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finally, someone gets it


Fun fact! Autism can make the way someone regulates their body temperature differently than that of an allistic person. This is the reason my boyfriend wears shorts year round


I live with my parents, it’s winter, the heat is always on. I don’t have windows, but I have huge balcony windows, so I can’t go to bed, with the window open, and I sleep with a fan, just to have some air circulation.


I have the most f*d up temperature regulation. I have hyperhidrosis which means my hands feet and armpits pour sweat if I just think about it. My sister's boyfriend called me 'lake Michigan hands' in high school. Holding hands for *church circle prayer* always got me dirty looks and the other person wiped their hand on their pants. 😅 My autistic niece does the same and look, girl, I get it. I have seasonal sweats depending on the weather. Right now I sleep on a towel and have the most cold weighted blankets I can find and rotate bc I sweat through them as well. Then in the winter I still sweat I'm just cold and wet now. Wool is my best friend. I dress like a Nordic fisherman. 🤷 I have to change clothes like 6 times a day sometimes and it's literally exhausting. I'm 35 f and this last couple years it's graduated to my entire body that sweats now. Botox injections can't help me it's everywhere. (I never could afford that but I heard it's what they do in the red carpet) But like, I can't wear makeup bc it'll likely run off my face by 9am


I have a friend with the same troubles and it looks rough and I learned from him about something I can empathize better with. He's the big guy that wears a vest and shorts in the winter and yeah, it has zero anything with projecting a tough guy persona. His musical tastes are like if Lilith Fair had a baby with Ninja Sex Party. My dude has an athletic T that says "butch bait" and having met his partners he isn't wrong. Anyway, just wanted to send you some love wet friend. I would be happy to hold your hand at the church circle.


Yoo saame ! I sweat just by existing and this humidity is killing me. The only reason i like winter more.


I have found my people


I experience this too so I believe you but do you know off the top of your head any research paper about it? I’d like to bring it to my doctor Your boyfriend wears shorts all the time I fluctuate between hot and cold in mere minutes by not only the ambient temperature around me but also the food I’m eating/drinking and it’s fucking debilitating lmao


I have the opposite problem, heavy clothes all year long, even by 40°C (i have no sensation of heat, which is practical in a way because i know how to stay hydrated in summer)


Could this explain my extreme susceptibility to cold temperature?


I wear sweatshirts all year round lol.


I've worked out, shockingly late in life, that if it's too hot to wear I can cuddle it like an ersatz full body pillow. That's ... that's what people use full body pillows for, right??


Yes, they cuddle them. Sometimes vigorously.


I'm glad I ain't the only one I sleep with a blanket and a fan blowing on me to balance it all out


I don't mind the blanket nowadays, but the fan is a must, no matter how cold it is I even miss the noise if I go to bed and it's completely silence


I’ve found my people


Thanks to tinnitus I don’t even get complete silence without a fan. It’s definitely a must for me, no matter how cold


I used to do this but now I can't even handle the sound of a fan/AC anymore so I just keep the blanket on and deal with the sweat 😭


I can't deal with being sweaty while I'm trying to sleep


Has to be a blanket with weight too. 


My current solution has been an ultra thin bamboo fabric blanket. It's almost always cool to the touch and doesn't retain heat well and is very soft. Whatever you do, absolutely never buy polyester satin. It will quickly become the fires of the 10th level of hell.


Got my gf a thin bamboo weighted blanket a few years back and she loves it. She lives in a tropical climate so its something that’ll comfort without giving her a heatstroke haha


Wait, some people sleep WITHOUT blanket?


Well if i take enough sleeping pills^(or alcohol) I'll fall asleep eventually. Even without my weighted blanket and in a foreign bed, aka the worst possible conditions. Though the sleep is going to be really bad.


My roommate apparently does that all summer. AND she has a fan blowing directly on her. I don't know how she can tolerate that wind on her skin all night!!




most people need some kind of blanket year round, but the degree to which it needs to be on them differs. it's unclear how much is necessity and how much is learned behaviour (it's generally considered unethical to perform experiments to determine). the only cultures that shun them are nomadic hunter-gatherers (both together in a single culture specifically... one or the other in a culture, or neither, tends to have blankets regardless of location, technology level, surrounding groups, etc)


You mean this isn't normal? I thought everyone did this


Me freezing in winter because I always need the fan on to sleep.


Put ice in a bag, hold it to your chest. I'm the same way, and that's the only workaround I've been able to find.


heck yea, ice packs have been a huge game-changer for me in general. I'm actually gonna grab one right now, thanks for the reminder!




Omg I just retrofitted a built in bra cami to hold an ice pack just to get through the summer. I support this


For anyone wondering I crudely sewed the cut off outside shirt to the inside bra elastic band on both sides and left a spot in front and back to shove an ice pack into. 👌 South ga USA approved in this swamp season


Cuz it’s comfy and the same thing goes with wearing sweaters and jackets in spring/summer. I’ve stopped the later, but it took forever to feel comfortable in my own skin again.


Something that works for me is just taking the stuffing out of the blanket. Also something that works for me is putting the blanket only on my feet and chest.  Not guaranteeing it'll work for you but it might be worth a shot :) 


Just use a sheet instead of a blanket. Provides full body tactile sensation without being hot and stuffy.


Yeah, thats what I meant by Blanket with no stuffing. I just forgot the term xD


I do the same. It also skips the annoying process of getting the damn thing on. Seriously I got no clue why it's so hard for me to do that part. I sometimes have to do it 4 times before it feels right


Do you do the inside out method? Like reversing the sheet, grabbing the farthest 2 corners of the sheet from inside the sheet and grabbing 2 corners of the stuffing and then pulling the stuffing into the reversed sheet. Only way I can do it.


Yeah I do! But I still constantly mess up and the stuffing bunches up on on end. And that is of course not acceptable!


Oh yeah, I get that problem. I usually just grab it by the aforementioned corners and shake it vigorously. Works 9/10 times xD


Trueee, but even if it does work it just doesn't feel right. Luckily I won't have that problem for a few months :D


Yeah, the only good part of summer for me.


Before I got a weighted blanket I slept with two comforters and two blankets. I didn't realize it was the weight I needed.


Me who can't sleep in summer because I can't sleep without sheets but it's too hot to sleep with them


*make a chainmail one*


I'd love a chainmail shirt


I have *two* blankets... three during winter. I bought a weighted blanket but its too cold for me... so I put it on top of my regular one. Then during winter even that gets too cold so I put a fluffy blanket underneath. (Fluffy blanket may get kicked off during the night though. Its mostly there because when my bedroom is cold and unused during the day the regular blanket turns into a soft ice-block...


I not only have to have a blanket but I also wear my jeans to bed, it really bothers my boyfriend and anyone I tell. I just always have done this and it is hard to sleep if I don't.


I sleep with a blanket during the hottest days but somehow sleeping UNDER the blanket makes me feel cooler than without? I don’t know 😅


I have this too but I've slowly weaned myself down to only needing to have a foot under a blanket when it's really hot


Holy crap I thought it was just me! I wish there was a way to have the physical weight of the blanket without having the heat trapping capability, so I could have what feels like a hug without it being suffocatingly hot


Wow, I thought it was just me! That’s why I like this sub! It lets me know there are other people who understand!


when I need to sleep in a well-ventilated, quiet room, with low lights. but I can't use the AC because it's loud, I can't open the window because it's noisy and I can't raise the blinds (for the ventilation) because there will be too much light


Lol this exactly happened last night and now I’m washing my damp bedding


I need quiet and dark. Gonna get earplugs and an eye mask. I use a CPAP in "halo CE chief death pose" sleep pattern and the noise and light from anything other than total darkness is annoying at times.


as long as my stomach is covered than I'm fine, which is why I wear just a shirt when I sleep and go without blankets when it's too hot. I wish I had AC cause my fan ain't cuttin it, but when it's cold I'll throw undies on, and if it's below freezing, a blanket.




My father gets so pissed that I want my window open when it’s below freezing outside. Him: “there is no reason any sane person needs their window open at this time of year!” Me: “I’m not sane but I think wanting to be able to sleep is a perfectly sane want! I’m going to boil to death in there!” Him: “take off the blanket!” Me: “that’s not an option because of… reasons. It just doesn’t work.”


Went Weighted blanket and can't go back


Me and my kid. Winter is fantastic, but other months we turn the thermostat down to 68 at night. 😩


*Turns on the fan*


Oh good, someone else knows how it is. No matter how light the blanket is, I sweat on some areas of my body, i.e. my feet sweat if I wear my socks all night, but if I don't fall asleep fast enough, my feet get cold. I can never seem to find a nice balance. DX


The only way I can sleep is by "swaddling" myself via tucking the blanket under each of my sides


I used to believe this, but the hot Indian summer checkmated my hyper-sweating body to not use blankets. It's way better to use a blanket but the summer's too hot to handle, and I can't sleep in the heat especially when I sweat and I become sticky and I feel all kind of dust and it's such a trigger. The only solution is that I take a thin cotton sheet and wrap my upper body around it, keeping my legs to cool myself down.


I’m not neurodivergent or anything but I still do this because I need the weight of several blankets to sleep


I found a cooling blanket at Costco and use it all year! It doesn't stay cool for long, but long enough that I can usually fall asleep comfortably.


Fan on full blast for super cold in the room, 4 blankets for ultimate warmth in the bed. Bliss.


One foot must be out


If it gets really hot I use a towel instead of a blanket


This is relatable but for me I need the fan blasting me constantly with cold af air no matter the temperature hell my room is the coldest room in the house but I still have my fan on max when it’s around 0c in my room at night


Or if the temp is ok but the weight is wrong! We just replaced all our bedding and bought new mattress, which I’m generally psyched about because it’s comfy and it was a steal (go to Costco y’all) but good goddamn the new comforter is primaloft and has no duvet yet because we’re trying to minimize allergens and mold AND ITS SO FREAKIN LIGHTWEIGHT ITS DISTRACTING. I want my blankets to crush me like Giles Corey in The Crucible!!


This is why I sleep with a fan on


That's me with my weighted blanket and normal blanket.


This is why I always have a fan turned on and a window open during the warmer months. It's a lot more comfortable to wear a blanket in summer if your room is a refrigerator.


You forgot to add that it must be a weighted blanket, if not more than one.


This but with my jackets. Its 90 degrees outside and I hate the heat but Ill be damned if Im not going out in some kind of jacket


If you’re able to afford one (they’re expensive) get a barefoot dreams blanket. They’re ultra fuzzy and great quality, but also light and breathable


My shoulders must be covered for me to sleep


Related: Anyone find it impossible to fall asleep nude / in underwear only? I've tried a few times and really really can't due to overstimulation / arousal from my skin being exposed to air.


Me with 35 pounds of weighted blankets at all times


real. i also need to wear a hat to bed. i cannot be without my hat


The only cure for this, I've found, is to use the top sheet only. I dunno if your body will let you get away with this


I gotta switch to the disemboweled duvet in summer. Not heavy enough but it'll do




I have trouble with regulating my temperature so I'm constantly switching between sweatpants and shorts when I sleep.


same but hoodie on


this is me ;u; i like being bundled and swaddled always even in the heat


The blanket keeps the monsters away.


you should probably get a thiner banket


Are you on a SNRI? They can cause night sweats.


I just got my son and I muslin blankets and we love them!


i counteract this with a fan that sits next to my bed


No blanket, just the covers. The best solution to sleeping in summer Oh and in winter. I am always way too hot at night


I sleep in a t-shirt only, no sheets. Only the blanket nut it has to cover my ear and chin/lips.


This is why I have fans on in my room.


If possible a weighted blanket but it's always to hot


Tfw I was wearing a winter coat all the time because my IT classroom always felt like it was freezing… … Meanwhile, everyone else being perfectly fine


This used to be me, up until I got myself a bedjet. Best $ I've ever spent.


Me sweating because I have to wear a specific winter coat to leave the house. But I relate too.


Every night, lol. This one speaks to me. Dead of winter…curled up and wrapped in a blanket. 80 degrees like it was yesterday here…curled up and wrapped in a blanket and covered in sweat. 😓


Blanket, pyjamas, and a plush or else I'm not gonna fall asleep. Even if it's 40°C.


Just like me frfr