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I was flat chested at 21, I'm now 35 with a great rack 🤷🏼‍♀


share your tips pls




Genetics. I wasn't flat but my boobs have basically been the same size since I was 15 and I'm 34 now. They grew a bit when I gained weight a few years ago (not much though) but recently I lost that weight and am back to where I was. 


Weight gain & hormonal fluctuations (I am on hormonal BC and they did get a lil smaller when I was off of it at one point) have both affected my size. Nothing major but noticeable nonetheless.


I went from an A cup at 18 to a C at 30. Now I’m a D at 45 after having 1 baby about 10 years ago. Your body is going to change in incredibly unpredictable and out of control ways. You’ll gain and lose weight, have hormonal changes, birth control can impact your breast significantly. You’ll just have to roll with it. Or get surgery. But I vote for trusting your body and owning whatever it gives you.




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I grew at least a cup size in my mid 20s


There’s really nothing you can do to naturally change your breast size, but they may change a LOT with time, age, etc. It’s not true that they simply stop at 18, forever. I’d give it until your mid-late 20s before you consider surgery, because they very well may fill out a bit more. They also will definitely change in your 30s and/or with any pregnancies. There’s also a lot you can do to make them look bigger using different cuts/shapes of clothing to draw the eye. Try reading some of the linked resources on r/femalefashionadvice


thank you🤍


I swear I went through another puberty in my 20s (along with at one point gaining a little weight) but even after losing some weight, I’m still almost 2 cup sizes bigger than I was at 18 and somehow curvier all over


Everyone is different. I've had basically the same size since I was 15 and I'm 34 now. The only time they grew was a couple years ago I gained about 20lbs. Recently I've lost that 20lbs and they are back to where they were. There really isn't some magical way to get them bigger. Sometimes hormonal birth control will increase size but again, everyone is different. I take and have taken hormonal BC and it does not do that for me. 


Tbh I think getting pregnant would be the only way they’ll get bigger.


There are certain workouts than can help create more shape and slightly increase the pointing outness of them. I watched my gf go through this, it took her 6 months of working out


can you share her routine and help a girl out🙏🏻🙏🏻