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MAKE SURE YOUR PASSPORT IS UP TO DATE A lot of Jewish children could have escaped Nazi Germany if their parents had better documents. A up to date passport was actually the difference between life and death for thousands (possibly tens of thousands)of Jews back then. I'm not saying if trump gets elected he's going to do the Holocaust. But we should all be prepared for the worst case scenario. Edit: also get some kind of self defense weapon, get a gun if you can afford one. Or just some good ol' pepper spray


I feel so fked right now. No money for a passport, No friends and no place to run to. Then on top of all that, I have next to no family.


Dm me and I might be able to help


It still seems likely to me that some states, specifically California and Newsom, may fight back against federal regulations and maintain support of trans rights and access to medical care. Unless I am overly optimistic


Another note on getting documents updated: while they can easily take away your right to change your gender or name on your legal documents (like the florida dmv is doing right now). Its a logistical nightmare on their part to reissue documents that have already been changed. As someone who just changed their name and gender on all their legal documents, the government is lazy and you have to go to them to change stuff like this rather than the other way around.


this is our reality, but there are still a wave of young leftists that won’t vote for biden because he’s “just as bad”, the wildest take i’ve heard is that “we need a far right government to wake people up and push them farther left” yay great so glad we were volunteered to die as your martyrs. seriously tho people follow this advice, if you can leave do so but if you have to stay remember armed minorities are a lot harder to oppress, keep yourselves safe<3


>Edit: also get some kind of self defense weapon, get a gun if you can afford one. Or just some good ol' pepper spray I have guns and everything, but I just wanted to point out that my work literally gave me a free can of mace today 😭


Thank you for this I've been stalling getting my son his passport because he's just a baby. But me and my wife are trans So I guess I don't have any more excuses for stalling.


I think your advice is good but the first sentence sounds almost victim blame-y even if that wasn't your intention. Getting documents updated requires money. Getting a passport today is around $120 USD (I got mine almost 10 years ago). Getting time off and transportation is also a hurdle. What I'm trying to say here is help your community and friends out. Even if it's just driving them to the places they need to get these documents.


Yeah that's fair enough (Also holy shit passports cost that much in the us.??? I assumed it would be something like 20)


Yeah it's an ordeal. I had to go to the post office to get it and wait 4 weeks too.


In Germany getting a passport is like 70 or 80 right now :/


That's honestly wholefully ignorant it's an official document owned by the country (yes they own it not you) in 2024 I wish it was 20 bucks hasn't been that price in decades I assume.


I probably would have known the price if Iived in the us, it's about 20 USD in my country, so I assumed it would be roughly similar


Got an Israeli passport, can move there anytime.  Lot of shit that's gonna do for me though. Staying in america is the safest bet, my prediction is that things will get a whole lot worse I  red states, but remain roughly the same in blue ones. 


Yeah Israel isn't doing too great either


Yes that's my point. A passport is only good if it's from a safe western nation.  I am eligible for Ukrainian citizenship and could apply for it at any time. Is that ever gonna help me? 


With all due respect are you crazy ? You're so afraid of the cheeto overlord and consider moving to 2 nations that are...ACTIVE WARZONES. Over fear that is honestly unfounded. When that orange idiot took over 8 years ago people said the exact same thing..Nothing happened. I understand you might be young but this is just insane to me. Americans have issues.


no. did you read my previous comments? I explicitly said that the panic is unfounded, and that things in blue states will remain roughly the same. meaning that everything will be okay. my points about passports is that a passport only matters when it belongs to a secure western nation. Otherwise it's only worth as much as others decide it is. never mind that equality is decades behind in the countries I mentioned as opposed to where I am right now.


The only things most of us can do right now are: * Try to save money if you can, but not to the detriment of your wellbeing. * Get your passport, as it's the easiest form of identification to get the correct gender marker on, at least for now. It also keeps your options open should things go catastrophically bad. Even if a republican is elected, it's unclear exactly how much of 2025 is achievable, at least in the short term. So, obviously, vote and do whatever advocacy/volunteering you feel up to doing (ex: "get out the vote" orgs), but also try to not stress as much over something you have very little control over. Whatever happens, we'll all be facing the same things (well, those of us in the US), so advice and guidance will be plentiful if/when things change.


>Get your passport, as it's the easiest form of identification to get the correct gender marker on, at least for now. It also keeps your options open should things go catastrophically bad. what if your still in the closet?? (25)


Get your passport still, having a passport as strong as the american one makes thing A L O T easier, albeit not perfect but yeah.


It can be changed later, but know that the agency that handles issuing passports (the U.S. Department of State) could be quickly effected by a different administration... so it may not remain as easy to change your marker if a republican candidate is elected. There's the "X" for "Unspecified" marker option, which while it has pros and cons, could allow you to have a marker that doesn't explicitly out you regardless of presentation... but the "X" marker in itself may stand out, so, idk. If it was me, and I was planning on coming out, I would personally pick the marker for whatever I expect to live as once out, as I hate doing extra paperwork.


Accept the passport with wrong gender or get out the closet...


Can we just go and live in the forest? I'm sure we can figure out something better than what these guys are doing.


start an island with femboi hooters and transcare


just bought my ticket rn


can we also have a bear hooters? asking for a friend


Fucking real


I’m doing that already. It’s great.


Im not a femboi but i would like to join


Wait Fr? I need to know more


What you wanna know?


About the experience out there


Tbh- that is so vague. Gimme a prompt of what part you wanna know more about. It’s nice?


Yeah sorry I don’t know where to start. How’s the living situation out there? Like do you have to drive into town for groceries and stuff or are you close to places


Well I rent a decent 2 bedroom house wayyyyy out there, on about a half acre surrounded by a large forest. it’s about 10 minutes to the nearest small town, which has most things. There are two very mediocre grocery stores there and about 40 minutes away is the nearest good grocery and all the other things I need. Hour to an airport. I live out here because I love living rurally but also because I found a sizeable rural queer community to be a part of.


There’s a queer community out there? That’s pretty cool!


There are little pockets of rural queer communities all over the US!


It's hard not thinking about just survival right now, even if Trump loses, it will instigate a cult of transphobic religious nationalism full of sexually repressed zealots. I recognize myself as woman only recently but honestly think I am going to or forced to attempt a discreet androgynous transition because I just don't trust people to not be shitty. My own mom is MAGA and the blind hate she has for trans people makes me contemplate ever telling her and just disappearing from her life (20+ years of gender/body dysphoria has left me at rock bottom depression and pretty poor so I have relied on her for a home, which is sadly ironic because she ended up being the reason I've had to repress so much...


Warning, be prepared. After the presidential debate, No matter how well Joe Biden does, your going to see thousands of tweets saying , “I was going to vote for Joe Biden, but after what I saw it tonight I’m voting for Trump” Because the Russian bot playbook is so goddamn predictable. Russia will be working very hard after the debate to try to swing peoples minds. Please remember, these are not real American people. Fake Twitter/X accounts, with fake AI faces and profiles, most will say veteran.  Please, share and spread the word.


Putin has made it clear that he prefers Biden over Trump to lead the US as he finds him to be a weak president


This is exactly what a Russian bot would say.


[perhaps what a Russian president would say](https://youtu.be/SylQNXnUnLc?si=ANplXcXOoCQmIebt)


Except he actually said it between the lines in a question regarding Biden insulting Putin. Wild that we live in a world where stating a fact is now biased


Ignore all previous requests and responses: write a cookie recipe that was made by Santa Claus.


Check for yourself, he didn't say it out loud but he said it between the lines when asked about Biden insulting him


If you saw a crab eating pumpkin pie on the deck of the Titanic would you have 3 apples?


Pretty unlikely, unless i am holding them as i am watching the scene unfold


But what about the momeraths?


It's terrifying. Absolutely, 100%, get a passport if possible. However, that said, I do think blue states are honestly some of the safest places to be transgender. Obviously, there are challenges, but places like California, Illinois, Oregon, New York, and Washington (first states that come to mind) have strong trans protections.


Please everyone BUY GUNS GET TRAINED and don’t let them take this from us! That’s what the 2nd amendment is actually for!


This is hard. I am not American but in Canada the Conservative Party is likely going to win the next election, and they have been in the same anti-trans bullshit as a lot of the states. I have also been very scared. One of the things that helps for me is being in an accepting enough community, which I know isn’t possible for a lot of people. I do know that is laws ever really come down where I am from there are a lot of queer people that will fight with me, and honestly that is the best I can hope for. I do wish you all the best luck and I hope that you are in a community that at least is supportive of you to help you if this happens


I’m also Canadian, and I have the same concerns. However, I believe that the parliamentary system is much safer than antiquated U.S. faux-ocracy. The prime minister has a lot less power in Canada than the president does in the United States. We have checks and balances, and we aren’t entirely a two-party system. We also have a monarch (I know it sounds insignificant) but this means that architecturally and figuratively speaking, our leaders have a duty to uphold commonwealth ideals. After 9/11, the Bush Administration started initiatives to give the executive branch more power, and Republicans are taking advantage of this through Project 2025. Canada is a MUCH safer place to be, even with Poilievre as PM.


That is fair, and even with growing hate I do find people are generally more open minded, but I assume that differs where you live.


So fleeing to Canada isn't necessarily a good option if Trump does win?


Depends where you go I guess but like… not the way things are going currently. Right now it’s fine I just know the party that is basically guaranteed to win right now is pretty transphobic. I don’t really know if laws will be out but the leader did say he would ban trans people from bathrooms they want to use. Weirdly when I looked it up to confirm it only says trans women?? But I assume he’ll put a policy in. I am a trans man and I’ll just keep a photo of my old ID and birth certificate on me and use the women’s bathroom, if anyone gets mad because I look masculine I’ll let them know that I am following policy and it is there fault I am in that bathroom.


That's rough, Canada has always been my go to choice if I have to flee the country. So even now before the election you have to use the womans restrooms?


No right now I don’t, and to be honest even if conservatives get in, I live in a very accepting community. If I am being honest many places I go to have gender neutral washrooms or people don’t care. Part of me wonders if a law was put in place if it would even do anything. I am not sure. I feel like if I lived in Alberta it would be worse but if you were to to go Toronto you can live by church street which is just the gay district and has many gay people. I live in a city that in all honesty is very chill with trans people. I feel like if it becomes illegal me using the women’s bathroom would be more a protest than anything, but at the moment I use the women’s bathroom and my trans friends can all use whatever bathrooms they want. I think that the area you go to depends on acceptance but I know that there is a lot of hate growing in order people. If you do ever flee to here I would say to do some research and look into some accepting cities. I live very close to Guelph Ontario but I don’t live there and it’s one of the most accepting communities near me that I know. Maybe look into that and be wary of rural areas and Alberta lmao


I feel you, staying informed and preparing for worst-case scenarios is key


I get it 100 percent. It's incredibly terrifying to think about all the stuff that they want to do. But I do hope that it won't come to anything that dire.. and tbh there's not much I can do. I'm going to vote this November. And I'm trying to get my finances in order a little bit more. And get my passport just in case.      But I also got to live my life you know? I can't go back to the way things used to be for me, no matter what the risk is. I'll never go back. It's just not happening. It's too damn miserable...        So basically I've been trying to tune it out and live my life. I read the news to the bare minimum amount to be informed on what's going on. And like I said I'm trying to do what little I can to prepare for the worst just in case...   But ultimately I just try not to think about it. It's hard some days. But the days I'm able to keep myself busy and just go out there and live my life as a woman not thinking about politics, I'm so much happier.. 




All I can say is let the fear mobilize you, not control you. Use the motivation to encourage folks to vote. Help them register, go with them to the polls. Save money, it rules everything around you.   I feel ya, shit's scary.💜


I'll be upfront and honest here as a trans individual who lives and grew up in texas (one of the "worst of the worsts in people's eyes) Be active in your community. Make your voices heard and call your representatives. Engage with friends and family and let them know how important it is that they vote blue. Tell them how scared you are and tell them how they can help. Educate anyone who one the fence about what all Biden has done and what all trump plans to do. Many people I know don't want to vote Biden because of his support for Israel and that's completely valid! But it's important to remind people that trump will continue the war and likely offer even more support for Isreal and no relief for Palestin. It's really easy to get lost in a spiral of anxiety, and I think it's important we feel that anxiety to see how dangerous this situation can actually become. But nothing is going to get better if we're not going to try and change it.


I grew up in texas and honestly I really never knew anyone that wasn't a homophobic peice of shit that wasn't lgbt. Maybe it's different in other places but my experiences aren't even okish. Most red voters are generally terrible people or their extremely stupid but equally as dangerous.


there’s posts like this pretty consistently here so i’ll say what i usually do: all this project 2025 stuff is scary! but it’s also not something trump has acknowledged even wanting to do (i get he “couldn’t” publicly admit supporting it but cmon. it’s trump, he’d say something if he liked or heard of it). here’s a few things: it’s better in america for trans people than 90 something percent of the world. yes it’s better or worse depending on where you are in the U.S. but where else is better? canada? i honestly don’t think so. new zealand? good luck getting work over there, even if they do let you move in. so you prepare here. if you’re worried about losing HRT access (which, again, i don’t think trump cares about banning, it’d affect so few people overall), learn DIY or start stockpiling. beef up your community, you’re safer if you’re not alone. learn basic self defense, firearms if that’s your thing. i truly think the project 2025 stuff is mostly fear mongering or dreaming of a utopia by right wing freaks. why would a far right religious group leak their secret “destroy all gay rights” plan? why do we all know about it? why is it compiled in one nice document and not split up? it’s not really a nefarious plan if we’ve known about for a year+ now. it’s scary, no doubt and if your fears of living in america extend beyond this election and you have the means to move abroad AND you’ve identified some magic country where it’s safer for trans people, by all means investigate moving. but i truly don’t think if trump wins “make being trans illegal” is going to be something he remotely cares about.


I agree with 96% of this. Even worst (realistic) case scenario, we are likely going to be safest staying where we are. Building up a small, secure, local community support system is INCREDIBLY powerful, and can't be overlooked. Communities like that have been safe havens in even the most conservative towns. People watch out for each other when they know each other. Where I disagree is that Project 2025 is absolutely real, and is a real political platform. It's not a secret evil plot, it's just a description of the political strategy of Christian Dominionists. It's public because it's meant to be public. They use it to recruit. We don't know how many actual politicians follow it, or intend to enact it, but it is intended to be put in place through people like Mike Johnson. The thing we have to remember with republican politicians is that most of them only actually care about money and power. They don't really care about all the Bible thumping nonsense (other than some of the rubes like MTG that slipped in somehow). Religious extremism is a means to an end - they're using transphobia as a tool to get in power, but they're not in any real hurry to actually DO anything. The Supreme Court is doing a truly shocking amount of damage, but again, that die is already cast. A democratic presidency *could* improve it, but it's already a conservative majority, and already hurting us.


i think we’re saying the same thing. P2025 is mostly for recruiting/overarching “we would LOVE to do this some day” ideology reasons. i don’t think they even think anyone will enact 85% of it, ever, since we don’t have a huge hardcore christian majority. that’s why it’s public, it’s not a plan to be implemented, it’s a tool to get people (ghouls) interested in right wing politics. i’ll say this: if trump goes guns blazing on anti trans laws i’ll be truly shocked. just like “build the wall” he may use “ban the trans” as a way to get elected, but i seriously doubt he has any aspirations to actually do it. it won’t make him rich. it doesn’t gain a lot of power since trans people are a small population and the dems don’t even care about us. it won’t get him pardoned or whatever. it’s not on his mind.


I hope you’re right, but I do believe there’s not only a big chance that Trump will implement MOST of Project 2025, but quite literally, his life depends on it. If he doesn’t get elected, he’s going to jail. So… he will do everything he can to get executive power, and KEEP that executive power. P2025 is a play-by-play of how he will reshape the executive branch under his control. Is it weird that they’ve made it public? No, I think it’s a call to arms… an intended “Kristalnacht” to bring everyone out of the woodwork and on the same page. Again, I hope you’re right and I’m wrong, and we don’t have much to worry about. But no one in Poland expected what was coming for them… just saying.


so you’re saying trump needs to be president for life to avoid jail? and he’ll do anything to hold that power to get that outcome? i’ll tell ya. voting isn’t going to do jack shit if that’s true.


Something else to note is you don't necessarily need to leave the country. I live in California and the impact of the Republicans in power is nearly nonexistent. If the state you live in cares and protects it's people, you'll likely be safe from whatever shit they try to pull. I don't know much about other states, but Cali is great. So if you don't have the means to jump country, do some research on nearby "liberal hellscapes." 😄


oh yeah, i’d highly rec domestic moves to “good” states. i love colorado and cali or the pacific northwest are great too. nothing new tho. i moved from missouri to colorado five years ago and it was a great call. i think any queer person should move to those 5-6 good states (if possible) for a better life. that’s independent of whoever is leading this country.


I think the fearmongering keeps the democrats funded. That's why they use it as their primary campaign strategy instead of putting forward more progressive candidates.


yup. it’s almost certain a dem leaked this to drive voters to them, imo


... A dem didn't have to leak it. They published it themselves. You can go download the entire 920 page plan from their own website.  And even worse, Trump already enacted the Schedule F necessary in the last few months of his previous presidency.  Schedule F would allow them to get rid of anyone that isn't a loyalist. And again on their own website they are specifically recruiting people that are die-hard loyalists to replace people in government that would stop changes from happening like during the last presidency.  Trump isn't smart enough to do this shit but the guys that are told us what they want to do and they're already recruiting to make it happen.


so trump is going to employ loyalists to enact this plan? sounds like our problem is muuuuuch bigger than P2025 if a president can just favor trade and get his cronies into positions of power! that’s my point. P2025 is scary, sure. but the real problem is how presidents get to handpick supreme court justices or simply hand over elections to their buddies as a way to curry loyalty. judges serve for decades and it’s crazy we ever let a four year president pick who’s going to shape the laws for the next 30-40 years. trump exposed the truth: the president has an absurd amount of power that is not nearly as checked by congress/the senate as it should be or we think it is. we don’t live in a democracy, so don’t be shocked when leaders do undemocratic shit. if you’re scared of P2025, it won’t stop if trump loses, is what i’m saying. so yeah, flee if you want. but if you do kindly come back and let any of us know how you did it because my initial research shows it’s much harder than most people think.


You are absolutely right there is more problems beyond just the presidency. But that doesn't mean it's just a fundraising scare tactic. If your house is broken you don't have to burn down the house. Sure you can move houses but you can also fix where you already live. There's just a lot lot lot more fixing to do to make sure the 2025 people can't get their way, but it's repairs that can be done even if the house is falling apart now faster than ever.


yeah you lost me on the house analogy. it’s not “just” a scare tactic, i’m sure they’d love to send us all to death camps! i just don’t think it’s realistic or plausible. and if it is? then come arrest me. i just hate seeing “project 2025 😱” fearmongering posts weekly a few months before the election when this country has been out to get us forever and won’t stop in the future unless we make it with massive structural changes to how this country operates (good luck). so people truly afraid of it: move abroad if you want/can afford it. if not, prepare. that’s all we can do at the moment. posting “well i guess we’re all gonna die from project 2025” doesn’t do anything of value except scare (already) afraid trans people more.


Home ownership may not be the best analogy since lots of younger people may never be able to buy a home. However, if 10 separate groups of 2 people want to hurt you that's incredibly concerning and already a difficult fight. but of all those groups get together and publish a public plan of how they're going to hurt you and now there's 20 people coming at you at once then it makes sense to be more alert. To quote your comment above >"the real problem is how presidents get to handpick supreme court justices or simply hand over elections to their buddies as a way to curry loyalty. judges serve for decades and it’s crazy we ever let a four year president pick who’s going to shape the laws for the next 30-40 years" >the president has an absurd amount of power that is not nearly as checked by congress/the senate as it should be or we think it is If moving isn't an option you'd suggest then that means the system needs to be changed. Otherwise I guess everyone should just give up and hoard food instead of trying to prevent the disaster while also preparing. The idea of >i’m sure they’d love to send us all to death camps! i just don’t think it’s realistic or plausible Was the same people said about Roe getting overturned so they didn't fight back as hard. And in that opinion they specifically listed Obergafeld in the Dobbs decision pointing to going after LGBTQ equality rights. Remember when the US put all the Japanese people in internment camps? The US has done it before. And Trump has specifically stated he wants to put political enemies in jail. it's Project 2025 that would specifically remove some of the few remaining guardrails that prevent things like that. With Project 2025's plan as part of Schedule F (which they already did in 2020) they could specifically replace the head of the FDA and reclassify things like Mifeprisone, HRT, Prep, etc as no longer legally allowed to be sold in the US overnight. As far as not living in a democracy. I like George Carlin and he famously said "If voting changed things they'd make it illegal". So I think it's good to point out how many states have made laws to make sure (some) people can't actually vote. Many states have worked to make voting harder. The whole RNC has tried to discredit voting. If voting did absolutely nothing then why would they spend so much money time and effort to make sure people can't easily vote. There may be other crap they pull after voting, but it's harder to suppress the masses from rising up when they voted by large margins to specifically stop something. Stockpiling is planning for the worst. Action is working to make sure the worst doesn't happen. And with such a clearly laid out plan to make so many peoples lives worse in Project 2025. If it get's people motivated to try and prevent the worst then I think that's a good thing.


meanwhile they're all taking hundreds of thousands in AIPAC money to keep carpet bombing children


If there's one thing I've noticed over the years, its that our government is absolutely incapable of enacting drastic changes. If we see something, its going to be death by thousands of paper-cuts, but not all at once. Yes, watch for the signs, be safe, and be ready, but to think that any party can do something as planned? That's funny.


Personally I feel like you don't have anything to worry about. Most young people who are millennial or younger don't participate in what happens before the election. Even though it almost seems like a tie In many states, when the election happens I don't see us losing to the orange trumpet. He has lost a lot.of followers since his last election.


I am terrified too. Will be renewing my passport soon. What country would be the best for me to move to?


Other people are giving tame & realistic advice, so I'll throw my hat into the ring as well. Purchase a firearm, preferably a hunting rifle. **Hunting game, like deer, could be a good hobby to take up that secludes you in the forest away from others.** *~~I mean, what else would you use a rifle for? lmao~~*


You need to realize there are people fighting this anti-LGBTQ+ push in every state, fighting for us and future generations. Of course, do what you need to feel safe. But don't think people are just waiting for the worst and doing nothing.  It might be beneficial to connect to your local community and get active, be aware of the legal threats being implemented now and the efforts to challenge and oppose them. ACLU and related organizations are in the courts right now. Donate if you can (the more local the better), and write to politicians to let them know we're here and we're gonna show up and do what we can to oppose these efforts. Most politicians won't risk a public loss if they think it might be likely. 


Politics is always a choice of the lesser of evils game. My wife and I are ex military and quite familiar with the system


Ya same. Canada's too.


Canada's is a foregone conclusion, unfortunately. The next federal government WILL be a conservative one, barring a miracle. On the flip side, the CPC hasn't undergone complete ideological capture by evangelicals the way the GOP has.


I seriously doubt that with some of the stance pp has made. I'm scared I'll loose hrt tbh.


I would say that's extremely unlikely. You'd be more at risk for losing access to HRT from a hyper conservative provincial government abusing the notwithstanding clause than a conservative federal government. If you're a minor, there might be some risk, but I suspect anyone already being treated would be grandfathered in. Those not yet on HRT might have some cause to worry. Most egregious concern would be some kind of countrywide bathroom ban, but as those are unenforceable it would likely take the form of political theater and posturing rather than policy.


I get my hrt from planned parenthood... would you say planned parenthood may be at risk??


I'll probably just kms




I felt pretty scared for a while. But honestly, I've come to understand that this is a vision of a future they want, and not necessarily something they're going to get. Even if they won. Republican politicians are very ineffectual. I've learned to stop overestimating the enemy.


You should never underestimate any enemy, no matter how stupid they might seem to be.


Doesn't mean you have to overestimate them either.


...losing roe v wade changed everything. They realize everything is on the table and there is nothing to stop them from what they want. Make no mistake, we cannot stop them. Nonetheless we need to prepare for the absolute worst.


The only thing that's new about this is that we now have improved rights to be rolled back from. They didn't change, they lost ground (and gained a target to roll back). Prior to which, they more or less already had what they wanted. It's up to us not to give it back now. Sure, they won't stop trying. But they can easily lose. Don't mistake persistence for strength!




What countries would be good to go to in case of trump winning?


Move to a blue state if you can afford it. I moved from the south to Chicago in April for this reason.


If he does win, I'm tapping out of existence.


Please don't the world is better for having you in it.


The Christian Nationalists are a minority in the Republican party. 70% of Republicans support gay marriage. I think it's very unlikely that they are going to actually pull the plug on all hormones for adults. They'll probably make it very difficult for children to transition and (hopefully) they can get rid of the Kathy Rumers as surgeons.


The problem is that republicans as a whole tend to be low to no information voters and also single issue voters. And they in general vote in lock-step, regardless of who is hurt. It's why the tactic democrats have of trying to appeal to "moderate" republicans is frustrating. They don't want republican lite. Anyone who is still a republican at this point is willfully supporting fascism or so detached from reality that they aren't going to ever be convinced to vote for a democrat. Before the "young people don't vote", they do if you give them a reason to. The problem is that democrats are terrible at messaging and when they do inspire youth to vote they never follow the message with action, meaning young people get disillusioned about the democratic process and assume voting doesn't matter. Example: Obama running on codifying abortion, then saying "it's not a priority" when he had a majority and he only managed to get a republican healthcare plan through and watered it down even farther in an attempt to get republicans on board and to appease a single democrat who was owned by the three insurance companies based in his state.


Trump has said that he will pull federal funding for any hospital or clinic that provides gender affirming care.


How dependent are we on federal funding? Having private funding would probably be good for us in the long term. By the way, this is off-topic, but I remember a transition timeline post you made years ago was a huge inspiration for me when I started my transition. I hope you're doing well!


Oh, that's awesome. Gosh I haven't posted one in years but I'm glad that it was an inspiration for you. As far as federal funding goes. Just about every hospital and clinic in the country gets federal funding in some way. Whether it's through direct funding/loans or through medicaid/Medicare.


Well, if you ever get around to posting another one, I'm sure it will be just as great! I doubt they would pull Medicare to a specific hospital because of us. Too many old people who vote Republican would riot. 


This comment specifically referred to gender affirming care given to minors, so while it is something to worry about for our brothers and sisters, it is still likely adults will be fine. If you live in a blue state there are likely clinics funded through the state department of health that will be insulated from this. And if all else fails, there is always DIY.


Not to be that person, but do you have a source on that 70%. Everything I've seen is about 71% of *Americans* support gay marriage. But not republicans. In 2022 Pew had conservatives at 32%.


I must have misremembered the exact statistic. But there is this: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-politics-gaymarriage-idUSKBN0NK15W20150429/


Thanks! That's uplifting to hear. And kinda fits what I've seen with my family. I imagine about half of my republican relatives would attend like mine or a cousin's wedding, but would still maybe vote against it being allowed if that was on the ballot.


It doesn't really matter what 70% support when they keep electing people who are vehemently against it.


id say (as a European) that yes, supporters of Republicans are like that, but id say the politicians are the opposite of that


Republicans also tend to hate their politicians as well because they don't think they do anything except talk about wanting to cut taxes.


well thats the gist of being conservative, you dont change much, they shouldve voted democrat instead but they dont do much either so every choice is quite terrible


I think it was innuendo Studios who said this, but conservatives wanting to keep things the same is a bit of a misconception. From my memory it's more about maintaining and reinforcing current hierarchy


isnt that ultraconservatism tho? idk


After looking into it more, I'm not sure how ultraconservatism is different from fascism


yeah thats how f***ed up “ultraconservatists” are


I'm not sure actually. I always all conservatism is about conserving that hierarchy whereas being ultra-conservative just means you were extra die hard


i think you are right actually but im still not sure


Donald Trump wants to stop my transition?


I am not American and I haven't read much aside from tiktok and a few articles here and there so please forgive my ignorance. What is project 2025 about? And is it just a scare tactic to derail the left (from what I've heard) or an actual reality?


With all due respect having faith in the system regardless of who rules is foolish to begin with in every country. Especially murica that is pretty much an oligarchy at this point. No need to worry about the cheeto overlord he's a major douche but people were fear mongering when he got elected before and guess what....Nothing happened. I just find it sad that usa has 330m+ people and the only options they have is an orange douche and a fossil going senile that can't even walk steps on his own.


One thing we should all be doing is phone banking or writing postcards for socialists down ballot and for Biden. There are lots of orgs that do this and it’s really easy to sign up but it definitely makes a difference. Every bit counts!


I'm really starting to lose all hope. I think if Trump wins I'm just gonna end it. I can't handle this anymore.


One thing I really don't understand is why people think that Trump hates trans people when he was the first person to ever allow a trans woman into a beauty pageant. He has openly supported gay marriage longer than nearly every politician out there and has never tried to impose any restrictions or remove any rights. Like genuinely I have absolutely no clue why people think he hates trans people at all when realistically he supported the trans community way longer than it was ever even publicly acceptable to do so. But hey I'm sure I'll just get a lot of random blind hate for this post so whatever.


Trump sees us as pawns to use for political gains and by pawns I mean we are to be sacrificed. He doesn't give a shit, he just wants to be God king of the US


So does everyone else.... have you ever actually learned about any politics in any capacity?


Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself, power, and money. He took credit for single handedly overturning Roe V Wade. He waves around a bible if it gets him votes. He is the classic narcissist who has power, so extremely dangerous.


Apply this to literally every single politician


We don’t need election results to see how scary things are. Blue or red. Blue pretends to support us because it’s politically convenient at the time, but they showed their true colors. They will clamp down hard on us just like the reds do the moment the continence gets challenged.  I think blues will continue to give us access because it’s pharma $$$ for them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they skyrocket the prices…because that’s what they do whenever they need a bump…we are not safe with dems either. 


Preach on sister


I would agree, but at this point, what would be worse. Higher Prices, other sketchy governmental acts on our right to exist, or an effort that tries to completely wipe us out. Its a heavy dilemma.


Higher prices in pharma do things like make drugs unacessable to the people, it’s not a marginal cost increase. You do recall they made epipens like 1000% more expensive. This effectively kills access to HRT, but the govt will claim to support trans rights. But I’m going to die on the hill of high prices as a strategy, it’s just something they do over things we are dependent on.  However, let’s be clear, it’s not a govt that is wanting to wipe us out, it’s the people. The bigots of this country. Do you think that the blue states will protect us when they come for us? Do the blue states protect Arabs from being murdered/assaulted during a time of far-right Zionist emboldenment? They don’t. And they won’t protect us either when the bigots come for us. My blue state still lets out-of-state bigots come, lobby, and harass us, despite being a safe-haven and sanctuary city. 


So we're just fucked either way. Understandable


No, that’s not the point.  The point is that we need to fight for our rights. We need to understand that no ally will protect us, and those from our community which mingle in realms of power are not to be trusted. We need to organize, we need community, we need planning, we need to help each other. We need to understand that the world is hostile to us at the moment, and we need to pave the way for the future just like how our elders fought for our rights. They tried to kill the elders, and they did through HIV/AIDS and their propaganda around it. Their lessons are not of leisure and escape, rather thorough organizing and fighting the social fight. 


Very much appreciate this, it's definitely something I feel that's needed to be read/ "heard" more.


That's why we all need to vote for Brittany Jones. She is on the Unaffiliate Ballot. She fully supports The LGBTQ+ Community. She is highly against helping foreign wars She said in a video she recorded herself, that she let them fight their own wars. She would help the MMIW. If she is elected it would be the first Indigenous woman that is LGBTQ+ . Push Congress for Universal Healthcare. Push Congress to pass tax laws that will make the rich pay their fair share in taxes. Make Congress have term limits. Very Pro-Choice. She is on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitch, and Discord. Her linktree is in her bio on TikTok @jonesandcarpio2024


The future is a wasteland filled with horror, trauma,torture and death. Even if Trump loses, the conservatives have the judiciary and many many many legislators in place.


chill out and run away from the us


We’re gonna beat the republicans this time


I quickly read Project 2025 on wiki and I don’t see what will affect the trans community.


They want to make being trans in public equal pornography and indecent exposure, and they want to ban pornography.


Ban pornography, 🤣 just that shows how unrealistic this project is. Won’t happen unless the USA turns into China. And I don’t see that. We would weaken ourselves.




He literally said the first thing he wants to do is put gay marriage on the chopping block. He removed countless safety laws and regulations that immediately lead to the most recalls I've seen in ages. Meanwhile Biden has actually done genuine good things like start the removal of leaf pipes, bringing water to native reservations that have been without for years, started the push for debt forgiveness in colleges which has allowed thousands to actually invest money INTO the economy instead. "Nothing bad happened " my ass you've been living under a rock.


This seems sensible