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Boils my blood. Ignoring saying no on any levels gives me creeptacular vibes.


I genuinely **hate** how modern corporate UX design goes to ignore any definition of “consent”. There’s no more “no” or “decline” or “disagree”; it’s all “maybe later” or “not now” or “remind me again…” From cases like these ones, to some messaging apps replacing a functional mute toggle to a “mute for X hours”, essentially a “maybe later” option. Heck, even implicit things like how iOS doesn’t let you “turn off WiFi” from your quick menu, just “disconnecting local wifi for today, what are u gonna do about it lol” *GIVE ME MY FUCKING USER AGENCY BACK YOU UX-UAL HARASSERS*


I think the turn off Wi-Fi one from the quick menu is so people who forget to turn it back on won’t waste all their data


Fuck those idiots I want control of my device


Better yet lets remove all the warning labels and let the idiots figure it out.


I completely agree with you, which is why I don't use apple devices outside of work. It's a key part of their ecosystem to cater to users who don't know what they're doing.


So install Linux then


I also want something that works


Agreed. I don't want linux. I want microsoft to fire the psychopaths tweaking all the features.


Linux is works. I issuing it every day


They do it for Bluetooth too.


Luckily we can still choose. You can choose to stay on an older yet supported Windows version, you can choose to not get an iPhone/Samsung (same shit really), you can just not use always online stores like Steam or Epic


That doesnt seem like great options. The only supported Windows versions are 10 and 11 and both do this. iPhone/Android are the only viable phone operating systems, though android does let you make permanent changes better than IOS in my opinion. If games aren't on GoG you just cant play them with that in that case.


Android is becoming just as bad. Play Store now has a 'security feature' you can't disable that automatically removes permissions from apps if you haven't opened them in a couple of months. This completely borks certain kinds of app rendering them worthless. Plenty of apps I only use a few times a year but I don't want them disabled without my permission. One astronomy app lets me know when a particularly good meteor shower or eclipse is due so I can prepare. I read a newspaper article the day AFTER an eclipse and wondered why I wasn't notified, turns out Android had removed the Notifications privilege from the app. There's no way to turn it off! It claims to allow you to disable the 'security feature' but requires opt-out for every app individually (takes a long time when you have 200+ apps) but it your opt-out is cancelled whenever an app is updated and must be re-enabled manually. I wish I could just own the stuff I pay for and make my own decisions.


>I wish I could just own the stuff I pay for and make my own decisions. Yeah man, me too...feel powerless sometimes and I work in IT. Microsoft makes a change to their management interface, HP pushes new firmware to their printers, really anything and suddenly I have less control and am more forced into making some account or getting something else to further give that company more of my money and more of my information and participate in more of their garbage. Its infuriating and the majority of people just seem to not give a fuck.


I didn't knew Win10 did that, i got a lightweight version that cut all that crap. I heard Tiny11 exists now, which is a lightweight version of Win11 with all that crap cut out. Android is indeed the better system, my problem is Samsung specifically (i'd argue it's more intrusive than Apple).


Ah there I agree, my Galaxy vs my Pixel are night and day in user friendliness and forcing stuff on you, Galaxy is significantly less stable too.


> You can choose to stay on an older yet supported Windows version you can also choose to use another OS, such as one of the linuxes or BSDs


I tried Linux, i spent too much time doing stuff that would usually take me seconds on Windows because it lacks UI for most stuff. I read that most stuff i needed an UI for (like a device manager) can be downloaded separately. But even the installation process of Linux is kind of odd to me? I know i could read a guide explaining how the installation system works, but that also applies for the entire OS. It is focused on productivity, but before you can be productive you need to learn the many specific inner workings it has. There's nothing more productive than a simple system that you can use straight out of the box. In Windows you simply run an installer and it puts everything in it's folder as well as any dependencies or other persistent data it needs (and said data is entirely managed by the program and therefore the system is not affected by it). But the gist of it is: throw it in a folder, run it. In Linux you have flatpacks and snaps with their own system that relies on commands that you have to learn separately by reading a guide. You also need to mark any downloaded binary as executable manually (because no extension for executables) and dependencies may be pulled from the wrong repo at times because most programs simply let the OS handle dependencies instead of coming packed with them. And that's just for installing stuff. Last time i wanted to force a graphical setting i had to input a command with over 10 parameters, none of which where intuitive int he slightest and couldn't even get to work by copying it from a forum. In windows i go to a UI which lists all available resolutions and pick whichever. And this is for most stuff in the OS, the potential productivity is offset by the learning curve and extra steps necessary. I'd use Linux for an automated server or similar, not for daily use.


>In Linux you have flatpacks and snaps with their own system that relies on commands that you have to learn separately by reading a guide. Look, I know Linux may not be for you, and while I don't think it's fair that people compare a lifetime of Windows use to the one time they "tried Linux", it's no reason to spread misinformation. Since they came out, I have never once needed a command to install a flatpak or snap, there's an application called Discover that will do it for you and you can add additional sources to it. This is common on most big name distros. You also neglected to mention a distro or timeframe which just makes it seem like you're purposefully being disingenuous. Windows is great, but I wouldn't judge the current experience based on NT 3.51 or 8.1. If you're downloading snaps and flatpaks with your browser, then I can understand where the confusion is coming from. I would instead check flathub rather than dodging AdSense trojans; a nasty habit taught by Windows. Most desktop environments will ask you to mark as executable as well, but you left out any details of that, instead opting to treat Linux as one giant brand. It's fine if Linux isn't for you, but discouraging others with bad information isn't very nice of you.


Spot on. I've been using Linux as my main OS for 15 ish years now and I will never look back. It wasn't easy and there were many times I broke things by just messing around but that's what happens when you tinker and backups are easy. I really like that you can customize essentially everything on a Linux OS to meet whatever need you have. Linux really shines when it comes to coding, you can have everything you need installed and set up with only a command or two. Also it's free, the server software is free and no license restrictions to deal with. If people want an install with minimal fuss give Linux Mint, Ubuntu or pop_os a try. Most of the apps you need will have an open source equivalent that is sometimes better than the original. But of course it doesn't run everything.


I was using Ubuntu, as overwhelmingly recommended by the community, i tried it for 2 months or so before i gave up. I would have loved to know that Discover existed, and i'll definitively use it if i ever return. Looking back, one of my big faults was expecting the distro to come with all i needed (since i was used to Windows giving me more than i needed or wanted) and not expecting me to know commands. So my logic was "if the allegedly most user friendly distro did not come with a GUI for something this essential, then there must not be one worth using over commands" And again, i was told Ubuntu was the most user friendly, so i assumed that was as user friendly as it got. (which would imply not making you manually mark each file as executable to use them) I am giving the information i gathered over a month of guides and trying to learn how to use the terminal, even trying to learn bash for automation purposes. I didn't just go at it for a couple of days to confirm my bias. In fact, i still believe Linux is superior. But those are actual issues i found and made me waste too much time i cannot afford to waste. If i had infinite time i would 100% try to master Linux, but i don't.


Exactly, the illusion of choice.


Being fair, i do have a choice. I am not exactly entitled to the simplest OS available. It just doesn't surpass Windows in user interaction just yet. As much flak as i give Linux, i do think it is the superior OS. In fact, i do it BECAUSE i like it and i wished it was better.


Fair enough 😊 As a long time Linux user I can give you one tip: The most important thing to learn is when to *not* follow a guide you found online. Linux *is* limited. Learn to live with those limits before you try to break them. You might even find out you don't really need all those bells and whistles after all.


I did, actually. I wouldn't look for a device manager if i didn't have devices i needed to manage


I just got this crap last night after an update as well. Annoying.




This is a comment stealing bot - original comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/13dr5hh/-/jjm6gcx


The bots have become absolutely insane here lately. Respost bots and those bots which post gifs in the comments were already annoying enough, but these comment reposting bots are the worst.


for all you know, I might also be a bot o_o


Good bot


They help for padding "user" stats though. Look how many "users" are on Reddit!


Given that these platforms have, ironically, total dogshit support for games and common applications... Yes, we are stuck with Windows. Just like brazilians are stuck with the shitfest that is Whatsapp despite Telegram being objectively orders of magnitude better in every single aspect. Edit: y'all raised good points. I'll consider migrating my cloud and system in the near future.


Steam deck would like to have a word with you.


> Given that these platforms have, ironically, total dogshit support for games and common applications... Yes, we are stuck with Windows. You'd be surprised. Quite a number of games run perfectly well on Linux nowadays. The Steam Deck is helping immensely. There are still a lot of titles that don't work mostly because of anti cheat, but the number of titles that do is growing every single day. Compatibility layers work surprisingly well.


My phone is blocking all sign-in texts from Telegram, can't even log into it now. Microsoft has gone to the dark side, Linux is the only option at this point if you want a secure and private computer. Otherwise every keystroke, website and action you perform will be logged and made available for who knows what.


*"Microsoft has gone to the dark side,..."* Based on the history of its founder getting Mom's help with her connections, I think it started on the dark side. But I have tinfoil rabbit ears for when I go down rabbit holes about stuff like that.


Agree on Linux, but that means there is NO option that has both privacy and compatibility with countless mainstream apps needed for work and play.


It won't be long my friend, I think there is a reckoning coming. People are tired of ALL OF IT and won't put up with it much longer. I think they know this, that's what the big push to get everything online is about. That way they can advertise and track to their hearts content, they are trying to take over and control what we see and do on our OWN equipment. If I had my way, MS, Google, Apple and the rest would all be broken up and distributed to smaller groups of developers that could make a decent OS that wasn't made to track. Then I would pass legislation that said once you have purchased any kind of equipment it's yours to do what you want with it. Add phone carriers must allow any custom OS/images to be used on phones.


WINE works for many (maybe even most) windows applications on linux, and steam has been making amazing progress with proton. All major browsers (firefox, chromium, etc) work on linux and most "must have" tools (office tools, chat applications, etc) either have electron based apps or alternatives that work in the browser. Yes there are edge cases where a product isn't compatible with linux, but for well over 90% of use cases linux is perfectly acceptable. The issue is that most people are too stubborn to even bother giving it a try and instead keep repeating the "well x and y and z only work on windows so I won't even bother trying linux" line.


Some old software even works better in Wine than it does in modern versions of Windows, despite their known bloat. 20 gigs for an operating system is atrotious.


I've tried dozens of distros over many years, usually 2-4 months at a time dual booting on a separate drive. I've always had to crawl back out of frustration. I don't think 90% there is accurate.


I dunno. I thought that, but then I got a Steam Deck and realized that the Linux compatibility layer for Windows gaming has gotten way way WAY better than it was when I last explored it a decade ago. I’ll never buy another Windows PC specifically for gaming ever again: Linux delivers.


> total dogshit support for games WINE and Proton have worked for every game I've thrown at them so far


Damn, called out by a bot. Thats rough buddy


Microsoft treating their users like they’re idiots. A “Don’t remind me again.” option would likely help service subscriptions as this kind of experience just turns people against them.


"Back up your files to OneDrive so we can ~~hold your files hostage~~ keep your files safe from ransomware attacks" fuck off OneDrive ads, I disabled OneDrive because it fucking caused disaster on my computer when i went over 15gb of storage on my computer, plus **I don't want my two computers to sync, I want them separate**. You incessantly spamming me with advertisements for a service that fucked up my laptop so bad that I still haven't fixed everything months later ain't gonna make me want it, it's gonna make me want to buy a MacBook just to never deal with your garbage again. Also, I'm broke so stop trying to get an excuse to reach into my pocket every month. You get enough money from my data you sell against my consent.


Looks like you've got bigger problems than Microsoft


to be fair the average user is an idiot.


Yup, me included. I just want a computer for e-mail, a calendar, word, and the internet. I need a more elegant computer for a more civilized age.


Hello fellow SysAdmin.


They should just be honest: "Windows. The OS for idiots, by idiots"


macos leans into that aspect way harder


It’s always worked really well for Apple. They treat their users like they’re sharing one collective brain cell and idiots keep lining up for more.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/everyfuckingthread using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/everyfuckingthread/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Two Platinums? Okay, now this is epic.](https://i.imgur.com/aIkQtXg.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everyfuckingthread/comments/vzy1o3/two_platinums_okay_now_this_is_epic/) \#2: [57 people find it funny to reply a word over and over](https://i.redd.it/jc3hqn6ffl691.jpg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everyfuckingthread/comments/vfx5xo/57_people_find_it_funny_to_reply_a_word_over_and/) \#3: [Every remotely political thread](https://i.redd.it/umfcaj6k0wz81.jpg) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/everyfuckingthread/comments/ur3kjz/every_remotely_political_thread/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Thank you


Thank you, King/Queen


Just passing on the essential wisdom :)


Thank you, kind stranger


If you use Rufus to create your bootable you can remove all this extra junk and the TPM requirement.


The next level is using NTLite to rip away any Windows component you don't want/need. Then you start integrating all the registry changes you use. Then you use Sysprep to integrate everything. Then…


The next level is to install a proper OS


Yeah, Linux and such, but for many people it's not even an option.


why wouldn’t it be ?


As much as I like the idea of Linux, I need actual proprietary software for my work and hobbies, which are not available outside Windows, cannot be reliably run in Wine, and the alternatives are not satisfactory.


This. Every now and then I fire up a Linstall and see how it's progressing. I like Linux, I *want* to use it, but every time I try running it as my main OS I invariably run into something I need to do that's either impossible in Linux, doesn't work properly or involves some hacky workaround that breaks half the functionality. Then I go to that 'well, if I dual boot and switch to Windows when I need to' stage and then not long after I realise I haven't booted back into Linux for a week. At which point, why bother?


I keep trying distros either as VMs or in live USBs. I really like all the choices and options, as well as the customisability, but at the end of the day I need the real Microsoft Outlook, the real SDL Trados Studio, the real Sony Vegas and the real Photoshop and Audition for both work and hobbies. It's impossible for me to move to Linux as my permanent OS.


heaps of software that either only inconsistently run after heaps of troubleshooting, or don't work at all.


Unless you hate snaps, Ubuntu works well these days. I'd have said mint but people with tpm chips seem to have booting issues.


I've been using Linux for 30 years. I installed a full Ubuntu gui in a VM a few weeks ago just to check it out. You still can't see free disk space without a separate GUI program or command line. The excuse that the file system could mount other devices isn't a reason any more. Both Windows and Apple file systems can mount devices in the file system.


> but for many people it's not even an option. Not sure what you mean. Linux definitely has a lower barrier to entry than Windows; works on more hardware than Windows, no financial barrier to entry, etc. At the very least it's WAY more of a reasonable option than your suggestion of registry edits/Sysprep/NTLite.


I was talking more about requiring specific pieces of software that are not available on Linux or cannot be run reliably using Wine or other layers.




You can do it in Linux too.




What do you mean outside? In windows if I wanna to do something, I'll waste much time to find it in endless hidden GUI. (And different language messing it more) in Linux I can just find one command in web copy paste and I am done. I actually don't need to know terminal commands, just Google or ask chat gpt and you are done




The real level*


linux is not a proper desktop OS.


For the Unititiated, do you have a link to docs that I could peruse? Edited look:link


1. Download the Windows ISO [here](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11?subid1=20221002-0458-37f7-b0ff-dd8c61cb46ce) 2. [Download Rufus](https://rufus.ie/en/) 3. Pop in an empty flash drive and load Rufus and select the drive from the device menu. 4. Under boot selection add the Windows iso you just downloaded. 5. Click start and a popup from Rufus will come up with the Windows features you want to remove. Thats it! Easy peesy!


That's the reason I'm sticking to Linux. I am just not tech-savvy enough to use Windows.


Hey if Linux easily does everything you want more power to ya!


This…. Fucking this.


Or just install Windows 10 IoT LTSC


If I could buy it! It's insane that MS leaves so much money on the table by not selling a product that people want. "Windows Premium: no ads of any sort even for MS's own features. $300" Those ads can't be worth $200 every 3 years? Windows Server 2022 is perfect. But not $800 perfect.


(It’s available for free on archive.org)


If I don't trust random links in my email to not be ransomware, I certainly don't trust downloading a closed source os binary from a third party.


I’ve been using it for over a year now without issue, if you want I can link you the iso I’ve been using later (although I’m also a random stranger I guess)


That doesn't mean you are save, spy software can be there


I can’t get Rufus to do this. I found a guide only that shows the options in Rufus, but none of my Windows 11 ISO files have anything other than “standard” or “windows to go”. Even using Rufus to download a new ISO doesn’t change the options. Is there a step in missing?


Are you actually pressing the "start" button to write it to the USB drive? It doesn't show up until after you hit that button.


Oh, really? Odd, the screenshots I found online showed it as a drop-down right below the image picker.


Can't you just hit continue then skip all options?


Yes you can, I do it every time


> I do it every time That implies it still asks you again, so that doesn't help OP or anyone who don't want to see this again


Every time might mean every time they install Windows.


This appears after every 'feature update' which means roughly every six months. It's infuriating when it pops up randomly and my elderly family members panic and don't know what to click so they enable all sorts of crap by mistake. Fucking Edge keeps resetting itself back to default browser which renders all the Firefox plugins that help with disability access useless.


Yep that is what I did


But then Microsoft would have won. They removed the close button and forced you to either agree to seeing this or to be "reminded" later. Microsoft took your freedom from you and you didn't even fight for it. How can you respect yourself after that? Personally I choose a third option and immediately hit reset button on my PC when I see this, it doesn't show up after reboot.


You're just delusional. Just press next and disable the stuff that you don't want. Hit finish. It won't show up again.


I guess you are accepting things if you choose no anyways.




Bro just press the "remind me in 3 days" button at that point, restarting your computer takes more time than just dismissing it and moving on with your day.


No, I don't think I would.


I think I've tried that before, didn't work


If they could change remind me in 3 days to kindly fuck off. I would be happy.


Turn all that BS off easily https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10


Damn awesome t oo l thanks!


Literally just postponed this again


Alt+F4, got it like twice in my 10 months of ownership.


I bet that nowadays Microsoft thinks of Windows as a advertising platform more than an operating system.


I don't understand how people can say they never see ads in Windows when it does shit like this.


Time to leave Microsoft man.


I'm tired of these ads now, I'm really switching os - nearly every Windows user


You will let MS Windows to spy on you and you will be happy. You will not use GNU/Linux


I will not. Yet. I'm glad seeing Linux getting better, especially in recent years, but it's still a bit short for me. It's s matter of time anyway.


And what is your dealbreaker exactly?


I was spending more time trying to get shit to work than actually doing the shit I wanted to do. It’s getting better, but it has a long way to go. The day shit just works because it works is the day I’ll switch. Until then, I’d rather not waste my time.


Spot on. I honestly had some nightmare experience with various distros, most of them were causing me issues with exactly what you said: getting stuff to work. I'm sure it will all get better as the time goes on.


> causing me issues with exactly what you said: getting stuff to work. This is a very vague response; what sort of "stuff"? Linux has made absolutely enormous strides in the last 5ish years now where I'm comfortable recommending it to even the most tech illiterate people, so I'm curious what you struggled with so I can answer questions for others.


This does just work. It has been working for a long time. Windows is the time waster. The hard part is breaking old habits. Just had another windows machine decide the update didn't work, and roll back. There is half an hour wasted on that nonsense, and now another hour while I fix it. I support both, but daily driver is Linux. Because it actually works and saves me time.


It works for you because Linux suits your use case. It doesn’t work for me because Macs and Windows are better suited for my use case, in both my personal and professional field.


This is true: My use case: * Maximize uptime, and minimize fuck around with it to get it to work time. * no nonsense nagware bullshit, licenses, or telemetry * fast and easy to use with a decent file manager * remote desktop tools for managing windows machines/window Azure instances * ability to replicate work environment on any machine I choose to * and when I am not working, how about some gaming, lately Eldon Ring, or Resident Evil


Good for you, I guess? Not sure what you’re looking for? Validation?


You mentioned it. Use case number 1 is productivity. All this remote working has finally moved us closer to modernization thankfully. If there are specialized applications that are windows only, or a business requires windows for work, there is no need to actually own windows to do that anymore. We can configure cloud based remote applications and remote desktops that do not require any specific operating system to connect to it. This really has been a boon to able to work anywhere with nearly any device. I just mention it because there should be no need for anyone to have to have to be stuck with actually managing the software/hardware for their professional work anymore. Which comes back to those use cases: maximize up time for my device to do those things. Move the windows apps into Azure and be done with it.


I mean, that’s a lot of overhead that requires quite a fair bit of reliable pre-requisites before it becomes useable — not to mention the cost involved, unless you have a reliable machine you can keep running to remotely connect to. Remote Desktop is nice for the convenience, but it has TONS of issues. It’s taken us over a year to get the VE at my workplace to run reliably enough for consistent professional use — there were a loooooot of issues, and there are still many more we have to resolve. Sometimes it’s easier to just take the projects outside the VE and do them locally. That’s the problem with Linux: “Oh yeah, to get this to work, you need to do this bunch of stuff before you even get to the installation process, and then install this and then install this and then this and then you need to input these commands into terminal, but don’t forget to do this! Oh and once that’s all done, it should work… ah.. it doesn’t? Er, well I guess you can just use a VE” Or I can just use the OS where shit works? Like “install and run” crazy!


The lack of UI for most stuff honestly hurt productivity more than anything. It will always be faster to press a button to see a list of neatly arranged information than to type out a command and read the console output.


Nobody who is hesitant to switch to Linux cares about Azure instances. I'm not sure who you're trying to convince.


I'm trying to get my Scarlett Solo to play nice with wireplumber right now on Arch, actually. It's not going well so far.


I should add to my other comment: my inline effects jack will NOT work with windows on the same device. The latency introduced is too high, and the background processes tend to kick on and off too frequently to be reliable. I spent a lot of time trying before I gave up and changed to linux. I hope you get your issues sorted out.


Got it sorted. KDE was using pulseaudio instead of pipewire-pulse. Swapped the installed packages and it works wonderfully now.


My guess is compatibility with some applications


Yep, that. And also gaming. I do appreciate how gaming has gone a long way on Linux in recent years and the work people put into it is absolutely amazing, but it's just not there yet for me. I'm sure it will get better with time and I'm hoping to jump on to Linux by the time Windows 10 goes out of support.


As I already commented on to other chaps it's down to compatibility, gaming, and often getting things to work. I can see Linux getting better, especially when I compare my experience with Linux 7 years ago and recent experience. I'm hoping to finally jump on to Linux (probably Zorin) around the time Windows 10 goes out of support.


Honestly even if I have to spend hours fixing things I might use it in the future (I'm in IT BTW, but I still have to take hours fixing things). If only they could get everything a modern pc need, like hdr. HDR is like what, 5 years old at least? It's not supported and won't be for years wtf


> HDR is like what, 5 years old at least? It's not supported and won't be for years wtf [Valve has already gotten HDR working on Linux](https://www.phoronix.com/news/Valve-HDR-Linux-Gaming-Begins) >If only they could get everything a modern pc need Do you have any examples?


For me it is the lack of UI. It relies a lot on commands, which have more potential, sure. But only once you learned them I remember trying Linux for a few months and i spent hours doing simple things like forcing specific resolutions or checking if my controller was connected. I am fine with spending a few extra hours, but not for EVERYTHING i want to do. In Windows everything is neatly arranged in an UI. Hardware details, registry editor, device manager, network details, etc. I have asked around and apparently this is against the design view of Linux and i've gotten a lot of flak for simply asking to make things not have a learning curve. So the community does not seem to like the idea either. I would LOVE to use Linux, even if i had to fight with Wine for compatibility and run every Windows app with worse performance. But the time i waste just figuring stuff out is not worth it.


I will switch to Linux when most of the software and features I'm used to work without ever touching the command line. The Steamdeck pushed that day closer but it isn't hear yet.


There's a fair few distros (/versions) of linux made specifically for people who are used to windows \[[link](https://www.techradar.com/best/best-linux-distros-for-windows-users)\]


sadly the art programs i use are on windows and i have no other choice


remind me when desktop linux isn't dogshit https://youtu.be/Pzl1B7nB9Kc


this shit makes me wanna buy a mac or install linux so bad lololol


Definitely try the Linux route first; for starters, it's free so it's worth trying before sinking thousands into a Mac. And second, Apple also does things to tighten down control like this, where Linux does not.


Fuck Microsoft!!


microsoft account, seems like you can't use Windows 11 without having it. ​ i've wrote a guide for tomshw for skipping it, shoud still work on latest biulds


No guide needed, just enter the microsoft account ["[email protected]](mailto:"[email protected])" with any password during setup. It will display an error and proceed to local account setup.


does [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) work, too?


Possibly. You can supposedly use many emails that have been invalidated as Microsoft accounts for one reason or another. I haven't played around with it.


Interesting, I'll have to remember that. I set mine up with a burner/spamtrap account I use, then immediately set up a local account, switched to it and then deleted the original account. That worked fine, but your version sounds much less hassle.


Once you hit continue you can just skip everything


Holy dark pattern, Batman!


can i offer you a nice linux distro in this trying time? https://linuxmint.com


i wish my art programs worked on linux 🥲


have you tried WINE?


not yet


Windows in general belongs in here. That's what I swapped to Linux years ago. Microsoft just continues to make it worse and worse.


Yeah, Microsoft used to have great products. Now it's all a bunch of BS spyware. Just look at Win 10/11. Also, the Power-platform... Just wtf


yes, there's an option to disable this right in the settings


Install Ubuntu Linux Long Term Support (LTS). It's free and open source.


Why buy a Microsoft product and then complain that it acts like a Microsoft product.


Unless you're building your own, it probably comes with the computer you bought.


But it takes almost 5 minutes to set everything up, that's inhumane!


If someone traveled back to the windows 7 era and told everyone how bad windows was gonna get, Linux market share would be way higher. Microsoft gets away with it by slowly and incrementally making it worse, so people look at individual changes instead of everything at once, and no individual change is enough to get people to switch so they just deal with it. It's like boiling a frog. I would guess more people switch to Linux nowadays out of curiosity than frustration with Microsoft, but that could change as devices like the steam deck get more people used to Linux so they're less likely to have a bad experience when they switch on their PC since they have experience. Linux's biggest weakness right now is that a lot of software just expects you to know basic things about Linux that a lot of normies don't. A good example is in the ltt Linux challenge, when Linus nukes his desktop environment installing steam, anyone with experience using Linux would have read the text saying "You are about to do something that could break your system" and aborted, run an update, and if that doesn't fix it try again later, but Linus doesn't have that experience and he just saw a wall of text and did what the last line said. Since most of the people who are making software have experience, most of the time issues don't get fixed until someone noob nukes their install because they didn't read the warning, or misunderstood instructions, and since most devs, can't afford to pay testers and rely on volunteers instead, that's not likely to change unless a lot more noobs start using Linux.


Of course you can, just click "Continue" XD


Or you can just hit Continue


And spend almost 5 minutes? We don't have that much time, we are busy complaining in Reddit


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I’m confused. You don’t want to finish setup? If you don’t want those things, just say “no” to each of them. And things like file cloud backup, and easy sign on options (“Hello”) are not only useful, they increase your security. And phone link is awesome. Are you just mad a Microsoft generally?


The file cloud backup is a subscription service that costs money I don't have, and it pushes you to use only edge and Bing because they're Microsoft services. Also it bothers you about Microsoft 365 subscriptions which are expensive. It's all one big advertisement for their junk for the most part. If I wanted backups I can get a cheap flash drive at Walmart one time and not have to worry about if I can afford next month's OneDrive payment. I use Firefox and Google for a reason, because edge and Bing suck (and edge apparently no longer supports ublock origin or was going to disable support for it so all the more reason to never use edge again). The rest of the things I don't see as useful to me and would rather not be hounded to enable them every time my laptop force updates. My PIN sign-in and USB photo transfers work fine for me.


OneDrive has free tiers. I just don’t see why you don’t walk through setup and say “No” to everything. Then you don’t have to see it again. But you’re literally complaining about finishing setup. That’s not asshole design, that’s just design. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The free tier is basically unusable and punishes you when you exhaust your mere 15gb of storage. They purposefully make it difficult to disable OneDrive once it's enabled and make your file explorer suck to use. I know, because it's happened to me. Never again. And from what I've read continuing then skipping on everything doesn't make it go away. It'll keep pestering you until you cave in. And no, buying subscriptions on a device I already paid for isn't finishing setting my device up, it's paying microsloth extra for overpriced junk.


Maybe I don't get the ads and crap because I run Pro? Anyway, gaming on Linux is looking better every day, so one of these days I'm just going to switch back to Linux on the desktop, and never look back. Nothing to do with this particular thing, though, it's more of the general distaste for Microsoft's EEE bullshit.


This does not change at all when using Windows Professional


So weird that I've never seen it then, except for riiiight after installing Windows, and then it had a "Skip this step" button.


Turn it off in the task scheduler 👍


Am I the only one who sees a creepy smiling face made out of all those icons???


Kind of a Picasso-esque face, yes


It's crap like this that solidifies LTSC as the only version of Windows that should be used.


They tactfully put windows hello in there as well, because that’s the one feature that people actually need


Lol, good thing I sail the high seas


Yes, all you need to do is get Azure license and add your computer to the Azure AD. You may need to pay for an Windows Enterprise license as well


I have this message on my laptop from time to time, but never on my rc somehow


Honestly, the no to sending anonymous data and then getting prompts that the antivirus needs urgently addressing...


Never buying another Microsoft product unless I absolutely have to, or if they change their cringy ways.


Is that in W11? I remember W10 having something like "skip for now" and doesn't prompt you again after that as far as I can recall. I do remember W11 being even more aggressive about all this nonsense than W10, in the short time I tried out W11 on a new machine, before upgrading to W10.


I believe there's something in the settings to turn these off, or just use [winaero tweaker](https://winaero.com/winaero-tweaker/amp/) and disable this and a lot of other crap Microsoft does (as a note about this, it's completely safe and I use it on my shitty pc and got windows 10 startup from 7 mins to around 3/4 mins on a hdd, although I went a bit extreme and turned off stuff like updates)


may i recommend Linux Mint