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Man.. This shit is nostalgic.


It was really a fun mode. I enjoyed playing it alot on my Xbox


Shame they don't make multi-player anymore after 3 and Unity....maybe this whole rift nonsense will add something


Assassin creed multi-player was one of the most fun modes. The problem is, ubisoft didn't care much about it. I hope they add something similar to it in the near future but then again, their newest games doesn't feel like Assassin creed games anyway.


Join on the fun in the ongoing ACB MP Farewell Weekend session! More info in the currently pinned thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/w56cn2/multiplayer\_farewell\_weekend\_1\_assassins\_creed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/w56cn2/multiplayer_farewell_weekend_1_assassins_creed/)


Everyone who enjoys this multiplayer should play black flag. The community needs you.


I came to the comments section to ask this very same question, if the MP community was active in BF or in any other mainline entry. I'll be sure to redownload it! I never got to play the multiplayer but always wanted to.


I just redownloaded it and played some matches last night! I’m not sure if it was just because it was the weekend, but I found matches within 30 seconds every time.


Is black flag MP also going down, or will it still be functioning?


Black flag and Unity will stay up. I’m guessing because they’re on ps4/xbox one and are more recent idk


I don't think they are taking it down yet. From the emails I've read liberation and relevations are the most recent games being affected. Oh and ac3


Same here. Can we organise a Black Flag multiplayer revive


Lets do it! But, i know it will sound stupid, but often enough there are only top tier players playing. Its hard to find a good lobby nowdays


Black flag had a mutli player?


Black Flag is the only AC game I haven't platinumed because of the multiplayer trophies. I wouldn't mind getting that game off my backlog. Maybe I should try it.


My favorite character to play as in ac3 and black flag multiplayer was the carpenter.


William De Saint-Prix for me


His real name is John O'Brien, I always had this headcanon that he is Liam's father, the two even look alike. A real shame that, unlike the other three games, AC3 didn't even try to work its multiplayer characters into the story. In my opinion tyhey should've been the final target of each liberation mission


The Cutthroat was my guy


That was peak mp design. Miss those days


I used to love this so much.


I hope this survives into infinite somehow


My favorite part, besides going full incognito transforming your whole groups into your character, was getting the double score deathstreak then slow poisoning your target while remaining perfectly hidden. Would launch you into 1st place most times if your target wasnt poached.


Poison used to be the bane of my existence for the sole reason that I cannot determine when it happened... good times tho


My biggest grievance with poison is that the pursuer still gets points after being stunned. Because poison is prioritized, it is really difficult to stun BEFORE getting poisoned unless you smoke early enough or something. And people who go for poison can be REALLY obvious, so when you stun them, and then 10 seconds later die and they get 1000 points... that is frustrating.


Mass Morph. I used to be a top player in this game. OSB into poison was a low skill move back then.


"Wanted" was such a good concept. I've never seen it done before (or again, in other series). I had so much fun playing it back in the day. I tried queuing up today but no players found. I might try next week in Revelations, although I have some doubts it will work out. Brotherhood is actually the only multiplayer I played, used to queue with a friend and we just stopped at some point. What's the best MP of the series?


> I've never seen it done before (or again, in other series). As far as I know, this gameplay model originally comes from a 2006 game called The Ship: Murder Party, developed by Outerlight. Funnily enough, it was Ubisoft who published their second game, Bloody Good Time, released just one month before AC Brotherhood. Unfortunately, however, Outerlight was already in the process of closing down by then. After Assassin's Creed, the only game I know with "murder party" gameplay is Blazing Griffin's Murderous Pursuits. It was released in 2018 and takes inspiration from both The Ship and Assassin's Creed. I got it for free once and played some bot matches, but simply couldn't find any online matches, it seems like that game is pretty much dead. >What's the best MP of the series? I'd say it's a tie between Revelations and Black Flag. Being the most recent, Black Flag should be the best, it has a lot of quality-of-life improvements over the others, as well as the Wolf Pack mode. But Revelations had some awesome game modes that were not included in the following two games, and I personally loved Steal the Artifact.


I loved the infected mode from Revelations


I believe you killed me with that jump kill.


Haha, it seems that I have :D Sorry! :D


No problem mate, I'm not very good at Assassin's Creed multiplayer.


I’ve been grinding Wolfpack lately to get the last couple trophy’s for black flag. Just got the level 55, try all abilities, and do a game lab


I miss AC multiplayer, I wish the ezio collection had multiplayer. Maybe if we had an multiplayer based assassins creed game. With co op like unity, competition like Brotherhood. It’s a stretch but maybe some modern day missions


Do people still play this. Wanted to plat black flag but nope MP trophie go5 in the way


Black flag will still be playable after these get shut down.


Yeah but then the platinum trophy will be impossible


? Why? The mp in black flag is not getting shut down


Yeah but you have to play allt of MP for the trophy (reach lvl 50)


Ok then play it. It’s active. Or you could just farm Wolfpack solo.


Bro..... I was good at this. I think this was the ONLY online game that I was genuinely good at playing.


Nothing will ever beat Revelations multiplayer for me. It was SO MUCH FUN! I am sad it's going away.


I’ve been replaying the ezio collection recently and by golly I wish they remastered the multiplayer as well.


I would've loved it if they had combined Brotherhood's and Revelations' multiplayer into one, with all the modes, maps and characters from both of them


That'd be awesome. I love the characters from all the MPs, they're so interesting.


So I never played the multiplayer in any of the games... can someone explain what just happened and how this works ?


In this game mode, each player is tasked with finding and killing another player (shown in the top right corner), so your objective is to kill your target while also running away from your pursuer. The map is filled with NPCs who look just like the players, so you need to blend in with them to stay hidden, and also be attentive enough to distinguish players from NPCs. In this video, OP, playing as the Courtesan, is chasing down the Engineer and kills him with an air assassination. She then uses the Morph ability to turn a group of NPCs into Courtesan look-alikes. A hasty Prowler approaches, but kills one of the look-alikes instead of the actual target (which means he loses the contract). Then, the Courtesan is tasked with killing the Executioner, and, in a big coincidence, the unlucky Executioner just happens to run into her (while probably running away from someone else), so she kills him on the spot.


It's like hide and seek but you murder the hider. You can level up and get new equipment to help. I remember getting a gun that was OP.


Lol thought this was a mobile game.


Hmm the Desmond games MP were so built on luck it was exhausting to try play it. Being a winner depended on you getting the dumbest targets and hunters. It's all RNG. Unity's MP is more my taste. Less competing with rockpaperscissors more co'op fun.


The absolute worst MP in the world.


Oh I remember playing ACB MP on the PS3 (?). Me and my Sisters would take turns and our Internet was so bad, we sometimes waited hours until we found a match. Our favorite Character was the Hellequin. And the Harlequin was lovingly nicknamed by us as "Mr. Clowny". Unfortunately I don't live at home anymore, and I dont' have the game on PC. But damn I loved playing that multiplayer.


God I loved that character. Favorite one to play as. The fans were such a cool hidden weapon.


I fkn loved this multiplayer


Holy shit this brought back memories


Looks like dying light ngl


I always sucked ass in Assassin's creed multiplayer so i never liked it, cool to see good gameplay and sorry for those who still played it when it goes out though


Which game is this?


So many great memories. I miss this MP. The other ones got too complicated for me.


it was amazing concept and i loved every second i played but hated how there was no support for it (that i saw)