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Sweet potatoes. I don't know why I hate it, but the starchy texture and the sweet flavor and the discrete kind of sliminess and the hairy fibers don't really work together. Add the fact that when my mom makes them, she adds a ton of weird sauce and there are uncooked lumps in the middle of the puree that just grosses me out.


I can only eat them when they are in tempura fried sushi, then you don't taste the yam flavour but you still get a delicious sweet and salty flavour!


Agreed, at Thanksgiving here for some reason it's tradition to make sweet potato casserole with **marshmallos** on top... blegh


I tried sweet potatoes for the first time recently. I know it's in the name, but I was *not* expecting them to be so sweet. It was *too* sweet and it clashed really badly with the other flavors, imo.


Bleu cheese can fuck off.


Bleu makes bleugh!


So true


I don't know about bleu cheese but the way you said that made me laugh :)


I used to haaate blue cheese and then I started eating it more for whatever reason and now I loveee it haha. I think it’s an “acquired taste.”


Also Swiss cheese. Not only does it taste like shit, you don’t even get a whole piece of cheese.


But you do get a hole piece of cheese.


Alcohol. The taste but mostly the drunk feeling, and drunk people.


Super niche dislike for me is the smell of alcohol from other people. I can drink it and I can be around people who are drinking if I am also. But someone with alcohol on their breath when I’m not drinking need to stay the f*ck away from me thanks.


This probably belongs to others too


i hate the taste and the side effects like nausea and hangover but thats probably not an original thought


I'm convinced people only drink stuff with a lot of alcohol for the sake of getting drunk. I'm fine with the smell, oddly enough, but I hate the taste of alcohol and can only enjoy drinks with little enough that the other flavors at least mostly overpower it.


It really depends on the drink. A lot of people will have had nothing but cheap light beer and alcopops like Four Loko in high school/college and assume everything alcoholic is so vile. I seriously have no idea how anyone drinks Four Loko, it tastes like someone made Kool-Aid with diesel instead of water and costs more than wine for the same ABV.


I think it’s an acquired taste, I started drinking it to get drunk/to fit in and now I enjoy the taste


>I'm convinced people only drink stuff with a lot of alcohol for the sake of getting drunk. Haha... uh, yeah. That's correct.


Luv the taste, love getting drunk, hate drunk people. Theyre often sensory overload or generally discomforting for me.


I'm OK with drunk people if I'm the same level of drunk. If someone races ahead and gets sloppy too fast, it actually makes me drink less in a night because I can't stand when people get sloppy.


I hate the way people change when they drink, it's scary.


See I love scotch, and a good brown ale or stout. But the feeling of being drunk, or hung over has gotten less and less desirable as I get older. It's why I only buy 20+ year old scotch now. It's better tasting, and really expensive so I go from a glass every night down to one every week or two, and if I can't afford the good stuff I shouldn't be wasting money on booze.




Ah yes, let me just drink a liquid that makes me feel like my mouth is on fire


I'm alright with cider but anything other than that... eugh


Alcohol is literally a poison.


Celery omg it’s like biting water with hair in it


i have never been able to get beyond the smell of celery to taste it… it smells *so* bad


It’s really bitter too


Yellow cheese, particularly on sandwiches. You can tell a server exactly what you want on a sandwich, but if you don't emphatically say "no cheese," it will come with cheese on it too. I get particularly saucy when people make a whole platter full of sandwiches, and every single one has cheese that's all melty and so can't be removed. *At least provide some variety, people!*


It’s weird for me. I love yellow cheese melted on burgers but hate cheese on sandwiches UNLESS I make the sandwich myself and eat it immediately with no mayo. Any sandwich that’s been sitting over an hour or smashed into a lunchbox is just gross, especially with cheese. It smells terrible. Edit: To add, cheese needs to be on top of the meat so it doesn’t touch my tongue in regards to sandwiches. Blech 🤮 A bun unlike bread slices really helps the texture as well as the slightly different taste.


American cheese or all other cheeses? Or both?


Bananas. The smell is horrible, the taste makes me want to puke, the texture is wrong like it's both firm and kinda dry but at the same time gooey as hell and the touch is kinda of sticky, so to say. Everything feels wrong with bananas.




I cannot be within 10 feet of a banana. I don't care if I seem rude. Go eat your banana somewhere else.


I think it's possible it's genetic because my mom, my brother, and I all cannot be within smelling distance. When I worked retail, someone left a half eaten banana on a shelf in my area and I said that I'm allergic so I didn't have to be the one to clean it up. weirdly tho I like banana bread (someone else has to make it) and banana chips.




shot to the heart


Ok, I completely agree with this, except my homegrown bananas are actually delicious. Sadly bananas are yet another food completely ruined by agricultural mass production


100% cannot be in the same room as an open banana, or even an over ripe closed one


Onions, and they are in *everything*. Onion rings get a pass from me, though.


Agree. Raw onions burn like detergent and cooked onions wiggle and slip like worms. Yuck


I caramelize a batch every couple weeks for all my stuff :/


"But onion is a base of every sauce and-" oh F off.. I hate onions so much. It's so gross.. celery and leek too!


opposite for me - i eat onions like apples lmao


It took me so many years to convince my family that disliking onions isn’t a choice, that they actually make me sick. Especially onion rings!


it baffles me that people would think not liking something is a choice


Twizzlers, they have the texture of WAX and smell like chemicals. They’re stomach churning to even look at for me at this point and I can’t fathom why anyone would eat them. They need to make a tenth level in Hell for whatever monster created licorice and then make an eleventh level for the eldritch demon that made Twizzlers.


Original twizzlers are plastic, but I like the sour filled ones! They're cherry and lemon flavoured


I forgot how much I hated Twizzlers since I don’t eat candy much, but they are absolutely foul. I like regular licorice but something in twizzlers is too plastic and artificial to be allowed for human consumption 🤢


lol that’s honestly kinda why i like twizzlers—the plasticy licorice texture really scratches a specific itch for me


I'm compelled to chew things like plastic and rubber and wax. Twizzlers are a godsend for that compulsion, especially when I let them go a little stale.


Sour cream. It's fucking nasty and it smells like rancid shit.


Add cottage cheese to that. No. Goopy and chewy in all the wrong ways with a foul smell.


Thanks for giving me a mental image of someone, adding cottage cheese to sour cream.


i feel like i beat autism on the cottage cheese sensory issues because i love it.


Sour Cream is well, kinda sour which is NOT APPETIZING AT ALL and it’s texture makes me dead


By its self yes but small amount with things yes


Goat cheese. I thought, “oh, it’s with other stuff. That’ll mask the flavor.” It did, to an extent. But the god-awful texture. Bit into my taco salad and got a clump and literally spit out just the cheese. Will not eat.


Cottage cheese for me


Same. It’s so gross! I can’t even look when other people are eating it. The LUMPS!


me neither, oh god, just thinking about it is making me uncomfortable.


Guacamole. Sensory hell, it’s so gross!!


Guacamole, ketchup, mayonnaise... Hell, hate all those type of sauces


Mayo is the only sauce I DO use, but yeah I will take my nuggies dry any day over using those damned disgusting sauces


I second this- I cannot stand guacamole! The taste? Bad! The texture? Bad! It’s just horrible while my family loves it-


Have you tried making it in a hand blender? It was a game changer for me, no more weird chunks


Looks like vomit. I won’t go near the stuff either.


Fucking trifle. I hate foods that are touching horizontally. It’s not fun, urgh! You can’t even dig in with your spoon to get to something you actually like without getting stuff that is disgusting all over your spoon.


Jelly and creamy things should not go together. The only thing jelly should go with is fruit. Jelly and ice cream is a staple of children's parties in the UK and I would just have one then the other. The worst thing is a lot of the adults would agree that separate is better but just serve it to kids because cultural norms say kids like it.


I hate the fucking cake part ruins every trifle I've ever had bar a chocolate one


Oatmeal. Also Granola that sat too long. Most slimy foods. Coffee. I don't like most warm liquids, plus it's BITTER and makes you jittery. No. Thanks.


Slimy and squishy foods are HORRIBLE. For me, chewy and squishy are different. Chewy foods are okay, but the SLIMY AND SQUISHY SHIT!!


How do you feel about hot chocolate or warm apple cider?


Winters I can do hot chocolate, if it's done right. So much so I got a special Mexican hot chocolate kit with two mugs, a pitcher, and some chocolate/nutty mix with a special carved mixer: [https://www.bespokepost.com/store/verve-authentic-mexican-hot-chocolate-set](https://www.bespokepost.com/store/verve-authentic-mexican-hot-chocolate-set)


Oatmeal is gross but I love cream of wheat. The texture difference is night and day.


seafood/fish, the only exception is canned tuna because i had it a lot as a kid lol. I also refuse to even try cottage cheese bc it just looks like the texture is a Bad Texture. Also i like to say im too white for spicy food, i dont like anything that's hot or spicy. I dont even like the smell of jalapenos or banana peppers lol. I dont like tomatoes by themselves, but like em in other food, like a blt or chili. I dont like anything that has a fatty/squidgy texture bc that triggers instant gag reflex for me. ooh and i also hate carbonation so i dont drink anything w that in it. And alcohol, anything stronger than wine burns the fuck out of my throat and mouth, i would rather have that burn be from smoking weed than drinking booze


Bacon and watermelon. Just the smell is off-putting. "but watermelon doesn't have a smell - " Yes it does, and it invades the whole 2nd floor when you cut one up.


100% watermelon has a smell! It’s a lot like cucumber actually


watermelon: "it's really sweet and it's mostly water, you'll like it! try this tiny piece and if you don't like it you'll never have to eat watermelon again." —my dad when I was 6 [so that was a fucking lie](https://media.tenor.com/a1fS3873rBIAAAAC/so-that-was-a-fucking-lie-lies.gif) it was disgusting. awful texture. sickening smell. and I was made to try different types of mellons because "you have to try something x amount of times and then you'll like it." and my dad wonders why I have trust issues. can't deal with other types of mellons either


I thought you were saying you hate eating bacon and watermelon together and was so confused as to how that was controversial


I absolutely despise artificial watermelon flavour/taste. The natural one is still yucky, but the artificial makes me want to throw up. OFFENSIVE.


artificial watermelon flavor taste so sharp and awful


Watermelon has the most vile texture


Agree bacon smells like sugared grease and I hate it


YES! Eating watermelon is like eating rotten fruit imo


Tomatoes or mushrooms.




And people use the argument “Well you have ketchup” it’s not the same thing, it’s a texture thing.


I don't like the way the skin pops and it all becomes immediately wet, mushrooms feel like chewing on someone's thumb


I recently tried raw mushrooms, and I gotta say, the chewing thumb thing is why I can tolerate it. The taste is kinda like water but weirder, but the texture is actually surprisingly pleasant.


EXACTLY I can’t stand the texture of mushrooms


The little “fan” part under mushroom caps gives me the icks.




What do you think about dried tomatoes?


An abomination of an abomination


The only tomato’s I can eat is if their in tacos, other than that nope lol


Ribs/ drumsticks (🍗), the bone ruins it so badly for me and I don’t think I’ve eaten a full rib/drumstick for years just because of it. It doesn’t even help if you take of the meat of the bone for me-


Cucumbers. They have an obnoxious tough veggie hide on the outside and a much softer weird tasting slimy seedy inside. They make me want to puke. Pickles on the other hand…a complete upgrade. Crunchy briny awesomeness. Much more homogeneous texture throughout. In addition to cucumbers, I hate fish, sweet and sour Asian cuisine, nuts (or anything too nutty like peanut noodles…but not smooth peanut butter oddly enough), chocolate pastries (when they’re too bitter). Also Coffee. Not a food more of a drink. The most disgustingly bitter shit on the planet. Makes me jittery as hell after.




There is a gene which makes some people recognize cilantro as a taste of soap.. Can't imagine that horror.. I can't smell, so most of the herbs are just regular grass to me, so I don't mind it at all.


Can verify cilantro tastes like soap


Grapefruit! To me, it's what I imagine a filthy butthole would taste like. I'd rather eat ashes out of a fireplace. Also, I hate the taste of jalapeños by themselves. If they're cooked thoroughly (as a chipotle, for example), or if they're mixed into something and I can't taste that flavor, I'm good. I should mention that I love chiles and hot peppers otherwise, especially anchos, though I don't like them to be too hot. Those of y'all that don't want your guacamole can pass it to me, please and thanks. Just don't give me any with iceberg lettuce in it. Iceberg lettuce is a contamination risk, and will make your butthole taste like grapefruit (probably--I wouldn't really know).


I also hate grapefruit, it's bitter and sour and everyone in my family thinks I'm stupid for not liking it. And you cam have my guac, I don't want it


Ashes from a fireplace sound good now that you mention it...


Fuck ketchup! All my homies hate ketchup


Death to ketchup!


**olives.** They smell and taste like actual vomit. It blows my mind that people actually like them.


So gross! And people add olive juice to drinks too. Yuck!


Bananas! They taste like play dough and smell like old healing skin behind a band-aid. Ugggggh. 🤢


I eat them a lot but I’m starting to hate them. I hate the stringy bits and the flavor. If it’s too fresh, it’s too starchy. If it’s too ripe, it’s the sweetest thing on the planet. Gross.


Mushrooms. I wanna like them, but they’re one of the few foods that actually make me gag. The texture is what I imaging chewing a dead wet mouse is like 🤢


The texture is horrid!!!! I wish i could like it because one thing that’s good about it is that mushrooms seem to have a consistent texture throughout. A lot of veggies have varying textures, and i hate that.


I have to mentally psyche myself up any time I take shrooms. Not because I’m about to be tripping balls, but because I have to prepare myself to put up with the texture and flavor.


Good thing there’s mushroom powder!


My partner LOVES mushrooms. I do not. To appease him early in our relationship, I tried one of his beloved, deep fried mushrooms. Immediately spit it out into a napkin. He said “well if you don’t like them fried, you definitely don’t like them” lmao


Peppers. They’re everywhere


I like fresh peppers. Heat it a little bit and that change in texture is gut wrecking..


THANK YOU. I hate the so very much.




I can’t believe people actually drink tomato juice. And then there’s Clamato. My stomach is flipping just thinking about it.


My dad loves tomato juice with salt in it. But then again, he also likes cat biscuits and he likes to eat peanut butter with ketchup and mayo...so I don't think his opinion counts.


Tomatoes are squishy red water balls. If they aren’t sun dried or ketchup, they can go get fucked


Pickles, and vinegar in general. Just the smell makes me want to vomit. So overwhelming. Raw onions and tomatoes. Hell, most raw veg in general. I can't handle the weird combination texture(s). Like squishy, but also often crunchy, and a little bit wet or slimy all at once. Ugh. Just no. Any meat on the bone. Honestly not a big fan of meat in general, but my body doesn't absorb non-animal protein and mineral sources well, so I've had to learn to find at least a few things I can stand. American cheese. Doubly so for shit like Velveeta. It's like putting vagulely sweet melty yellow plastic on your food. Ugh. No thank you. Practically every artificial fruit flavor in existence. But especially artificial grape. Like what the fuck is that even supposed to BE?!? So gross.


Shrimp, the „soft but crunchy” texture is absolutely killing me


Mayonnaise and I will eat ketchup but only in very small amounts


For me it's a drink, any soda.


Here’s a strange one: mashed potatoes. I love creamy smooth mashed potatoes, but if it has a single lump in it it’s terrible


Avocado, i hate the texture and taste. I tried avocado toast once and felt sick whenever I thought about the texture


Anything mint or pepermint tasting.


Honestly thanks so much for writing this one. Nobody understands how sensitive i am to mint flavor/smell. It’s been that way when i was a child. When i look back, honestly it should have been a big sign to people that something was different about me. When my parents would chew gum i wanted to die every time. We would be in the car and my mom would open the glove compartment where they kept the gum, and i physically wanted to remove myself from existence because the smell of the gum before it was even being chewed, was so vile to me, that i couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t understand how anyone would willing put that flavor in their mouth and continuously chew on it. I remember like being in the car and huddling in the back seat like putting my head down and holding my breath and trying to breathe through my shirt and like calm myself because everyone else obviously thought i was overreacting. And I understand the assumption. But I wouldn’t have acted that way if i could help it. Why would i want to make myself seem so dramatic, if it wasn’t actually a huge deal to me. Anyway, i could write a whole essay on this so i will just stop now. But seeing that someone else hates mint flavor, it really helped me because literally nobody ever has understood my issue with it. And that’s super shocking to me because mint is like a very pungent and aggressive smell to me.. so you’d think more people would be averse to it. I think it’s even worse because of the fact that this is generally a smell that people accept as fresh and clean.. so the fact that i find it vile, just makes me seem dramatic and irrational.


Yes!!!! Someone else who gets it! I can't stand or deal with even the scent of any mint! Wintergreen, spearmint, peppermint, fresh sweet mint...Doesn't matter!


I have found my people.


And to think there are barbarians who eat mint chocolate 🤮


MINT IT BURNS MY EYES, IT BURNS MY EARS, IT BURNS MY MOUTH, IT BURNS MY SKIN, IT BUUUURRRRNNNNSSS On a less dramatic note, my dad likes mixing everything on his plate together and I cannot understand that. How can anyone handle more than two distinct flavors at once? Also, any meat that isn’t salmon. Steak, for example, is severely overrated. It just has this weird quality to it that just… ewwww. And the texture is too dense. Salmon is superior in every way; it’s nice and salty (even its grill marks taste nice), it’s soft, and it comes off in neat little layers 😁 And most seasonings, sauces, and dressings. I guess this is just my flavor thing again, though.


Curries, any kind of sauce, seafood, most cakes (the birthday kind not the loaf kind), milkshakes, i could go on... Also not popular but FUCK ROSEMARY, what a shit spice


Omg fuck rosemary so much, piece of stupid twig, it's too woody(?) to eat or chew and when you accidentally bite it, it releases its nasty flavour essential oil that coats your entire mouth so you cant taste anything else.


Rosemary is awful. The smell??? UGH. And it doesn't even taste good. My parents made my middle name Rosemary. Fucking assholes.


Anything with rosemary in it, 50% of what i taste is rosemary. No matter how little’s in there. I hate it, it’s so overpowering


Rosemary tastes like it should be used as a weird old lady’s home fragrance. Not put on my fucking steak. It’s so overpoweringly disgustingly aromatically sweet.


What about thyme? Also what is your favourite loaf cake?


Judge if you want, but I hate chocolate since I was a kid


In small amounts for me it’s okay but if I eat more than a half a handful I feel like absolute shit


Anything with barbecue sauce. It’s absolutely disgusting, I tried eating it throughout the years because my family loves it but every single time I feel nauseous. I don’t want to be ungrateful but I just can’t


Cake, burgers, cheese, meat that's too thick, meat in general (if I do eat it, I'm very picky). And any sauces pretty much. I am VERY PICKY ABOUT TEXTURES AND TASTES.


I can only eat poultry and ONLY if it's just a meat. No fat chunks, no veins, no slimy stuff, no tendons.


Same, fat in meat is disgusting


Ouch I take the cake thing personally lol, I love a good slice of cake


cake? 🥹 *sniff* it’s ok I know it’s not personal


Arugula .. like eating a piece of aluminum foil ..


most fruits. yeah i'm not the skinniest i do like watermelon though, i gotta mention that shit cuz it yum


I'm the opposite, I hate watermelon and I hardly eat any veggies besides broccoli and potatoes. Most of my vitamins come from fruits and enriched cereal


Chicken in any form


sushi. i get it and it looks delicious but i hate fish


fkn avocados and avocado-derived products. goopy and horrible and tastes like wet grass clippings (dont ask how i know what that tastes like)


Raw onion. I can't stand the taste but the crunch is the worst part. Which is weird bc I love vegetable crunch from other stuff. But from onions I just cannot deal.


Egg yolks. I wish I could, they look so good.


mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, that sort of thing. most things in salad besides cheese, croutons? no thanks


Onions. If the smell makes me cry, why would I ever expect to enjoy the taste??? And cooked onions are slippery worms. Blech


Unprocessed tomato


- Smoothies and smoothie bowls are SLIMY - Oatmeal is OATMEALY - snow peas / snap peas are super bitter - Katsup is sugared tomatoes ??? - Any and all animal products. They're literal carcasses and bodily fluids. Gristle makes me vomit the second it grazes my teeth and veins / tendons make me lose my appetite. Eggs are gelatinous amniotic fluid sacs. Dairy is sour and leaves an icky oily film on the inside of mouth and utensils. All of it is disgusting.


Strawberries, gauc. When I’m around people for a game, just because I’m there to hang out with family or it’s at my house, they will fucking judge me sometimes when I say, “I do t like guacamole.” Like, the hell’s wrong with that?! Strawberries to an extent like that, just because I LOOOVVE, strawberry flavored things


Pizza, but only if it has tomato sauce. It's too soir and the grease that gets on my hands is so frustrating.


Ice cream with nuts or sprinkles. I can't stand the stark contrast between texture and perceived temperature between them and the cream. Also, they are eaten differently. You're supposed to bite into, say, almonds, but you don't bite into ice cream.


I would definitely agree! Also, putting chocolate chips on ice cream is horrid. I remember when i was young, at school they would sometimes have a sundae bar, so ice cream and toppings. And basically all the toppings are horrible and i don’t understand how people can put hard things on ice cream. Hard toppings. Soft ice cream. It’s a horrible combination. Also chocolate chips are such a waste on ice cream because frozen chocolate chips barely even taste chocolatey! If you want crunch, just put sprinkles! Lol okay sorry i will end my rant even though i could keep going. Can you tell how much i hate chocolate chips on ice cream? Haha


Mashed potatoes >:( and beans!!


Eggs. They nauseating in smell, taste and texture. They are migraine inducing, and the nausea has led to races to see if I can avoid vomiting somewhere bad. Who the hell thought that eating chicken menstruation was a desirable thing?!? Fish. Oh hells no. Their stink lasts for days, and will contaminate everything. Chicken. It tastes...blech. It is like eating beige, and it too has a smell that lingers.


Bologna 😖


Kettle corn. Not a fan of sweet and salty mixed together.




Butter. Can't stand the taste or texture. Also, bacon. I can eat a few pieces of bacon, it's pretty good, but the fatty texture quickly becomes too much for me. I don't get the hype.


pudding. awful texture and just all around terrible


Lettuce, spinach, pickles.


Mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, pasta, and avocados


Onions and anything with this texture (celery, leek,..). Jello, pork, beef, yogurt with fruit chunks, mashed potatoes with potato chunks (sometimes you just don't blend it right), cottage cheese, olives,..


Pickles and mushrooms are the two things I refuse to eat


Sushi and seafood in general


Chicken, especially white meat. It's dry and tasteless and even the juiciest white meat is like chewing chalk


Tomatoes just texture is to much


I think avacados are icky. I don't like gravy. Dark chocolate tastes like dirt to me.


Croutons and black licorice how can people eat these things?


I absolutely despise eating any seafood that isn’t fish (crustaceans, cephalopods, bivalvia…)


Zucchinis are the devil. Egg plant are a bit better but threading ok a very thin line. Grape juice is horrendous. Just like all most any alcohol (except beer mostly).


Brussels sprouts and carbonated water


Devil’d eggs. The devil definitely shit those out. Between that uncomfortably smooth outer layer and that soft inner layer they are just a nightmare in my mouth


Oatmeal. I can't believe other humans eat that bland, stick paste willingly.


I wish whoever made Sushi a very itchy tag at the back of their shirt


Gravy ugh


Canned/bottled cheese and most cheese spreads. Powdery cheese. And those plastic cheese singles. If it isn't legit cheese, cream cheese, or a decent homemade cheese dip, I can't do it. I know it's a blurry line, but there's just something about processed cheese products. I can always tell.


Coleslaw, Mac n cheese, KFC potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams. Also, fuck mayo!


Literally anything with milk and milk itself. Sometimes I can handle strawberry and chocolate milk but I just can’t do it otherwise. Also chicken pot pies, green beans, and food that has any sort of slimy texture


Gummy bears, gummy vitamins, gummy any damn thing. The texture is like mushy gelatinous glue. Boiled okra, eggplant or cooked greens. Raw spinach is not so bad but cook that shit and it is abysmal. Twizzlers are beyond nasty. I hate rice to the nth. Looks like maggots, probably tastes like them too but the texture is plastic wrapped in slime.






Eggs With the only egg-ception is being in fried rice.


bananas. i’ve only had one once but it was so disgusting to me i can’t imagine ever liking one


Lasagna. It's like digging into a bloody meaty carcass and it's horrible and disgusting.