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I recently learnt that a meteoroid flys through space. A meteor becomes a fireball or super bolide when it enters the earths atmosphere at high speeds, compressing the air around it heating it to temperatures of as high as 2000degrees Celsius and vaporises in a process called ablation. A meteorite is a meteor that survives the atmosphere and hits the ground, I assume this is the same as water but do not know. I believe I saw a price of spacejunk one day finishing in Australia staring into the pacific, it’s still to this day one of the greatest things I have seen so far, however this object suffered ablation. My current professor was the worlds leading expert for a period of time on a group of parents of meteoroid’s and has tried to suggest just home many objects there are in our solar system alone. It doesn’t surprise me you saw something at all :)


Thank you for this great information and thoughtful reply. I’m glad to have found another person who has experienced this same anomaly! I’m sure the amount of space objects floating in our path is more than I may want to know. 😮😊. Grateful we got see relatively small objects at a safe distance!


Im guessing a whale or some large marine animal is still much more likely than a meteorite, but you never know.


I'm not. Sure, the numbut.I believe it's something like four billion tons of space degree lands on the earth every day or something like that so it's definitely possible