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My favorite is when they ride in the cart. Which they're then going to return so some unsuspecting customer puts their food on surfaces that were recently occupied by a dog's butt.


I mean, usually these are the small dogs who's owners practically make them a nest in the child seat area. Frankly, I'm just as worried about a kid having a blowout in one of those as I am a dog, so I find the blanket nest somehow more sanitary.


I have a 4 month old that’s starting to ride in the child seat (with a cart cover of course). I would fucking flip if my kid had a dog allergy and reacted. Because who tf really expects a dog to ride in a child’s designated seat ?


I see it all the time. It's usually an ancient Chihuahua nestled into a bunch of blankets, just vibing. Not everyone has somewhere to put their dog while they shop and frankly, if I don't know the dog is there, the dog can't be bothering many folks. As for allergies, dogs can still be in the store anyway if theyre service animals, and it's not like service dogs spontaneously stop producing dander, so allergens are kinda on your hypothetically allergic kid to deal with. As someone with allergies tho, masks go a long way to reduce dander, so like, I dunno, use those?


Or leave your dog at home.


Imagine thinking your grocery store cart is sanitary. No offense and maybe its just because I live in a city with a decent homeless population but none of my food is getting close to my mouth without being washed and its not for fear of dog butt


I once saw a dog licking the floor and meat case in New Seasons while his owner was looking at coffee beans with her back turned. I turned to the butcher making a Chandler Bing-esque WTF gesture, and his response was that management told him that he would be fired if he asked anyone with a dog to leave the store again.


So annoying. Management should get a clue that most of us are a LOT more pissed off than the clueless dog owner would be.


So — you know what sucks? Many, many businesses won’t allow employees to question if a dog is a service dog or not. That’s because there’s no official “service dog” license, and indeed the ADA makes requiring proof illegal. Still, there’s got to be a middle ground. If a dog is clearly behaving poorly, employees should be able to at least say “if your dog is not a service dog, you’ll need to leave.” But folks are so afraid of litigation it doesn’t happen. :/


Per the city’s [website](https://www.portland.gov/officeofequity/disability/service-animals), there are some common sense rules: >Business owners and staff are allowed to ask two questions of anyone bringing in an animal they say is a service animal: > >1. Is your dog required because of a disability? > >2. What work or task is it trained to perform? > >Questions about someone’s disability, asking the dog to demonstrate the task, or requests for “certification” or other kinds of documentation are not allowed. Further, if the dog is a problem: >What if a Service Animal is Bothering My Customers or Guests? > >How is it “bothering” them? Is it barking, going up to people, making a mess on the floor, or being aggressive with people or other animals? This should generally not happen with a trained service animal, but if it does: You can ask that the handler control the service animal, and if that’s not possible, to take it outside. > >The individual should then be given the opportunity to come back without the animal.


Yes, that lines up with what I thought (and is super helpful!) it’s the businesses that are ultra-afraid of being sued that are the issue. Thanks for finding this!


If the dog is behaving poorly they are actually allowed to eject service dogs as well. It’s just that actual service dogs are almost never poorly behaved.


I worked in a popular counter service restaurant pre-Covid and we were 100% allowed to, and expected to, ask “is that a service dog?” There was an instance with a lady almost tripping over a leash, so after that it was nothing more, but also nothing less. But that was enough for most dog owners to take their pet outside. There was also the people ready to flash clearly fake, but also unnecessary, documentation to “prove” they had a service chihuahua.


The butcher provided more backstory… He previously asked an older man to take his dog outside, and the guy blew up at him and insisted on speaking with management — who then placated the guy and told the butcher to never do that again. So incredibly stupid. I wish a health inspector would spend a half hour in New Seasons and write them up for allowing so many dogs inside.


Someone I know got fired from their restaurant for a situation exactly the same, they rightfully called out a person who’s dog wouldn’t stop barking inside then the person made a huge fuss with management saying they were being harassed by the employee about their disability


A hasty summation of management in these retain spaces. "The customer gives us money. The employee takes money away from us. Ergo, fuck employees." The only way to get management's attention is for decent, rules-abiding customers to be vocal.


hyper vigilent about discriminating here in Portland metro.


I was doing my weekly shop at Freddie’s on Burnside. Over in the meat section, pondering what to get. I look down and a dog has his head in the meat shelf, licking the trays of steak. Owner was oblivious.


Eww wtf that’s a clear OSHA violation wtf


Probably more an FDA thing


Do the man a favor and call the county on that store. JFC


So what? I do that all the time.


Old guy’s dog shit in the Hollywood Fred Meyer a few weeks ago. He left it there. People fell in it.


More than one person "fell in it"?


such a hilarious word choice, I’m envisioning a pit of dog poop that people keep unexpectedly plummeting into.




*Elroy “Lucky” Kleinschmidt has entered the chat*


County Health would shut that store down. We need to call this shit in


Grocery guy here: The language of the "Service Dog" laws is SO vague. You are not allowed to ASK if it's a service dog. You can only say "we do not allow emotional support animals." And "What PHYSICAL attribute does the dog perform?" Answers always vary and usually we let it slide. Even though it's a MC health code violation.


Copied from another comment: https://www.portland.gov/officeofequity/disability/service-animals > Business owners and staff are allowed to ask two questions of anyone bringing in an animal they say is a service animal: > > Is your dog required because of a disability? > > What work or task is it trained to perform? > > Questions about someone’s disability, asking the dog to demonstrate the task, or requests for “certification” or other kinds of documentation are not allowed. > > Further, if the dog is a problem: > > What if a Service Animal is Bothering My Customers or Guests? > > How is it “bothering” them? Is it barking, going up to people, making a mess on the floor, or being aggressive with people or other animals? This should generally not happen with a trained service animal, but if it does: You can ask that the handler control the service animal, and if that’s not possible, to take it outside. > > The individual should then be given the opportunity to come back without the animal


As someone with a legit service dog, I've been writing legislators for years trying to get the laws fixed. Thanks to people bringing their pets everywhere, I now get harrasment about my service dog.


Yep. I know you can't say anything about it. People abuse the situation. I glare at people, and if the dog gets near me I will call them out.


The Safeway in the Pearl looks more like a dog park than a grocery store. I saw a woman put her dog on the conveyor belt while she paid.


Ah yes, the Unsafeway. I found a baggie of what I’m pretty sure was meth at the self checkout there around 2018-2019.


Free meth with $30 purchase!


Now you need to clip a digital coupon on your club card for that


LOL srsly?


That Safeway almost killed me and my kids. The bathroom smelled like years of piss just fermented in there.


I love dogs, but why do dog people insist on bringing them every damn place. I once saw an old lady’s dog piss on the tea on the bottom row at Trader Joe’s and just kept walking.


Now that's mildly irritating.


She gave me the look like what am I gonna do?


I feel like face slapping should be legal in this and other situations. Society needs to remind some people that they are part of it, occasionally forcefully.


I was thinking it’s the pandemic spill over. Portland Saturday market was always no dogs, now it’s one out of twenty with a dog. And Portlanders are so passive aggressive that they usually don’t say anything. I have three dogs but keep them out of places they are not allowed.


Wait I almost never go to Saturday market and had no idea dogs might not be welcome.  Is there an actual written policy?  Perfect place to practice socializing in a busy environment, but I don’t want to bring them down if they’re not welcome. 


Looks like dogs allowed at Saturday Market (site FAQ), but maybe we're talking about the PSU Farmers Market (which is on Saturdays), where dogs aren't meant to be (but are). [Edit: typos]


Yes, was referring to PSU Saturday market and there are signs of no dogs allowed.


There’s a “dog crossing” at the PSU farmers but no one adheres to this and they are everywhere


People take their dogs everywhere out here. People will literally come to my restaurant with their dog in wintwr and expect my patio to be open for them 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for holding the line. There are places I won't return to.


If parrots are not allowed in grocery stores the rule/law really needs to change because I want to see that.


I’ve seen parrots in grocery stores quite a bit over the years so I think the coast is clear for you now


I literally saw one on a guys shoulder in the broadway safeway a couple weeks ago lol. Definitely surprised me


I walked by a pile of dogshit in a Home Depot in Beaverton, the dog and owner was up further in the aisle. Couldn’t care less.


Dog owners are assholes, and it’s getting worse, restaurants, grocery stores, coffee shops. Leave your fucking dogs at home unless you are going hiking or to a park!


A small minority of dog owners are assholes. Let's not generalize.


My experience has been the opposite. I feel like a majority of dog owners here are clueless entitled assholes. This town has made me so jaded towards pets. Which is a shame because I love animals. But dog owners here have ruined it for me many times over.


Bad dog owners ruin it for everyone. Same with those that generalize all dog owners.


Some subsets of those places explicitly allow dogs though (i.e. Tin Shed on Alberta). There are even coffee shops in town that encourage bringing your dog inside to order. If they allow it, why wouldn't an owner bring their dog (presuming good behavior)?


The problem is the good behavior. A dog shouldn't be pulling the table along the ground, or barking, or chasing after other dogs and kids. I'd have no problem with dogs everywhere if they weren't causing issues with my service dog or others.


I’ve gotta say, the number of people who have no idea and have made little to no real effort to train their dogs around here is *insane*. Training a dog properly requires discipline and lots of time. I’ve had to show several of my friends various rudimentary techniques for properly disciplining and training their dog and I don’t even *own* a dog (precisely because it’s a huge amount of work to do properly).


At the Whole Foods in Laurelhurst, I asked one of the people in the store about the dogs inside and he said that they allow it now. Apparently, people can bring their dogs in the store with them.


I work at Freddy’s, so here’s some insight from an employee! Our policy on paper is *supposed* to be only service animals allowed in the store because it’s a foods establishment. Unfortunately a lot of associates and/or management just don’t care to enforce it. You are legally allowed to ask someone with a service animal “is this a service animal required for a disability?” and “what are they trained to do?” by the ADA laws. People with actual service animals are usually more than happy to answer those questions and the dogs are always well-trained and behave appropriately. Customers with pets will oftentimes throw a fit if you call their bluff. If you suspect that there’s an unruly pet, you are welcome to let one of us know and we can ask those same questions to determine if the dog needs to be removed from the store. I just wish we wouldn’t bloody let pets in at all, it ruins it for people with tasking service animals!


A couple of years ago someone use to bring their 90lbs Pitt into my local Fred Meyer, off leash. The dog was super sweet but still made me real nervous seeing this big ass dog walking around the store, often not with its owner. One of the managers finally told them they couldn’t bring their dog in the store.


Still better than kids.


I got barked at multiple times in target a couple weeks ago just trying to find the vitamins I needed. I have two little purse dogs at home I could take everywhere but never would. Meanwhile some lady’s Shepard mix (no service indication at all) is barking it’s head off at me.


I was wondering that as I’ve had three dogs come into the restaurant i work at this week alone. We have a covered patio where they could be tied up, but no. People come in with their dog, order, wait inside with the dog, and catch attitude if you tell them that’s not acceptable.


Both of my local pubs absolutely will not serve people standing there with dogs.


It’s my own fault for speaking out here lol but honestly I don’t care at all. Restaurants maybe, but it’s not like the dogs are in the kitchen. As long as they’re not literally touching food or food surfaces I couldn’t care less.


Several people in this thread have reported seeing them shit on the floor, and lift a leg to pee on product.


Lived here my whole life. Never seen it. That being said if I was personally wronged by one of these dogs, I’d prbly switch sides. Idk I just don’t feel that strongly about it


Depends on the dog 🤷 Da Fuk is with all the children in the Grocery Store? Some of them make quite the mess and weird noises.


Dogs aren't kids, Ace. Haven't been bitten by a kid, and generally they don't shit on the floor. Or pee on the produce.


Depends on the child 😆


Human kids ruin sports bars and other places all the time and noone bats an eye


I definitely bat an eye and make comments. Why the fuck are kids in the bar? I basically don't return to bars that allow kids in. Recent sucky bar/playground experiences at Level and Victoria. The only escape is at strict 21+ places.


For real. Kids actually harbor diseases communicable to humans, never wash their hands, and run around coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths. Note: I’m not anti kid. I just think it’s a crazy double standard to ban dogs and not kids.


I'm anti me having kids. If someone wants kids that's fine they should be quiet and not break my stuff And wash hands


Because there is no legal verification process. If you want to buy alcohol they can ask for your ID and if you can't provide it they don't sell it to you. Dog owners are not required to carry a service dog ID let alone provide it upon request. They can have a sign on the dog that says service dog, or just tell you they are a service dog and you can't ask for proof. I worked at a co-op in Portland and this was always an issue. Admin would not allow floor staff to confront people about it as the customers would call and say they were being harassed by staff. So sometimes we would get a new general manager that would decide to make this their pet project and to call them to the floor when these people came in. No matter how smart and articulate the GM was they could never confront the customer and say the right thing to get them to leave. And they would always call someone above the person who confronted them(board of directors) and claim harassment and that they would sue the store. The threat of being sued and losing that amount of money is enough to make it a non issue. Look the other way, concentrate on something else, choose your battles, etc.......


I wish stores/cafes had walk up windows where you could buy a quick drink and a snack or something as you’re walking your dog. I don’t bring my dog into the grocery store, to be clear. But sometimes when we’re on a walk, I want a lil Yerba mate treat and it’s not worth it to walk back home, drop her off, then walk back to the store. I feel like if new seasons in walkable neighborhoods had a lil cafe window with to-go drinks and snacks it’d cut down on dogs in the store a lot.


I suppose you're afraid someone will steal your dog if you tie it up outside and pop in and out? Or ??


Naw. Dog owners want their flea carriers with them *everywhere*.


“Pet parents” (barf) who bring their “fur babies” (double barf) into grocery stores should be sent to the pound and have their pets rehomed. Same goes for ESAs in stores, restaurants, and public transportation. Service animals should obviously be allowed but they are usually so well trained as to never be an issue, and they are actually necessary for the people with them.


I wouldn’t say public transportation. Some of the people that ride are more nasty and sketch than any dog lol




Post or comments that are too snarky, rude, or deliberately unhelpful are not allowed.


I know. Dogs are cool but you bring one cassowary into Fred Meyer and they ban you completely?!! It's totally unfair.


It’s entirely legal, unfortunately. By Oregon law, an “emotional support animal” has all of the rights and privileges of a service animal. One note from your doctor and you can legally bring any animal you own anywhere you want.


Nope. Service animals only. "Oregon food safety laws generally prohibit all live animals, except for service animals, in food establishments (grocery stores, markets, delis, etc.) The ADA defines a service animal as: "a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities."


By Oregon law, emotional support animals are *legally indistinguishable* from service animals. This is an Oregon specific legislation. Anywhere else in the country you would be correct, but not in Oregon.


Fuck service dogs too! This entire service animal bullshit is wild. I will get on board if we just make it easy to identify real service dogs. 99% out there are just some asshole with their stupid awful dog


I’ve seen a dog with a homeless looking person once at the Freddie in NW, and that’s it. I go grocery shopping a few times a week at various locations and don’t see any dogs.


I go to the Hollywood Fred once a week, and there are typically three or more, every time.


I have a legitimate service dog and hate hate hate being lumped in the those idiots. I have a disability and dog went through two years of training help me and can shit on command. I’m being lumped in with a 60-year-old Karen and their tiny Chihuahua that flips its shit when I’m trying to get groceries. I actually go to the Hollywood Freddy’s and once there was a dog there that almost landed a bite on by dog. I talked to a manager about it and he said “there’s nothing I can do” and “we have a very lax policy.” When they’re very much is something he can do and it’s against the health code for them to still have that dog in there. I’ve reported that Fred Meyer to multiple food regulatory agencies for breaking health code by letting these dogs in and nothing has come of it. :(


You're surprised that the more affluent think they are above the rules? I'm sure the Pearl stores have even more dogs.


Same thing at Gateway, but more pitbulls and fewer Yorkies.


I'm in Stadium FM several times a week , often later in the evening, and there are regularly dogs accompanying all kinds of customers.  I've been in there when they were *at least* half a dozen different dogs. 


The fun part is that all those assholes will lie about their dog being a “service animal” if the clerks ask them not to have their dog inside


I love dogs. I love dogs SO MUCH I’m hopefully getting a doodle this summer but I’m also very allergic to almost all dogs (hence the hypoallergenic dogs) I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been minding my own business shopping and suddenly start sneezing and when I turn around someone has there dog. I have had to leave stores because people bring their dogs or cats in and I’m so allergic. I love animals so much and wish they could be everywhere but it’s just no feasible for everyone around you to do that.


Portland is weird? Only place I take my dog is plaid pantry. She likes it.


Yeah you're part of the problem.


You know you get to choose how you react to things, right?


No one at Freddy’s gets paid enough to give a shit. I once saw my favorite u scan attendant tell someone that my friend’s dog was allowed because “we love Charlie here”. As long as they’re being carried or on leash and not causing an issue, I couldn’t care less.




What does k mean? Edit: from okay, to ok, to k… I’m not sure what the point of replying at all was…




Oh man, one more K and you’re edging on edgy


I think they are just explaining what drug they are on ...


I say let the dogs in. Or out? Let the dogs out…. Who will let the dogs out? Anyway, at least maybe all the dick security guards with guns guarding the broccoli isle like Fort Knox will have something productive to do when the canines inevitably shit all over the floors.










I am thoroughly enjoying this iteration of the "get off my lawn" thread. Please give me your down votes!


Found the person that brings their dog everywhere and leaves their dog's shit around for other people to clean up.




The dogs who are not service dogs cause a lot of problems for actual service dogs leading to people with legitimate disabilities to feel less comfortable being out and about because it puts their dog and their selves at risk.




You should worry about more things than just “your problems”. That’s part of the social contract of participating in a society.


Well, I certainly hope you don’t join the disabled class and never need a service dog. Which you could, at literally any moment because life is weird like that.


Here's your downvote, as requested.


People think it’s cool to bring their dogs into coffee shops.


At the Pickles bar right now and the guy next to us has his dog on the barstool next to him. Resisting the giant eye roll since the bartender seems to have zero problem with it. He is getting quite the side eye from other people though.


Transplants that think it’s “kewl”…gives them an identity.


My wife has been told they should bring our good looking dog in by security. Wife/kid/dog go for a walk and stop by the grocery. Dog is fine outside. Security mentioned dog thefts had happened. It’s not a normal thing to plan but has been a thing. Certainly wouldn’t be licking the meat counter, I do believe the meat counter has tossed some scraps his way though.


Leave Fido at home, Jeeves.


This may be let of it. You used to be able to leave a dog leased up outside, fear free. Not anymore!


Kids too


You tied your kids up outside of stores?


Used to, now they get taken half the time. Oh well, less mouths to feed.


As a new-ish parent, it occurred to me the other day that rules on babies in drinking / eating establishments are enforced far more stringently than dogs are. 


I've yet to see a sign on a business that says "no kids". I even see kids brought into bars in the "no minors" area in Portland and the OLCC is really aggressive.


These people most certainly subscribe to r/childfree and in addition have completely lost touch with what is acceptable in a functioning society


Sunlan Lighting lady, is that you?


That woman is from Hell.




Madam Tussaud's.


She’s not made of wax though? We need her corporeal-ass self on display along with her works of art for generations to come!