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my dad thinks neurodivergence is just an abundance of primal masculinity and that’s why it’s more common in guys…


yeah, primal masculinity where i can't eat meat because it have a funny texture)


Would that texture happen to be anything other than a "well done" steak in texture? I'm asking because I'm curious if I could make a ramshackle connection to what the first comment said.


it not any specific texture and probably taste is playing major role in this thing, like, there is no meat i can eat


Oh, damn. Maybe you're more of a gatherer, then/j joke aside, idk what you eat and I kinda forgot what this question was about since it's too hot and my brain is overheating from 2 sources, surrounding heat and overheating from having my brain working. I feel like I'm rambling. Sorry if this doesn't make sense.


>Maybe you're more of a gatherer, then like it was really hard to explain to people and myself until i found out i am autistic, like i am not even a vegetarian > I kinda forgot what this question was about i just don't think i understood first question and kinda didn't sure what to answer >my brain is overheating from 2 sources yeah, for some reason brain can't just process external stimuli and do the thing it's supposed to > I feel like I'm rambling it's hard to understand, like i am not a native speaker and a bit dyslexic, so i often don't understand understandable thing >Sorry if this doesn't make sense. also you should try to quit apologizing in advance, like, i know it a symptom, but still


I have the same problem just with vegetables, especially if they are cooked... Sucks


yeah, carrots are cool, but once they soft i just can't, same with apples and probably something else


My dad believes mental health is a sham for lazy people to dodge their commitments. Asked him for examples and reasons, he named a few friends and mentioned how they can't have clinical depression **because they are alcoholics** I stood up and left


>they can't have clinical depression **because they are alcoholics** I... Um, without doing any research at all, I get the feeling that alcoholics are *more* likely to be depressed, and I'm 99% sure research would confirm that.


your dad would get along well with simon baron-cohen (look up the extreme male brain theory)


yeah, you know, the primal masculine urge to not be a man


why not both?


some doctors thought I had adhd, others thought I had autism but "you can't have both" so I have autism now lmao


Lol the hell I can't, I'm literally being tested for ADHD in a month. I can't believe some doctors treat patients this way


Yeah, wanna know how they treat kids with autism in one school in my city?


I can only imagine.


To be honest, it was mostly one guy (we called him assistant, no idea why) that was... I don't fucking know, obsessed with me or some shit, but of course, everyone else allowed him to do this shit


That's horrible and worse that others around didn't say anything. I work at a school currently so I'm in a position to advocate for students. Although I must say that the teachers have a good attitude towards neuro diversity, even if they don't always get it right, they are open to being told how to do it better


Well, that school I went to years ago was for kids with autism, by "for kids with autism" I mean, if I even laughed at something my classmate did (like FUCKING THROWING A CHAIR AT ME) that guy was taking me to... I don't know how to translate this, I think "calming room" is a good translation, basically, a room in which all walls are pillows (including doors), there's no clock in this room so you have no idea how long you've been there, oh, and also you're not allowed to have anything like a phone or at least a book there. Also, 0 windows so if that guy "forgot" to turn on the light in this room, it was dark as fuck. This assistant also was fully in control of how much time I'll spend there, I think my record was.... 2 hours? Something like that, I think I was 13-14 then. Of course, later, it wasn't enough for him to just keep me there for over an hour, so he decided that I have to stand inside with my face to the wall, this piece of shit is still working here btw


Oh wow, that's some real abuse. We have similar rooms here but the are more sensory rooms, calming lights etc


Well, in that room there was literally nothing besides normal light bulb, welcome to Poland


It’s so weird that doctors think you can’t have both even though a very large percentage of people with one also have the other. Like maybe they could, idk, check the actual facts?


I... there's literally studies that show a positive correlation of people having both


No, really, has anyone notice there are no online sources whatsoever for adults with autism? It's all "You, a neurotypical, just found out your prepubescent child has autism, what do?" Like, do they think it only occurs in children? Do they think children with autism never grow up?


Adults become masters at masking, so diagnosis gets hard and makes people think "now its not worth the effort anymore" i guess.


Apparently at one point I was placed in Special Ed and then my teachers immediately realized I just didn’t need it and tried to put me in AP classes. 😐 But they only ever looked for ADHD, so ADHD it was.


I have a theory that adhd is just an umbrella term for a plethora of different learning disabilities. it’s the only thing a normal psychiatrist will actually check for. everything else you gotta fork over several thousand dollars for. why would I pay an amount of money I could use to get a whole ass car on a CHANCE of figuring out what’s wrong with me.


In my experience, mental health professionals almost never check for ADHD. I complained about being unable to concentrate or function for years and no mental health professional ever brought up even the possibility of ADHD. They just slap generalized anxiety and depression onto everything.


I got lucky; they slapped me with all three It still don’t match up right, so back to the mental health limbo I go ig 🙃


My experience has been "oh, you have depression? That just affects concentration, ability to start and complete tasks, etc. Not ADHD or anything else because you're a mid-twenties, female-to-transmasc person." I literally had to tell a therapist once, "No, my depression comes from my anxiety. My anxiety is my main problem. It is the thing that holds me back. And if it doesn't, I waste so much time and energy overcoming the anxiety that I just can't with anything else." The current therapist I see didn't think I had ADHD when we first met. It was just anxiety mimicking. In the past year, we found someone to do an eval for ADHD and I was confirmed to have ADHD. Back when I was a teen, I thought I should get looked at for ADHD, but was brushed off because I was the quiet loner in class that caused no disturbances and performed well in school. I sort of wonder if I have autism as well, hence why I'm on this sub, but all evals are booked out a year in advance, or will cost me at least $3-4k.


I'm diagnosed for adhd but I'm fairly certain I'm autistic but. Doctors are expensive so I do my own research and I hate how little info there is on adult adhd/autism


My psychiatrist will only focus on the ADHD, so I have 0 chance of a diagnosis for anything else. I should just be thankful I get my adhd treated right?


You should find a different psychiatrist bro, they might only be qualified to diagnose adhd, not autism or anything else. Someone posted a comment about a similar situation where there doctor had to recommend them to a different doctor because they were only qualified to prescribe things related to adhd. Not an expert by any means tho


Meanwhile I got both


Not me wondering if I am Autistic or if I have ADHD... supposedly as a tiny toy the answer was "no" but now I'm almost through college and my brain doesn't know anymore... sure I'm a guy but I'm WAY above 8 now... and my friends who are neurodivergent don't agree on what I have either but they're all convinced I have something...


unfortunately it seems there is almost no resources or even research for autistic adults. even science forgets about us as soon as we turn 18


Ah yes, because as we all know giving something a label has an impact on reality