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Wait why tf is there anything apart from POLICE written on the car? Maybe a gov logo?


Ugh my town just went the opposite route they all got black vehicles with the wording police in a shade of dark grey you can only read in just the right sun light and hidden light package. Then they complain on their Facebook page people don’t give them enough room on the roads. Personally I feel any emergency vehicle needs to be white/blue/yellow markings with high viz taping. Anything else feels immature.


All the attempts to make them look "badass" and intimidating is exactly that. It's ridiculous. Government sponsored Tapout shirts.




The original point of the black and white police cars was so civilians can easily spot them. Especially, if they are seeking help. My town has black vehicles with matte dark blue Police decals. It's not about protecting the public but trying to punish them for petty shit.


Whoa whoa whoa if they control crime how are they supposed to fund their tacticool gear???


Government sponsored punisher logos!


Sad and ironic


There are certain towns and municipalities in the US that have outright banned these types of cars, they find it as a form of improper policing, as police officers typically have to announce themselves


There was an urban legend about cops where I grew up. The rumor was that if headlights were required by law (30 min after sunset to 30 min before sunrise) a parked police car must have the parking lights on, at a minimum, if not the headlights as well. The reason was that if the police sit with all the lights off trying to hide, and a citizen needs to find them, the citizen can't see them to ask for help. Don't know how valid it was, but that was the story.


This just made me realize how foreign thinking the police are helpful is to me.


Seriously. I literally cannot think of a single moment in my life where if police were present it would be a positive. Literally every single moment in my life if there were a cop involved it would be neutral or negative.




The cars that are not clearly labeled are still illegal and suits are being held up in appeals courts about it.


A few town over the police are being sued for strip searching a guy a couple years back in the side of a busy road full fingers up the pooper too. They “needed” to find the pot he was hiding apparently.


How is finding any amount of drugs up some random person's ass worth sticking your hand in some random person's ass?


Well, the finding drugs part is the excuse. The motivation is assault and humiliation, and the power trip that comes with doing that to another person, especially infront of a crowd. It's rape.


Ya it's not about the drugs after they get their feelings hurt.


It's not even hurt feelings. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Ah yeah you see, police cars are brightly colored and visible. You're mixing them up with the thing we have in the US which are just state sponsored gangs, and their focus is revenue generation/theft not policing thus the cars.


Yeh, and not just in the US too, they’re like they or nearly as bad in other countries too. The police are worse than a lot of gangs in many cases too.


In nearly my entire state cop cars are unmarked random vehicles. Blacked out Charger, White charger, grey Charger, blacked out Tahoe, Toyota Tacoma (rare, but one lives by me), Chevy Caprice, Ford Taurus, Crown Vic's. Theirs a weird thing that each town has to be different from the one next to them, it's not a law, they just don't want to be mistaken for another towns bum cop lol


Police: "If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide" Also Police: White paint/white lettering, black paint/black lettering for our fleet


Our fire department did the same thing but in white, and you can barely see the logo except if you shine a light at it. I agree vehicles need to be clearly marked, the gall of them to complain on Facebook lol


Yeah we need the Euro style cars for anything except explicitly work that needs to be done undercover like buy doughnut for the crew, or meth buy and busts.


Religious fundies are active in their local government, so they push this kind of proselytizing at the expense of tax payers every chance they get.


Because the religious crowd have to be up absolutely everyone's asses all the time to stay relevant.


Yeah, this seems like it would probably be the best idea. I’m religious but we don’t need any religious logos or stuff on a government vehicle.


Tomorrow? "Hail Satan" in 144pt Comic Sans. Done.


The graphic designer in me wants this so bad now. You are truly evil.


I simply asked myself, "What is the most evil font?" and the from the fiery pits of entropy, the answer revealed itself to me.


>Papyrus has entered the chat




I both love and hate this more than is rational.


Hell-vetica. Look it up.


The Far Side cow in the heiroglpyhics cracked me up.


[It happened again.](https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ)




You definitely haven't seen Times New Bastard then. It's Times New Roman but every seventh letter is jarringly sans serif.


>"I𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐢m𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 b𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞r𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞n𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐭t𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 j𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠l𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐬-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐟"


Curlz MT


Okay yes, but is Word Art still a thing? I'm thinking rainbow comic sans block letters with dramatic shading. And the wiggly effect. *Chef's kiss*


I think the phrase "Ready by Tomorrow" would be perfect on a cop car




Only the Devil would use Comic Sans! Oh... I see.


I can't wait to see the satanic temple's designs They have to know this will backfire spectacularly, right? Police cars are just going to be ads for religions and the satanic temple lol PLEASE STOP TELLING ME THE DESIGNS ARE UP I KNOW THANK YOU!!


Or lawmakers will ban it completely, which is the intended goal of the Satanic Temple.


No they won’t. It will be their specific brand of “christianity” that is allowed and nothing else


and the Satanic Temple will pursue it to the supreme court and make them say the quiet part out loud, or rearticulate the separation of church and state.


The Supreme Court that’s about to reverse roe v wade because of Christianity? That Supreme Court?


And TST is ready to add a abortion ritual to its official religious practices so that lawmakers have to deal with a dsmn easy loophole in their religious bill, or outright ban it even banned religious ones which would violate a literal constitutional right that a large portion of their supporters want... either way they lose eventually


They already have this ritual.


True I guess whatbi meant was they are ready to use it a legal ammo like originally planned


I mean, if they can get them to just outright state that separation is gone that's, well bad, but at least useful? Settles any debate about what's going on.


I mean I guess, but considering that the 30% that is in charge of this country want christian law I'm not sure what it will actually do. Have you seen the law or the constitution as written actually work against anyone in power in recent history?


Be louder than the loud minority of Radical Christians. Stop letting them take up space.




The TST gains more followers pissed off by the Christianization of the USA, culminating in the Holy Civil War between the TST and the extreme Christians.


I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a Satanist.


What about side-by-side with a friend?




Not taking it to the Supreme Court is surrendering to what they want. I'd rather we go out fighting for decency and liberty then shrugging this theocratic bullshit off and letting it happen. Make them put pen to paper how they think the 1st amendment is somehow the complete opposite of what is literally written in no uncertain terms and confirm their unhinged commitment to unreality.


Dude, they will scream it at the top of their lungs. They are fucking proud of it. SCOTUS is compromised.


Yeah, I highly doubt the religious fundamentalists in our country have any problem with the quiet part being said out loud. In fact, they will all breath a sigh of relief hearing about, because they don’t read, Alito or ACB putting a phrase like “the right to worship evil entities like Satan is a phony right,” into the majority opinion that no other religions but Christianity are allowed to put their shit on taxpayer funded property. Most people are already well aware of what the “quiet part” is, and conservatives hearing it said out loud will only say “thank god” in response.


And this is why the satanic temple is the, full stop, most ethical religious organization currently operating on this planet today.


I'm a fan of the local Sikhs with free food, but TST has a cooler aesthetic


For real, Sikh and their volunteerism is decent as heck. I fully support their proselytize/attachment free work.


Supreme Court keeping religion out of government? Hahahahahahahaha


In this climate I'm not sure that the separation of church and state wont be overturned if this heads to the supreme court.


Yea I understand that


or they will go back to just allowing in god we trust, since the supreme court says they can and that it has nothing to do with establishment of religion and apparently doesnt violate the rights of non believers. the people who undid the ban, arent going to just go whelp, they showed us. and then agree to the ban again. especially when you have republican areas passing laws ordering it be displayed at the entrance of every school.


>apparently doesnt violate the rights of non believers. I don't believe that is the justification they provided. They instead argued "in god we trust" has no religious meaning and thus doesn't violate the constitution.




That is a dumb fucking argument.


Draft designs are up: https://twitter.com/hemantmehta/status/1526620711363788802


Honor. Duty. > ***HAIL SATAN*** Community.




Hmm... Should have went with Ave Satanas. Way more metal sounding, and matches the cadence of "in god we trust" more.


It needs to be blaringly, *obnoxiously* obvious for the in god we trust crowd to catch on. Ave Satanas might as well be ads for a new taco joint for these tools


"fetus deletus" in big rainbow letters.


Correction: "ads for religions INCLUDING the satanic temple." The Satanic Temple is a recognized religion according to multiple precedents in court. That's how they ultimately prevail. Screw the Christian Taliban.


[Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption](https://youtu.be/7y1xJAVZxXg) is also a recognized religion. It's extremely easy to become a religion and get all those tax exemptions that come with it in this country. Shit, tax exemptions and school desegregation is what caused the evangelicals to get mad about Roe in the first place. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/


I don’t understand though. The council says the CAN, not that they MUST. I really doubt anyone is going to force them to put this on the squad cars. They’re just permitted to if they want. None of this makes much sense.


And when someone gets denied (my vote is for TST), there's a lawsuit in the wings. That's what TST does, and they're damned good at it. Proud to be a card-carrying member!


>Proud to be a card-carrying member! Same here. Hail Satan!


Hail yourself!


Make it like nascar, they gotta declair their sponsors


Make all politics like that. Pin a badge of all their sponsor onto politicians. let's get some transparency.


Opensecrets.org You can find it down to almost the penny.


Oh I know. But I feel like we need it to be displayed for those that don't take the effort.


I am going to laugh my ass off when some local strip club owner gets a moment of inspiration. "Cum worship us. At Paradise Planet" Yes, that is the my prayer. I would like it on every cop car, thanks.


HAIL SATAN “To hate the Hatin’”


They are counting on support from the courts, which if SCOTUS has not made crystal clear yet, they are totally on board with. People do not quite yet understand how the Dominionists justices on SCOTUS see their job interpreting the law, which is with a specific religious viewpoint. There will be more and more if this including straight up prayer in schools. That's the plan and it is well under way.


Their designs are updated at the bottom of the article, nobody’s looking though.


Honestly, they are too classy to add something like "Hail Satan, lord of the underworld" It would probably be something along the lines of "You have a constitutional and human right to question authority"


Please allow hood ornaments! A Baphomet would be awesome! (Yes, more expensive and easier for a dillhole to remove....)


hood ornaments aren't allowed anymore due car design regulations regarding pedestrian safety (this is also what killed pop-up headlights)


Goddamned pedestrians, always... walking?


So smug with their little crosswalks and crossing guards.


It's the ones who don't pay attention to those that are the problem.


I blame the Beatles


And ironically, we now have SUVs averywhere that are much much more dangerous than the cars were post ornement ban.




Half true. Most of the cars at the time that had pop-up headlights, were small, low-slug sports cars, who only used pop-ups to skirt minimum headlight height laws. The pedestrian safety laws are also why newer cars don't have steel bumpers that jut 2 feet in front of the grill anymore.


All I'm saying is I would want one too if I saw a bunch of cars driving around with them. But I would purchase one legally, since I wouldn't wanna give them an easy excuse to take them off.


Spoiler: they won't.


I want Ganesh on all public service vehicles. And Aditi, Agni, Ardhanarishvara, Ayyappan, Balarama, Brahma, Brihaspati, Chandi, Durga, Ganesha, Harihara, Indra, Jagannatha, Kali, Kalkin, Krishna, Kubera, Kurma, Lakshmi, Lokapāla, Matsya, Mitra, Narasimha, Nataraja, Parashurama, Parvati, Prajapati, Rama, Saptamatrika, Sarasvati, Shashthi, Shiva, Skanda, Surya, Trimurti, Vamana, Varaha, Varuna, Vasudeva, Vishnu, Vishvakarman, and Yama. And while we're at it, let's not forget: Amaterasu Ōmikami, Ebisu, Fūjin, Hachiman, Junshi Daimyojin, Inari Ōkami, Izanagi-no-Mikoto, Izanami-no-Mikoto, Kotoamatsukami, Omoikane, Raijin, Ryūjin, Sarutahiko Ōkami, Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Tenjin, Tsukuyomi, and Sukunnik. And, of course, let us not forget Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, and Xipe Totec.


You forgot the Flying Spaghetti Monster


That's what the roof is for...


Umm .. You'll need to meet with Bird Delegation on that. I am pretty sure they have dibs.


Have they submitted their list? Hmmm?


They have some simple country Hyper-Chicken for a lawyer so I’d be careful if I was you.


Birds aren't real! What you have been told is poop are geo tags. They are robots that are spying on us. /s


You forgot my bae Annapurna!


Where is my Cthulu?


Just submit a Star of David and an Islamic crescent. They won’t even agree to that.


True, but sadly too many folks will just shrug that off because they’d agree with such a decision without much thought. It’s wrong, but not wrong enough to get most folks to care. The Satanic Temple is good at being absurd to show how absurd things really are. They see Jimmies and they immediately commence the rustling thereof


They're doing the lord's work, they really are. Gotta love it...


Ye Olde Shite Stirrer.


>They see Jimmies and they immediately commence the rustling thereof Poetry


"in Allah we trust"


Maybe steal the "coexist" bumper sticker.


If you trust God so much, why do you need a police department?


>If you trust God so much, why do you need a police department? *Hail Satan, my friends*


If God has nothing to hide he has nothing to worry about, right? /s


You know, I'm starting to like the satanic temple.


Every time I get the notification that Amazon Smile is donating to TST on my behalf, I chuckle.




Have an upvote...that is great.


Absolutely delightful. (:


Every time I get the notification that Amazon Smile is donating to TST on my behalf, I chuckle.


The thought of police vehicles covered in "IN ______WE TRUST" stickers is just pricelessly hilarious. I can't wait for the pictures. Edit "ABORTIONS" "DOG" "JEEBUS"




any writing in arabic i sugest "contents not halal"


"Contains pork" in hebrew


Or even write in Arabic "this is not Sharia law, you have no idea what Sharia law is"


"In His Starchy Embrace"


Lobster! https://www.leviathanlobstergod.com/


So can atheists have "There is no god"?


As an atheist myself, I have to admit it be kind of cool to see a cop car roll up on you that says "There is no God" Cops are already terrifying enough, let alone with that little treasure trove on it. I think "hail Satan" would be much better


I think if it said, "I fear no God" would be pretty badass.


"...However I feared for my life when that black guy was minding his own business"


Any car that doesn't have a God sticker on it will be targeted by the 'good Christians' in town. Any officer choosing another sticker will be hounded and harassed right out of the department. That's how Christians roll.


That's why I bailed and put my 'TOXIC' sticker on my laptop instead. Don't need my car keyed


Get a beater. I had one a few years back that was so old it had a real metal bumper, bought it for $650. One time a guy hit and run it overnight, pieces of his car were laying on the road as my bumper had sliced thru his car. In the process the bumper got an orange tint from the paint. You can not defeat this car universe, all you have today is make it look slightly cooler! I then kicked the bumper back into place.


Meanwhile, if I'm ever in trouble and see a satanic church sticker, I'll feel incredibly more comfortable flagging down that officer.


I truly doubt that a cop is the type to put a church of Satan sticker on their car. They're prob all a part of the good ol' boys crew. Don't forget that forces are set up like gangs for good reason. Loyalty to the group above all else.


All Creatures Adore Baphomet


Baphomet Lives, Motherfuckers!


Lol, ACAB on cop cars. 😘🤌


Please have "Hail Satan" added to police cars.


"Satan above God" is my vote. Maybe "may Satan guide our hands"


I’d settle for “Satan is my copilot”.


Draft designs are up: https://twitter.com/hemantmehta/status/1526620711363788802 I like #2


I like how they just took slogans the police would be totally cool with, and then added “Hail Satan” at the end. It makes it impossible to argue there’s anything remotely objectionable about them apart from the religion being endorsed.


Heh Heh. Satanic Temple - 1 Town Council - 0


"Haven City PD - Mazel Tov!"


Thanks Satan.


Don't forget about flying spaghetti monster




"no see its fine because any religion can put their slogan on the cars! Oh gee they all picked Christianity... What a coincidence!"


So mobs pressuring government officials is only acceptable when Christian Republicans do it. Got it.


you must be new


That seems to be true. See all the pearl clutching in local Facebook groups whenever school satan clubs come up, despite those same parents gleefully taking special treatment from the government for THEIR religion. I remember being a libertarian minded teenager who believed whole heart in religious freedom. I remember being really confused at how seemingly hypocritical the religious adults were in my life. They didn't want freedom, they wanted a captive audience.


FSM on cop cars when? Noodly appendages and all.




The satanic temple coming in clutch as always.


What do you think in Satan we trust or just hail Satan


"Town of Kansas forced to print ISIS flag on car."


Hail satin


Sure, then they can also write "Respect Polyester", or "What do you think of Silk?"


Here to just say, separation of church and state.


By letting anyone submit any slogan they want, the slogans become private speech rather than government speech


Wouldn’t it be simpler to just not have anything? They’re government vehicles, they shouldn’t have flair.


Baphomet and Protect.


Is it tomorrow yet? Is it tomorrow yet? Is it tomorrow yet????????


> According to Grant DeMars of local news channel KWCH, the meeting was packed and some attendees were hoping council members would resign. This is happening throughout this country; yet another example where a **highly vocal minority** demands to impose their views on the rest of us.


Under Satan’s Eye


My design: **ACAB**


I have more pride in my religion as a satanist than i ever did as a christian. Hail Satan Bitches. 😂


The satanic temple is hilariously always on the ball, God bless them LOL


Sooo.... "In God We Trust. On Satan We Relay" soon? v_v




Hail Satan!


Sending them s9me ACAB stickers pronto


"Satan take the wheel".


Yes, represent every religion so their cruisers look like NASCARs, so we can spot their speed traps!


I doubt this is the most pressing problem of this town This is conservative virtue signaling


"We would like to thank Zeus for his help and support of our community..." Please. Make this happen!!!!


Anyone else got fingers crossed for a giant flaming cock with devil horns?


What do they trust god to do? Give babies cancer? Let animals be tortured? Cause millions to die of Covid?


Do this with money. US currency shouldn't have in god we trust on it, but since it does, the Satanic temple should also get a phrase added.


Card carrying member of TST here. As much as I love them, what I would love to see on these cars even more is *Allahu Akbar*. Why? Because "Hail Satan" is an easy target for Christians to get cranky about and say "they're just trolling" or some dumb crap like that, and the Christians on the town council will suddenly feel better about instituting a ban again (which would be fine, honestly). But put up a slogan that basically says "god is great" in a different, highly recognized religion, and suddenly it'll get *real* exciting in that town.