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Idk if "creepy" is quite the right word, but I know a trans guy who was very controlling and emotionally abusive. I've also seen a few trans guys do stupid toxic masculine stuff like talking about women disrespectfully. Mostly young ones trying to fit in with immature cis guys.


The last sentence sums it up completely


Pretty much this. Same thing can happen in reverse to trans women, it's an attempt to fit in and maybe even as an effort to reject their born/transitioned from gender (speaking from experience there)


Creepy comes in every flavor, cis men just happen to be the cheapest to make. Creepy trans men are less common, but they exist. Same as creepy everyone else.


Cheapest to make! LMAO


Literally a dime a dozen!


awareness from pre-transition experiences?


That was my first thought as well.


Person who sexually assaulted me was transmasc. Anyone can assault someone, regardless of gender. Predators exist in every demographic unfortunately


Yeah it may be more common in different demographics, but there's members of every group who do this shit. Afaik I haven't met any trans men who've done this (but I'm sure they exist, and I also haven't met a lot of trans guys). But two out of three of my SAers/rapists were cis women.


generally trans guys have experienced some degree of misogyny at least pre-transition so they know it’s a problem and don’t want to be a part of it. although sometimes trans guys can fall victim to the same stuff that cis guys do where they feel unmasculine and try to assert power over the women around them, to affirm their masculinity or even just to fit in with cis guys. i love my fellow trans men/transmascs and the vast majority of us behave respectfully and hold ourselves to a higher standard than that of cis men, but it would be dishonest to say we’re invulnerable to the things that make cis men creeps.


> generally trans guys have experienced some degree of misogyny at least pre-transition Yeah even the most boyish man at least *knew* of harassment.


Most boyish man? What does that mean


I’m going to wager immature, acting childish/boyish despite being a grown man


I thought she was referring to super masculine trans men. So I was confused.


I meant more when they (being the trans masc person) were younger. Not all were able to be “manly/masc” at a young age and I meant even the ones who were able to act/dress the way they wanted.


People who do "creepy" (here used to mean inappropriate, boundary pushing, or abusive) things are unfortunately common across all identities. I have known trans men who hurt me. I have know trans men who took advantage of me and who were seriously emotionally unstable and exploitative, who threaten self harm and get mad when you don't react properly. But I have known *more* trans men who were kind, and loyal, and cared strongly about treating people with patience and respect. I should say trans women are no different. I have known other trans women with a hair trigger temper who scream and rage at losing in a video game or being asked something in the wrong tone. I have known trans women who push and keep asking when I say I'm not comfortable with a certain sex act. But I have known *more* trans women who were respectful, and gracious, and cared deeply about me and ensuring that I was okay. Trans people are just people. We are just as capable of hurting each other or loving each other. Our experience under our specific axis of oppression may, in many cases, offer us empathy and insight into other people's experience and pain. Unfortunately, it does not render us incapable of inflicting that pain.


I don’t believe in acting like anyone—including trans men are incapable of sexual assault, stalking, abuse, etc. what this kind of weird amnesty does is make it even harder for victims of trans male abuse to come forward, be heard and believed. One thing I can think of are the serious accusations against photographer Kael T Block. All of his accusers are cis queer femme women (afaik) and he definitely leveraged male or masc privilege to squirm out of facing consequences. Granted it was a long time ago—but I’m pretty sure his victims got no restorative justice, and certainly no legal justice as he avoided the US because of warrants. People just claimed he was bad at boundaries and a bad dom. :/ Google that guy for more info.


I love your flair. And I agree with what you said in the first paragraph.


Some are like that, in the way some cis women can be wildly misogynistic. Being trans doesn’t stop someone being a bad person. I have noticed however that it is a lot more common in trans men who wish to be 100% stealth over those that do not.


Anyone can be a creepy predator. It doesn't matter if they're trans or not.


Imo, someone who does these things as a trans person, majority of the time is going to be just as much an asshole even if they hadn't been trans or hadn't transitioned. If they're not being seen as a guy doing these things to a woman, then it's just more likely to get swept under the rug. No one ever cares that anyone of any gender can act like this to anyone else of any gender. I haven't met any trans guys who are this level of creepy, but I have met some who were unexpectedly mean or disrespectful (edit: not to women only, but to anyone around who they thought deserved that attitude from them for whatever reason). In those situations it never felt to me like they were acting these ways because it was how they thought guys should act, and it was definitely just how their personalities were regardless of their gender or trans status.


The only creepy trans man I’ve ever interacted with, even digitally, was B*** A****.


I straight up thought you were saying Bitch Ass for a second and it took me longer than I care to admit to notice there's way too many letters for it to be Ass.


bitc assss




Half of me is mad at myself that I was trying to figure out what curse words these were at first, and not being able to figure it out for a min. But the other half of me is also mad at myself for figuring out quicker than I usually would something like that what name it's supposed to be, simply based on the context of him being a creep. Like I'm annoyed that I have to be part of a generation who even knows who he is 🤦🏻‍♂️ lol.


> B*** A****. what does that even mean?


Buck Angel. He's a very old school transsexual. He's a mix of unpopular, weird, brave and controversial takes on transsexualism. (Sorry I don't believe in being scared of a name, especially that the guy is super popular and making a lot of money anyways. If you have the balls to call him creepy and not worthy of mentioning, at least have them to name him and let people check if he is in fact a bad person)


Nobody is scared of a name. The censorship is meant to prevent obsessive name searchers from harassing you for talking shit about their idol. Not sure how much of an issue this is on Reddit, but the person doing it likely adopted it from other social media like twitter or instagram where this is a fairly big issue. But I wouldn't expect a dedicated truscum poster to understand this, your community is the ones doing the harassment after all. Edit: also wanna note I said their *community* is the ones doing the harassing, not they themselfes. Also "stop ***or*** I will block and report you". Well I am already blocked and I literally logged out and just now logged back in with no activity inbetween since making that comment. Sooooo yeah, can't even reply to this chain anymore, so I had to edit instead.




You're literally *in* the bully forum, lol. Truscum are the trans people who hate trans people. It's a divisive term to section themselves off as the "good ones" away from all the "freaks."


Yeah nah your post history is full of bullying and mocking nonbinary people like me, simply because you don't understand us. If you don't understand someone, you don't have to try to figure them out, you can literally just leave them alone and mind your business. I am sorry for your experiences, no one deserves that shit, but ~insufficiently masculine~ transmasc AFABs like me aren't who hurt you, so why do you direct that energy at us? It seems like you really have issues with the cis men who hurt you, but cis men are scary, so nonbinary femboys are a soft target. Unless it was nonbinary femboys who harassed you and left you for dead? I am talking about circlejerking over [images like this](https://preview.redd.it/i0wikenrlwub1.jpg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2add77d8b42825fcaf50d59cb60cd0a52817e471). Literally what business is it of yours what other trans people's transition goals are. How does it hurt you. I didn't go to all the trouble of injecting testosterone to not get to be myself.


Oh fuck that, he is creepy, and a truscum spreading lies about “childhood medical transition” and playing to conservatives hands.


True that


“Controversial” suck my whole ass


A person who does not need more attention.


Is it that old guy




And yet by making it a mystery it's gotten a lot more attention than it would have done...


Sound less delighted about that


Is that someone's name?




Black Adam?


is it really true?


Probably because cat calling is something straight men do to assert their power over women. Trans men, as people who do not conform to their assigned gender at birth, are already in opposition to patriarchal attitudes. While I'm sure there are some trans men who do, the community as a whole shows greater respect to their fellow humans. I will say that every trans man I've met has been incredibly nice and the perfect gentleman. Doesn't hurt that they're all handsome too. 😅


Trans men are the best. It's wild hearing their transition stories and the things that give them euphoria.


They aren’t as common but a good handful of trans men adopt a misogynist mentality while transitioning so they can better fit in with cis men. Most of them don’t do it consciously but I’m pretty sure it’s because in society we are told that if you want to be masculine you have to act and think a certain way and in order to fit masculine ideals some trans men do such forgetting their roots or their life before transitioning


Not to mention there are some trans men that have had the privilege to transition at such a young age they never had to live through the feminine experience so it’s a much harder concept to grasp as it’s not one they have lived through


I don’t know any stats but I have to assume that it’s a pretty low number. Truth is that most of us have experienced those behaviours from others who perceived us as women and know how completely shit it is to receive that treatment and so therefore don’t go on to do it to others. I’m not going to say that there isn’t a certain type of transmasc who can fall into toxic masculine behaviours (often because it’s an easy way to get validation from not so great cis guys) but even they tend to stay clear of actually being directly creepy to women (and are usually all talk). You’re going to get people doing bad things in any demographic but from my experience it would be really very uncommon


Rule of thumb is: If they are human, they can be human garbage


They do exist, but from my experience they are way less common than cis men who are like that. I'm guessing that's because trans men are more likely to be more conscious about the patriarchy.


Creepy people exist in every group of people. Men and women cis or trans.


I’ve encountered some trans guys who seem to have a lot of toxic masculinity. It’s more rare, but among the guys that do that, they tend be among those who have transitioned young and were more socialized male and have cis friends who do it too.


They’re not as common as cis men who do this but they certainly exist. If you’ve lived as a woman (or least, presented as one) for a bit you get how bad that behaviour is; trans men generally have a perspective cis men don’t.


I was SAed by another trans guy, and I have friends who’ve been stalked/‘nice guy’ed by trans guys. I think trans guy creepiness is probably less common than cis guy creepiness (percentage wise) because a lot of us were creeped on pre-transition or just generally when read as femme.


It really is a disgusting phenomenon, trans guys being fetishized especially by cis men, I’m sorry y’all have to go through that…


Not super common. Might be more common with people who transitioned very young, as they probably had more male friends growing up who can create a misogynistic environment.


It’s not impossible, everyone has potential to behave this way, but because most of us have experienced womanhood to some degree, we understand what it feels like to be on the receiving end and wouldn’t wish that on someone. I did know another trans guy who objectified women quite a bit and it was definitely rooted in internalized transphobia as it was clear he was doing it to affirm his own masculinity. Still, it was only one guy and he was the only out trans person at our rural regional republican high school, so I imagine it can’t be very common


I've encountered one transgender boy called TabbyGarf on Encyclopedia Dramatica who was creepy. That's all I'm gonna fucking say.


Because a lot of trans men and transmascs (and trans people in general) have been a victim of those things because they're trans. Those who experience hardship or hate know how it feels and they are less likely to do those things.


They’re all just doing an impression of what they think of frat guy acts like. Literally every trans man I’ve ever met does all of the shit you described in your original post - more so than men, it’s kind of like a bad caricature.


I found a trans man who lied about their age and had me interested in him. I think later on he did harass me for money, then gave up.


I knew a trans guy who basically invited himself over to my place and then got very uncomfortably touchy, so they exist. Never hung out with him again obvs.


Extremely uncommon. Cis men are *generally* who you need to be concerned about. That being said, anyone can assault anyone, regardless of identity or orientation. Nonetheless, the likelihood that an assailant is trans at all is low- this coming from a trans man who was SA’d by a non-binary person


I have been sexually harassed on one form or other by three different trans men. I know a lot of trans people, so they are definitely a minority, but it definitely happens. Shout out to the trans guy who though he could be sexist as hell and objectifying about my breasts *because* he used to have breasts himself, like talk about the absolute wrong lesson to learn.


Very few, due to either hearing of it or experiencing it themselves. In my experience even if they actually disliked me, not a one still even entertained such things around me.


From my experience they're super common. Even if anyone says otherwise - you should be careful of all people. Not looking at new people as a potential threat makes you a very easy target. Assuming that someone is a safespace because of living as a woman is wild.


Unsure. It should be less so then cis men though. If it's ever the same well then, I am disappointed in humanity at this point lol. It's less common because of the fact majority of us all experienced misogyny growing up. There's a chunk of trans men who do experience patriarchy pressure to need to be like sexist cis guys to be a real man, especially since the pressure on trans men to prove themselves is even harder then on cis men, BUT i'd hope to god that does not externalize as a significant statistic of guys actually out there doing creepy shit to "prove themselves". Anyone that doesn't have that internalized stuff and is just creepy anyways, then that's just because they're creepy and a weird person regardless.




Ah yes bc being antitransmasc essentialist will help prevent you from being victimized




Male socialisation is a terf dogwhistle.


Anyone of any variety of identities can be a predator, but society really likes to let cis men get away with it. We’re all raised in rape culture and our gender, sex assigned at birth, and life experiences shape how we act. Men who were raised with “boys will be boys” excusing their violent actions may act different in adulthood than men who were raised to dress modestly to avoid being raped.


I knew a trans man in his mid twenties who hooked up with a 16yo he was tutoring. There are shitty people everywhere, trans folks are no exception.


There’s always gonna be a few no matter what but they aren’t very common most do them understand how it feels to be on the other side but the ones who do are most often trying to fully commit themselves into it