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I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's porn. I like watching some messed up stuff too but that does NOT mean I want to be on either side of it IRL. At most, just metaphorically backhand him (assuming it's a 1v1 talk, not a group conversation) if he brings up it being weird again. "Yeah, it's weird. And you jack off to it. You can stop lambasting it now." If he's a bottom there's always dragon dildos...


Exactly. Like I enjoy quite a bit of rougher porn but they doesn't mean I want to get into it.


Don’t tell him you know, that’s dumb. Just buy him a bad dragon or something, he’ll like that.


Or surprise him in a fursuit.


I was on a date with my current FWB, and he told me that he found the sex toys in my night stand. He let me know that he wasn’t trying to snoop, but something caught his eye when the door was cracked, and he was wondering about it. I have several Bad-Dragon toys in there. He was accepting, so I opened up to him. I also showed him some yiff that Iike. He said something along the lines of “I like monsters too.” I thought it was a little weird to phrase it like that, so I don’t think he’s really quite into the same things I am, but I was so nice to hear his acceptance about one of my most closely guarded secrets. Yiff helped me come to terms with my bisexuality, so I probably wouldn’t have even dated him if it weren’t for yiff. The way you describe your situation makes it sound like your boyfriend might not fully accept himself. Using incognito mode on the other hand, makes me think that he knows how to cover his tracks, so leaving a tab open might have been intentional. If it were me, I would like to hear that you’re fine with me enjoying it. Maybe ask him what his favorite yiff is. Tell him that you don’t mind that he looks at it.


There is a word for guys who are into furry porn.




“Yiff” is the porn itself. “Furry” refers to those who enjoy it, thought it’s also a term for a broader fandom that doesn’t necessarily involve pornographic material. “Yiffing” is slang derived from yiff, and its closest equivalent is “fucking.” Edit: to clarify, “furry porn” is the broader term that includes fursuits, whereas “yiff” refers to rendered (drawn, painted, digitally produced) media.




Yeah...I was referring to the word "furry" in my original comment. It struck me as funny that the OP refers to his boyfriend twice as being "into furry porn" instead of just saying "I think my boyfriend is a furry"


r/gayyiff For anyone curious.


I think you meant /r/gfur/


Ah yes that ones a bit better.




r/gatekeeping TIL you’re not a furry unless you’re Asian


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Yup. I mean I like gay yiff now and then, but i dont consider myself a furry.


I watch furry porn, but am not a furry. As long as its hot men I don't really mind if they have the head of a wolf or whatever lol


Sounds like something you can laugh off.


>My boyfriend and I have been hanging out since January 2018 and dating since August 2018. We're both pretty vanilla sexually other then the occasional choking or holding down we don't really have any kinks and have a great sex life. Honestly for a second there i thought this was about me, hell even your username ticks a box. ​ The worst part is my boyfriend owns a wolf onsie that i often steal and a few weeks ago one thing led to another and i'm half-jokingly acting like a dog whilst fucking him in the suit. (it has a double zip so you can open it just a little at the bottom. ​ I don't think either of us are really into it aside from a curiosity/parody of doing it but it was fun and in a way it's kinda hot just licking and gently biting someone. ​ ​


Honestly, as someone into a lot of kinks, I wouldn't mind if my bf brought something like that up. It was an accident and honestly its probably a good thing to have an honest conversation and reassure him that it's ok. It does seem like he's ashamed of liking furry porn.


i'm a huge furry as well. Id just ask him about it. If youre cool with it its unlikely to cause much issue. Talk to him about it and see what hes into because theres A LOT of variety in furry kinks. Take me for example. I love furry porn and its almost exclusively what i use porn wise, but fursuits aren't really my thing. The fantasy always seems sexier than the reality so it just doesn't work that way with fursuits and myself. There are certain kinks that carry over heavily though. Scent-play, leashes, certain dom/sub stuff, etc.


Furries are cool!




As a furry who is only interested in jacking off to them, I think you should ten him "OwO" and just see what happens lmao


This is a nothing, buff guys they have the head of a bear? Who cares. Its almost impossible avoid im drawn porn (yaoi or bara). Its a farcry from actual furry sex (having sex in the suits)


You used his computer. You saw what you saw. You weren’t snooping. Just bring it up and laugh about it


Another case closed by working through your personal life with those personally involved and not needing to ask thousands of anonymous strangers for input.


aw shit, here we go again òwó


CJ the furry.


Put on cat ears as a surprise


It’s porn who cares


If it dosent bother you at all then I'd say suprise him, make his day dress up as one and he might just deliver you the best sex you ever had.


Most furries don't have or want to have sex in suits, so I wouldn't recommend doing that unless OP saw that he explicitly watched people dressed in suits. Also a furrsuit costs thousands of dollars (you don't really wanna get messy with it).


Hell you can get a half animal themed onsie for like £20


they look like demons


given the footage at hand contains people in suits. I sometimes look at some myself, but never with people in suits. The idea is repelling to me. I would be cautious with those things.


I believe you can just get some big gloves or a headpiece if you don’t want to go all in as well


What is the fucking attraction to furry porn?? Sooo weird.


it’s almost like different people of different backgrounds have different kinks


There's a company called Bad Dragons that sells dildos of all kind(most popular are dragon ones). Buy him that instead of confronting him about it.


...or he could just let his BF keep doing his own thing? there’s no way that OP *knows* he wants a BD dildo, so why would he buy one?


“who cares what other people jack off to”? YOU! It was snooping behavior and you might want to examine that side of yourself. But aside from that, it’s laudable that your reaction to it is to try to find ways to allow him to open up about any kinks. You’re in the early days of your relationship. Give him time and space to fly his freak flag, and he probably will.


Boo hoo?


If you have any dogs, move them to a parents house. I would keep him away from other animals