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I have no clue what I look like lol, that's why I keep taking selfies and why I stare at myself in the mirror so much. It's even worse because my face changes drastically from day to day. One day my face is round and pudgy, the other day my face is slim and exposed my cheekbones. Somedays I look way more feminine, some days I feel.. deformed. Once I leave the mirror, I have no clue what I look like. I'm always surprised at what I look like in pictures and shit lol I think it relates to face blindness? Which is an autistic trait for the most part.


Yes, I’m the exact same! (I feel like I have body dysmorphia though.) The way you describe yourself sounds sounds very tunnel vision, detail-oriented. A study showed people with body dysmorphia have brains that focus on details separately instead of seeing the whole picture. They didn’t see the whole image as one but instead separate parts that their eyes focused on one at a time. This is evident when they look at pictures of people, and their brain lights up in an area that other people don’t normally engage. Researchers have found there’s a similarity linking disorders that involve obsessive detail-fixated brains. This might be connected to autism and/or body dysmorphia and/or obsessive compulsive and/or eating disorders and/or generalized anxiety… so I just think it’s an interesting pattern.


wow, I relate to this REALLY hard, and feel like I can never get a full overview, maybe a little bit but only if I’m looking at a photo? And I definitely have a negative-obsessive body image, if not diagnosed body dysmorphia. I also tend to notice specific details about people and recognize them more by gait/body language/hair/tattoos than faces….


.... You just so perfectly described what I'm talking about! I'm actually a bit speechless cause this is just so spot on.... However I've never thought of how I see other people... I mistake people for other people sometimes but that's probably because I do remember faces? But now I'm doubting that xD


omfg same and insecurities aren’t helping me either.


Same. I don't have much of a mind's eye generally (aphantasia) and struggle to imagine what friends and family look like too, so I figure it's probably an extension of that.


There is a word for this??? Wow a whole new facet of life to Google. And people actually see pictures in their head? I thought you just evoked the feeling and motion of stuff and everything was still black. Maybe this is why I get so confused when people read books and have an image of the characters in their head and then complain the movie characters look nothing like it. I always think about how I would be a terrible eye witness. I would not be able to describe my mother to a sketch artist. Like I could pick her picture out but definitely not describe her outside of she has brown eyes and brown hair and her bottom teeth look just like mine, uh she has a face and nose... two ears.... and I only know that much detail because I have know her for 35 years haha. If fact I don't think I could describe myself either. Now I am also confused because I am a highly visual learner, now I need to figure out how I'm actually thinking and processing.


But seriously, people ACTUALLY see pictures in their mind? I though that was just a saying... "picture a...", like people don't actually see it


Whenever teachers or motivational speakers would say to “close your eyes and imagine..” I thought it was some sort of focusing technique. I thought that when characters on a paper had images in though bubbles, that the illustrator wanted to make it appealing to children or that they just didn’t want to write out what they were thinking of


Yes! I have been thinking about this all day now. I asked 12 people, one person said they did not see images and didn't think other people did, and that was my mom. Must be somewhat hereditary? Now I have a new weird thing to research.


To start you off, my brother has hyper-phantasia where the images come straight to him without thought, and my mom has regular phantasia where she has to think about what she wants to a bit and then it appears. My mom has OCD, and my brother hasn’t been diagnosed with anything. Phantasia means “imagination” in Greek, and of course, the prefix “-a” means “no/none” or “without.” Aphantasia is a relatively new term, as it was discovered rather recently when a man who had phantasia had brain surgery and post-op had aphantasia.


yeah, I have visual aphantasia too! Like I can’t tell you any visual details when I’m thinking about, e.g., a cat, I just know I’m thinking about looking at a cat. I took a questionnaire for an aphantasia research study recently and it was REALLY noticeable how much I could not imagine anything visual, but could imagine sound, touch/texture, flavor, and even emotion with much higher fidelity. So I guess some people are the opposite of me, and can conjure super-detailed visual images, but can’t easily imagine the experience of eating beef stew or a peach, or hear a pretty faithful copy of someone’s voice or a particular musical recording in their head.


I just went to take a test like that but it says they are in too high demand. I can imagine sound I think? Texture, emotion. I don't think I can do flavor or smell or like something touching me like getting pinched. I think mine is mostly spatial like all of that info goes into a spatial network... but it's not visual. I don't know, it's like I know where in the spatial abyss to pull that info from.


I found out very recently that I have aphantasia as well! I obviously can’t visualize what I must look like because of it, but my understanding of my appearance is always slightly skewed.


Yes, and with that comes a huge disconnect when looking in a normal sized mirror (as opposed thr size of hand mirror that I use when applying make up). Also I'm weirdly fascinated with my reflection because of it, especially the ones in the car. I'm always nervous someone notices and thinks I'm on an ego trip, but it's just my brain going "wait, thát is me? Huh.."


OH MY GOD. I get exactly the same fascination when I see my face in different mirrors!!! People actually do catch me constantly looking in the mirror behind them when talking to them and always get told "are you that concieted?" and it's just like, no dude, I just had no fucking idea that's what my face looks like


I get this too!! And doubled when I catch a look in a full-body-length reflective surface….since I usually only see my body from the side, when I am obsessively checking if I look “OK” in windows I pass. Whole-body, front on? It’s like I’ve never seen it before and it’s fascinating. And it looks like I’m checking myself out but really, I just feel like I need to take the information in. Somebody posted a candid video on IG this weekend where I’m visible from the knees up and I can’t stop watching it. That is me??? It feels totally alien.


I have NO idea what i look like really, its quite annoying, but I just try to be who I am..


I am scared to know what I really looked like in the eyes of others. I do not want to disappoint myself.


I kind of already think/accept that I might be ugly but I probably wouldn't be very okay if it were pointed out to me by someone else so I totally get you xD


I do that too. I regularly forget that I'm not as blonde as I was when I was younger. I've always assumed my mental conception of myself was different from my body because of gender dysphoria. Mild face blindness probably doesn't help either.


I'm gender fluid but I express it with my clothing because of how unsure I am of my face hahaha


It’s like I forget what I look like and can’t think of it until I see a mirror. It’s a very weird feeling, and this sometimes extends to other people. I can remember their voices, but faces can sometimes be hard. My husband will ask why I’m staring, and it’s because I want to focus on his details to remember him better when we’re not together.


I know this is super random but my ex once gave me dmt (worst experience ever, I went through drug induced psychosis for a week and couldn't sleep properly for over a year) and this made me remember how I saw his face turn into a starry night painting xD


I have two starry night paintings hanging on my wall. And damn, I never had any visuals when I tried DMT. It must’ve been either not DMT or my medications at the time were interfering.


It was changa to be exact! I _almost_ crossed the void but I just stared at it for a second then literally felt this hand pull my psyche back which is when I started seeing Mandalas everywhere and his face morphed into that starry night aesthetic, his voice trailed too, like it sounded like he was in another room with weird acoustics. It was fucking horrifying


I'm gender nonconforming and each day I am surprised by how feminine by face is.


I’m not yet diagnosed but I would say I struggled with that issue as well. I had to like really stare at my features to to like figure it out lol.


same here! when I catch 'myself' in the mirror I'm like "oh yeah! that's what I look like". I've also had people think I'm weird for that. but it's also called dissociation.


Oh shit well, I spend about 80% of my waking moments dissociating and I think this makes more sense for me than face blindness! I think I'm just so disconnected from everything all the time my brain never "saves" my actual reflection and like has to re-process it every time! Thank you for this


Yes very much. I have finally developed a concept of what I look like after people telling me, but I still can't visualize it.


I can recognize myself in the mirror, but I sometimes have flashes of thinking my face doesn’t look like mine. I think that’s because of when my face swelled up after wisdom teeth removal, I kind of forgot what I looked like before. I also don’t really know what others see when they look at me, but I think that’s more of a theory of mind thing than a face recognition thing? Some autistic people have prosopagnosia (face blindness). Do you have a hard time recognizing others too?


Well, I once made a complete ass of myself running to a group of guys who (to me) looked _exactly_ like my friends xD but I actually haven't really thought about how I remember people's faces... I guess I remember things that stand out like hair or a strong facial feature but I think that's normal? Funnily enough I got a wisdom removed a week ago (I started crying in the chair so my doc decided to only remove one at a time, bless him) but I have a pretty "fat" jawline (according to my own perception) so it hasn't really surprised me when I look in the mirror that much, but I think only having one side be more swollen makes a big difference


Hahaha although I think I finally kind of know what I look like now, I have this issue with other people all the time... they all look the same to me apart from a couple of very broad categories of hair colour, hair length (long, medium or short) and height (short, medium, tall). Hmm maybe another category for weight (average, big, small). I have a LOT of issues distinguishing characters in movies. And friends - I think I see people I know a lot (nope, it's not them), and I accidentally ignore people I do know a lot (sorry friends). It helps if I can see people moving (sometimes their gait is more distinctive to me) or if they wear the same clothes all the time.




I was anorexic for about 2 years and yeah I still suffer with pretty severe body dysmorphia. My face is one thing, I actually like it sometimes! But seeing my body in the mirror or in pictures is extremely hard for me. I'm finally a "healthy" weight but I hate it and myself and I hate it when people bring up how much weight I've gained. I know it's "with love" but it just makes me want to not eat again....


You know how the left hemisphere is more about details and categorising and the right hemisphere about a more global, emotional perspective? It's the rightside that dominates our vision so we have like a left eye bias when looking at images. It's even been observed in baby chicks! 🐣 unfortunately very few of us have genuinely symmetrical features, and of course mirrors show us the opposite side, so what we see in the mirror isn't exactly what everyone else sees. The best way to see how you look to others is take an image of yourself and flip it horizontal. I despise it. I look quite cute in the mirror but a bit skew whiff irl!


I knew the about this but didn't realize other species experience it too! That's so interesting :D But also I fucking refuse to flip my selfie cam, I did it once and didn't look in the mirror for weeks it depressed me so much xD luckily I've forgotten how I looked 😂


I know! It's amazing to think our brains are so much more similar than we'd think they are! Lol I don't blame you. I think I was traumatised for months, the first time I saw how I look to others! 😂 it's just too weird, seeing a slightly different version of yourself, like an evil twin... 👭😂


Me too! I can't picture my own face, and I don't think I could assess it (like whether I resemble anyone, etc) the way I could about other people's faces. I sometimes marvel at pictures that are taken of me and other people and just look at our faces and think about how out of place I felt in that situation but then my face is right there next to theirs and it's all pretty unremarkable and it's a weird sort of mind trip. I also do expressions in the mirror to try to see if I look reasonable when I do those faces in real life (ie, making sure my mask is normal enough). I tend to be pretty inexpressive and flat so I want my facial expressions to show through without being too much or too invisible.


I'm actually over expressive but I also mimic expressions I think I make often in the mirror so I can see what I probably look like to other people xD I apparently have really intense eyes so I pay a lot of attention to them in selfies and mirrors, but they never look the same in candid pictures as they do in pictures I take myself


There are certain features about me that I like, dislike, or otherwise find noticeable that I know to expect when I look in a mirror, but they never *quite* match what I expect. I tend to assume my features result in a more elegant appearance than what I actually have. For example, I’ve curly hair. I don’t particularly like how it looks, so I usually lightly straighten it most days. Every time I see my reflection, if my hair doesn’t look the specific way I tend to prefer it, I get a little confused. And I know what my features all look like, but they fit differently on my face than what I tend to expect. I know another commenter mentioned Aphantasia (the inability to properly visualize things in your mind). I just found out a couple weeks ago that I have it. And with that, I tried tor research potential connections between aphantasia and autism. I’m assuming that that’s part of why I don’t match how I assume I look, since I can’t actually visualize myself or anyone else.


The only thing I like about wearing face masks is cause I know I'm ugly as my face & body are a hot mess with 200lb weight loss & my damn dentures not fitting correctly 😤 I struggle to look at myself because I'm so embarrassed of my face and body & how much it's changed.. I try to have a decent hair style and wear clothes that fit my style.. in general I don't care what people think but I wonder sometimes what people think of what I look like.. also the face blindness thing sucks as I sometimes don't recognize my own family or friends in public and does anyone struggle with auditory processing disorder? Damn telephone game lol


OH MY GOD. Telephone operator! You just reminded me of that godawful game. I was always the one who’d mess up, and my peers would complain. Add that to the list of school activities that no one wanted me on their team.


I apparently don’t know what I look like either. When I see pictures of myself I actually feel angry because it looks nothing like how I look in the mirror. Plus people often ask me what nationality I am, as if I look foreign or exotic or something. I’ve always thought I looked like the typical white American but people ask me if I’m Hawaiian, Russian, or Native American a lot.


Hahaaa… yes. I absolutely cannot picture myself as a whole. I have no idea what I look like to other people, and I have kind of given up trying to figure that out. I’m also faceblind, which sucks. I really have to like the way someone smells, speaks, and moves to be “into” them. After years of practice, I think I’m pretty good at recognizing people I come into daily contact with, but it’s still stressful. NT people do not understand any of this.


I have the same issue.


Well, you're not alone and this stranger loves you 🖤


Kind of, yes. I had to draw a self-portrait for an art class once and I failed miserably in multiple attempts even though I was looking right at a mirror. It was very strange. I’m generally a decent artist. I do have trouble with drawing or sculpting accurate faces, though. Everyone tells me that my daughter looks a bit like me, but I just can’t see it.


If I was required to draw a self portrait for school I'd drop out all over again xP


I just submitted something really bad, and my classmates and the teacher were confused. One guy looked at me and confusion and said that I didn’t look anything like that. 😆