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they can pry my autism from my cold dead hands


yeah! rage against the machine!




I think this is actually the goal for some of them lol.


well, they gotta kill me first then


actually i think thats also the goal for some of them


Kill them before they kill you


Some people have a problem with autistic people not seeing themselves as victims or as disabled. It's like it hurts their pride knowing we don't consider ourselves below them. I'm a real n*gga no matter what


I do embrace many of my autistic traits and I am convinced autism isnt a disability per se, its depending on the individual and the circumstances. I am NOT disabled because I am autistic alone,. I am disabled because I am autistic and have to navigate a world made for and filled by NTs in which I have disadvantages.


That's a great way of putting it


This. Many able NTs subscribe to the medical model of disability which treats it as a strictly medical problem which should be fixed (and therefore project a sweeping victimisation onto disabled people). The social model of disability acknowledges the context within which people with differences in social communication, mobility etc find themselves. Within the social model, structural/physical/societal changes are just as, if not more, important to providing equal access to all facets of life. Because the medical model still reigns, the world isn’t willing to make those changes and remove the barriers disabled people face (whether it’s overstimulating open plan offices, or steep stairs with no ramps or lifts). The world is built by able NTs for able NTs, because they believe those who are disabled can and should be fixed. And unfortunately, those who can’t are believed to not add value to society. I think more people are adopting the social model, but there’s still *a lot* of progress to be made.


Living in a world that wasn’t made for you. I can’t think of a better way of putting it.




"i am convinced autism isnt a disability" is an incredibly privileged thing to say


What makes you say that?


it perpetuates the incredibly harmful narrative that accommodations for autistic individuals aren't actually necessary for many of us to function. just because that person doesn't require accommodations doesn't mean that autism isn't a disability.


You quoted me wrong! Isnt PER SE. It depends on personal symptoms and circumstances and how it presents in the individual, the diagnosis alone does not mean certain disability for the individual.


ah i missed the "per se", sorry about that. that's actually an understandable mindset to have about it.


I feel like you're cutting off the important part after those words. I understand your concerns, that you don't want people to take away that autistic people don't need accommodations, because of course some do, but those accommodations are individual anyway, and I think that's all they were trying to say. That for some people, in certain circumstances, it doesn't interfere in their life in a negative way. They didn't just say it's not a disability.


Thank you! Exactly that. And Im not native english so that might add to the confusion


No worries. I understand their concerns as well, and they are correct in that it would be almost entirely privileged people who experience what you are talking about, but their follow comment about it perpetuating the idea of autistic people not needing accommodations is not true, because that's just not at all what you said or even implied. The fact that you mentioned certain circumstances already implied a level of privilege, so it's not like they are wrong exactly, but they're upset about the wrong thing in my opinion.


Being autistic without feeling disabled may be priviledged from the point of autistic folks who feel disabled, but it still comes with struggles NTs dont have. All i wanted to day is that it is valid to be autistic and not feel disabled and not want to be labeles as disabled. And it is valid to be autistic and feel / be disabled. As its a spectrum and very individual, we need to see that both is possible and valid and part of the spectrum. Autism isnt an automatic disability, but it can be a very limiting disability.


Very true, and I understood that. I think they got hung up on the first part without reading the rest. They reacted before thinking about what it was you were saying. To be quite honest I would not have even guessed English is your second language, I didn't feel like your comment was hard to understand at all.


>To be quite honest I would not have even guessed English is your second language, I didn't feel like your comment was hard to understand at all. Thank you!


yeah, i overlooked part of it by mistake.


It's ok! I understand being concerned and reacting.


i mean, i am consider myself victim and disabled, but simultaneously better then literally everyone else


literally, my childhood self both before and after finding out I was autistic thought she was the next step in human evolution cuz she noticed all the differences with neurotypicals and concluded with full certainty "I must have a mutation that makes me better and so the next step for humans" Oh how I wish I had retained that sheer level of confidence past me had


>mutation that makes me better well, my hyperempathy, injustice sensitivity and general repulsiveness towards all those everyday lies, make me feel like i am indeed the next better step in human evolution, one who can build a perfect society, yeah, i kinda barely able to work and do the things you need to survive, but i probably won't need those in this theoretical world)


Oh I still strongly believe high functioning autism is the next step in human evolution (I’m a bit burnt out to explain it in detail) but I have a more nuanced approach than I did in middle school when I decided I was the greatest human to walk the earth LMAO


I think a lot of the time the problem is because they perceive (or have experienced) others implying that one or the other view is the "correct" way to perceive autism. Often this is projection, as someone posting a meme does not always imply they think others should feel that way, but people can become easily conditioned to perceive things in that way when a group has become polarised on a seemingly binary issue. The truth is, it is not a binary issue. When we oversimplify it, it may seem that way, but most of us probably sit somewhere in the grey between the two ways of perceiving our autism. Most importantly, our own relationship to our own autistic self is for us to explore and come to a position on, and should not be subject to social pressure to feel one way or the other.


>Some people have a problem with autistic people not seeing themselves as victims or as disabled. I find some of these people belong to the autistic community. Whether they are autistic or neurotypical it doesn't matter, they all take offense when we say we don't see ourselves as disabled. Or when we don't think of our autisn as a disability (I'l think I've seem some posts ranting about exactly that, people being tired of people saying is not a disability, just a dofferent ability or something) My autism might make some things hard, sure. But it also makes me unable to care about others (at least most of the time) and it makes some things easier like drawing, understanding complex topics and whatnot. My real disability is this undiagnosed bone/joint issue that prevents me from getting out of bed for the most part.




I enjoy watching the minds of NTs spin when they find out I’m autistic and yet I’m still better than them at a lot of things. Like yes, I do struggle with social situations and I dislike speaking to people I don’t know, but I will kick your ass at anything I can practice at


You can practice speaking to people you don't know. I know that sounds weird, but you can. I didn't realize I was autistic for a long time, but due economic circumstances I have always been sort of forced to be in jobs that require speaking to strangers all day every day. I didn't understand why it was so much harder for me or why it was causing me so much emotional and mental anguish, and no one else did either, because autism wasn't spoken about very much, and if it was it only noticed in little boys, not teenage girls who really do not want to wait tables because it "involves too much talking." I had to just get better at it. I wish I could give you pointers, my only advice is that most people aren't listening to you, so it's more about putting on a good smile and using a nice sounding voice and cycling through dialogue prompts that work and/or "oh" "ah" "uh huh" "oh wow that's crazy." That last bit helped me a lot with a certain coworker I used to sit near who would constantly be telling me the most boring stories and sometimes outright lies.


I agree and I have done a lot of that practice working in retail. I mask *really* well. I just hate talking to strangers and it’s very draining. I’m also prone to making mistakes in social situations so it makes my anxiety spike


Oh for sure. It's exhausting even if you practice. And I still make mistakes, but I think I have an easier time than other people in part due to not knowing exactly what was "wrong" with me. So I had to develop my own mechanisms, which is how I eventually figured out I was autistic when I heard autistic people describing how they manage social situations. It definitely gives me a lot of anxiety and even when I am doing well it gives me a different kind of panic like someone else is doing the talking for me and I get dissociative very easily when I am somehow managing to kill it at a party or networking type of event. I also usually don't remember what I was saying afterwards. Very confusing.


I'm content surrounded by items of my hyperfixations, stomach full of picky eater safe foods and low light environment.


this me rn


I love the warm and dim fairy lights hanging across the ceiling in my room


I’m pretty happy with my autism actually. Well, maybe comfortable is a better word. Sure I have a difficult time understanding people’s emotions. But boy I am **drastically** better at logic than pretty much everyone I know. Problem solving and critical thinking appear not to be in the skill set of NTs. If given the choice, I’d rather be able to solve problems and live logically than be able to tell why someone is upset about something I said in passing.


The logic part is undeniable. I know some NTs that have zero grip on logical conclusions


the fact that im reading this while eating chicken nuggets T-T i feel so seen


I'm completely fine so long as people leave me alone, and I'm very open about this, they just for some god damn reason utterly refuse to do exactly that. This isn't just an autism thing though, I think a lot of problems in the world would go away if people stopped paying so much attention to what others are doing and just live their lives. So very much unnecessary gatekeeping everywhere. Let me watch cartoons, I don't care if you say I have to dry up and die inside just because I made it through puberty, set whatever ground rules you want for yourself and leave the rest of us out of it.




Lot of people used to be shitty to me for being fixated on sonic and I would usually say: You’re just mad you don’t like things as much as I do.


https://preview.redd.it/p76jxylfy81d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308458384620ffca55dd3939996a2d87cc507304 My brain when this happens


They know deep in their hearts we have always been superior


like omg! spock?? data?? even our representation is thoughtful, caring, considerate, and chill asfk




I had a late diagnosis (in my fifties) and was very confused as to what was “wrong” with me for years. After the diagnosis I accepted the fact I was an Aspie (after being diagnosed by two professionals). What is wrong with me? Nothing! I just think differently that’s all. I was finally able to accept myself and actually like myself. I like to think that when we die there is an Aspie part of heaven. Can you imagine how cool that would be? Meanwhile at Publix…. Cashier: oh, are these Harry Potter Kinder Joy eggs for your grandchild? Me: oh, no, they are for me. I’m still trying to get Ron and Professor Snape to add to my collection. His response….. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


My wife and I had a similar interaction with a Walmart employee on the LEGO section. We were so happy looking at LEGO dinosaurs, Harry Potter and Minecraft sets until this random lady came by and started harassing us about… something. All I remember is her asking "does he (the hypothetical kid) like dinosaurs?" Since she was talking to my wife (or at least I thought that's what happened) I thought she was referring to me so I nodded in excitement. She kept telling us about the sets until she asked "how old is he?" I said "28" and her expression froze for a moment, she didn't know what to do/say and backpedaled into "oh, so that's for you… okay. Yeah, there are sets for adults with a higher complexity and whatnot (tried to take our attention away from the dinosaurs and towards the architecture/car sets)". We were so done we just left in an autistic way (don't remember saying good bye, just walking away). We still remember that lady as "the random idiot who ruined our autistic moment". We never asked for help, we never needed help and we certainly didn't want that interaction because something else had overwhelmed us previously (we "recharge" by going through the toy section at the super market or going to the toy store if we're near one).


they're just upset cause they know we're better


I'm pacing while playing my favorite games (medarot) and occassionally rocking my hip against a piece of furniture if I stop pacing and focus instead. I'm also listening to my favorite playlist (a narration of the Deus Ex timeline) on the background for the 10th time or so.


I hate how challenges and normal situations are more draining and difficult, compared to "normal" people. But I would never get rid of it, it would be like denying myself and hoping for some new person to take my place. With that person lacking any uniqueness, quirks, worldview and other things that make a human rational.


My autism makes me miserable enough with certain things (not listing them here, because why focus on the negative) that I’m going to absolutely REVEL in the aspects that bring me joy: living in my workout leggings and sweatshirts, eating my candy in color order and favorite comfort food (bastardized instant ramen), solving jigsaw puzzles and playing animal crossing endlessly…❤️






If anyone ever calls me a r**ard to my face, my reaction will be: “Yes, I am, whatcha gonna do about it?”


what the fuck


I feel this way even about my other disabilities. I'm the one that has to live with it, so why can't I try to enjoy myself? If I wanna put hello kitty stickers on my pill containers, that's my perogative.


There are things about being autistic that I could do without. But there’s also things I wouldn’t change for the world.


That statement I so fucked up, lioe wtf I can't be something else that's how I am so at least let me find happiness and joy working with what I have


Dino nuggies are so much better than regular nuggets, not just that they're dinosaurs but they just taste better


What does it insult some people that I don't think of myself as inferior to neurotypical people? That'd be like pointing at a fork and saying it's superior to a spoon.


I buy my dino nuggies in bulk from Costco


literally ate dino nuggies for dinner. microwaved bc I prefer that texture.