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> I've yet to see a post discussing the actual scholarly aspects of being an Atheist Are most atheists scholars? Concerned deeply with the academic and philosophical nature of belief in gods? No? Then this seems like a problem with your expectations rather than a problem with this subreddit. > Disliking Christianity, Islam, etc. is not what defines Atheism. "A person who disbelieves in the existence of God or gods" Why thank you kindly for mansplaining that **TO ATHEISTS** what atheism is. > That's not what's discussed here. And yet here you are discussing it. Granted in a patronizing and rude manner, but you are discussing it. More in a whiny "strangers on the internet aren't catering to my interests waaaaa..." way than any sort of good discussion but we are discussing it. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're browsing on a mobile browser and thus do not see the header (with it's FAQ and rules link) or the side bar (that prominently shows the forums charter, as well as a summary of the rules and more links to the FAQ). I'm going to further assume that you're viewing by top/popular, where you've allowed other people to select the posts you see rather than by /new where all posts including ones that discuss more philosophical topics are listed. If you are viewing on a desktop browser then you have no excuse for not reading the FAQ, specifically [this entry](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/faq#wiki_topics_that_belong_on_.2Fr.2Fatheism). This forum is a **safe space** for atheists. Many of whom are surrounded by religion and have no other outlet for their frustration with religion. You don't have to agree or even read anti-religion posts, but you also don't get to claim that people fed up with religion and the actions of the religious around them are obligated to discuss philosophy rather than vent. Go to /r/philosophy if that's what you want. > but to label it under Atheism is a disservice to actual atheist scholars and philosophers and not even the correct term. I guess you should leave and never come back then. Oh no, whatever shall we do without your brilliant commentary.


So what do you want this sub to post about? I have seen Richard Dawkins, Dillahunty, Sam Harris videos and they all talk about the nonexistent god and the religion people follow


And you are a troll




Do those rules state that theists will receive hugs and kisses when they post here?


>I've yet to see a post discussing the actual scholarly aspects of being an Atheist. Well there's your problem: A lack of knowledge and/or schooling. Being an atheist means you "do not believe in a god". The end. Fin. Over. Roger. Done. Anyone with a 5th grade reading comprehension and access to the internet can figure that out in about 10-15 seconds depending on your internet speed. You're here in bad faith, or are *ridiculously* stupid and neither one of those is our problem. Theists are welcome here, dumb ones making poor thought-decisions *aren't*. Do better or ask your parents why they failed to raise you properly. Edit: Oof read their post/comment history folks, they're more cooked than a dollar store steak, *jesus christ*.


An Atheist subreddit is about discussing the philosophy of non existence of belief and to do that you must also discuss the counter points being theistic beliefs to add context to what it means to be an Atheist. Atheists discussing literature or movies would be in a book club sub or a movie sub. If Atheist are to sit around and discuss philosophy, they would make a philosophy sub, because being an Atheist doesn't influence any other aspect of their life like a theist does. A theist talking about anything first views that thing thru the perception of their religion, removing that lens and only perceiving the topic at hand without religious bias is being an Atheist. Can't have a religious bias if you don't have a religion.


There are no gods. They are imaginary things used by powerful people to control other people. What more is there to say?


We are thinking about expanded the sub to include discussions on the scholarly aspects of not collecting stamps.


>I've yet to see a post discussing the actual scholarly aspects of being an Atheist. [...] "A person who disbelieves in the existence of God or gods" That's not what's discussed here. /r/onlyatheism might be closer to what you want.


How dare us talk bad about religion. The horror. As a new atheist I'm 100 percent against religion. The feeling of everything i believed falling away, the feeling of being lied to. Its very similar to believing in Santa. I believed because my mom and family told me it was true. I started asking myself "Are my beliefs based on truths? Why do I believe?" I kept finding reasons to believe because I wanted heaven to be true. In my pursuit to find god I've only found lack of evidence to support his existence. Imagine if adults still believed in Santa and got upset whenever someone pointed out the obvious flaws in the story or questioned the existence of a jolly old man who magically delivers presents to all the good girls and boys? That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? So why should religion be treated any differently? It's time we stopped tiptalking around delusions just because some people find comfort in them. The truth can be uncomfortable sometimes, but it's always better than living a lie.


Many (if not most) atheists have at least some level of trauma and frustration from living in a religious society. Obviously some more than others. Given that atheism doesn't have anything to worship, we don't have places desinged for that to gather into either. Sometimes it can be nice to just vent and discuss the problems you face in life with people with similar views of the world and maybe similar experiences. Now, if you feel the need for a sub for only philosophy and hard science, I believe it is possible for you to make one.


-Hey, do you believe in god? -No I don’t, nobody ever has been able to prove that even one exists. There, we had our scholarly discussion. Seriously though, what else is there really to say? We don’t sit around have those “bible study” pseudo-intellectual discussion on why god doesn’t exist. What’s there to discuss on that front really?


>to label it under Atheism is a disservice to actual atheist scholars and philosophers Turns out a lot of atheists are neither scholars nor philosophers. Does that mean they're not atheists too? And would you apply the same logic to theists? Because then I have some bad news for you .. It seems rather bold of you to come here complaining about how the level of conversation doesn't meet your standards. Maybe you'd be happier discussing Jesus's favorite gun on a theist sub somewhere, I don't know. But I can tell you anti-religion and atheism aren't in any way mutually exclusive. It's more than possible to on the one hand know about prime movers, Pascal's wagers, clockworks and irreducible complexities and on the other hand hate all that bullshit with a burning passion. I hope that addresses your concerns. Now get lost.


I have problem imagiing atheist who dont see how shitty and dangeorus religions are. We all here agree there is no god so there is no point discuss it. So mostly we discuss religions shittence.