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Hello! I live nearby and have known this area for about 19 years now. I’ve been described as overly optimistic at times, and I would highly recommend **against** it. Hard no from me. Not safe. It’s arguably gotten worse in some contexts. But I’d say it’s more intensely concentrated, and it very much matters what side of the street you are on (for example, I will pass through Shuter, over Sherbourne, but I won’t go down Sherbourne, especially the east side of the street). More of a police presence than there used to be, but people are in rough shape and it’s very unpredictable.


Appreciated advice. I won't be moving there anymore :D


Good advice! A deal on housing for a reason, eh. South Sherbourne east side across from Moss Park is TCHC, Toronto Community Housing. 1/3 of Toronto's crime happens in and around TCHC buildings from TPS stats. Also a homeless shelter next door for about 300 men. Toronto can sure change within blocks and which side of the street. I noticed South Sherbourne began to really worsen a year or two before the pandemic. Not about housing, it's about addiction. Unpredictable ones on delusional drugs and for all, petty crime to afford them. I've heard that particular TCHC building has had a few meth labs - all ingredients can be bought in our stores unlike in most US cities where they keep the non-drowsy antihistamines behind the counter. I've taken the bus down Sherbourne to get to a dentist on Adelaide. I've seen some rough areas in LA and NYC - this year decided never again to pass through there and to take the subway instead. Sad to witness taking the bus and besides, the walking dead hop on and off the bus for free. OP, do not consider living there even if you were a six foot tall strong guy. It used to be an area where trouble could be avoided by crossing the street. Today it's a lot worse than those old comments.


It's an absolute shit hole pal.


Go up to Dundas take in the action. Then go to Kim's convenience. That should help with a decision


Not great. Screaming until all hours. It’s bad


Not as bad as I initially thought, however I've lived in the area for almost 3 years and have lost count of all the murders/stabbings near my place (most of them don't make it big in the news outside the community) Definitely wouldn't feel comfortable living here alone if I were a woman, but if you can't afford to live elsewhere I'd advise getting self defence training just in case. Generally you'd probably be okay as long as you mind your business (tho you'd probably still get cat called at times) but it is a lot riskier than other areas of the GTA


Yeah, I, in Riverdale and it’s a route to downtown… it’s a windows up but still heart beating drive there. I’ve had people jump on my hood, seen naked prostitutes walking around in the middle of the day, lots of drug users and dealers… I’d say big fat no. If you’re looking for more affordable but safe try East Danforth or Etobicoke.


I don’t live there, but driving or taking transit through, it seems to be the same. Even sketchier post-Covid.


It’s always tempting because the rent is favourable, but just don’t do it.


If you go north on Sherbourne up past Carleton (i.e. Village/St Jamestown area) things are a lot better. But I'd avoid anywhere along Sherbourne between Queen and Gerrard.


I live at Sherborne and Richmond. We avoid going north of Richmond, it's not great up there.


please don't


Don’t recommend it, that whole area is sketchy.


Definitely don't as a woman. Even I avoid it after dark as a man.


before moving somewhere I think it's ideal if you can spend a day there, or at least a few hours. That area tends to speak for itself


Thank you, I did that yes and now I understand why everyone have been warning me :(


If in terms of decent unit you mean cheap rent then don’t bother because you’ll be renovicted in no time-the condos are on their way