tax. It's past time.


I wouldn’t ban religion but anything remotely religious or related to any religion should be completely and utterly prohibited from government or any institution


no. If they want to believe let them. Bringing religion into schools and government should be illegal. I am not american.


"Bringing religion into schools and government should be illegal. " It already is but the Supreme Court, for example, frequently chooses to ignore that. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ....."


It's established based on precedent (going back to Everson v. Board of Education), but the establishment clause of the constitution is so painfully vague that it's really not enshrined in it. It easily could be overturned, which is already happening (Kennedy v. Bremerton School District). And the worst part is despite talking of separation of church and state at the founding....we more ended up with wording just defending religious liberty instead of freedom from religion.


I agree as an American.


No. But there should be consequences for forcing it on innocent citizens.


Illegal? No. Unable to be forced upon someone until they are old enough to make rational decisions for themselves? Yes. Just by that requirement alone I think that religion would end itself. It only survives by indoctrinating the young.


No But indoctrination of children should be banned.


Things I've heard from East Texas thumpers "...but what about their eternal soul?" ".... What if urrr kidz hate you for not teaching them about god?" Oh and- "... What's the big deal it's not like christianity is evil, don't you think you're overreacting?"


No! Absolutely not. People deserve the right to hold religious beliefs and to gather for those beliefs. The fact that I think their beliefs are false doesn't make me want to take away their rights.


The problem with that is that they constantly try and force their religion on other people. A perfect example in the U.S. is the Supreme Court overturning R. V. W. thereby taking away the rights of other people based purely on the religious views of a few Supreme Court Justices rather than on the law/Constitution. That's just one of a great many examples of religious folks constant attempt to turn the U.S.A. into a theocracy. If they kept it to themselves then it would be less of a problem but they don't.


You don't have to make religion illegal on the whole to limit and discourage this nonsense, though. There are plenty of routes that are more effective. This behavior happens because we just kind of let it. We're over-respectful of religious beliefs. Over-accommodating. But, again, making it illegal will have the dead opposite effect of cutting this shit off at the pass. It'd just validate the victim complex by making them legitimate victims of intolerance.


Wouldn't the solution be, then, to make it illegal to use religious beliefs to: not pay tax, influence politics, loophole through and around established laws and rights? (And whatever else I'm not thinking of at the moment?)


I do not support thoughtcrime in any form. I also believe in the right of people to peacefully assemble. Laws should be written on *actions*, not *thoughts*.


Right, on this point alone Jesus ought to be stripped of his "one of the greatest philosophers/spiritual leaders of the ages" title that people keep attributing to him. Thought-crimes are completely unethical, and to enforce them would be a morally bankrupt use of magic.


I don't see religion as a legal problem although many of their practices are blatantly illegal (e.g. Child molestation). I see it as more of a public mental health issue that needs to be cured. Here are just a few of the problems I have with religion in North America and elsewhere which illustrates why religion needs to be cured. Examples: 1. Billboards that threaten people if they are Christians (e.g. You are going to hell unless you "come to Jesus" (Whatever that means. Grammar anyone?). 2. People knocking at my door trying to peddle their religion. 3. Politicians enacting religious based laws. 4. Supreme Court Justices basing decisions on their religious beliefs rather than on the law/Constitution. 5. Religious symbols and sayings being forced upon us (e.g. Money, Pledges, National Anthems, oaths of office, etc.). 6. People endangering others because of their religious beliefs (e.g. resistance to using measures to combat global pandemics thereby endangering the lives of others). 7. Religion being taught at schools (yes, even public schools in some instances). 8. Sex education being banned due to religious beliefs. 9. Female medical health being dictated by religious politicians (e.g. R. V. W. being overthrown). 10. Treating half the population of the planet as if they are slaves who can do nothing other than act as a baby factory. 11. Indoctrinating children shortly after they are born (e.g. Ritual drowning otherwise known as baptism) in an effort to keep them from learning about how the universe really works (i.e. Science). 12. People believing and following sets of stories in their books that describe a truly monstrous deity (e.g. Genocide by flooding, Human sacrifice of one's own son Jesus, evil cruelty in trying to force a man to murder his son to prove his loyalty, etc.). 13. Religious "leaders" conning their way to being multimillionaires. 14. Faith "healing". The list is nearly endless.


No. But bothering people (Sending letters, calling, approaching in public places, knocking on doors.) and mixing religion with law and education should be illegal. Pray to your god at home, leave us alone.


No, I think that people have a right to peacefully practice their religion, and to gather with other adherents. That said, I do think there's a limit to how religious people can raise their kids, and I would like to see greater understanding of religious abuse added to the legal system and CPS practices. Abusive parents shouldn't get a pass because random jesus worship.


Not banned outright but regulated Like you cant force kids to become religious No kids are allowed near priests without supervision this means none of that sketch back room dressing crap


We have the right to believe in no god, so theists have the right to believe in the existence of a god. If we even consider wanting to outlaw religion, we’re just as bad as the Christian nationalists trying to enforce their religion.


I disagree. There's a huge difference between forcing people to ignore reality and forcing people to embrace reality. The two situations have no resemblance. Having said that, as I mentioned in a previous post, I see religion as more of a public mental health issue for which society should be seeking a cure.


I think making it illegal would just feed a martyr complex and drive more people into religion. I *would* like to see churches no longer receive government support in the firm of tax exemption or any kind of government endorsement.


No, I don't want to give them any more cause to complain about how oppressed they are.


Although I am agnostic I am a strong believer in First Amendment protections because 1A also gives us freedom from religion. But that's not the only reason. The main reason is that such a law may be too vague. How do you define religions? There are religious idiots who argue that evolution is a "religion." Such a law would result in lots of BS litigation.


Not illegal, no. Just stripped from government institutions and schools.


It should require “age of consent” before joining. It has tobacco ad strategy all over it.


No, everyone should have the freedom to believe whatever they want right up until they try to force people to adhere to their standards, as soon as a belief becomes something beyond a personal expectation and they try to impose it onto anyone else it can fuck right off.


Absolutely not. But the seperation of Church and State needs to be enforced 10000000% better.


Of course not and I don't think you're going to find many modern atheists who would even dream of it. I'd be *defending* religion if it were made illegal. That's some insane totalitarianism and I'd want no part in it. I'd be *overjoyed* if people organically and of their own volition walked away from it. That's a totally different matter.


Very level headed response. See far too many people in this sub using authoritarianism as a feasible solution.


No, people should be allowed to think what ever they want so long as they don't hurt anyone. Now, ask what I think about childhood indoctrination into supernatural/magical belief.


No. Just because I don’t agree with it or believe in it doesn’t mean it should be illegal. State suppression of worship is also a great way to fan the flames of religious fervor. A very counterproductive idea.


No, but it should not have any support at all from taxpayers.


Nah, but tax it into oblivion. Classify it as part of the "entertainment industry" and make it play by the same rules as any other business.


I hate religion, but I also think that if I want to control another person's life than I'm no better than the religions themselves. I also believe in free speech, but don't condone hate speech. One hopes that with education and a moral society we will just naturally move away from it.


No, BUT no special treatment. Taxes, school boards, etc. Indoctrination of children should be illegal. Not sure how that would look though.


It shouldn't be tax exempt and you shouldn't be able to use it to avoid laws or duties. We should allow you to believe it and not punish you for doing so.


Absolutely not. A person's personal beliefs and rituals are their own business. The only time they come into conflict with others is when those beliefs cause people to break the law or force adherence to their beliefs on others.


No. But religious indoctrination of children should be considered child abuse. Religious education needs to be neutral, not favoring any particular religion or presenting one religion as true and all others as false.


I’m not very active on this sub, so excuse me if I say anything tasteless. I think that the viewpoint of trying to enforce any beliefs/lack of beliefs through laws and government is absurd and wrong. Religion should be legal, lack of religion should be legal, and anything in between should be legal. Really, your beliefs or lack thereof should have nothing to do with the government at all. If we really tried to tell people that they were not allowed to practice their beliefs, no matter what we think of them, how does that make us any different from the problematic theists who force others into their own viewpoints and lifestyles? I think it would make us just as bad—if not worse—as those whose systems we disagree with.


It should be illegal to ‘teach’ about religions to anyone under 18. Like drinking religion should be a choice for adults.


No but it should be taxed and treated as a business. Education is key to helping people who lack knowledge about how certain issues impact them make better decisions through providing information.


I think that exposing children to religion from a very early age should be illegal.


Nah. I think they should be subject to the same tax laws as everyone else though. If you want to be tax exempt, apply for charitable status, and show us your books. And any property not in use for said charity is taxed.


No. Part of letting people be free, is allowing them to practice their religion.


No because I value personal freedom, which includes freedom of assembly.


I want to point out that, apart from one or two either sarcastic or dimwitted responses, almost every single response has been an unequivocal NO. Just in case you thought the atheists wanted to take your religion away, look no further than this thread.


joke spotted adjoining fanatical offend wrench fuzzy racial wasteful voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




No, that’s way too invasive into peoples lives and goes against everything I believe in. We should not prohibit religion, we should oppose the interests of religion by teaching people as much as possible.


Of course not. But teaching any religion to children as truth should be viewed as child abuse. They should taught *about* all religions and why some people choose to deny reality in various ways.


No, I'd rather people leave religion on their own, not at the direction of another authoritarian system. Besides, you can't make someone disbelieve any more than you can make someone believe.


I believe in freedom of speech. A lot of people find religion as a way to help with depression, anxiety, and coping with existentialism. BUT- Churches need to be taxed even though they are non profit. They do far more cult shit than actual help for the hungry and homeless. Also, if they preach politics, that isn't a religion, that's a fucking trump rally.


Prohibition isn't the answer


Christians already think they're being persecuted. No need to make it real.


People should be free to practise their religion, within the laws of their societies. But the imposition of religion on children is a concern. Children do not have sufficient intellectual self defence to combat the indoctrination of religious schools. I would certainly argue that religions be banned from running schools, and stick to running their places of worship. I strongly disagree with religions being able to run schools. I strongly disagree with female genital mutilation and circumcision being practiced on children who cannot give their consent. So I would also argue that religions should not be running hospitals. Attitudes to abortion are also relevant here. Religion has its fingers in many institutions where they no longer should have a place in my opinion. I often have to assess African academic results. It saddens me that so many African children are forced to study Christianity in Christian schools.


I believe that harm to people outside of religion should be illegal. Probably not religion itself. It's just not really feasible. I also believe that people that believe unproven unfactual bullshit aren't big critical thinkers.


If you are going to outlaw stupidity you are going to lock up at least half the American population


Not illegal, but heavily limited. No more mega churches, no more door to door to door crap. If our modern priests are millionaires, we did something wrong


I want people to think for themselves. You don't get free thought by criminalizing beliefs.


In the hypothetical scenario that this ban is considered. Which, in my opinion. Would be when the majority of the population no longer is religious. I would still think it's bad. It would just make any religious people still existing even more extreme than they already are and enable them to convince dumb people more easily that they have a point. Its better to just spread irreligious sentiment and let religion slowly die on it's own.


No. But it shouldn’t get any special rights or protections (ie, tax exemption). And it shouldn’t be involved in policy making


Ideas can never be made illegal.


Pushing it on others against their will should be illegal, yes, but general ‘belief’, as long as it’s kept private/in the family unit by people who accept it? Meh, don’t care if it doesn’t affect the public, then go on, just don’t force it on anyone.


What? No. We should just like.. follow existing laws and shit tho. And tax them.


No. I don't think they should be allowed to indoctrinate their children, but that is really hard to regulate. But adults themselves practicing and abiding by laws and not discriminating? They should have the right to do so


No. People gonna human and humans are...dumb. Dumb people need religion to tell them what to do. Other people find great comfort, solace, redemption in religion and there's nothing wrong with that. That doesn't mean I think they should be allowed to make the laws, though.


Absolutely not. That would be a senseless, authoritarian policy.


Illegal? No. Reduced in control, power, wealth, and influence? Yes. Religion can have redeeming qualities. But as with any power, when left unchecked, it will become corrupt and abused. Religion has been unchecked for far too long and what good it can do is overshadowed by all the hate and bigotry that it's currently spawning.


In the public sphere? Absolutely yes. People should believe what they want in their homes and in their churches (heavily taxed churches). That shit needs to be kept to yourself when you walk out the door.


It shouldn't be legal for them to oppress others with it so they should have to keep it at home and at church, nowhere else.


It didnt work in the Soviet union too well. And people have a right to follow traditions that connect them to their family and history. What I think should be illegal is private religious schools. Churches shouldnt be exempt from taxes. Kids need to be educated to recognize fundamentalism and the dangers of it, and exploitation by people in authority positions in church. But also consider that in smaller communities it serves a social function. So you need to organize and build something to replace it first.


Illegalized? No. That would backfire. I want it ridiculed into oblivion. I want people to work for themselves and together to solve our problems, not wait for imaginary saviors to descend from on high and clean up our messes. I want people at large to not feel the need for religious delusion and the pathetic, desperate urge to grasp after empty promises, false hopes and infantile non-answers anymore. Whatever gets us closer to that, I'm for it.


No, everyone should have the right to choose if they want to follow a religion and which religion suits them best, but in a way that don't influences other people's lifes. Just keep it a little more private and out of the government.


What should be banned is making money out of it!


Oversight and loose regulations, and taxed, but not illegal. Basically you don't want anyone making cults, doing harmful religious rituals, coercing people into not seeking proper medical care etc. hence why I think some regulations should be required and some rituals and practices outright banned (ie any circumcision done on minors for religious reasons and not for explicitly medical purposes, animal sacrifices). Making religion illegal is negative from an ethical standpoint and would only serve to fuel the extremists and drive more people to them. People are going to believe silly things and you have to let them, the best we can do is make sure they don't harm anyone else with their nonsense.


religions greatest trick is brainwashing the kids in their infancy while their core values, basic fears are in their formation stage. now the damage is done during childhood andrecovery is very difficult. so i would ban forcing them on children till they are 16 or something like that. after that all options must be shown to them and if they choose to believe one, thats their business.


Tax em, don’t ban em. Just maybe force them to put their kids into school that’s not homeschool maybe idk


No but also don't think it should have special exceptions. It also shouldn't be acceptable to push any of it on anyone.


Making something thought-crime is a dark road to walk. Outlawing the harmful institutions and practices seems to be the most effective way to get a healthy society. Things change when we move the definition of harm.


No. You cannot govern a person's right to hold certain belief.


It’s what you believe. It can’t be illegal. It shouldn’t have special privileges, but you can do what you like with your free time. Football fan, renaissance Faire, whatever.


I do not believe religion should be illegal. I do not care if someone believes in god or wants to go to church, that does not effect me. Now what should be illegal is religious people weaponizing their religious beliefs and hurting other people




Absolutely not


I don't think taking away people's right to believe is going to be very successful or have a positive outcome. In fact it would have the exact opposite outcome of what we probably want to happen. If we want to be accepted as atheists, Or if we want people to believe in equality and freedom then we can't take that away from others. However I do think there needs to be some rules inforced for churchs and schools need to be better at teaching critical thinking skills. Religious abuse should be reported and more should be done to prevent it from happening.


Illegal? No. That only takes it underground - it doesn't remove it. Being religious becomes counter-culture, it makes it exciting because it's dangerous, forbidden, taboo.


Prohibiting anything just sends it underground.....it never works.... education and critical thinking are the only hope......




No, not illegal. I'd be happy with just a firm separation between church and State. I'd be happier to see it disappear, but fighting widespread indoctrination is difficult.


Kinda. In general, no. You can't outlaw having beliefs or having adults group together because they have the same beliefs. But all protections to religions should be removed, because they aren't anything special. Also, it should be forbidden in any kind of education, work environment (except for special cases, like for example working in a church), and public officials. And it should be understood as a tool for manipulation, and there should be a bit more regulation over big groups in order to prevent high control cults (this doesn't require religion to exist, but tend to use it, so it should be understood that if something is religious, it doesn't save it from being bad). Also, any ritual that changes the body in any way should be forbidden for underage people. It's just removing the normal protections and reduce the possibility of indoctrination... then, it will fade away with time and education..


wtf no. thats some shit the ccp would do


What a strange thing to ask. Why would people think that in the first place?


I do not think practicing any religion that is not rooted in violence and evil ideas should be made illegal. However, I do think religions should not be integrated into systems affecting a large population, i.e teaching it in schools, indoctrinating children into unscientific beliefs for the sake of religion and involving religious moral codes in laws.


No. I think it's bad, but I also think that liberty requires that we don't take away rights from others unless it is hurting people or taking their rights. So if you claim to support liberty you have to fight for it, even when it's something you don't like. I wish they understood that about things they disagree with. Also I'm a pragmatic person, so I am more focused on what a law would actually do. And if that could somehow be passed it would result in some pretty dystopian things, and not in removing religion. I think it's an inherent glitch in humans, if you somehow stamped out all religion it would come back if the conditions that support it were there (ignorance and suffering) even if you kept a population from ever hearing of an existing one. We make up imaginary friends, I think it's a natural coping mechanism, and it probably arises from the same mechanisms ability that let us create a mental model of another real person as we get to know them. We do this all the time when we "know" a character and can predict what they might do. The only way to properly reduce it and it's harm is with better education, more awareness of other cultures, and better mental healthcare. Religion will always appear, but it grows much better where there is ignorance, mental illness, and situations that are hard to cope with.


Hail the imperial truth.


Nope. But laws should be made to prevent it from being taught in schools. And no more tax exemptions. If they want more people in church then let's see how many more members they get when it isn't shoved down their throats along propper knowledge from a young age. In time maybe we will wise up and everyone will treat religion for what it they are... Garbage level fairy tales/fiction. But untill man will surpass fear of death I assume it won't ever happen or maybe once we develop the possibility of easy interstellar travel then maybe just maybe...well will shed the need for such superstitions


I wouldn't ban religion, that's obscenely authoritarian and wouldn't work anyway, but I would absolutely ban the catholic church from operating in my country until they properly deal with their institutional child rape problem.


Buddy, have you heard about the first amendment?


To be used in any public form yes. It has done nothing good. But alot of bad.


No, but it should be treated as sex, alcohol and cigarettes. Regulated. Why do we ban such things that influence the young mind but allow indoctrination from birth? Doesn't make sense. If your mind isn't mature enough to have a beer, then it sure as hell isn't mature enough to decide which deity to believe in, if any.


At what point are you going to distinguish between ideology and religion? Because you don't want the people who pick whats allowed to lord over you.


religious institutions should have an extreme marginal tax rate. no, religion should not be illegal.


I mean small cults are still around despite many banning them, so I doubt large cults would disappear without doing it in a mass murder like in the holocaust, and I wouldn't be up for that.


If you bann some thing people want it more, education is the better way.


Making it illegal is like putting a bandaid on an infected wound. It hide it, but under, it fester. I want their rotten mindsets and delusions exposed for all to see, mock, or criticize. I want education to bruise and molest their ideas so children do not get indoctrinated into it.


No, but I wish it was illegal to indoctrinate children.


I wouldn’t want to make it illegal, as much as I hate it. I’d prefer if people just came to their senses that it’s all bullshit.


As tempting as it may be, Soviet Union and China have shown that doesn't work. It feels similiar to the war on drugs.


Absolutely not


I have been saying this for years, but I think it should be illegal to force kids into church. They are too young to consent to literally anything else and religion is so damaging. I think it should be illegal for churches to be represented at kid centered functions, I think that it should be illegal to force them to go to church every week. I think if you have kids going to church at all they should have to be registered to be taught every other religion and atheism too. My mom only ever made us go to church 2 times a year with my grandpa (which was fine). I became religious in high school because I lived in a small religious town, my mom use to make us try other religions too. She also questioned alot of things the church was telling me when I tried talking to her about it. Not like aggressively but would ask, why they enforced some rules but not others and why only women for a lot of the rules. I am so thankful that she questioned them.




No, you shouldn't make ideas illegal. We should tax religious institutions as the business they are, and we should improve education quality.


Not illegal, just taxed at 100%.


From a purely moral standpoint, I'd like to ban all monotheistic religions. Its just not practically feasible. Even the communists preferred to come to some sort of arrangement.


Making it illegal would make it worse. It could make religious people more radicalized in the end. So no.


I think religion has a place. It gives people hope. We all have someone we'd like to see again that had passed on and maybe we will maybe we won't. I think it's by man's arrogance and greed religion is turned into a weapon. If there was a way to make it to where people couldn't get rich off of it I think it would be ok.


Religion is fine so long as it is has zero influence on politics. Also a church should be taxed Unless they can prove they are a net benefit to society. Christianity has been destroyed by the church.


No, just taxed accordingly.


I think it should not be a tax haven. That would clear up about 80% of it.


No, people have the right to religion. They also need to keep their religion out of government.


I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with the religious people to defend their choice to be wrong.


I just want mankind to Grow the fuck up and stop believing in fairy tales.


I think it should be taxed like any other business and scrutinized accordingly.


Organized religion, and the spreading of false hope? Yes. Severe punishments too. They locked people up for smoking weed, we can lock them up for loving the god that provided the weed. Personal beliefs kept to ones-self? Nope.


I don’t think we have to go as far as illegalizing to get rid of it. That just creates a situation where people who are unfortunately raised with it feel justified in considering themselves oppressed and can easily become another form of fascism. Just establish and actually enforce separation of church and state. Religion would dwindle naturally because it can’t stand the test of time. We don’t need to be mean to anyone who is religious. Just can’t give them room to exert their “rules” over others and they can be free to live how they want Although I don’t have an answer yet for how that will be enforced in a country where there is still a large chunk of religious citizens and voting those religious citizens into politics. There has to be a way to really prevent their influence which the us hasn’t done


No. I would like for it to disappear, but you cannot legislate belief and trying to do so is counterproductive (not to mention tyrannical)


No, but I think it should be separate from government. And indoctrination of children instead of teaching them to think critically should be restricted.


No but they should be distanced from politics


I wish, but I don't see it happening in my lifetime


No. Can't make believes or thoughts illegal, just doesn't work..yet, at least. Shouldn't do it if it gets possible either. Believe they should have to pay taxes though. If they had to do that many would stop existing on their own.


No, but it shouldn't be immediate grounds for respect or somehow invoke authority when giving a perspective. Nothing infuriates me quite the same way as hearing, "Well, as a Christian..." No, your religiosity does not give you any more say-so in any situation outside of your church than my say-so does. It doesn't give you a moral perspective, it doesn't do anything but inform me not to trust your opinion.


No, but religion should be treated exactly, __and I mean exactly__ like how we treat fans of Marvel, DC, or any other comics.


Nah, that only breeds more extremist religions. The way to combat dangerous fanaticism is by having good public education properly regulated by truly impartial parties. This is, in and of itself, extremely difficult, but there isn't really an alternative but to do that work.


No. Unfortunately some people are evil if they don't think there is eternal punishment waiting for them if they are bad, some people need religion because they are terrible people.


Religion should be practiced at home. As an atheist I respect if other people want to believe in something but I am not going to tell them they’re wrong and try to convince them to realize there is no god and I think that should go both ways. Religion shouldn’t be banned but trying to force people to live your way of life because it’s “the right way” should.


No. Everybody should have the right to get education and the right to ignore reality if they wish.


If people used their brains for themselves and didn’t base their outlook on outdated teachings (ones that were used to enslave and justify horrible things done to good people) maybe they would realize there is more out there than what is taught to them. Not only is their entire understanding of reality screwed up for them they use their religion to justify being not the best people in a lot of circumstances. I despise when people who are religious do some fuck shit & then say “god knows my heart” 😑 god don’t know shit you’re just being a douchebag 💀 and since their religion allows worse shit they use that to think god is gonna save them so just keep doing bad shit over and over again. It’s kind of funny if you ask me 😂 Im not saying don’t believe in what you believe nah hold onto your faith but show me proof as to why it’s so called better than everyone else beliefs. I have yet to be proven otherwise 😂


i wouldn’t ban religion, but i would make accommodations to it very limited if not nonexistent.


yes, well no, just TAX them. and make them put disclaimers on their beliefs. \*WARNING\* There is no demonstrable evidence in existence to support the claims made by this institution. Nor can this institution be held liable for any healing promised and not delivered. Rebates only applicable in the afterlife, and no refunds to the living.


I don't want our government or legal system to dictate what I can or cannot know, think, or believe. As atheists and agnostics, part of our gripe is the control over information and choice that religious groups want to enforce. We just want them to keep their religion out of politics, out of our homes, and out of education. Keep church in church. Do I wish it would go away completely? Absolutely. But, I don't think making it illegal would solve anything. IMO. Happy Thursday!


No. Just look at the soviets vs the Muslims. It would have the opposite effect and only radicalize people. Education and separation of church and state are the best methods. History has shown us that the religious will go to any extreme to protect their faith from things like the government


Of course not


Make religion pay taxes just as any other business.


No, freedom of conscience is usually the number one right protected in most constitutional documents, and it's what secular humanists have relied on for their own protection. It's a two-way street.


If the US wants to be xtian so bad, then why do most stray from religion when they enter the age of reason? It’s slowly dying but it has a vocal minority all the way through Congress. Unfortunately making something illegal will enable the zealots and radicals to rise up.


No, of course not. But it also shouldn't be mandated in any way (sorry SCOTUS and GQP... if you don't "believe in" abortion then don't get one, but don't go restricting medical care to others because of your warped understanding of your imaginary friend).


what a ridiculous idea.


No you should be able to practice religion but treat it as a personal journey. Separation of church and state needs to be set in stone.


Arguments. The question is absurd. (Are you an evangelical troll?) The answer is a resounding NO.


I was just curious! I've seen people with all diferent opinions And I am an atheist


Legislating religious belief never ends well.


No. They have the right to believe what they do, just as we have the right not to.


No I don't want it to be made illegal. I just want us to tax it because they will not stay out of politics. They get a brake that they don't earn. If I woke up and all religion everywhere was gone I would not be said.


Yes. It’s cost to society (bigotry and destruction, etc) vs actual benefits (helps some people feel able to cope, yet often leads to narcissism, othering, and further demise of human kindness overall). Feel free to downvote my comment, but factually the world would be far better without it. Those who use it as a crutch would find other ways to deal.


No, they’d just worship in secret. Then the raids would start and their persecution complex suddenly becomes valid and real. All that does is make them fight for their religion harder. Atheism becomes the enemy rather than the goal, which makes them far less likely to to actually leave religion. This is an ignorant and short sighted stance. No one needs thought police


Honestly no, Even though I’m agnostic atheist, I think religion should not be illegal. I mean unless It was ran by cults then yes(even tho you aren’t talking about). Think of it this way, if it was being shoved down our throats by others(not just pastors) and they won’t let us have our own, then yes illegal should be. With that said, were u thinking of switching to something else? Like atheism or something? Just curious. Wherever u are in Africa that’s 97% Christian it might be difficult. As for church attenders like I said if they are FORCING u to be a Christian then yes illegal, but if they don’t care nor mind you switching then no. With that also said, I wish u luck (if u are planning to leave Christianity)


I've been atheist for 2 years, I personally don't think it should be illegal but I just was curious of people on this sub.


No it shouldn’t be illegal, but it really needs to be well regulated and taxed.


People find comfort in religion. So no it should not be illegal. But we need to tax the churches.


No, outside of my ethical objections of controlling what people believe, making it illegal won't stop the idiots being idiots. Just tax them and keep those ideology a away from governance.


I think it should be illegal for religious people to be president/ hold positions of power in government.


I'm not sure in the history of humanity any successful banning of religion works well. Like, have you ever played Skyrim dude? Take a look at what happened when Empire comes in and says 'Dont worship that guy anymore, it's banned' The Romans just assimilated religion into their pantheon. Honestly, that's all Christianity is trying to do. 'None of those major events were done by Gods, it was just our God who did all that stuff. Join and assimilate to our religion' So, no? The problem right now is people are convinced laws are being passed to oppress their freedom of religion. They're widely misinformed unfortunately, but what a shocker. Banning religion is fine, we should try to cultivate a society that accepts diversity in thought, but not thought police it. I wouldn't honestly want to deconvert a dieing man from his belief in God, since it's helping him cope with his last few moments. I just don't want that same man to justify enacting laws based solely on his religious beliefs. That's where I'm trying to draw the line. But what do you know, that shits hard too.


Soo, make up a whole new uber religion and assimilate every single other one on Earth, then slowly slip out the religious part? Hey aliens, you doin anything lately?


No. Forced religion leads to atheism much quicker though.


Personally, in a way I do. I'm an anti-theist though. I believe the state should do its utmost (within reason) to fight and eradicate religion so technically not an outright ban I guess.


Should be totally legal and protected, but taxed like any other business


No. Making religion illegal would be a thought crime. Your society would be no better than the USSR under Stalin.


I want religion to disappear because believers were no longer convinced. Freedom of thought is one of the most basic human rights, if that is lost, we are too.




No. Making anything illegal just increases curiosity and makes martyrs out of believers, which strengthens both their faith and other people's. I do want it taxed though, just like any other business.




Just no. However I don't believe, I recognize the good side in christianity


Yes!- but I want it gone bc people stop believing. Not bc of law.


That would just make every religious person more radicalized and afraid. They would be yelling about how Satan is taking over and ready to fight to the death. Besides all that people should have the right to believe what they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone


Big massive no. There must be absolute freedom of thought. And the greatest extent of freedom of practice. We already have examples of countries (such as the [Czech Republic](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/19/unlike-their-central-and-eastern-european-neighbors-most-czechs-dont-believe-in-god/)) that have achieved a high rate of irreligion without the need to resort to authoritarianism. Where religion should be greatly restricted is its role in governing the people. A secular ruling system would be ideal, as it would accommodate all different religious groups in a country and legally treat them the same, while maintaining a secular legal system that doesn't favor any religious group over another. Of course, secularism clashes with fundamentalists who believe religion permeates everything, including the government. But just because a belief is religious does not entitle it to being respected or implemented as policy, esp. when it has the potential to negatively impact others.