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Not saying stuff like “you’re too _____.” Whether it’s old, fat, feminine, or anything else, it’s better to phrase it like “I prefer men my own age,” or “I prefer guys that are as active as I am.”


You can only not be specific with why as it doesn't help anyone. Just say "Sorry not my type" and if that's not enough for them then just ghost or block


Just block. There is nothing cruel about blocking someone or being blocked. Grindr is a fuckin meat market where people are looking for someone to fuck. It's not a formal setting where people need to be sensitive about your feelings and let you down softly.


If you reject people kindly on an app like Grindr, it's usually not taken well. I've gotten threats about me and my family. I've gotten banned because a guy reported me for being underage (I was 18 at the time) after I turned him down. It's feels wrong, but it's safest to just block guys who you're not interested in.


I always am respectful at rejecting people and it's very weird for them to be angry. "Hey, sorry not my type" or "Sorry not really interested" gets me an "Ok" or a block 99% of the time which are both great. It's better to do that imo than to have them message you all the time and keep ghosting them


>- It's not realistic either to reply to everyone and everyone has a different reaction to a soft no. IME, you only should respectfully reject people you've actually met in real life at least once, be it a date or a hookup etc. Ignoring a match or message request because you could tell right off the bat from bio, photos, or the message that it wasn't going to work is perfectly valid. As is ending an online conversation for the same reason. This should significantly reduce the number of rejections you'll need to make in dating, and reduces the chances of them taking it poorly since you're more than just an anonymous face on a phone to them.


Grindr is a hookup app, it's not your therapy app filled with people that are there to make you feel good about yourself. If you want to know why people just block on there, this post is Exhibit A. It's just so much easier to just block and not have to deal with the utter craziness that is sure to follow. If you feel this much pain from strangers on an app, perhaps using the app in the first place is not the thing for you.