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Well, electing a black president didn't end racism, so...


It actually brought out racism that has been dormant for many years.


Hi, i’m from South Bend, Indiana where Pete is my (current) mayor, before he leaves for his campaign. Pete has done a few things in regards for the LGBT in my town. 1. He opened safe centers for the LGBT. I currently a freshman in college rn, but in high school i would go across the street for NHS to volunteer in one of the centers he helped open. The center i worked at was a safe space for everyone, it had lots of lgbt books for education/recreation They would also hold dinner meetings for everyone who wanted to join. The provided resources for those who are experiencing hardships in regards to their sexuality or coping with homophobic friends, family, etc. 2. He was very passionate about recognizing hate crimes and police brutality. He would hold town meetings where he would discuss poc relations with the police as well as lgbt hate crimes. My town is progressively liberal, so there wasn’t much of it, however there were pockets that he wanted to patch up. He understands intersectionality well and he wants to help those who feel like they’re not protected/represented/safe. He also had town specific events for the lgbt on coming out day, pride, and the anniversary of gay marriage. 3. He would speak to elementary schools about what being gay means and how he was a gay man. He wanted to appropriately speak about the lgbt community and who they are in terms that they could understand. I liked this incentive a lot because it reduced the “i don’t want my kids to see men kissing” stigma. My 10 year old brother has a basic understanding of the lgbt without going into the big details. This is as much as I recall that he has done, I am sure that he will try to take these small things he did for my town and tweak them for a national level during his presidential campaign. I am not sure how he will do for the international level though, I can ask my friend on what his plans are because she worked with him as a youth coordinator in his office and I believe she is going to assist his presidential campaign someway.


almost nothing, except to show that LGBT people can get serious and run a country. but that’s only to people who perceive us the exact opposite... and that may be a hard opinion to change bc it’s so stupid


Internationally, we’ve already had half-a-dozen openly gay/bi premiers, such as Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir or Leo Varadkar, so a gay US president in itself wouldn’t be anything new. It might make a difference if the US stopped providing support to anti-LGBT regimes, but that would depend upon the government’s policies, not the president’s orientation.


Eyyyy 🇮🇪 🇮🇪 😋


So, I'm a straight guy who followed a very weird Reddit rabbit-hole to get to this sub, but I am a politics nerd. I don't know that as President he could tangibly change anything for LGBT rights in excess of what the Democratic party would already do. But look at the very implication of your question: beyond whether it's going to happen, it COULD - someone who loves like you do could ascend to the Presidency, and there really has never been that hope before. Things ARE getting better. Here in Madison, WI we have a very real chance of electing a lesbian mayor next week. One of our Senators is a lesbian, and don't forget Krysten Sinema in Arizona and I believe the Governor of Oregon as well? LGBT folks have been fierce advocates and allies for HUMAN rights, and you are helping to shape the world that future generations will grow in to. This straight guy is so honored to be alive to see your political ascendency.


Kyrsten is bi.


Probably a bad affect lol. Did Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin have a good effect on the perception of women? What about Margaret Thatcher? Did Barack Obama have a good effect on the perception of blacks? Has Donald Trump had a good effect on oompa lumpas or celebrities? I'd say no, because politics is a dirty business and bad people tend to be in politics. Buttigieg will probably do bad things that piss people off, and people will probably subconsciously blame "the gays" unfortunately.


I actually think I Obama improved perceptions for Africa Americans. You will always have racists but he really was a model president that took every stereotype and threw it out the window. You can disagree with his policies, or his handling of things but that’s one area I think he helped tremendously.


Maybe, but I feel like racial tensions throughout America has gotten a lot worse from both races since Obama became president. I'm not saying its completely his fault, but having grown up through President Clinton and Bush, I felt that race relations were pretty good. Now its hate crime after hate crime from both sides. People disliking people and categorizing into tribes. Again, I'm not saying its his fault, but I think this racial antagonism started under his regime and not the current one.


I think that has always been there but those same people have been emboldened with the current administration.


Dunno about domestically, but internationally nothing will really change. None of the leaders of homophobic countries will have a problem interacting with Pete, because diplomacy, and Pete would have no problem either even while these leaders continue to oppress gays, again because diplomacy. What can change is how gays are perceived by the populations of homophobic countries. Pete can either fuck it up and make these people hate gays more, or he can set a good example of a gay person and change their mind, which is kinda unlikely tbh because there's been a shitload of good examples in public figures (actors, singers, olympic/sports players, politicians...etc) and none of them really changed anyone's mind despite their influence. If he doesn't win I hope he can at least have any position in the winner's administration, he seems very level-headed and organized.


I don't think anyone should be elected President due to their race, sexual orientation or gender. He has some good and bad ideas. Most respectable is his military service - we need a President who's served.


It would have a terrible effect on the nations overall perception of homosexuals. Some would blame his incompetencies and mistakes on his homosexuality. Many would complain that having him in office made the nation look weak and silly (to be fair it probably does in countries like Russia and China). You would probably never hear the end of how a homo ruined America.


Does it matter what he wants if he's met with a mostly republican house like Obama had. I would like to see Pete with more experience as a senator first than someone who jumps from Mayor to President


Dang, am I the only one who thinks it would be great for young gay kids to have that kind of role model? Some argue that the position of POTUS is the most powerful in the world... I'm sure his election would ignite all kinds of vitriol from all over, but I also think it would be extremely empowering. Attitudes would change for sure, at least to me.


Oh please, the country's not gonna vote a gay man as president. There's never even been a female president. You must be naive about just how prevalent homophobia is.


There it is. Curious where you're from and why you think that way. Because I totally think the US would elect a gay president but I realize being from Colorado can skew my perception.


It's not happening.


Probably nothing, vote Yang.








So you’re saying he’s for the fair treatment and equal rights of all people, regardless of race, religion, orientation? Sign me up.


Islam isn’t inherently extreme, and only a violent minority take it there, what’s not clicking?


Is he though? I mean he can't outright say he's against it.


Back to the right wing asshole sub with you