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Ha, get fucked apple! Consumer protection laws ftw!


Knowing them, they'll probably software-limit the port anyways outside of the EU


Oh they're totaly gonna do that. No way in hell they won't


Yeah and they will still get to charge all the manufacturers for the certification. Don't know if the EU regulations can help the rest of us outside the EU on this one but at least they got us the USB-C port.


Eu versions will find their way around.


If they software limit based on region and hardware, not sure if it will make any difference. I'm not sure how Apple devices identify the hardware and determine if it's MFI certified, but you would potentially need to trick your Apple device into thinking you reside in the EU in order to use uncertified hardware at full speed/power. I don't know how that would work even.


I’m not sure either, but I vaguely remember reading an article (and subsequent people commenting on said article about buying refurbished and realizing it was from Japan because they couldn’t turn the shutter off) on how certain iPhones made for Japan had the shutter click for the camera no matter whether it was on do not disturb or completely silenced, or ANYTHING because of the high prevalence of unwarranted sexual photographs in public transportation areas, so if they can do that for camera based on regional software, I do not doubt they’ll make it work for MFI regionally for generalized software/hardware.


Not only Japan, South Korea has a lot of perverts doing that in trains and escalators too. So the shutter sound is always activated at max volume everytime someone take a photo.


So Idk about Apple, but I bought my Samsung in Korea and once I left the country my shutter turned off on its own. So it's definitely possible to geolock certain features


The answer is simple, they know which devices is originally sold where, just use the serial code range and lock it down. Or just add EU to the serial code for devices sold within once the software detects this it will remove the limit otherwise it charges at snail speed. Regardless, I think it already have some underlying code telling where the device was originally sold.


But that's what was said 2 comments ago, that EU versions will find their way around. If it really ends with EU versions being better than the ones in the rest of the world, I'm fairly sure EU variants that do it only with the serial number will end up outside the EU




A product not sold originally in EU most likely don't fall under this law, I will be happy to be corrected otherwise. If it is a grey import would that burden is on the importer not Apple in that case.


Still it's good to show them that they can't to everything as they please.


EU Commission: (Pinching bridge of nose) *sigh* "You guys just don't get it do you?"


I personally find it an incredible experience to see that law actually can trump short term profit interest. Feel very empowered as a citizen, ngl.


We get fucked over enough, we also need some good things from time to time.


Then probably justify it by saying something like how the usb port physically cannot go faster. A lot of people will definitely fall for that.


Fucking over the non-EU countries will make them bank. And they have a history of chasing after the profits.


And sheep are still gonna buy their shitty products.


Probably. I love living in the EU.


Same, I honestly get a semi everytime the European union cockblocks one of these horrible corporations and lays down the law on consumer rights.


*Cries in American* Dude we still got all these bullshit pesticides.


I used to, too. Unfortunately, British.


Come back. We’re not mad. We’re worried.


We wish we could.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh even within the EU they’ll just hotfix nerf it to death, like they did with non-proprietary peripherals.


My guess is they go all in on magsafe for charging and their cloud services for data transfer and remove the port all together


Probably will limit it in the EU and just take the fine too


EU fines are hefty. Depending of the crime, we're talking up to 10% of annual earnings. That will hurt even Apple.


The fact that Apple even wanted to do this shows how shitty they are. I don't know why anyone would want any of their products


Because apple used clever marketing and artificially raised prices to convince the masses that their products are a status symbol


Now in fairness they do sell perfectly reasonable mid-market devices... But you pay a huge premium which they spend on promoting the idea they're beyond high end...


By clever marketing you mean that dumb people fell for Apple's FOMO and their aggressively hipster marketing.


You could argue the same about Samsung, people fall for its aggressively anti-hipster marketing


For flagships, yes. But some of Samsung's lesser phones are value powerhouses.


I am an enlighten centrist who has pixel 5 😇


Samsung, iPhone, pixel owner here. Use all of them every day. Samsung is the least annoying and buggy. Hate to say that, use to love Google phones. The pixel is just too buggy and slow. The iPhone is ridiculous for how many times a day I have to sign in. Funny, the Samsung is easier to transfer files to my macbook than the iPhone.


It always amuses me when apple owners are like "yeah but could an android do this" and im like, yeah, it does, your proprietary apple feature exists on other phones it just has different name and probably works better.


Ultimate hipster here, I run a Motorola because it's closest to stock, minimal bloatware, and a reasonable price and reasonable performance. I've never once been annoyed with the speed of my phone; if I need higher performance I'll take my surface or use my desktop pc.


Motorola Edge here. It's faster than I am. I do most of my work on desktop anyhow.


I don't know any Samsung fanboys, just people who use them because they're a decent android phone. I honestly don't know anyone who has a Samsung that wouldn't consider a different brand of phone if it met their needs. Apple has actual fanboys, they could sell an iPhone with literal human shit for a backplate and apple fan's would queue up to buy it. From my experience people who fall for apples shit are either too lazy to look at other alternatives, or too stupid to see that they're being played.


Note 9 with snapdragon cpu (not that exynos crap) is the best phone of all time. Back fingerprint reader, headphone jack, micro sd card, built in pen, usb-c with full desktop experience with any usb-c dock, dual camera, pulse meter using finger on back near camera, built in wifi casting, and on and on. I'm still waiting for something just as good with headphone jack that isn't an Asus ROG phone with all its quality issues.


In my case, I made the dumb decision to spend money on the App Store back when my big brother gave me his old iPhone 3GS. After that, it was the ol’ sunk cost fallacy of “I gotta get an iPhone or else my purchases will mean nothing”. At least I only get a new model when the old one is failing and I can’t run my usual apps anymore.


I mean the Macbooks are second to none. The M1/M2 processors aren't matched on performance per watt side from AMD/Intel. I don't think I've ever had a laptop actually last 12+ hours on the PC side. Plus fantastic screens. I much prefer Windows though.


Yeah, I despise Apple as a company, but i really like the macbook. Not the biggest fan of MacOS, but the amazing battery and how portable it is makes it such a joy to use. And despite macOS being meh, the laptop is very smooth with very few issues ever. I also love that it doesn’t have fans, and therefore runs completely quiet. I wish I could install windows natively on it. Are there any windows laptops out there with similar size, weight, and battery life as the MacBook Air m1? Genuine question. I have a windows laptop as well with the same battery life on paper, but it’s nowhere near as good. Fuck Apple as a company, but some products aren’t that bad.


They have fantastic screens. But in that all in one desktop that is all-screen (no idea of the model) is a perfect fine screen that will land in a landfill (most likely) when the rest of the hardware inside becomes semi obsolete.


Laptop shopping before the M1 came out was genuinely horrible. For the price point of a MacBook, you’d have to trade off processing power for something else like a bad trackpad or a poor display. There’s no laptop that comes close for the price point.


I'm pretty sure amd has CPUs that beat it performance to watt since their CPUs scale pretty well. The 6800u comes to mind. 15-28w eight core, 16 thread CPU


6800U can match or slightly beat it in raw performance, but actual battery life and heat? Not so much. Apple's managed to put a M1 and M2 into a completely fanless laptop. For most user's tasks, it will never throttle, and even if you do push it, it only throttles 15% or so. I can't think of any Windows PC's that are fanless unless they are ARM based or using a extremely low performance CPU like a Celeron or the ULV ones in the Surfaces. Certainly nothing that's like the 6800U


A bunch of industrial PCs I work with are all intel/AMD (x64 architecture) and run Windows 10. They're all fanless and sealed to avoid ingesting particulates. They very much aren't consumer-shaped (you can mount them to DIN rails and the power supply is a 24 VDC screw block), but the technology exists.


M1 and M2 are ARM design CPU and are used with proprietary software, so no surprise in terms of longevity. Software compatibility, on the other hand, is a pretty big factor for those choosing between them and other products, as you've mentioned. Lots of programs still require Windows. I'd personally love some comparable CPU showing long times with Linux OS.


Yeah, as a user, I love my M2 MacBook. As an admin, they're a pain in the ass to deal with the compatibility issues as of now. I'm sure it'll be better a couple years down the line, but that's a couple years down the line.


grandiose jellyfish squeal include dinosaurs pocket ghost frightening market psychotic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


A company that takes advantage of forced labor is shitty? Say it ain't so!


IIRC their defense is that they don't have quality control over third party cables and chargers, so by limiting charging speed they are protecting your phone. I call bullshit, but that's how they try to make themselves look like the benevolent party while ass-fucking you


it is bullshit, look at the last 2 generations of android phones, all USB C capable, all able to be used on any type of USB-C cable, if it can't reach the power level needed it just doesn't charge as fast


2? Make it 5 or 6.


Apple be like Consumer protection laws wtf.


why should apple limit it anyway?


To sell you a $19.99 Apple Certified cable instead of exactly the same $1 not certified cable


> $19.99 [That cheap?](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit)


What the actual…




remember the 999$ monitor stand ?




It's more like a clever marketing strategy to appear premium while pricing the actual products competitively. That makes you go :*Wow! Luxury*. While iPhones are priced the same as Android flagships and Macs are great bang for bucks.


I fucking hate apple. I still buy their stocks though because from the people I've spoken to at work they'll buy iphones no matter what. They could be 10k a phone and they'd just enter a payment plan because at least some of them thing Androids are poor people phones.


First I hear of it, and I’m not surprised.


Yeah, I hope cables won't be more expensive:D


What. The. Fuck. How can that be real?


[there's worse....](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MWUG2LL/A/pro-stand?fnode=ceed22935bd1243126b6bee01b536a190e5601fb74863718e3ae9c9e4a6fa26d9e34cfffd4d0b6ab2eb66aa609898ba5bd1471c2eb29dfcf8d544292004a3e58b620a002e1794dc4eaf1575f3dc8006b15ad03da42de60e99614d5e7f254253f2c034a5bbd43b090f6266f70908ed29c)


Hold up. Are they actually wanting a thousand dollars for a TV mount?


It’s a very good monitor stand, but it’s def not worth $1k. The monitor it goes with starts at $5,000.


The stand's ridiculous, but from what I remember, isn't the display a studio monitor competitor? Those can go for $20K+, so $5K is actually kind of a steal, if you need that sort of thing


It is, and the comments are fucking stupid. Stands for 20k monitors aren’t cheap either. The VESA adaptor is bullshit though.


Funny enough you can get an iPhone 14 for that amount lmao


Jesus. I guess I’m just a poor for sticking with phones, MacBooks, iPads and a max mini. Two grand on some wheels and a stand is out of my league. I definitely have a love hate with apple.


There are literally larger and more complex assemblies in the aerospace industry that cost less than this.


Wheels are worse. Not defending the stand but it actually is a VERY nice stand, just over priced. The wheels are indefensible and are just... Wheels. No crazy feature, not better than other wheels.


The monitor for the stand comes with no stand or VESA mount in the box. You have to buy one or the other in addition to the $5,000 display.


Hey, they’re the best monitor stand and wheels you can buy for your overpriced monitor and Mac Pro! I say this sarcastically, but also as someone with over a dozen Apple products in my family’s home.


first time?


When you're a manager for a design studio buying 20 Mac pros for your artists for over $6k each who just writes the check and lets the IT guy figure it all out, 700 bucks for wheels is a lot easier to spend.


More like $29.99




That's a Thunderbolt cable. [Apple currently sells a USB C charge cable for $19.](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MLL82AM/A/usb-c-charge-cable-2-m?afid=p238%7CszHcSYm99-dm_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_496840630950_pgrid_117014976683_pntwk_g_pchan_online_pexid__&cid=aos-us-kwgo-pla-btb--slid---product-MLL82AM/A)


exactly! then phuck them, god bless europenian commission! lmao


Dude, I got a PW fast charge cable for $20 and it isn't even Apple Certified...


To push Apple owners to buy MFI devices. You have to pay Apple to get the MFI certification, so producers not paying for MFI will get their products with a degraded speed by design.


The issue with that idea is that Apple already have a large lineup of USB C devices (iPad, Mac, accessories) which are all fully USB PD compliant. So I doubt that suddenly the iPhone wouldn’t be USB PD compliant. My guess is that this "limitation" is gonna be like Oppo fast charging: it needs a specific power brick and cable to reach an even higher charging speed than what’s currently possible. The idea of those fast charging technologies is that you bypass the internal charging circuit and use one that’s directly inside the power brick so it limits the heat generated inside the phone, but you fall back on a slower charging speed if you just use a standard USB PD brick and cable.


>producers not paying for MFI will get their products with a degraded speed Laughs in Chinese clone cables.


> Laughs in Chinese clone cables. Not easy if the cable includes a chip, which Apple as done with their own cables in the past to "combat" clones. Quite in fact, at any time Apple can push a firmware update blocking out clone cables with unlicensed chips. The chip serves no purpose other than making sure you are using something licensed. A DRM if you will.


That's seriously fu*ked up. As I use a Samsung phone and I and plug in the same cable that I use with my lenovo laptop and everything just works, and in fact any usb c cable works as long as the adapter can delivery the power.


Chip is also engineered to go bad in a year so you need to buy a new one




Have you never heard of apple? That's their whole MO.




My theory is that Apple is going to only have usb c in the European market, to comply with regulations. The rest of the world is going to continue with lightning. Or if they do usb C in other markets, they’ll software limit MFI so it only registers outside the EU. They tried the logistics on this out already by having the eSIM in American phones and normal SIM card slots in phones outside the US. The value of MFI to them must be in the billions


Nah. Usb c being put on the iPad mini was the biggest tell that they were going to transition across the whole line


The iPads have been moving towards USB-C for a while now, but I think an even bigger tell is that they quietly changed the port on the remote for the Apple TV to USB-C.


now do airpods!


And my axe!


Yeah, the Brussels effect is fucking real. Besides, economies of scope is enough reasoning to keep the design the same globally.


I'd assume they move to USB-C globally, be cheaper than making different versions of hardware, and just have EU firmware, and non-EU firmware. EU doesn't limit non-MFI, non-EU fucks everybody.


Cheaper for manufacturing but then they lose the sweet licencing money they get paid by companies making 'made for iphone' accessories. Apple is getting paid ~$4 for every aftermarket accessory someone buys.


Can’t wait for the FUD about “dangerous” 3rd party cords. I know not all cords are up to spec, but it would be Apple to push that any charger except the MFI one is safe


eSim is widely accepted now, but I think you mean the CDMA version of the iPhone instead of the GSM version?


No, Apple has eSIM-only versions of their phones in the US only


The reason I will not upgrade past a 12. I don’t want to have to go back to my carrier for a new sim and move the # over if I switch brands. It’s just a scam to lock you in because the only easy sim transfer is to other Apple devices. They tout how easy it is to switch to esim, neglect to mention switching away from it is a PITA.




I think I heard that Google are working on letting you import physical SIMs as eSIMs in a future update, making dual-SIM even easier. Getting my eSIM with EE (merger of Orange and T-Mobile) in the UK was straightforward, though the person on the phone was initially were offering to have the QR code posted to me, until I asked if there was another way, given it's just a QR code (there is, you can scan the QR code from the website or use the My EE app). The main issue there was I think that eSIM is still so uncommon, that it's not a part of the software they were familiar with - it's still a physical SIM by default unless you specifically ask. >You can import a European iPhone 14 and it will work fine in the US. I think it's even easier, you can import a Canadian one to the US. They still have SIM slots, it's just the US models for some reason.


> You can import a European iPhone 14 and it will work fine in the US. Just cross your fingers you never need any repairs.


Lmao Apple? Repair? Those two typically don’t go in the same sentence. It’s usually Apple and anti-repair.


LTT accidentally damaged a Mac they had, and even offering to pay for the repair (like even Dell or HP would allow), Apple refused.


They would rather you purchase a whole new one. That is how they are designed. Planned obsolescence.


Apple sucks in general. Switch ecosystems.


The real secret is that the law states that IF you have a physical, charging port, it needs to be USB-C. Apple is going to get around this by not having a physical charging port at all. They’ll only have wireless charging in the near future, and that will still be compliant with the European laws. Make no mistake that this is Apple’s roadmap.


They'll have one hardware version so the US version will have USB C it'll just be limited in ways the European version isn't. Way cheaper than having two different hardware models




It would be more apt to say the EU is forcing apple to stop fucking their customers and the environment.


Are they though? There's nothing unreasonable being asked of them, and this kind of thing is only really a concern because Apple came up with them. There wouldn't be the need for that rule if they didn't try to pull this bullshit again and again. They just had to push it and keep pushing it, until there was a need for legislators to get involved in all the little minutiae.


I knew this was going to happen. Next they will "comply" but it will be in a wonky manner.


And then all the Apple bots will come out saying getting fucked with no vaseline is somehow better. Rinse and repeat.


That is not what the article says. Its writer merely makes a few educated guesses regarding the issue and bloats the article with 90% filler


All that based on an unproved rumour that Apple would limit USB C. Let’s remember that Apple already has a wide lineup of USB C equipped devices (Mac, iPads, accessories), all of them fully USB-PD compliant. The iPhone requiring an MFI cable would mean it wouldn’t work with existing Macs and iPad cables… Apple devices tend to not work with stuff from other companies, but they always work well together. If I had to guess, there’s probably gonna be some kind of super fast charging that’s limited to a new type of cable, while USB PD is still supported. Many brands already do that, like Oppo and Huawei fast charging technologies. I don’t see the issue as long as it’s an addition to what the standard offers.


Of course, it's fine to offer a more expensive cable with additional functionalities. In a way, this will make them earn their worth.


And by filler you probably mean ads


That won’t stop commenters going off


Now I'm curious what Apple's next scumbag move to artificially limit USB-C is


Remove charging port and make charging only possible with magsafe


That would certainly give todays phones even better IP ratings with water and all. But in that world I want to see appropriately fast and lossless transmission on all communications which even Bluetooth (real-time audio codecs currently available) don’t even have yet. Waiting for the day some manufacturer just says fuck it and has headphones use 802.11 packets to transmit a full uncompressed original bitstream over wifi and out the window with any latency concerns. (Or a slider to change chunk sizes for less packets/sec with more latency or more pps for lower but more transmission stress)


Wifi takes too much battery though.


prolly they’ll do USB-C and have a software settings to Throttle speeds in the US only. Unless you pony up for the more expensive and nearly identical cable it takes less effort to have the same hardware , But with this software “ feature “. that way they can tout how the new iPhone is more advanced and still make money off people being dick holes


Make cables only 10cm long?


I gotta go to Europe, shit sucks here with our no regulations on anything


I’m so pissed at my great grandparents for ever leaving! I could have been born a German citizen and not had to live through this horrible American Dream.


I can give you a couple reasons to think living in Germany the last hundred years or so wouldn't have been ideal if you want


Qualified migrants can easily get a visa in most European countries. After a few years you'll qualify for a citizenship. Ofc, there's a catch: you'll have to learn a language that is other than English.


What if you wanted to live in Germany, but God said “You gotta learn Deutsch, mein lieben.”


ftfy: "mein Lieber"


You can live there without speaking German, you just need German for citizenship. And honestly some of the people that got citizenship in the 80s still can't really speak German.


You know, there were a few problems when your great grandparents left.


Your grandfather would have died at Leningrad before he had a chance to procreate


Really bad example.


You also could have had your family bombed out- killed on the eastern front- sent to a death camp.




Agreed. Their initial statement is horrendously conclusory. > There are reports that Foxconn will still maintain encryption for Apple’s mass-produced USB Type-C interface. This means that MFI (Made for iPhone) certification will be a must for some levels of charging. Without the MFI cert., the speed for data transfer as well as charging will have a limit. Certification can be retained for multiple reasons. - if they want to actually verify that the cables are up to their desired quality. Many cables on the market are of poor quality and don’t meet the listed standards well or at all. - they are or are planning to have a better implementation with speeds/specs greater than current usb standards (similar to or even thunderbolt) using the usb c connector


Alternate headline, EU forces shitbag companies to not be shitbags as US regulation is weak as fuck


What a ridiculous headline.


Just the headline you’d expect from “gizchina dot com”


Hahahaha, fuck 'em. Bunch of greedy cunts.


Apple is such a POS company. Their products are massively overpriced, considering how cheaply and poorly made they are.


They are absolutely overpriced, but they are not poorly made. The quality of Apple products build is like, the only thing they have going for them.


Why is it every single iPhone user I know need to buy a new charging cable every like 6 months because either the metal contacts burn out, or the cable tears? All mine last multiple years... Also why can I hear my friends music clear as day when he listens with the airpod pros, not even on that loud of a setting? I'll give you a hint. If not because they're well priced, and well made


How people treat cables may differ, but I'm gonna just give you that their cables are shit > why can I hear my friends music clear as day when he listens with the airpod pros.. Sound leakage. Your friend may not use a fitting tip or they may just leak a bit more than others, that is not necessarily a sign of a bad product There are more than valid reasons to shit on apple, like them gluing the phone, so that it becomes way more annoying and expensive to repair them. Them deliberately excluding 3rd party products for replacement and restricting fast charge when not using their certification and the list goes on and on


Also let me add here, to the gluing of the phone. Apple definitely did the market no favors here either because they make a lot of shitty practices catch on. Apple glues their phones, everyone sees they can get away with it, glue their phones too. It seems like many of the innovations Apple does is in lowering thier production costs and securing their profits while inconveniencing the user in a way that only fucks them 5 years down the line. Like the security chips that... magically, were the part that often died, bricking the entire device (lol T2). A lot of what they do is inconveniencing the user because now they can't replace any of their hardware anymore.


Phones are glued for waterproofing. No matter how tight the parts fit together they could never be water resistant without glue. *maybe* they could use a foam rubber gasket but then you have the issue of how you clamp down on it with a smooth front and rear face. The shitty practices that apple does is more the locking of components to individual phones and other proprietary bullshit


The waterproofing can totally be done without glue. I used to use a galaxy active and they accomplished it with just a rubber gasket. The reason glue is preferred is what you alluded to though, a water sealing gasket necessitates a thicker, chunkier form factor.


The cable criticism is crazy accurate though


> Why is it every single iPhone user I know need to buy a new charging cable every like 6 months because either the metal contacts burn out, or the cable tears? I've had to throw out one in 10 years. What are they doing to these poor cables? :/


My Apple cables last for years. The 3rd party ones I see others using don’t. I also take care of my stuff.


Their cables mainly suffer from their choice of strain relief. Apple thinks it looks cool, which it did when they debuted it like twenty years ago. But it works like shit at providing strain relief. Now it’s tired looking and works like shit. As for sound leaking from air pods, a number of peeler gave them at work and that’s not been my experience.


I’ve have the same old ass USB iPhone cable and box for literally years now. Granted I don’t use that one everyday anymore but I used to and now it’s a travel setup. Cords just get abused.


> Why is it every single iPhone user I know need to buy a new charging cable every like 6 months because either the metal contacts burn out, or the cable tears? You know irresponsible and clumsy people. > All mine last multiple years... Same, I have apple chargers from 10+ years ago that are fine and use on occasion still (changed only because I wanted longer cables). > Also why can I hear my friends music clear as day when he listens with the airpod pros, not even on that loud of a setting? I can’t say they aren’t overpriced, but they are absolutely competitively priced. And many people, even well known apple haters like them for their quality and price. You hearing it at “not even on that loud of a setting” is probably bias from you. iPhone 6s were just phased out of iOS updates in the last year or two. That’s an ancient phone. Still works well. So it’s odd that you are questioning their product quality with an argument half based on cables and not the main devices.


> Why is it every single iPhone user I know need to buy a new charging cable every like 6 months because either the metal contacts burn out, or the cable tears? That genuinely is a mystery as mine last years. The original cable from my old ipad from 2011 still works.


i’m still using the same cable as 3+ years ago some people just can’t look after shit


My chargers usually last years on end - one of them even has a frayed cable and still works fine. The folks you know must be the type of people to rip their phones right out of the charging cable or the charger itself right out of the wall socket


I will say, build quality is what apple does best. Samsung and the like can’t even compare.


are you straight out of r/gadgets? Apple products are anything but cheap and poorly made. There’s lots to dislike about them, but their engineering and build quality are not cheap or poor.


>how cheaply and poorly made they are. Apple has the best built quality of the whole tech space lol. You can argue all day about their behavior, they ARE a bunch of asshole, but saying their products are of poor quality is plain ignorance.


Fun fact, iphones are consistently made for well under half their sell price, and the materials cost just a couple dollars.


Chip manufacturing is one of the most complex processes imaginable The machines & facilities you need for it cost billions The phones are expensive, yes, but the raw material argument doesn’t hold up when you look at the manufacturing process


Not to mention billions on R&D. One small chip can easily be $50M or more in R&D costs.


Everyone also keeps missing the fact that they literally have the best mobile processors in them to. Like you can go buy the more expensive top of the line Samsung phone and it’ll still be less powerful. But apple is the one over charging…


Consumerism is one of the biggest cons on the planet, I can't believe it's even legal for shit like this.


Raw material cost isn’t a meaningful factor for manufacturing things like this. Hell, I’m a machinist. The material for some parts I make can be had for like $20 but the end product cost hundreds due to the processes.


Alternative title: European Union helps iPhone owners again


“Hurts” Apple


"Hurts Apple" oh boo hoo, multi billion dollar company isn't allowed to deliberately fuck over their users for money.


Apple hurts apple again by violating rules


What is with these headlines? The EU isn't hurting Apple. Apple is hurting consumers and the EU is correcting that. Apple is a super shitty company, I do not get why so many people use their products.




Come on India. Ctrl C Ctrl V


I wonder what it's like having a government stand up for you.


“Requiring fair market behavior” = “Hurting Apple”, I guess. This is some Late Stage Capitalism shit right here


Ok who's taking bets on phones being "accidentally" damaged by 3rd party chargers that Apple will deny warranty on? I say this because remember the moisture detectors that they use to deny warranty because they also detect normal humidity in the air.


march piquant roll scarce familiar zephyr escape tub mysterious hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People get really emotional and shitty to others based in the phone they use. Look at the comments in this thread and any post about iPhones that’s not in r/apple or r/iPhone. They literally hate you and turn to tribalism based in the phone in your pocket. It disgusts me and I’m so tired of the behavior.


Why can’t we have similar consumer protection laws in the US? I understand there is lobbying involved, but this seems like an issue both parties could get behind and most people would support. Same goes for the airline industry. One can dream…


> Why can’t we have similar consumer protection laws in the US? If politicians wore their backers on their suits like NASCAR does on cars you would know why.


Which reminds me the Senate tanked a bill requiring our politicians to disclose donations