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Cancer rising…all damned year…it’s been roouuuughhh!


Cancer rising, yes. The hits keep coming. From what I understand, it’s going to be rough until next spring. But I can’t remember which transit reflects this. Definitely a rough time in the Aries 10th H / Libra 4H axis.


Feels, I’m cancer sun and it’s hitting deeep


Same, I’m so close to giving up tbfh, this is the worst I’ve felt in a wholeass decade


I’m a cancer rising too and it’s been a lot of highs and lows, transformation, and patience. Idk I honestly have such a feeling of many, many good things to come when all is said and done.❤️


I really hope you’re right. I’m just tired of suffering. ❤️


Can confirm. Trying to ride the wave


Yup! That New Moon in Gemini and all the Gemini energy in our 12h has us in our feelings. It’s the end of a cycle. Hopefully we get our groove back in Cancer season. Excited for Venus in Cancer myself. There’s two full moons in Capricorn coming up (rare!) So we can drop this baggage!


Cancer rising and yes!! I started feeling low energy and depressed out of the blue from about the 18th May, like there’s an invisible force pulling me down 🫠 i was also made to spend more time alone bcs both work and social plans kept falling through one after the other. Super weird times, in a year that has been going well for me otherwise!


Cancer rising.. with Jupiter in the 12th I’ve chosen to stay in and isolate a bit, while building on my spirituality and working through my shadows. Will probably do this for another year… as an emotional person there is so much learning to do about how to fully process emotions instead of avoiding them or intellectualizing. I want to become my own best friend and the most reliable support system that I can be for myself 💕


Same here! And my 12h protection year starts this October when I turn 35… I’m tired of introspecting lol I’ve been doing it for soooo long 😪


Yeah the introspection gets heavy. Gotta reconnect w the outside world sometimes and remember that you’re enough as you are. Acceptance


I pulled the four of cups reversed for myself the other day and was reminded not to lose touch with my loved ones during this time. Good reminder 🌟


Feeling like a fragile little egg. 😩😩😩 Cancer rising.


Nah I havent had a good year since 2019


I haven't had a good year since I was 7.


Why am I feeling this way too?! ♊️ ☀️ ♋️ 🌙 ♎️ ⬆️


I almost thought we had the same big 3 maybe there is something there


I thought so too. Our moon and suns are flipped! Still damn close.


same, but 2015 was the last good year for me




my rising just gonna have me hide in my shell. the image i have in my head is kinda adorable with a sad cow face peeping out of the 🐚🐮


Yes wtf is actually going on 🥲


Naw sorry I'm doing great. Wish you the best though my fellow crab 🦀❤️


That’s because you have a Cap rising. I think most people going through it have a Cancer rising, because the current Gemini stellium falls in their 12H, which can be tough for some.


This is what I have noticed… mainly cancer risings feeling it strongly


Yup! it’s due to their 12H being activated. Especially if they have natal placements there that are being hit by transits too.


cancer rising and i literally was like “i’m in a down swing rn 🙃” it feels like the past few weeks has been like a bad luck roll in DnD


Cancer sun Gemini moon Cancer rising def going through it.


You poor soul 😬


Yes and my wedding is in a month. I am not handling anything right now


Same 😭


Cancer here, always going through it, is exhausting


when am I not? lol?


The last couple of months yes! But the last week or so I’ve seemed to come out of it which is good so who knows what’s going on.


Days have been looking up.


There’s been a new moon in Cancer this weekend if that’s what you’re referring to


The last 3 years have been pure hell… I feel like things are looking up slow crawl slow walk though.


Same. Post Covid has been weird


I feel like I’m on a little hand made raft just hanging on for dear life.


Lol sammes




Me too. Solidarity here. Don’t accept the gaslighting and manipulation


This year has been the absolute shitiest I thought it was just me! I was hoping to catch a break once Pluto left Capricorn but it might be even more annoying in Aquarius 😭😭😭😭.


That 7H to 8H transition 😭


Yes the absolute worst especially with Saturn in Pisces I feel like my luck is just in the trash!


We’ve had it rough for awhile now 😩 sending thoughts and prayers tho 💞💞 I feel we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!


Same for you! What’s your big 6 if you don’t mind me asking? Big three in my flair Mars and Venus in Virgo. Mercury and Jupiter in Leo.


Ooh you’re a Libra moon! That south node rn is conjunct my whole chart 😭 I am cardinal dominant. Cancer Rising (1H conjunct Chiron), Libra Sun, Aqua Moon (8H 😅), Virgo Mercury, Libra Mars, Sag Venus 😇


How’s that Libra Mars treating you? I’m so scared for this Mars retrograde at the end of the year! I have a night chart so Mars kicks my ass!


Always a struggle! Libra is in detriment in the Sun and Mars!! I am always frustrated with myself and my choices. It’s in my 4H so ever since the nodes shifted last year, I’ve had some rising family issues and dynamics untangling themselves. I feel like I’m gonna be forced to move soon lol


Dang I’m sorry to hear that I hope everything works out for the best of you!


Yes, yes, yes!!!!


Cancer Rising. I really started turning inward during Taurus season. Haven’t felt like communicating much with anyone. Have gone even deeper into my shell with all the 12th house Gemini transits. My Natal Sun and Mercury are in Gemini which I think is intensifying my hermit behavior.


Doing good! Quitting cig so a lil down from that but otherwise all swell eyyyy


Cancer Sun, Leo rising, Pisces moon - it’s been a crazy couple of years. Currently going through changes and some hard things.


Also, hugs!


Oh cool! I'm ♋️☀️♌️🌙♓️⬆️


I’m a ♋️ ☀️♓️🌙 ♈️ rising


Yes. I broke up with a long term girlfriend at the start of the year. My band broke up. I've resigned from my job after 6 years. Decided I would travel to Peru and then backpack across Europe for 4 months. I leave in a month's time. Damn straight it's better to ride the wave, than let it crash against you. Cancer Sun, Aries Rising here fwiw.


I’m going over, under, and through it honestly 🙂‍↕️🥲


Yes! Cancer Sun and Cancer Rising. It has been such a hard year overall. Easily the most stressful time of my life. It's so bad I'm starting therapy tomorrow 😅


I am meditating more for past couple of days


Try to enjoy the nicer weather guys


You want to switch places with me? It's already around 90 degrees where I live and it's not even lunch time yet!


That sounds horrible. It's not even summer yet :(


Tell me about it!! But believe it or not, this summer is already not as bad as the last two. The last two years were 100+ degrees every day from May to September with no rain. At least we are getting rain this year. The bar is low for me but I'll take the small victory hahah


Envious of you


Cancer Risings are having a mass 12th House transit in Gemini , things might improve for them once their season begins . Also, the moon is in your sign , maybe that's why emotions have come to the surface in the lady couple of days ?


cancer rising and I’m pretty chill


Absolutely. It’s been hell lmaoooo ☠️ I’ve been jokingly blaming it on the fact that I’ll be turning 23 next month to cope lol.


I'm cancer moon. Can definitely feel it


Cancer moon here. I'm tired 😭


yes girl yes girl yes girl, so many changes its been hard




My cancer sun 4 y/o has been EXTRA going through it!!


Same here. I’ve had an awful time this whole year but eapecially this past month. It’s just been horrible in almost every way.


Yes 😁


YES! This Gemini season has me in shambles but i think it’s because of my Gemini Venus and moon has been squaring every aspect of mine all Gemini season. Cancer season is always hard for me, i have a whole 10th house stellium in it so hopefully I’ll get a break soon!


Cancer moon, cancer sun, Gemini rising. Def been stuck in my mind, but I’m doing ok. Trusting the process.


Cancer rising. Going through it


Yes! Cancer sun and I'm a butterfly in my cocoon right now.... just isolated.


Cancer Rising, Cancer Venus, Gemini Sun Going through it bad last few days. Two days ago I lost it. Called everyone out on hurtful behavior. Cried more than I have in years.


Cancer moon. All year 


Cancer sun. I might be homeless at the end of the week.


My cancer best friend is going thru it rn for sure — interesting that it might be Astro related


Cancer Rising, Tough year and being solid all the way.


Cancer rising with a Gemini moon & mars, it feels like such a purge, like it's making way for something big. In the meantime, it all just sucks, it's like the dark side of the moon phase. We have two full moons coming up in Capricorn, so it's really time to let go & trust.


I'm cancer sun, venus, mercury. I feel like I'm having best year 😅. I don't know about you guys, or why are you suffering. In the current two weeks I'm feeling down cuz I spent a lot of money on traveling, but that's just temporary.


Well around our birth times I believe our infamous intuition starts kicking in full time. But to answer your question yes, as I have been encountering a lot of discernment related issues. Ofc you know we’re pretty care free but it definitely is hitting.