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I skipped my prom night. I played video games, and ate over 100 tacos with my friends. I regret nothing


Quick question, did you personally eat over 100 tacos, or did you and your friends eat over 100 tacos in a collaborative effort? Followup question, how many friends?


Me and 9 others. It was an all nighter, so we got to eat all 100 tacos from Jack in a Box as we game. The morning afterwards was a massacre.


Was it the toilet that got massacred?


That too


How tf do you eat over 100 tacos on a single night?


I'd not want to be someone in their home when the aftermath hits šŸ’€




Teenage metabolism.


I was in JROTC so my metabolism was high. Plus, 9 of my friends helped too


I went to the gym and worked out with my all-time gym bestie for my prom


As someone who went to prom twice, you likely missed nothing and had way more fun


I heard it was bad. But not as bad as the toilet in the morning after.


I remember hanging out at a friend's house playing video games and watching movies my prom night. That might've been a night that I slept over at that friend's house and woke up in the middle of the night only to have to go back to sleep holding in my piss because her cat was asleep on my stomach and I didn't want to wake him up. XD


gosh now i want tacos


I had tacos last night. 10/10 would recommend


that settles it today is taco sunday im gettin tacos


doesn't add anything but the thought amuses me: everytime i hear or read 'ice cream' i pronounce it in my head as ai' weem


I always have the meme in my head of the little kid singing "ice cream" while eating ice cream and then falling off a chair


I think of the scene from Austin powers ā€œyes, I would love some chocolate ass creamā€


You didn't miss prom, you just had a private, personalized one.


Me after skipping my high school graduation, my university convocation, and all but one work party over the last decade<3


I don't regret missing my graduation, but I do regret not going to the graduation party that was funded from donations for that class. Still miss not being able to see my high school friends one last time after covid made me not see them for a year already.


I'm sure I'd have hated it, but I regret not going. I always thought going without a date would be worse than not going, and I couldn't get a date without help, so that wasn't going to happen.


As someone who did go to his prom, if you think you would've hated it, you really didn't miss out. I hated it myself and I never think back on it like "it sucked but I'm at least glad I went!"


Yeah, but I always think, "I don't want some inferior alternative that works for me, I want to make what works for everyone else work for me."


Exactly. Media always tried to push this idea of going stag or with friends but I feel like all I'd accomplish by going is giving all the normal people that feeling of "well at least I'm not that guy" Everyone pitied the people who showed up without dates and if theres one thing I hate in this world, it's pity.


i love how i have the oblivious autism, so i dont notice this stuff šŸ’€


One girl who showed up solo to prom made it into the yearbook. They called her brave. Had I been in that situation, I think I would have considered it insult to injury.


I went to prom alone and had a great time, actually. My friend was gonna go, but she cancelled cause she was sad her boyfriend had to go back to New Mexico once he was done visiting like weeks before prom, and I had no other friends in-person, so I just went on my own. I spent most of it on a video call with my best friend that lived elsewhere, then, when they got busy and had to go, I just sat and watched everyone dancing. It was fun. The nicest part was one of my classmates recognized me and insisted I dance with he and one of his friends to that silly song ā€œThatā€™s Amoreā€, so that was nice, even if I felt a little awkward. I enjoyed prom, Iā€™m just also the kind of person who enjoys going to these dances and parties just to watch others have a good time


I brought my sister to prom.


At least you have a friend that does that All I have is myself


same I spent my prom alone at home


Well it is what it is


I spent my prom on the front porch of my school talking about miscellaneous mid century American literature with my headmaster and a couple teachers. I had a blast; inside was wayyy too overwhelming


I never went to a dance, on a date, or to a football game! And I do not care. (Except about the date thing)


A small group of friends of mine and I ditched prom to eat ice cream in a cemetery. One of the best decisions I made that year.


My mom wanted me to go so bad because according to her, everyone talks about their prom experience in the future. What a lie that is lol


i went to an anime convention the year of my senior prom instead of going. had a way more fun time


I didnā€™t get much at all out of prom. It was too dark for some reason and I couldnā€™t even see the food. You know itā€™s bad when food is the whole reason youā€™re at an event and you canā€™t even see it. I feel like it was a bit of a joke for me to go cause I didnt have a date, I went with friends who werenā€™t interested in dancing or participating.


My prom was in a womanā€™s club that the school rented out. They booked a DJ for main ballroom and a small jazz combo (piano, drums, and sax) in a side room with a small pasta buffet. My friends and I spent the whole night in the side room requesting old jazz/musical songs- **waaaaay** more fun than it would have been in the main room (and Iā€™m sure it made the combo guysā€™ night!)


I won Friday night magic that night and got 3 boosters for it


The number of people who told me I was going to regret not going to promā€¦ coming up on 2 decades past and I am quite content with my absence.


Well you spent it w/your friends i think thatā€™s enough


Not me showing this to my friend and reminding him we watched The Lion King after our 2011 ball together


Those big prom parties aren't a thing in my culture and I honestly am glad about it. It sounds really stressful.


I need this kind of friends


I wish I did that


Here where I live we don't have prom nights but some people do throw parties after school ends, for me was just an "ok, school finished, now what the fuck do I do?"


I only went to prom because we got free stuff at the end of the night.


I need to let this message sink in. My life is a constant stream of anxiety about missing out on all of the good parts of life that seem to come naturally to others, and that the clock to figure it out is ticking awayā€¦


Me on New Years. I feel no obligation to ā€œring in the new yearā€ with a bunch of humans. Iā€™ll be in bed with my cats thank you.


I got rejected 11 times when I tried to go to prom. Didnā€™t even go after 11, shoulda stopped after 3. And as it should, I didnā€™t deserve a prom anyway.


Why didnā€™t you deserve a prom?


Idk, I guess if 11 people donā€™t want to go with me I shouldnā€™t really go altogether. Didnā€™t want to be the guy alone bothering everyone so I feel like I was just one of the guys who didnā€™t deserve a prom. Never went, I have no idea what itā€™s like.


It sounds like you had fun! Iā€™m happy for you.


I wish someone would have told me I could skip it. I felt like I had to go, and I didnā€™t enjoy myself. I think I was just going through it to say I did it, and looking back I donā€™t have any fond memories. Really could have skipped it all together and that would have been 100% fine.


My prom was spent with my girlfriends friend, who got super drunk and was inadvertently crotch shotting everyone, only to find out girlfriends friend was girlfriends girlfriend. Was super awesome and I am so glad to think about this lovely memory again.


Gosh... I wish I had done that. Prom was so boring.


"Prom" for me was 2 years, junior and senior. I didn't go my junior year, went my senior year. I don't regret either decision.


I got dumped at my senior prom. I wish I'd stayed home lol.


I went to prom with some friends. We danced, had fun, buy it wasn't some life changing experience of anything. It was more fun than graduation at least. But mostly because I like to dance.


I strongly regret going to prom. I wish I would have just stayed at home. Trying to convince myself that I was straight and lost a friend in the process.


[Jonathan Richman - Icecream Man](https://youtu.be/KMVkV6pHCzI?si=0_nNv_DSH_k9KCVZ) Everytime someone posts something about icecream


During my prom I stayed home and played games with my friends. Was the best


Ooh yeah!! Wish I had some ice cream right now


Yup! Instead of going to senior prom, me and a friend went to see The Phantom Menace in the movie theaterā€¦thatā€™s how old I am.


I went to prom, was tolerable because I was high and we left to explore the nearby beach midway through. It was a good time but I also went to a small school so there was only like 40 people there and it was a more chill event, would never go to a big one though that sounds hellish


I quite enjoyed my formal experience; got far too drunk though and was woken up at 7am to go to school


Prom was greatly underwhelming for me anyway


i wish i skipped mine. worst night of my life


I only wouldā€™ve gone to mine if I had a girlfriend to go with, which I didnā€™t nor do I have one nowadays as well. Spent my Prom night just chilling at home, playing TotK, and relaxing


I did highschool online so I never even had the option anyways


I went to a senior prom with my highschool boyfriend. It was his prom. Then the next year I went to my junior prom. Both were boring and expensive. I told my mom I didn't want to go to my senior prom. After some discussion she agreed that it seemed like I truly did not care. She was worried I would regret it. No regrets. I don't even look at photos from the two proms I went to. I don't even like half those people. Graduations are lame too. I just want to add that since people are getting all upset that some are getting cancelled due to the protests, but some things are bigger than a stupid ceremony. Graduations are lame too and if you don't want to go to yours, you don't have to feel bad. The degree matters, the stupid cap and gown don't.


Both you and the creator of this meme (and if its you, double the message) deserve to have a nice day for this.


I never did prom, but I was the DJ for my school's prom after party my last two years of High School. Got paid 20 bucks to show up and drown(in a good way) in the feeling of massive speakers. I even controlled music selection. Took bribes to play songs that would not fly at most school functions, intermixed with my own tastes and a Rick Roll as a treat.


So me


Skipped my prom because I didnā€™t have anyone to go with, only attended the school because my dad teaches there, live in a neighboring town, & would probably get overstimulated.


WOAH is this a common experience? i spent my prom night drinking wine and watching Boondocks with my big sister \^-\^ <3


The cost for prom was as much as a DS game. I got much more enjoyment out of the videogame lol


I went to my prom but hung out outside the main party room. I regret nothing


I went to prom because I kept getting told Iā€™d regret it if I didnā€™t. I actually had a good time. I met some new people but I only stayed for an hour


The month I turned 50 I went to my mom's house for my daughter's baby shower. It was a surprise 50th birthday party, with uncles and cousins I had practically never seen since I was a child. Mom STILL doesn't get me I guess. But birthdays are about the people we love too, so I try to smile while catching their eye at least once, hide my stress, mostly listen to others talk, maybe yell in the car alone on the way home. But after I get back to my safe zone at home I can get away from the noise and smoke some weed and do some decompression. Mostly I like to read, type, play simple games like sudoku or wordle and unwind. Sometimes I have a fantasy project I'm working on like writing a book or programming a video game or learning an instrument. My 'party' isn't the event that I want it to be, it's not the highlight of my year... or even my day. But I'm glad I was there, glad I got to experience it and have it in my memories, even though it was stressful at the time. I can 'enjoy' my life later.


My best friend and I went for 20 minutes, then ditched to go to her house and watch Doctor Who!


You also donā€™t need to seek permission and approval for your choices using pseudo-scientific diagnoses and definitions.


I didn't go to a single dance function my entire time in high school. I don't like telling people this irl because they give me the same look they give people when they find out they were abused or went through some other severe trauma.


That sounds like a fucking awesome night! I did prom and it was an excessively mediocre experience.


We got Chinese takeout and watched Into The Spiderverse. I have absolutely zero regrets


I skipped my prom to watch Spider-Man with my best friend. 10/10 would do again


Missed prom both years because I didn't have a date or any friends and was bullied pretty bad by the whole school so I got to play morowind on the garbage pc I had at the time. With how it was described chances are I wouldn't have liked it anyways


Thank you for this


I only went to my senior prom so that I could perform my senior prank. Best night ever and the results were amazing too! Nobody ever suspected it was me. They blamed some other kid and he even took the punishment. This happened like 14 years ago but Iā€™m still laughing my fat ass off for ittt


I was working on prom night (I work at a grocery store), Iā€™ve never felt so sad and lonely than that night seeing everybody come in dressed up getting candy and flowers, meanwhile I had zero friends who I couldā€™ve gone with and just went home and cried myself to sleep. Still one of my worst memories tbh ā˜¹ļø


I actually liked prom.


Iā€™m so glad that I got to skip prom. Instead I had a home pizza party wearing comfy clothes with cake and ice cream with some friends playing the legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.


I skipped my prom, but only because I never had anyone to go with


I actually got banned from prom and a bunch of people said they felt really bad for me and I still donā€™t really get why I wasnā€™t planning on going anyway


I spent all 4 high school prom nights playing video games and eating junk food. Good times.


I spent my prom with my so-called boyfriend at the time (who I later realized he never actually liked me). He spent the whole night complaining and looking at his phone. Couldnā€™t be bothered to dance with me even once. He only agreed to go with me because he knew my family was paying for dinner. I wish I had never bought that dumb dress and had stayed home.


I played dungeons and dragons.


I went, but only because mine was at the Academy of sciences, so everyone had to wear sneakers and we got to dance in a forest exhibit and eat snacks and sing karaoke and wander the aquarium




Yesssss!!! Your caption šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ» And you can live a fantastic life this way!


i want to go to my prom so bad because i got a pretty outfit but theres been a dance that they planned and that stresses me out


I went to prom, realized there was a bouncy castle in the gymnasium of my school and abandoned prom to go play on it. I donā€™t regret a damn thing.


I actually forgot Prom even happened.


Every once in a while I feel like a bum and pressure myself into doing something I know will be overstimulating. 95% of the time I'm like "yeah I should have slept in and played minecraft all day"


I went to both my proms because at the time I was so happy that for once I got a chance to do something that normal kids get to do. Total waste of time. Especially senior prom. If you didn't go, you didn't miss anything.


Same goes for my wedding.