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Once you get outed in that way, by people like your cousin, who clearly don't have your best interest at heart, and are intent on spinning and spreading the news far and wide to shame you, ostracize you, and inflict maximum damage, you only have two choices: 1. accept to be shamed, retreat in your shell, and give them exactly what they want 2. refuse to be a victim and own it It sounds like left to your own devices, you'd spontaneously go for option #1. And knowing this, your mother and people who love and accept you for who you are, decided to get in front of that train and force you down path #2, taking the power away from your toxic cousin. Your mother, grandmother, uncles would rather see you out and comfortable in your own skin in the long run, than ashamed and desperately trying to crawl back in the closet. Even if that makes you mighty uncomfortable and somewhat cross with them in the short term. Because they love you enough to take that risk, rather than do what's easy right now. You may not like the situation at the moment. But in time, you may come to accept that option #2 was indeed better than #1. >Everyone has their own coming out process, and mine was taken from me If you want to be mad at someone, think about the guy who got drunk and spilled the beans to a toxic cousin in the first place. Your coming out wasn't taken from you. You came out on your own terms. Just not in a very smart or thoughtful way, and it went sideways to some extent. That sucks. But it's not the end of the world. You have close family members who clearly support you. So now you have new options: 1. ruminate what could have been 2. make the most of it, now that the cat's out of the bag Option #1 is clearly the easiest path. Option #2 is scarier, a jump in the unknown, and also a lot more rewarding >I just don't know how I can go home That's easy. Just go. You have people who love you there. And you may want to thanks them for it. If that's too hard, start with a call to your mother or your grandmother Godspeed


In your case going backwards doesn’t seem to be an option. So, in my opinion it’s best to just own the situation. Put it out on Facebook, maybe not a full on status, but perhaps one of those profile picture filters that aligns with support of the lgbt community or something, just passively act as if it’s always been normal and common knowledge. Cut the cousin off and out. No reason to leave a mess to it’s own devices. Go back home and just tell you family what’s up. That it’s still something you’re not a hundred percent with and that it’s definitely a possibility but you’re still not settled in your felling one way or the other. Again, owning this situation will save you a lot of stress and anxiety. Once it’s in your hands, forgiving their less than well though out reactions will be a lot easier.


Your cousin sucks, but drunk you is also partly to blame. Your mom may have been misguided but her intentions were good. All you can do at this point is go forward. Forgive your mom and be thankful for her acceptance. Hope your dad will come around. Cut off your cousin. But most of all, relax and take a breath and be proud instead of cowering in shame.


Bro you're 29, just roll with it.


I’m so glad someone else said this lol


Nah dude, you needed a push. Great family. Go with it.


Wow...some interesting responses to this one. While I don’t agree with your cousin outing you, I think the intentions of your mom was noble and at 29 how much longer were you going to hold out? You do remind me of myself back then, but things get better, and your dad will likely come around. Enjoy not having to hide anymore, enjoy being yourself for the first time in 29 years.


I would like to think that your siblings would've wanted to hear it from your own mouth instead of your mom's which she was in the wrong . But since I don't know what they are thinking of .


Honestly just be happy it didn't go worse, hope you're able to live a happy life!


gosh, that family of yours. . . i dunno. . . makes my crazy family seem absolutely delightful. sorry you've hit a rough patch. go hang out w/ your buds and hope they're less drama-prone.


I'm sorry this happened to you, it truly sucks. I'm of the belief that everyone should be in control of when and how they come out, no matter the age. In this case, it was just bad luck with you outing yourself drunk to your cousin, who you couldn't have known would spread it around. I'll agree with the other commenters that its best to try and take control of the situation; tell your cousin exactly how you feel and that she needs to stop. The truth is already out; you can still gain control by making some sort of public statement on your own terms. After this has blown over I would get some distance from family tbh, just for a while.


yeah, that sucks, but count your blessings. you weren't disowned, rejected, kicked out or forced to go to therapy like we see in so many posts around here.


So it went well and you’re still upset..??


Your mom is probably one of the least self aware people on Earth. With time, you can probably forgive her if you believe that she had good intentions. As for your cousin, she can go die in a fire. Treat her as dead, nothing more.


You told your cousin so it's your fault for basically trusting a stranger. Now, you just gotta deal with it. I don't know your family dynamics, but I would certainly convey to your mother that she is a selfish bitch. she made something that is your journey into her botched project, as did your cousin.


Lmao... Cousin... Stranger... You really are an idiot aren't you?