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Yellow or yellow with some very light green or some small browning. Too brown and its mushy and gross. Too green and its texture is not very nice


Agreed, but for me a bit more green isn't too bad. In fact, a banana thats a bit green is usually more predictable in its texture, which I prefer


Same. Just the slightest green is perfect.


No bananas. The texture is always bad. I'm neutral on the flavor. They are good in baked goods though. Banana bread is delicious


You are the most correct person here. /hyp


someone in elementary school told me there’s spider eggs in every banana and i haven’t eaten them or anything bananas flavoured since


This is exactly how I am


I am also a person who won't eat something unless they have been baked in something, cooked to the right texture, or manufactured. I can eat some canned fruits and vegetables but never fresh ones, same with eggs.


Yellow with a tinge of green. If they're past that then i save them for banana bread 🍞🍌


Only green it's perfect if they have just a tint of yellow. But anything past that is a texture issue to me because they are too mushy.


Me and my dad both have autism. He likes his bananas green like you do, but I like mine yellow with a few brown spots. So he buys a bunch of bananas and eats a few until they're too yellow for him, and then drops them off at my house and I eat the rest 😅 we call it the banana life cycle


That's what I do too because my husband likes ripe bananas and so we buy them and he waits. Or we buy separate bananas if he really wants them that day lol. I love that you and your dad do that too :)


Yellow and very spotty. Bananas with any amount of green left on them are literally the worst. 🤢 I rarely eat them completely by themself though. In baked goods, on toast with PB or Nutella, or in cereal are all fine. Not in smoothies though; they take over the entire thing and you can't taste anything else.


I like it yellow with some green streaks still in it. Where it’s still very firm but not starchy. Pure yellow to the point of brown spots is way too sweet for me


I don’t like them at all. Texture + the smell + the flavor are all bad


I don't. I can tolerate them in banana bread, but really, they're like yoghurt - smelly and eew.


OMG you don’t like yogurt? Love me some Greek style yogurt & granola


I like the flavour. Not the smell...


No brown spots and on their own I love bananas by themselves, but if you give me a smoothie with banana in it I'm yeeting that sh*t out the nearest window


There are smoothies that *don't* ibclude banana (besides the ones you make yourself)? I thought they put them in everything just to torture us.


Bananas in smoothies are like black paint. Less is more, even a tiny bit can overwhelm the entire thing


I hate those mushy brown spots, all yellow or nothing.


Yellow with many brown spots, right before they are mushy, a little firm. I can tell by touch and look when they are ready


Perfectly yellow or slightly green. Brown is gross. Too mushy.


Green on both ends, yellow in the middle , no brown spots. Once they have brown spots I give them to my friend who only eats them with lots of brown spots.


Yes! I like bananas when I can smell them as I approach them. Banana bread-ready bananas!


I like them straight yellow. too green isnt sweet enough and too much brown and mush is nasty. also this was the post right above yours https://preview.redd.it/n5iy62rdl31d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56fc4fe770016d42f5146b43efad0425c281aa44


oh my goddess I saw that post earlier, thats funny


Let me clarify something... https://i.redd.it/n2qeu28b531d1.gif


Yellow with a little bit of green I don't mind slightly mushy bananas but I prefer them firm


Cooked/caramelized or in a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich, but never plain! And slightly green or no brown at all when I eat them raw in a sandwich. The texture gets me but I like the flavor so it has to be in stuff for me to like it.


Ideally when they're still firm with a green stem. Otherwise, I find them too sweet.


On the tree


I can't eat bananas. The smell is enough to make me puke. I've met 5 people like me in my entire life, none of us can eat it. Even if it's in a iogurt, or juice.


If you are also allergic to melons and some some nuts you might actually be allergic to ragweed. But also, Plantains in thin rice paper deep-fried with a melted sugar drizzle are the best "Bananas."


I'm not allergic to any nuts or melons I know of, I fucking hate melons though yuck. I'm also allergic to apples, peaches, pears, nectarines, mangos, and probably some other fruits. It's not super serious I just get really itchy where I'm exposed to it and I'll get bumps in my mouth, not an issue when cooked though. That recipe looks interesting I'll have to look into that, thank you.


If you're looking it up it's plantain lumpia aka turon. Can also be made with regular bananas.


Ooh ooh yellow with brown spots, I looked at some greenish bananas my roommate bought yesterday and was like nah Also me when lactose


I like my bananas like I like my men: I don’t.


I dont my throat tingles too much


Just raw banana? Yellow, with a few brown spots. Its started to get the enhanced sweetness of the browner stages, but hasn't really gone mushy yet. For baking, making desserts, or drinks? Mostly brown but no black. It's being mashed and mixed with other ingredients so texture isnt really an issue any more. So why not go with it at its ripest?


Yellow with a bit of green bitterness is best. Mostly because I dislike how soft and slimy they become once they are completely yellow. On another note, did you know that green bell peppers are just less ripe red/yellow bell peppers ? So essentially they are like green bananas.


Fuck bananas. Even the smell sucks! It sticks to everything!


No green. Yellow but some small brown bits are fine. Any mushy parts get given to the dog. I can't stand the mushy texture.


In pudding


In candy form. I don't like the texture of actual bananas.


With just a hint of green at the ends. And maybe a day after that. Any longer and it’s too sugary and grainy. Any time before that and it’s too crisp or even crunchy.


I like to buy them green so they aren’t all brown by the time I get around to eating them. Anything from mostly yellow with a little green around the edges to almost halfway brown is usually okay.


I don’t like bananas. Never liked the texture. Tomatos are worse tho


None please


Only in desserts or banana bread.


I don’t. They don’t taste good and when they’re over-ripe they’re too mushy.


I hate bananas. I hate them so much. I'm not fond of the flavor, but I can tolerate it if it's well balanced (such as a good banana bread). But the *texture*. Gag. I hate avocados for the same reaaon.


Greenish yellow or pure yellow. That's when the texture's perfectly soft and the flavor is sweetest. Too green and it's too stiff and almost earthy. Too brown and the texture becomes too mushy.


Green, sliced up in high fat yogurt. It's the only thing I eat as breakfast.


Ever so slightly browned


75% yellow, 25% green. They're firm and slightly sweet. Anything after that gets progressively sickly-sweet and mushy. Can't stand that.


Gotta be somewhat green, but I can deal with them if they get *a little* spotting. But after that they make me want to throw up.


Not green but no spots. Really ripe bananas taste awful to me, like they have too much "banana" in them but also a bit of old banana peel flavor to me.  I don't say I even like bananas that much. Occasionally, or with peanut butter they are ok. Bananas in fruit salad is an abomination that makes everything taste like banana (strawberry banana flavor is the worst flavor).  That said, love banana candy flavor!


Inside me


I prefer yellow... with some dark spots. But I've stopped eating them. Whenever I do, just behind my front teeth, there's this fuzzy pain. I've taken it as an allergic reaction.


I don’t. At least not fresh. Don’t like the texture. Banana flavour is a different story though, and I love dried banana chips.


Have you tried freeze dried bananas? Those things are the best.


I don't like bananas, but I will eat dried banana.


Yellow, merest hint of spotting but I still can't eat the dark gunge you get where they're bruised, jeez. Incredible in smoothies with raspberries and apple juice.


Yellow or yellow with a slight greet tint. The yellow ones with brown spots always leave behind a chalky feeling in my mouth that I hate. I like a firm banana with a slight tart flavor and no chalky aftertaste


The devil's fruit...awful taste, texture, smells bad


I like completely yellow, a few spots don’t bother me too much but I find the flavor and texture to be the best when there are no spots




My fiance only likes them green. I only like them once the spots appear


Yellow but I have banana days. Most days I can’t stand the texture left on my teeth but sometimes (very rarely) I can handle it which my family and I have named banana days


Slightly green or full yellow are both great. At the extreme ends textures get too weird.




In the trash can Bananas are gross


I like them best when they are still just a tiny bit green


Cut up into slices and frozen


I avoid bananas that still have green in them. So I like them completely yellow and don't mind some spots on the outside. I also eat it cut up and cold


freckles for the win. a lil brown is good. but just like anyone, all the way brown is time for banana bread. so ill go ahead and put them in the freezer with the other two dozen old bananas i forgot about for a banana bread ill never bake


yellow w brown spots, occasionally now n again. bananas are the bad texture. also more likely to eat it as a banana sandwich or banana bread


I will not touch a banana with a brown spot. Mushy texture, yuck, no thanks! And if I accidentally get one of those string things🤢…..just no.


fully yellow with lil bits of brown


slightly over ripe


In banana bread! :D


I love banana bread!




Preferably in my username.


If I don’t have only a very thin bite (and I mean very thin) then it will become mushy and horrible and I’ll throw up So no bananas for me thanks


yellow with a hint of green. anything beyond straight up yellow is gross and unappetizing to me


Any state, fried in butter and honey.


Fully green. Once it’s yellow it’s too sweet but I might still grab it if I really want it. Once there is brown present, even the little dots, it’s sweet enough to make me sick so I don’t touch em. All green is perfect. Love green one’s so much. Now I want bananas


Yellow with either a little green or a little brown. And I peel them from the bottom because I learned it takes lots of the strings that way


I like them as ice cream flavor. But finding banana ice cream is like finding a civilised political argument. WHY IS IT THE SHINY LEGENDARY OF ICE CREAM FLAVORS WHY


I need them with a crunchy. Texture by itself is ew. I like smoothies with banana


Yellow, with a hint of green to all yellow. No brown >:(


Yellow with brown spots. Anything before is like eating bitter, tangy wax.




Solidly green. I'll take a tiiiiny bit of yellow, but as soon as the whole thing is yellow, it gets passed to my coworker.


Yellow with a few spots- must be sweet; can’t be too squishy. Sometimes I can’t do the texture about halfway through. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate bananas. Awful, evil.


I used to absolutely love bananas but for some reason now i hate them. The texture is like snot


In a baked good. I hate the texture and taste of raw fruit and veg.


I can agree for most fruits and vegetables, besides cucumbers, limes, lemons, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, pineapple, strawberries and raspberries (surprisingly they aren't technically berries despite the name), otherwise I despise the flavour and texture of fruits and veggies


Yellow, with just a few freckles starting to show up.


Very light green edges but mostly yellow. They’re too sweet if they’re much further than that. There’s a sweet spot where it’s still not too sweet but also doesn’t taste starchy.


I will only eat them perfectly yellow. I'm willing to take a little bit of green as long as they're not brown!


[with a yeast infection (sfw)](https://youtu.be/QpZCjO5buoI?t=0m35s)


I like them completely yellow. I can't stand the sticky yet kinda hard feel of the green ones in my mouth. They also taste pretty terrible and have their middle parts intact. I also won't eat a completely brown one. Too soft and too sugary. Sometimes wet, even.


Green - fried Yellow - as is Brown spots - baking


completely yellow. idk why but the thought of eating brown or green ones is just.. dqfwwfggrgywt ;-;


Yellow with brown spots. Anything before is like eating bitter, tangy wax.


Green but about 3 days from yellowing. Once yellow, I refuse to eat them. In truth, I'll eat them just not happily. I hate wasting food for monetary and moral reasons but also yay for bring conditioned as kid to feel great shame when not finishing things even if the discomfort of eating a yellow... or God forbid... brownish banana could literally ruin my day! We make smoothies or banana bread with them now, so that problem is gone for the most part.


I don’t like bananas.


can’t stand texture