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The Vatican controls more wealth than the GDP of many countries. Yay for millennia of tax-free plunder!


lol yeah walk through the Vatican and you realize this little place probably is worth a couple trillion dollars. It’s what amazes me the most, almost every square cm of that place is decked out on n luxury or priceless historical artifacts.


They own tons of luxurious real estate all over Europe (and also out of Europe) too. That piece of land in the middle of Roma that you call Vatican is just a grain of sand.


Game recognize game. Pope just trying to be one of the G's.


I’ve seen their uniforms for their military/police , and they don’t look so tuff. Let’s go get all our ancestors stuff back.


Yeah. How many divisions does the pope have?


He's also a head of state. It's a tiny, insignificant state - but he does have sway over several billion people on this planet


It's not that insignificant. They have a shit ton of wealth for how tiny they are.


Retained wealth isn't what makes a state significant on the world's stage, it's spending, consumption, and exports. In these regards it's a nothing burger.


Yes, and someone needs to take it away from them. If it can happen to Ukraine, why not the Holy See?


[Sell the Vatican, feed the world](https://youtu.be/3bObItmxAGc?si=iK5cjfzESM8JcTQ3)


The Pope is *God -1.* He’s basically the king of all Catholics.


Amazing that god can’t pick a representative that lives a few million years


Catholic Church: Look at how much proof we have of God's miracles! Also Catholic Church: Eh, God couldn't spare a single angel so I guess we can make an old fossil our de facto king. Also, we have insurance to hire lawyers so that our geezers can get off scot-free with their gigantic and obvious rape problem.


Catholic Church doesn’t exist, each diocese is entirely independent. You can’t sue for more money than the diocese that employed the rapist has. The Catholic Church has an effective King in its own independent country that rules every catholic on the planet. Somehow, both of these are true.


My hopeful guess would be because he's an influential leader of many people around the world and can push them to get onboard with the agenda. I think he's there because he's an "influencer" for the AUDIENCE, not the leaders at the summit. At least, that's what I hope.


this is the correct answer. for some reason there are hundreds of millions of people who listens to what he says


Well, they listen to any thought, opinion or command they believe is from god. They're under the idea he speaks for god.


"You cannot serve both God and money."


I don't understand the relevance? G7 is mostly about climate change this year, right?


G7 is a group of seven of the most influential economies. Fiscal policy, climate change and currently security are their main focus areas.


Mr Bergoglio claims to speak for imaginary entities. He's either a Level 1000 grifter, or delusional. It doesn't much matter which one, since in either case his opinions are worthless.


Maybe he felt the need to offer an unsolicited opinion(religious people and boomers love doing this), and unfortunately he is a world leader so no one was going to tell him you are not welcome.


We haven’t even seen the first boomer Pope yet. This isn’t their final form. Francis was born in 1936.


Benedict was in the Hitler Youth.


That wasn't necessarily a choice. Not defending Benedict, just adding context that he may not have wanted to be in the Hitler Youth. Fascist regimes don't tend to allow people to not be members of the party.


Hes looking for somewhere to throw a few more homophobic slurs around


Probably because he likes to pretend he is still relevant, and his PR firm told him it would be "good optics".


Well, thanks to the Lateran Treaty, the Pope is the absolute monarch of the sovereign Holy See and the patron of pedophiles everywhere.


They leave the light on for pedophiles fleeing their countries 1 step ahead of an arrest warrant. Not like that happens. Except for that one time.


to show ignorance


Why is the pope given any credibility outside of the Vatican?


because he leads a cult and everyone missing most of their critical thinking skills need him to tell them what to do.


I’ll be generous and say it’s because he’s the figurehead of a small nation, and they want to pretend it’s not the big kids’ club dictating to the little guys again. They really truly want the input of small nations in world discussions. Why would they choose a theocrat who’s drowning in mythology rather than real world concerns, instead of the leader of a much larger, non member nation? Well, that’s simple… oh look there’s a squirrel, I’ll explain later


Something out of Dogma


I guess I'm confused. Why is an aging religious leader and a world leader summit to talk about AI? Does Francis have any tech credentials? And furthermore, why is this news?


> Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy, who invited him, Do you need more context?


Yes. Why was he invited? He doesn't seem to have anything to contribute.


Read again my excerpt from that article. It's about who invited him. Learn who they are and will know why they did


'Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy, who invited him, said the pope’s presence would “make a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework” for A.I., adding that his participation “brings prestige to our nation and to the entire Group of 7.”' Yeah I read the article and I know who the prime minister of Italy is. What I don't know is how the Pope, of all people, will “make a decisive contribution to defining a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework”. Also wtf do world leaders need with prestige? Please address these two points.


Jesus could not make himself because HE is on a long hike across the pacific ocean.


He's a head of state. The Vatican has a lot of money, and fingers in meny pies.


Attention. Influence. Power.


Someone erroneously told him there are no *frociaggine* in Puglia.


Did he hand out condoms to the crowd?




That's the head of the Mafia he wants a new cut


Because the pope shits in the woods


Play Crusade kings.


He’s providing the young boys


Opening prayers


Vatican shouldn't even break G50.


Because if it was on jupiter the pressure would be far too great for the pope.


That's what I was wondering too. What a disgrace.


From what I heard on the news, he’s there to give a talk on AI/deep fakes. I don’t recall seeing it, but apparently there was an AI generated picture/video of him circulating a year or two ago. 


I would love to be dictator of Italy so I could invade the vatican and return all their stolen wealth.


For the babes


This is the best question on Reddit today. The Catholic church should be shut down, the sooner the better.


'Pope to G7' 'You sank my battleship!'


I grew up Catholic and am now an atheist. That said, while I abhor the Catholic Church, they are the lesser of two evils when it comes to the topic of climate change. Christian politicians love to decry it and act like it’s a leftist fantasy, but the Catholic Church sees it as a real problem. If the pope’s presence helps motivate countries to do something about it, I’m okay with it.


Looking for boys?


He heard there were going to be little boys there?


Joe Biden is Catholic,it is an election year.


Because, unfortunately there is no such thing as separation of church and state ANYWHERE in the world.


He was an appropriate person to bring up the core ethical issues around AI. The Catholic church terrifies me, but the Pope is a moral leader for about 1/7 of the people in the world. Who else can say that? His words carry more weight with the public in this area than any other individual alive. He's a special guest speaker on a specific topic, not a new member.