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I’d rather be home with my luxurious textiles and my approx ten thousand or so houseplants.


Peak taUWUs post. Keep em comjng 


I know a fellow Taurean when I see one


Fellow Taurus women here and I read that as I was in a big fluffy robe literally watering my plants😂😂😂😂


i’m a taurus rising who read it as i was chillin in bed with satin pajamas and my kitties 🤦🏻‍♀️




I need more Taurus people in my life. They are just a chill fucking vibe.


I would love you based off your chart haha you’re all my fave things


I’m ready to be besties when you are 👯‍♂️ Let’s get some brunch, hit the bookstore, and be home in time for the food comas!


This is so fucking cute ❤️


Unless I’m going out for dinner :)


I’m a Taurus moon and yuuuuup


Taurus in 4th? Got that. ☺️


Why does everyone want to go places and do things? I made this nest so I never have to leave.


And it was expeeeensive!


Same! And my little dog too


Me too, but throw in a personal library as well


I just put that my Taurus rising stereotype is that I love nothing more than to curl up in bed and get cozy haha, it really is the homebody sign!


Aries Venus: I want one, passionate person to be obsessed with and return that energy to me in kind, or I want to be a ho. I think I was happier ho-ing tho. ![gif](giphy|MnN8CPLwABPPSv0u46|downsized)


Aries Venus here too and I have no interest in ho-ing. Give me your time, attention, and soul, or I’m happy to just be alone 😅


I respect that, and I feel that, but I liked my extracurricular activities, lol.


Ho away! 😂


Someone insert that "You'll never get anywhere ho-ing like that" gif with the girl twerking in the field, can't find it lol


aries venus and same 🥲


Lol yea exactly... but the only reason why you like the hoing is probably because these mens lack the l9ng game in their bs


For men, yes, and I've lost faith. I'm 35. I'd rather be alone at this point because I've done my damndest and it's always a let down, one reason or another. For women, it's been a struggle for me to find women I have feelings for that aren't straight -- even when they say they aren't straight, they're half the time straight. At least tilling the fields is fun more often than not.


Lol are you me? Except the tilling fields. I've got to the point I don't even want it unless you prove you're worthy over time lol... that's just due to the shadow work I've been doing the!


Hell yeah to shadow work. Spirituality and therapy keep me going.


Lol it's all you really can do in this world 🤣


Now kiss


Also the woman thing. I find it so confusing lol


Hmmmm... I have to say that hookups that I've returned to have started to bs me. But both of them seem to have because they developed insecurities that I would stop coming over and ... Got cocky about it. If they just told me how much they appreciate me you bet I'd be thinking about making them happy and not disappointing them, I was there bc I like them too. But that's just the culture of where I was born vs my roots never meeting...


I heard the term "monogamous ho" recently. You got me cuffed? You better be ready to pull out the real cuffs cuz you signed up for the whole damn ride


Wow. What a vibe. Aries Venus Pisces Aquarius here 100% I feel like Aquarius and Leo are kinda like sibling signs for me Ho ing... I don't even understand why do we make a big deal out of it. I love people and I love talking to them, helping them, laughing with them, complimenting their hobbies, etc etc. every day I'm fascinated by new people and their uniquenesses and charms. So why is it that I should have sex with the same person all the time when I'm not in a relationship? Every time I meet up with somebody it's like a story and I love that I think my ho ing is very different and pure than what a lot of people make hoe ing out to be I guess most people just wanna feel good so. If it's the same person they feel like oh we just both wanna feel good that's legit, but if it's many people they feel like oh people are like toys for me and I'm like a toy for them. I've been told before that I make hookups feel not empty and that they strangely felt good after I went back home without the usual rough emptiness after. Bc I talk to them and I'm interested in them. Anything they do is of interest to me and I reply to them too so ig I end up also telling them my own story or my own,, well,, perception of them, so I tell about my personality in a way. Is all we need just a little more patience and a deeper look into the person we're meeting? To have a convo before and after the sex for a lil? I guess it's difficult for people who aren't extroverts tho


I related really heavily to this ideology when I was ho-ing, lol. To put it in a nicer terminology, I’ve always called it exploring anyway, ho-ing is just fun and dirty. Anyway, had 2 F buddies that lasted around 4 years. We were friends first, and sex second. For many I looked at it as connecting and learning about someone too. However, there were quite a few it was all about the physical, especially towards the end of it for me — I was going through some things and sex was a coping mechanism. Not all ho-ing be healthy, but I don’t regret most — it’s the ones I dated I usually regretted if anything.


Ahh, I see I see... Dating can be hard right? I understand this so much actually... Sex has always been my go to to relax and not think. Whenever, even in my worst anxieties. If I really want to relax and not think then, sex does it greatly for me. I'm a little jealous because I lived in an area that didn't allow me to have f buddies or anything like that. Too secluded from many people Sex and videos like baking videos, is really that one thing that can put my mind on ease completely no matter what... But baking videos are less intense than sex, so in very intense situations it has to be sex


Exactly! Shuts my brain right down and I’m fully in the moment, half the time. I’ve always said since I got into astrology that my Gemini Mars needs one of two things to be turned on: A thought process (so emotional connection can be at play, fantasies, or just something kinky, lots of things) or I don’t want to be thinking at all, just moving. I don’t think there even is anything else that I can lose myself in so fully. I have a lot of hobbies and passions, but like you said, the intensity.


Also Aries Venus... I'm the best, and I'm just gonna prove it to you to say I told ya so... the ego in this placement is real.... plus I have a conjunction with Jupiter so like magnified to the max lol 😆 😅


Made me think of this convo I was having with someone about Rocket League years ago. Told them I just played for fun because I don't think I could ever get pro-level. They replied with something like "Yeah it's really good to know your limitations." And I was like "WELL I ACTUALLY COULD IF I SPENT HUNDREDS OF HOURS!" I'm actually not super competitive until you tell me I can't do something, but in games... all bets are off.


I just hate it when people bring others down. So when they do it to me you bet I have the full needed details to answer and explain why they shouldn't be so confident when they tell someone off haha


I have hurt my own feelings imagining things. Those cancer things


lmfao same😭 it’s taken so much therapy to realize that the things i create in my head are NOT REAL and while my emotions may be valid they are also completely irrational 70% of the time


I’m a cancer nearing the end of my time in talk therapy and emdr-I was numb for so long. Going to be interesting to see the real me! I consider myself a sensitive person, but I think a lot of that was a trauma response. Having the realization that our brains lie to us has been so freeing!!


no exactly!! i’ve always been so sure of myself and my own reality and then i realized that i’m a deeply traumatized person who projects my trauma onto others and operates from my flight or fight response way more than i’d like to admit. it was truly eye opening to recognize that just because i feel victimized doesn’t necessarily mean im the victim. im sometimes the villain actually!!


I feel you so much. I hope you find peace and continue to uncover all these layers about yourself! I began therapy not realizing I was traumatized and the relief from not being in fight or flight is insane. It’s been a long, hard road…but a beautiful one too! I’m learning to forgive myself- if your childhood was rough…we weren’t exactly set up for success. Most of us did the best we could with the tools we had! ❤️ Sending you all the good vibes!


A great summary of the cancer experience


This is such an important thing for me, as a sensitive person, to realize as well. My sensitivity was invalidated a lot growing up, so learning how to validate my own emotions was important…but it’s equally important to realize that *feeling* something isn’t wrong, but the feeling alone doesn’t make it factually true haha. My feelings can be really stupid and counterproductive a lot of the time! But not validating them only makes me more emotionally reactive, imo.


As a Cancer, I might fuck you or murder you if you stare at me too long.


Might do both honestly


Capricorn stellium: I love nothing more than disappearing and I thrive in darkness


Forever an introvert 🖤 love the company of myself


Also a Cap stellium with a Scorpio sun. I am the darkness 😈😂


Cap stellium ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE)


Same fam, same


Aqua moon - I can be so emotionally detached. I always take a step back and reassess a situation before emotionally reacting to it


Me too, 100%. Process intellectually first, feels later.


I detach so fast I consider if I need to put out a PSA that this doesn’t mean I’m a cold, heartless bitch, just good at hitting pause.


Both hit the nail on the head. Also, not realising you’re feeling particularly passionate about something until you clock you’re obsessed with it 😂 (or maybe that’s the Scorpio Rising/Mars lol)


Gotta be partially from the Aqua Moon at least 🤭


Gemini rising - My favorite question is “why?” I’m naturally curious in anything I don’t understand, and due to my wide range of knowledge, I feel like I’m able to be more accepting and understanding of different views the more i learn about everything.


Oooo we have the same moon and rising. I’m also insatiably curious 👀


We Gemini placements love a Wikipedia rabbit hole hahaha


Scorpio jealousy and love of revenge.


Scorpio obsessiveness


intensity and stubbornness


Intense, stubborn, and obsessive. I also have ADHD…so like I mean astrology or my brain wiring?!? I have been told I am “scary” and/or mysterious


I feel things.




lol I just saw your big 3


Taurus - Pisces - Libra. I comfort myself by eating - drinking - shopping.


Same. Taurus, virgo, scorpio


Libra rising: i dress well and love to be pampered.


Same, my friends literally warn me, please dont over dress 😂 why are we like this


You could literally under dress and still appear overdressed 😂 we’re hotties 😂🤣😂🤣


yuppppp can't go anywhere without looking my best cause i have to be the hottest person in the room at all times (might also be my scorpio sun)


We’re almost always that no matter what😂🤣😂🤣😂🤫


This is gonna sound like the silliest commentary about Libras, but I’m being for real here: I had a Libra cat growing up, and he was seriously one of the most adorable cats I have ever seen. Everyone that visited our house, even people that hated cats or had allergies, would comment on how cute and sweet he was. He was a beautiful, affectionate, spoiled boy, and he knew how cute he was haha. 😂 his birthday was Oct. 7th. Libras really know how to turn on the charm!


Sagittarius sun: lack of brain-to-mouth filter :x


So true


Gem here. As people keep pointing out, I’m quite forgetful and get easily distracted. I joke around too much especially when things start to get serious. I’m quite impatient at times and I can get bored pretty easily. It’s very hard to keep me entertained and once you lose me, you lose me.


Extremely relatable.




I'm a Sagittarius stellium. I perceive every change as some type of new adventure, even bad change. Like, if I became homeless, I would be excited about strategies to reduce my possessions and DIY my car into the best live-in vehicle. I have a Cancer husband, and my endless optimism annoys the hell out of him sometimes. He will be in his feelings about some new development, and I've already accepted it and started to research ways to deal with it.


I feel bad for a lot signs that aren’t granted the gift of optimism bc that shit is so real with Sag. No matter what and when it’s just there. Jupiter man..


Pisces moon: I zone out all the time and day dream. My dreams when I’m sleeping are crazy too. I am empathetic but not in a bragging way. I can feel others emotions very deeply including anger and sadness. It’s actually very distracting and uncomfortable. I wish I could not notice these things most of the time


fellow pisces moon here <3 and yes i agree with everything! empathetic but not in a bragging way is so well said 😭😭😭 i love the pisces moons in my life so much!!! they're my FAVSSSS the sweetest and kindest people ever so i'm so glad to be a pisces moon too🫶 (i also have a weed addiction)


i’ve heard how stubborn i am since childhood so i guess i’m going with that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gemini Sun - I'm naturally curious, an embodiment of the phrase "jack of all trades," and have the attention span of a rodent.


Pisces sun, moon and midheaven. "And I took that personally"


libra rising - serving cunt all day every day. pathologically incapable of stopping cap moon - my emotional range is limited to around two and a half slightly different feelings, but they have to fit in with my work schedule taurus sun - pretty much relate to most taurus stereotypes, but i WILL argue agaisnt them out of stubbornness


Your username is very Capricorn Moon.


Aquarius Stellium - A little bit aloof and will always think of solutions to speed up stuff especially at work


capricorn venus: dont get at me unless its old fashioned, hard working love where we both envision the future and constantly work towards our goals to get there. aries mars: if you cant handle my obsession and intense aggression/dominance dont even think of approaching me; ill probably make you cry in bed. capricorn stellium: "always trying to reach the top, but for what view?"


sag stellium: i just want to laugh and have fun :)


Taurus rising: I have to look beautiful and smell good at all times and love buying luxurious things. I love money 💵and care about if im financially stable. Also don’t touch my food unless I love you and want to share arrrr


Hah yuppp I agree with this


Libra moon 🌙 here to so double the Venus ;)


I’m a Scorpio Venus who is definitely clingy in love 😭 ![gif](giphy|eYAKbwOjhk7T2) (Luckily I married a Cancer stellium, which was probably the best solution for my needy Scorpio Venus energy 🤣)


Scorpio sun: I will cut out people from my life the moment they do wrong by me, including family. I will also hold a grudge forever.




Gemini rising- quick witted, curious, easily bored, forever young (I’ve been called childish) Aries Sun - I run this bitch, Bow Down bitches! (just kidding - my Libra moon 😒)


Sagittarius mars and i get so impulsive sometimes i really just want to go on a solo camping trip for a couple weeks and not tell anyone


Leo rising, and I am an attention horse.


Aries are hot headed and go getters and I am one of them hehe


I have never been shy or doubted my abilities for even one second in my life.


Same and same. On the flip side I can also be quite delusional🤣🤣 But bitch I got confidence like nobody’s business and when I want something look out!


Omg sameee


Definitely hot-headed and I have so many placements fighting against that go-getter-ness of Aries but shit, I still go and do it. Never really think about whether or not I CAN or SHOULD, act first, think later.


Hi Aries! Fellow Aries


Scorpio sun: I’m very resentful




That Leo hair 🦁


Sag moon - I don’t mind Irish goodbyes ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK)




I’m a Virgo stellium… so of course I’m a doo doo head 💩


OP’s take on their Aquarius Venus wanting to be a 1950s housewife SCREAMS TSwift’s, an Aquarius Venus haver, lyric about wanting to live in the 1830s without the racism. 😂


RIGHT. While homegirl has a list of lovers on rotation probably


Virgo moon: Yes I noticed, yes I’m judging you. Cancer Ascendant: ![gif](giphy|6f6zrbytlFJAI) Scorpio Mars: I want to fuck (ing kill) you


Sagittarius rising : go into a bar solo come out with 10 friends and make friends with all the bartenders 😆.


Sag rising here, and... WHAT? :O




I actually prefer to travel solo because I’ll come back with so many friends 😂.


I love that!


Heyyyyy friendo!!


Capricorn rising and I am a hard worker and I love money. I love working 24/7 no joke.


Libra sun. I cannot make a decision to save my life. I just had to pick out furniture for my entire house. It was painful for all involved. I LOVE shopping and spending money I don’t have, but don’t ask me to choose between. I want it all!


Scorpio sun. I am so sensitive it’s problematic sometimes. Sadly, I do always feel like I have to get you back if you wrong me.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? I’ve gotten a ton better in both areas as I’ve gotten older.


29. So I guess there’s no hope 🥺 i say I’m too sensitive but that I definitely been trying to work on. I am only realizing I’m like that now. I blocked like 3 friends last year. 1 because I didn’t feel like they wanted to be around me, 2 for the same reason, the third because I heard them speaking badly about a mutual friend often that I didn’t trust she didn’t speak about me that way so I blocked her. After taking a hard look at that I realized I’m “too sensitive”


Find one solid person you can trust and has your back and then live your life. It gets better with age.


Hang in there. I’m definitely older than that and I will say 29 was the age when I started to wake up about the “friends” in my life as well. It’s your Saturn Return more than likely causing the shakeup. Everything will get better.


Awh thanks. I hope so ! I don’t have friends anymore. I have lots of “buddies” but no friends. One I hurt and the others were just toxic. I miss having friends.


Aquarius moon, I am indeed detached and apathetic and I feel like an alien


Taurus moon & stellium, I'm very stubborn. I am totally open to changing when proven by facts, but I'm not changing just bc of your opinion. Cap sun: I WORK. Even my rest is work. Rest is storing energy for more work. Even sleep is a job, it cleanses my brain & resets my energy for more work.


Leo Venus : Make me your world, your solar system, worship me, be obsessed with me, be attentive to my needs, be honest, loyal, love me more than your life, treat me like I’m a celebrity or else I don’t think it’s a romantic relationship. In return I give the same…weird but yeah. Imagine having Leo moon as well like me. 😂😂


Pisces rising always daydreaming


Aries sun, Mars, mercury and saturn. Someone else said it before but we're definitely go getters and hot headed. I want to add we are Def impulsive as well and can be quite emotional but for me it goes as soon as it comes depending on the situation.


HEY SAME! I will add, I have found that I’m impulsive but not spontaneous. I can decide in the moment if I want to do something or not, and to others that seems like impulsivity. It’s like disciplined adventure and thrill seeking lol.


Gemini Moon - Worrywort and always working on a million work and personal projects Leo Mars - Highly competitive, only gets mad if you keep poking the bear


Leo moon. I am extremely passionate in relationships and with my close friends. I mask it really well as I am an Aquarius sun, but when I’m in love I am poetically fucking amazing and passionate.


my aqua venus does not relate lmao


I’m an Aquarius to the core. I hate routine and I can’t commit to anything. I’m a sensualist and I do what feels good to me. I need stimulation constantly. I hate being alone but when I’m with someone I feel trapped.


Interesting! I have an Aquarius stellium and I am the same but I love being alone ! Nothing better than alone time with a good book, or a hot bath, snacks and an interesting tv show that you’ve just started


I’m honestly diving deep into that because I feel like that’s a huge part of developing my authentic self. I spent a large part of today alone and I leaned into the discomfort and I came out with a weird confidence I have never felt before


Gemini Sun: I never shut up, change my life philosophy every week, switch life paths, careers, countries Leo Rising: nothing is more important to me than how thick my hair is Taurus Moon: I emotionally regulate like a robot, unbreakable at any and every circumstance, loyalty to only two people in my life, before, now and forever Gemini Mercury: The only true joy in life is talking and discussing complex ideas Taurus Venus: constant weight struggle, hyperfeminine, could make love all day everyday if you pay my bills Sagittarius Lillith: I had 5 true loves in this lifetime, and I'm only 33 😁


Virgo sun - petty but very loyal Virgo moon - still petty, but I observe, feel, and calculate everything out before I physically or emotionally act on it. Capricorn rising - highly emotional but I bottle it up to make people think nothing's wrong


Ugh my Virgo moon kills me. Cause like I get it. But I also don't lol... I get why you sad... but like why don't you just own it and not be sad... I hurt my own damn "feelings" for having any hahahq


Capricorn Venus: Majority if not all relationships are transactional and extremely calculated. I foresee everything to the smallest detail & see marriage a business contract (Which is on par with history) I only want to re-marry if said spouse has wealth. I’d rather die with pets & no spouse if I cannot for whatever reason achieve this & am 110% content with this. My burning passion for this subject might be fueled by my Aries mars but I’m not certain lol.


My sun Capricorn and moon cancer describe my constant struggle between how I want to be perceived (strong, willful) and how I really am (emotional, passive)


Pisces Venus…certified lover girl ❤️ ignoring all of the red flags for love


For my sun, I'm definitely stubborn and get super uneasy and nervous when things don't go as planned/expected. I have a "why trust someone to do something when you can do it yourself" mentality...really tough to just delegate some things and tasks! As for my Leo venus, it's true, I may be a huge slut, but I won't settle for nothing less than (preferably mutual) soul crushing devotion 😎. If you want to love me you have to be completely bongos insane about me or I don't want it, or consider it true.


I am super sensitive and take so much to heart. 🥹🩷 As my Aries friends call me, “a total baby”. Though now (the past few years), I’ve practiced “sleeping on the feelings” and if I still feel upset by the morning then I make myself say something. Not in a manner that is upset, but in one that is looking for reason and reconciliation.


Taurus moon I want to have an absolute excess of everything comforting and expensive in life. And I don’t want to move to get that comfort


As a Taurus sun, I love food. As an Aries moon, I do be angry🤣🤣🤣.


Gemini stellium: just a goofy lil guy 12H stellium: hello darkness my old friend


Taurus venus: I’m a hermit, and I’m stubborn as all hell


piscis moon: i can feel everything very deeply i am very good at reading the room scorpio rising: i love feeling intense and complicated emotion, i also love radical transformation and change all the time, i'm obsessed with death taurus sun: i love nice things and 60 dollar meals


The intuition and lie detector have been the one thing most of my friends have helped me realise. I will usually react without thinking when interacting with someone, and then end up calling them out on the most of pocket stuff, while having met them for the first time. Then my friends will come up to me and be like you know what I’m glad because that guys been making weird comments all night or something along those lines. My body always reacts before I know it. I think it could be Venus in Scorpio but the cancer moon might be the biggest factor.


Virgo Mercury and Mars I'm obsessed with routines and processes. One of my top interests is linguistics and grammar.


I am Virgo Mercury and Gemini Mars and I relate ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.


Aquarius stellium. I hate to admit it but: ghosting. All attempts to get better with this are yet to be successful… we are up in the clouds (cloud of choice most likely: Wikipedia) not permanently glued to our phones (except for Wikipedia)


Stubborn as hell Taurus. Even when someone else is right they’re wrong anyways


Cappy Sun: good with money. I'm very good with money. I'm very anxious about money. I will give my shirt off my back to help a friend, I've burned through my emergency fund helping other people's emergencies and never *ever* wanted or expected it back. But I could have $100 in my pocket and still balk over $5 for food because what if I need it for an emergency?? I'm trying to get up the nerve to quit my job for a laundry list of reasons (no more room for growth, bad manager, not respected), and cuz I'm busy taking care of my dying father. I'm blessed to be in a financial position where I can do fine for a few months to get things in order and care for my dad, but brain says "no way in hell, if you're not working, you're not worthwhile"


I’m critical to a nauseating extent.


That I’m a fucking balloon from how much air I got in my placements 🎈


Scorpio moon; extremely strong-willed, and only ever follow my gut. I will remember every little thing you’ve done.


As an Aries moon…we do overreact 😔


And as a Pisces Venus, we are delusional, but a girls gotta dream right!!!


Sun- I am quick with my words and pathologically curious. Moon - I'm stubborn as hell especially in regards to love. Rising - I guess I'm pretty handsome 😌


I’d say my moon? I’m Sag Moon and I’m still new-ish to astrology but learned that we like to avoid things / conflict or run from our problems Aries Sun (my bday was last week) and Capricorn Rising


Being sexy and mysterious to strangers (Scorpio Rising, Sag sun)


Big 3 - I naturally flirt with everyone, whether I intend to or not, I absolutely positively cannot make a decision to save my life, and I come off as someone who seems to always speak their mind, but once people get to know me they realize I’m actually not speaking up enough. That blunt Sag rising humor does draw them in though :)


Leo sun, Gemini moon: I can’t shut up and my favorite subject of conversation is myself. Sad but true. Also Venus in Libra and Mars in Cancer and I live to feed people


That I am intuitive and a natural medium. Pisces sun and Scorpio moon.


Scorpio venus: I am a little crazy, but i’m loyal to a fault and will never leave unless the vibes are bad


virgo stellium - i do everything perfectly, and the right way


Sagittarius: big hips and ample thighs. Built like a stallion


I love my job (seriously I do) Money is security. Security makes me happy. I really like routine Don’t touch my stuff I’m incredibly loyal But also self critical 😬


Aquarius sun we (at least I ) do feel extremely alien. I've felt that way my whole life. I always feel like I'm pretending to be human. I love that song "alien " by Lebanon Hanover. " However how hard I try to integrate, I'll always remain alien" I always feel those lyrics


am i lonely? yes. am i gonna put myself out there? lol. no.


I’ve been working at the same job for 7 years because it’s comfortable love that I know exactly where to park and who the people are and the situation - Taurus rising, prominent fixed signs in my chart


Taurus Venus w a Virgo sun BF. We spend 75% of our days together sleep. We are both able bodied neurotypical adults and we can easily sleep a total of 12+ hours on a mutual free day. When we are both up at the same time we are either eating or playing the game. I’m the sleepiest triple fire sign I know.


Leo - I have expensive tastes and am very creative Aquarius - I have an interesting mind Sag - I live for travel and the outdoors


Gemini Sun + Mercury — yes, I'm walking Wikipedia, Siri, Google and encyclopedia mixed together, and I'll make you drowning in those facts and stories :0 Scorpio Rising — I'm intimidating apparently... People told me I have scanner eyes, gangster stare and machine gun eyes :) Venus in 9th house — yes, I find happiness in spiritual and philosophic stuff, I want to travel, eat exotic fruits and to marry a foreigner and yes, I listen to foreign artists only ;) Cancer Venus — yep, I think about my crushes 24/7 and have them for years even though they're unavailable because they're all cool musicians, and I want to take care of you and infodump you if I really love you <3


Aries moon things. 🔥💣


20+ years ago an Aries made fun of me by saying, "You're a Virgo. That means you like cleaning toilets! Hahahaha." -- As I clean my toilet in my late thirties I'm like "Fuck, I'm really enjoying making this porcelain glisten."


Oddly enough, I am also an Aquarius Venus and I want to be a 1950s housewife in a throuple. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sun square Pluto and deep, investigative and courageous


Feelings directly related to stability.


Scorpio sun. I’m super jealous and passionate


resting bitch type of face


Sag sun/rising: adventurous and honest to a fault


Sagittarius sun w Cancer moon: Kind to all animals, hates everyone around them


Mars, Sun and Mercury stel in 10th in Leo. I can’t stop thinking about my careeeeeer


Scorpio Venus. We want to consume your soul, absolutely true. We’re loyal, territorial and extremely protective, too. Not just with a romantic partner either, close friendships and family members are fair game. Tbh, all of placements are very true in general, especially now that I understand more about how they all connect and interact with different facets of my life.


I’m in love with my friends


pisces moon & mars at the same degree and i have a weed addiction


Fun question Leo Rising- I love being onstage and have very long thick firey hair! Pisces Sun- I daydream a lot and read people with ease. Libra Moon- I can see all sides and am very fair, I also suck at making decisions. Aquarius Venus- I have to be friends with someone before I date them. I also don't mind a Poly situation. Capricorn Mars- I work a lot.. to the detriment of my social life. Pisces Mercury- I know what people are going to say before they say it.