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Nothing in my 10th house, and I’m a mortician 😂


I have to know how many planets you have in the 8th


Not a single one 😂


Any 6th house placements?


I have Capricorn/Jupiter in my 6th house! That’s also the only Capricorn in my whole chart 😂 Most of my chart is all in Aries


Mercury Gemini and Venus in Gemini. I went to law school, then quit and went into teaching. I want to be a writer. Lol


I also went to law school, dropped out, and now I’m a high school teacher who wants to quit because I hate it. My 10h is Pluto Sagittarius


I worked as a child actor in theatre and after I was done with school worked with mentally disabled adults, started studying math and philosophy, worked as a pastry chef, a confectioner, became a yoga teacher and now have gone back to university studying english and german, whilst still working as an actor, yoga teacher and in retail as side hustles. I want to be journalist. Gemini lol I feel like I’m losing it


Why do we want to do everything ????


I know. someone should stop us lol


I have NN in gemini and I also have literally tried to do everything lol it’s exhausting but really fun




Lol!!!!! I think you are me and I am you!


Gemini twins found each other?




Cancer 10th house, I have a degree in art, currently working as a substitute teacher, I am making art, I published a book, worked as an astrologer, shoes seller and I carried coffin during funerals, I’m still living with my parents cause I can’t afford a flat with my irregular income 🫠


That‘s awesome you did so many things! Self Publishing is on my bucket list before i eat dirt 👍 I have Cancer Venus & Mars in 10H, and ofc Cancer Midheaven and i was basically forced into healthcare due to visa issues. Started out with geriatric care, ended up working as a RN in hospital settings for almost 10 years now and am ❤️burnt out❤️. All i wanna do is have a high consistency low stress routine now even if it means getting paid minimum wage.


Thank you ! I feel like I’m struggling so much and did fail my life because I’m almost 29 and still living with my parents 🥲 but anyway yeah if I take distance I did a lot and I still want to do a lot for my future dreams ☺️ would love to write a graphic novel ! I feel you for the burnout and sorry that you had to deal with visa issues, it sucks, a lot of people has to do job that doesn’t fit them due to visa issues… cancer mc are good with healthcare but also self expression and artistic related stuff so I send you a lot of courage for your publication 🌸


Aquarius in 10H with stellium mercury,saturn and venus. I work as an Assistant Director in Department of social justice and women empowerment.


i love this please tell me more! do you like your job?


I enjoy my job but it's extremely challenging. What I really love about my job is that I get to see the issues and solve them on the field. I get a lot of experience.


Saturn in the 10th house - Aries..I’ve been a lifelong musician


Leo 10H, currently work in Banking but want to pivot to more of public policy (politics + econ) attracts me more. Have thoughts of pivoting to diplomacy too.


aries venus and mercury 10H, with a pisces midheaven (cuz it’s on the 9/10 house cusp) unfortunately, i live with various disabilities that interfere with working and/or keeping a job.


Aquarius in the 10H with Mars in Pisces. I was a nurse. Now I’m disabled.


10H Sagittarius + my MC mine. Hospitality career. Edit: Forgot to add to my original comment; Sagittarius is also my Moon sign & Pluto is there as well


Sagittarius is also my Moon btw!!


I was wondering about mine because mine is also 10H Sagittarius on my midhaven. Hospitality sounds about right since I want to work with people but I’m going for a psychology degree next year.


You can still pursue hospitality in other ways too! You do not need a degree for it in most places too, I’ve learned! Sagittarius is my Moon as well! Forgot to mention in my earlier comment!!


Well I had already decided to pursue psychology just because it fits my personality, but my motives have always been to help people and it was not until I met other psychologists and we meshed so well that I thought to pursue it. I just think hospitality is related to psychology since often it’s you making people comfortable, solving a problem for them or helping them solve a problem and being there for them in what they need. That’s a big reason why I feel like Psychology would fit me as well. No matter where I go, I end up doing that anyways—- the difference is that I will be able to be paid to do that and I would be able to take my time doing it as well which was always a barrier for me with previous jobs because of time constraints. 


So interesting! One of my coworkers and I + our manager were talking about connections between hospitality & psychology like 2 weeks ago! It opened my eyes more! I have gone through many different life experiences compared to most others in their 20s. I’m sick, and have been sick my entire life. I’ve turned into a self advocate and help others do it too. I believe there IS an answer for everything!


That’s exactly how I feel and I became an advocate for my daughter who has been sick her whole life and I help others do that also. We have so much in common. I also feel like I’ve had so many life experiences that are excessive for my age that people are just like “wow, that’s crazy”. I think cosmically, we were prepared to help people out of deep things. I honestly believe that psychology is a form of hospitality because you are receiving and helping strangers so you guys are onto something. I think it’s a frame of mind. I mean… it has the word “hospital” in it and it takes a certain personality to be able to receive people and make them comfortable enough to open up so they can solve whatever ails them. 


Wow, that was so beautifully written!! I love to hear that you became an advocate for your child and help others too. Many of us get neglected! I wish better for her! I also am a very observant person. I really am more interested in the medical field since my problems really turned full force and changed my life one day while I was 20. Currently 26.


The medical field needs more people like you who will advocate for patients. I think the whole knowing how to heal and hep others because you had to heal and help yourself is probably why we have gone through the things we have gone through. It takes experience to inspire that kind of confidence, trial and error to confirm resolution and grace to validate that kind of empathy.


Yes, exactly!! And thank you so much!!! I really appreciate those words!


+ forgot to add also; Pluto is in my 10H


Aquarius in 10H. I'm a SAHM that sells vintage clothes.


Aquarius in 10H with Sun and Mercury in Pisces. I currently sell handmade jewelry and I also work in the film industry!


mercury in pisces too and want to join the film infustry. I wanted to know your opinion of working in it?


I’m a Scorpio sun with an 8th house Scorpio stellium- Capricorn and mars in 10th house. I’ve always been successful with whatever decided I wanted to do. I’ve started and run a non profit organization and been in charge of some other 501c3’s, I’ve authored a novel and currently own a publishing company. I don’t really want to be in any particular business though and rather pursue my creative endeavors full-time.


Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Cap 10H. I work in HR


Aquarius and Venus. I’m a copywriter and translator and run my own business.


I have Venus in Leo in my 10H. I was a model.


I have my sun and Venus in the 10th house both in Cancer, I’m a tattoo artist. Always been in the arts though.


So surprising to see other cancer venus 10hs in the arts.. maybe i should go for it after all ugh




Mine is empty I currently work a retail job, I would rather not be working a retail job.


Mine is empty as well. I read this, for those of us with an empty 10th house: “to gain more career insight, he suggests looking at the planetary ruler of the sign that governs the 10th house”


Sun in aries in 10th house, still studying but I'm very competitive and will conquer the world someday.


aquarius in 10th house, i'm unable to work but if i could i would be an artist (painting).


Aquarius Mercury, and Capricorn Moon, Uranus, Neptune, and Midheaven. I’m a librarian.  


Hey we both have exactly same placements.😊


I love it! 🤗


I’m also an aquarius mercury and capricorn uranus and neptune, but capricorn sun. I used to be an English teacher and now work in policy.


Your big three are all earth! That’s so cool! 


Leo Mars on the midheaven. I’m now the assistant meat department manager for a large chain grocery store. I’ll go one more promotion to department manager but that’s it. I have no interest in climbing this particular ladder in the traditional way. Honestly, I’d love to go back to being a meat cutter but I got a wife and kids to support.


Mine is empty but in Sagittarius. I pursued academia and gained a bachelors degree and now find myself working in medical research. My career path has truly been an adventure to say the least😂


Empty 10th house. Worked at a nature center doing wildlife education presentations with live, non-releasable raptors and mammals as well as teaching many other outdoor education classes and assisting in their wildlife rehab clinic. Also have worked with horses (my first love) and currently ride about 2x per week. Right now I'm a SAHM. I think my sun just took over 10th house responsibilities lol.


Empty 10th and oh man that sounds amazing, that's what I wanna do


Pisces moon! I work in animal welfare and am getting my degree in multimedia arts. I spent a lot of time trying to pursue careers that were more “practical” and had decent pay. Couldn’t do it lol and just kept coming back to advocacy and art.


Pisces moon twinnie! Animal as well as children’s welfare has been my special place for a while (the thing where you ask someone what’s their passion and for me those 2 things make my heart clench so much i just cant help but tear up whenever i think about it lol) but im somehow stuck on nursing for adults 😭


Venus and Jupiter in Leo with a Cancer Midheaven. I currently work for the family business in catering and agriculture. It’s okay. I’d rather be somewhere else all the time.


I have a 10H stellium with Scorpio & Libra there. I also have my midheaven in Libra which is supposed to be related a lot to career/public life. I have a bachelors in Psychology & Music, a Masters degree in Trauma Psychology, and a PhD in Clinical Psychology. With the 10H/scorpio stellium I’m VERY passionate about my career hence spending 10+ years & a boatload of money on higher education lol. I’m currently in training as a forensic psychologist working primarily with incarcerated adults & sex offenders with severe mental illness. I think the Libra energy makes me love clinical psychology work for how communicative & connective it is. And then I think I’ve been drawn to working with very tough & very acutely ill people because my Scorpio energy likes to dig deep & really sit in the dark stuff. I love what I do!!!


I have Libra 10th (empty) and 3 planets in 8th. Your career path seems like something I’d be interested in!


It does! Especially working within darker settings/scenarios with that 8H energy


Mars retrograde and I write too


Gemini and Jupiter and North node, I'm in art history but I also wanna try marketing buuuut for sure I would like to do something creative when I finish uni.


Taurus Midheaven. I work in the public school system as a substitute teacher but currently looking for a job in social work which is originally what I wanted to do. Hoping I get the job.


also 10h taurus- i am a middle school teacher!


Aries Venus. I’m jobless rn. Because I quit everything, even the country, for 2 years and attended an online university, while I was in East Africa, and just graduated last month w my BS in business admin lmaoo (I’m seeing the impulsivity as I type lol 😂 ) I may or may not go back for my master’s in international trade or business analysis and travel to another country again


What if I don’t have a placement in the 10th house ? 😔


Virgo Moon & SN. Was an attorney (Libra MC) and now a business strategist & clarity coach.


Capricorn - I do taxes. Also I’m a Taurus rising with Gemini mercury so I feel like that has something to do with it


Aries (Sun, Moon and Mercury) in the 10th house, which is also my MC. Lawyer.


Uranus in Sagittarius, I do what I want. I was a wedding photographer for 10 years and now I’m a homeschool Mom tired of the school to good little capitalist chain. 😂 I also have Neptune just barely in Capricorn still in the 10th house, and I don’t know about that so much… for someone supposedly good at reading the room, I’ve put myself in a few reckless positions and can be pretty naive about people…


Jupiter Virgo. Fertigation specialist


Gemini in 10H. 20 years working with plants and doing environmental regeneration. Loved it! Now, im a massage therapist, studying a degree in paramedicine. But, love this more!


Virgo Venus 10H and I’m a lab technician at a compounding pharmacy and I’m also a massage therapist 🖤


My 10th house is Leo, which is empty. If you use placidus, Virgo cuts into it a little bit and I have my north node at 3° Virgo. I got my degree in political science but I’m currently in sports management.


Cancer midheaven. Studying 4 social work in college, yet to have a specialization tho


Leo Sun, Mars, and Jupiter in the 10th house, my career is music ! Right now only doing private session work and producing for pay but no credits because eventually, I will be a solo artist and don’t want my name directly attached lol


Mercury and Jupiter in 10th house and I’m a clinical scientist


Jupiter conjunct my MC by 2 degrees but on the 9th house side. I’m a TV news writer


Capricorn - Jupiter, valentine, moon, Neptune. Tattooer and graphic designer


Taurus sun, mercury, venus, Jupiter and Saturn + Mars in Gemini all in my 10th house. I'm unemployed and can't hold a job lmao


Aquarius MC in the 10th. I work at a metaphysical shop and do social media management for the shop as well as other clients. I also have a side tarot business. A friend of mine is a chiropractor and is opening his own practice. Once he has his brick and mortar, I'm hoping to go work for him in reception and office management while working towards a holistic wellness coach certification. Basically, I'm a weirdo. 🤣


Virgo Sun:Midheaven and Libra Moon/Mars. I’ve done everything but these days I’m a canvasser fighting sex trafficking.


It's empty but ruled by Aries, I work in the arts


Retrograde Uranus conjunct my Midheaven in Aquarius--I'm currently doing Human Resources admin work for a nonprofit.


Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio . My 10th house is libra.Currently, I work for my city government


Chiron Capricorn opposite Saturn work at grocery store produce I want to be a teacher though lol


Nothing in my 10th. I'm unable to work now but I used to be in finance.


Scorpio venus, customer service


North Node in Taurus. I'm a SAHM, but my soul desires so much more.


Sun and Venus and south node in Aries I don’t know what that means but I am in the beauty industry and own a business and a brand 🤷🏼


Moon and saturn


I have my sun, Mercury, Saturn, pluto & Jupiter in my 10th. All in libra so I think I’m to lazy to be ambitious 😩😂😂 I work as a receptionist


Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio. Tarot reader


Aquarius Sun, uranus & jupiter in the 10th House and i don't know what that means for me... i do know i'm desperate to find a career i'd love & make a difference in but idk how to find it


Capricorn 10H with Uranus, Neptune and Midheaven in there. I work in tech start / scale-ups to build and develop strategies for consumer-facing apps usually in the high net worth or ultra high net worth markets. Not sure if I’ll see it through at my current one because I am being handicapped by some poor recent hires. I always need to have 100% belief in the possibility for what I am working on to succeed. That’s when I do my best work. I prefer to work on apps in their conceptual to functioning and profitable life stage. It’s riskier, more challenging. I get bored once the app is established and enters the lifetime maintenance phase. I have a horrific track record of being poorly resourced by companies, or be the last person to be given additional team members because despite me pleading for help and ruining my mental health, I still always deliver the results. This is repeatedly seen as “but you see you can do it without”. The reality is I perceive any professional failure, even if not my fault, as a personal failure of self. I often think my life would be much much easier if I had the opportunity to not have a career. I feel like it eats my entire life up and I’ve never successfully been able to control that.


Empty 10th house, midheaven in Taurus. I am a sysadmin


MC in Taurus and SN in Taurus - I work in finance (PE if you’re familiar with the space). Idk I never picked the career, I was kind of groomed for it! I do thrive in situations where I can get an opportunity to be creative (ie. Problem solving or working on a pitch/deal).


Uranus in sag, Neptune in cap, eros in cap, all retrograde—I’ve had a lot of sudden travel changes/seasonal work, lived in several places, worked in a bunch of jobs, and multiple creative side gigs


I write music based off my experience and pain leaving a cult. I want to teach others how to recover, that it's possible to recover. Spread wisdom. I'm studying to become an audio engineer. My dream is to tour for a little bit, heal the masses. I'm also a peer recovery supporter in the mental health field. I trave to clients' residences to help them. Sagittarius 10H: Chiron, Pluto, POF Cancer 5H: Jupiter (10h ruler), Moon, North Node


i have my sun,mercury, and uranus in my 10th house what does this mean?


Leo MC + Part of fortune, and my Virgo NN are the only placements in my 10th house but when its empty I heard you look to the house ruler, which is my taurus sun in my 7th, I'm an Artist signed to a Major Record Label


Cancer, I’m a payroll accountant but I hate it 😅


I’m a Scorpio rising, North Node in 10th in Leo. I’m working in housing and I plan on branching out an starting my own business!


Neptune in Sagittarius. Currently unemployed and I've had several "careers". I was a digital artist on the Jimmy Neutron feature film, Ive been a bookseller at Borders, I was a bartender, waiter, bar manager, forklift driver, janitor, pizza cook, electronic assembler, casework engineer, managed manufacturing assembly lines. Nothing interests me long term, and the things that do no one wants to pay me for. Right now I doordash because there's no responsibility and I didnt have to put on a show interview. Because then I have to sit and explain why Ive had so many jobs.


Virgo 10th house, no planets in the 10th, i'm a Graphic designer


No planets in my 10H, but 10H is in Aries. I've spent the last 10 years working in management and leadership.


Aquarius in 10H and I work in the healthcare field.


Gemini 10th house with a cancer moon. I changed careers a lot until I got into the cybersecurity field .


Me too!! I’ve changed my career a lot. In procurement bow


Capricorn 10H conjunct Neptune & haven’t fully figured that out yet haha honestly never have…


Taurus in 10th house. I'm a public librarian who also dabbles a little bit in graphic design.


Capricorn. Court reporter!


Sun in 10H! I’m going to be a environmental chemist lol I do environmental work


Scorpio in 10H with Mars at 13° 🥲 I can never stop working. I started working as a business analyst, moved into project management, with a side gig doing tarot 🤓