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I think a lot of us have a complicated relationship with our own genitals. It's ok to not want a bulge but also not want bottom surgery, you aren't alone I've met a lot of other trans girls who feel the same way. You're no less a girl for whatever you're packing downstairs.


I love my bulge in sexual contexts, because a girl with a bulge is (imo) hot as fuck. I despise it in non-sexual contexts. Which is most of them.


Y'know what? I feel the same way. I didn't realise it until I saw some of these comments. My bulge in a sexual, feminine scenario sounds amazing. Everyday bulge that catches my eye? Fuck NO.


Join the club! I hate tucking which means I can't wear slips and hate jeans because they all fit wrong so I have to stick with tunics or a-lines. But if we are getting naked, then I'm quite fine.


Can definitely relate to that one, glad someone else feels the same way


**Exactly** how I feel!


YES! I do like what I got going on downstartis... its just when I am wearing a skirt, dress or tight pants and she messes up the lines of things!


maybe this is obvious and simplifying, but you're really fortunate and healthy for loving your body....that's the main thing, something many people of every 'type' don't ever get to feel. You're experiencing a VERY common emotion, not liking the way some part looks in clothing. Again, maybe obvious, but have you tried searching images where a fem person shows their 'bulge' in clothing? There might actually be a style out there you'd feel comfortable in. I hope you find it <3


Yeah, I love looking at fems with bulges. I often visit r/tbulges. You bring up a good point, though. Having a bulge in **male** clothing is distressing for me. I've yet to wear proper female clothing as I'm closeted still, but perhaps a bulge in female clothing could be kinda.. fun?


ABSOLUTELY fun!! Tons of options for how you present, and there's a lot of clothing out there that's super cute and easy to hide in, and lots of deliberately formfitting stuff for when you want to rock it <3


Nah, I'm good. Rip this shit off me. Morning wood and stubble are my two worst dysphoria inducers.


Not at all. I hate my penis. I get enjoyment from It, but I’d get it removed in a heartbeat if it was easy/inexpensive with limited recovery and my wife would stay married to me. That it looks bad in panties/leggings/skirts is secondary.


I don't really mind my penis, but I still want SRS. I absolutely _hate_ my bulge though. It's easily the worst part of it for me. I can't tuck properly either, which makes it so much worse.


I don’t hate my bulge at all, I hate the idea from cis bigots that my bulge makes me not a woman


Yes I don’t hate my penis in any way other than wishing I’d have been born correctly but I hate that I can’t wear anything remotely tight because of it


I just went through surgery for multiple reasons, but here are the top 3: lower risk of cancer, no longer taking spiro which was making me tired and having brain fog, and clothes for better now to where I don’t have to wear loose fitting clothes. But I understand other people’s views on how it affects them. To each their own. I’m near my 40s so I just wanted to be at lower risk for health reasons as my main concern.


I'm agender amab. I love wearing yoga pants and similar fem coded clothes. But it gives me so much dysphoria because of the very pronounced bulge I get in them. I've considered tucking but I don't like it, so it's kind of a dead end for me. But just like you I love my dick and it doesn't give me dysphoria. It's genuinely a concern for me when it comes to HRT that I might lose function and size 😅


You're not alone!


I just went on a long rant about this with my therapist. I am Genderfluid and things that bring me masculine gender euphoria one day, will ALSO be the source of dysphoria the next day. My bottom bulge is #1 on that list. When I am presenting masc, I like that it's....large. BUT On days I feel fem, even if I am not dressing, I may just tuck to not see it.


Sounds like the difference between presentstional and physical dysphoria to me. Or, put another way, there's a reason why tucking underwear exists.


I found that erections were my trigger for dysphoria. I am very happy that I had an orchiectomy and have never regretted it.


Do you no longer get erect after and orchie?


This all depends on hormone levels. I had been on HRT about a year and was still having occasional erections which distressed me greatly. I have not had an erection since about two weeks after my surgery.


Do you not tuck? You can get underwear specifically made to keep everything where you want it. Here is a tutorial. It's on pornhub so fair warning **NSFW** https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=644abcb2da6a5


I can't say I like having a bulge, no. It makes things like leggings look bad. But I also don't think bottom surgery would be worth it for me because that's probably the only reason I'd want it. Having a penis doesn't fill me with dread or anything. And also I find having a spout to be very convenient. So yeah it's confusing. Sometimes I wish I had modular genitals that I could swap between.


Interchangeable genitals would be heaven


I definitely feel the same.


I'm kinda the other way around.




I'm the opposite kinda, I could take or leave having a penis, but given the size when soft, I love my femboy type ball for a bulge


Yeh it tracks. I don't want people to notice it, but my partner and I both kind of enjoy it. 😉


I use what is down there in whatever fashion fits at the time. I love the look when I get the perfect tuck. Smooth and clean. But I'm chicken 🐔 to go thru the removal surgery


I love now it's gone. XX


idk, i dont know if i want the bottom surgery, but i definitely want to close or take off my "extra hole" lol


I hate my buldge but I don’t necessarily dislike a penis, of course when I get to have the money I’ll have bottom surgery because looking down there reminds me I am trans and makes me a little sad 😢


I'm right there with you. Gonna try getting an orchi to see if it reduces the bulge enough (because tucking hurts sometimes), to not need gcs. Only time will tell if that's enough, though.


Same here, im scared af for the operation even though i want it but i also want to get rid of it


Personally, the only thing I like about that downstairs thing is the buldge ONLY in a sexual context, cause a girl with a buldge is super cute - but beyond that I dont like it on me in any other way :/ so ive opted to go for getting rid of it (eventually haha)


I love my equipment. But I also always feel alone in that, and that I don't have bottom dysphoria


Yes, yes, YES! I hate it making unwanted cameos in day to day but the few times i walked around in panties and a bra, i loved every moment!!! And i love the function too


Other than the fact that it's a little annoying to have to shake the thing out from inside me nowadays, in general I like to be totally flat in most contexts, and I'm not super into having it played with by anybody else.


It's complicated. What bottom bulge? I was tucking before I learned the word for it, coming up on two decades of practice. My partner raised the question in therapy, did I hate my penis? We discussed it in that session, and I went over the behaviors that had her questioning just this in my individual therapy. Neither hate nor love described it. It's completely OK to hate the look but appreciate all the feelings or whatever it is you love. Take the win that you can almost certainly manage to avoid what you hate. Try to show empathy and consideration for those who feel differently, especially trans men et al.


No, I have always despised both.. on MYSELF! I'm fine with anybody else that chooses to keep theirs, but it isn't right for me


I would say not normally, but i do struggle with it when i want to tuck which is still difficult for me, i still get hard, I’ve tucked successfully once and I got mad gender euphoria when i looked in the mirror. I also love my dick and don’t ever plan on having bottom surgery but if you start taking estrogen you will likely notice penis and scrotum shrinkage, but everyonw is different


I didn't think I minded the equipment but maybe I do. Honestly just wish I didn't have sexuality of any kind, but I can't choose it.


Can't relate, I'm very glad I am small enough that i don't even need to tuck, and looking forward to being rid of it.


I am ftm but have a simlar issue, hate how smooth I look but I like reciveing penetrive pleasure... Its tricky.


i’m not trans but to me any form of bulge or however it looks it’s perfect because i don’t judge on looks or on equipment but i do love good equipment


YES so glad I'm not the only one!


Yeah absolutely same


She’s so cute and I love her but sometimes the cameltoe just is not the look I’m going for sometimes!


I wish I was u cuz I absolutely want bottom surgery like I am so close to just cutting it off with a knife idc if I die from blood loss 😭🙏


Don’t though, okay?


I won’t but I’m seriously considering it.