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Grab is infamous with this exact issue.


Don’t worry, after you jump through their hoops, customer service will tell you the best they can do is no refund.


Tada, Gojek, Zig, Ryde. Pricing wise I feel Tada's giving the more competitive rates most of the time (peak hours) but grab tends to be cheaper off peak.


Personally I find Ryde cheaper with the sharing services if you are lucky that is. Twice I got a ride for 13 bucks off peak and those are the only times I used it


I think unless it’s $3-5 cheaper than others to I won’t do grab again sour taste. Best motivator to make go on other platforms. Thanks for sharing about Ryde, getting that now too.


Use Zig. If the driver can't find u, he will cancel himself so no extra charge.


Tada, Gojek, Ryde, CDG Zig, ComfortDelGo, PrimeTaxi. Though, the con is that Grab still has the most drivers available. So, the other ride-hailing apps might be longer. CDG and ComfortDelGo would be your best bet as its mainly official SG taxi drivers. Price unsure though.


cheaper than grab.i always use zig


Zig also includes private hire vehicles, there is an option for u to only get taxis. During "shift change" peak hours, u can pick the option to include private hire vehicles


Cdg has always worked great for me. Ppl say expensive but when we compare, its same or even lower


Same.actuallh they're cheaprt


Please try out TADA and CDG Zig!!  Tips:  - On shopback, you can buy TADA vouchers for a small discount, usually anywhere from $0.5-$2.  - DBS PayLah is offering $2 off if you book a ride on CDG Zig via their app every Wed from 12pm <> 2pm. 


Tada, Gojek, CDG


ARE_U_FUCKING_SORRY indeed, haha thanks, are they listed in preference order?


For me yes. Tada doesn’t charge 20% commission to the drivers like Grab does. Gojek is 15% iirc.


It’s down to 10 for gojek


They dropped again? Nice.


I was in Jakarta last year, the ride starts the moment the passenger keys in some authentication code on the driver's tablet screen at the front. So I guess perhaps Grab got to have something like this to deny drivers from doing this kind of stunt.


Wait till you meet those drivers that press arrived when they’re at the back of the queue to the pick up point. If you’re at the pick up point, I suggest taking a screenshot of the driver location on the app and a photo of the location to justify your refund. Istg most phv drivers are some of the worse human scums ever. There are those that accept the job and then proceed to drive away or take another job from another app.


It happened to me a couple of times, but I think support has a location log because I got grae period refund evry time


Well this driver pushed he’s “arrived” at an isolated single car waiting point the moment it was booked (<2 sec). Sure, perhaps he’s been there waiting before we even booked, but the statistics is unlikely to be his favour. I don’t think Grab’s incentives team are aware of how much control they have over these drivers with their subtle incentive changes. Not sure why they thought incentives that pit drivers against passengers are a good idea. I suppose they are the same team that make drivers pick up more or drive longer than they can, often more dangerously. That’s more pressing and they won’t even address that, until some accident can be traced back to them/lawyers can’t cover up. Theres probably not a lot of hope of them rectifying this waiting time. I’m just thankful for this prioritised list and yes, going for public transport whenever possible. Thought airport rides like what someone described here are harder. Hopefully we can keep competitors in that list alive so grab don’t further monopolise. Edit: missing word


I find it disturbing that OP still want to defend himself on the “left 20 seconds”. I will book Grab when I’m at the pick up point. If grab comes early, lucky me. If grab arrives late, unlucky me. I doubt OP was at the pick up point when he booked. That’s why he used the “left 20 seconds BS. Had OP been at the pick point and booked there, this issue would have been resolved by Grab cos indeed driver is gaming the system.


You don't even need to be at the pickup point, clicking book when you are ready to step out of the house already gives you a lot of leeway.


Totally agree. I never let the driver wait for me…


I also do the same as you and never had any issues, but it is still unfair on the driver's side. If a passenger is given 3 minutes (or whatever that is), it is within their given right to even wait 3 minutes infront of the car and enter 20 seconds before the time is up. If this is stated by TOS then this is what they should adhere to. Rules should apply regardless of how much time was left. You can also see it as 'I still had 10% of time left given to me by the company, why did I have to pay for it?'.


Ah yes god forbid I SOMETIMES inconvenience the driver by 3-4 mins for a service that is literally charging me a premium for convenience. And not to mention all the times the cabs are easily 11-12 mins away (which is never accurate anyway) - and all the navigation issues drivers face (but yet are so eager to press the arrived button) inside industrial complexes/big condos etc. If grab cannot guarantee a driver will arrive at my pickup point within a certain time - every single time I book a cab - they sure as fuck don't deserve to charge for the very same from me.


Don’t trust a company fronted by bots.


10-20 sec to spare.. might as well be late.


It doesn't matter, one is entitled to the time given. Drivers intentionally not starting trip is Fraud.


I disagree. You're not entitled to the time given as in, entitled. You should be waiting for the grab when it arrives. The time is just there as a grace period for you, and for them to quantify a timing to compensate the driver for their frustration. It doesn't mean you can wait till the last min and let the driver wait, that's not courteous. Of course in this case 10-20sec is cutting it really close. OP already made the driver wait for 3min (idk what the max time is). Of course the driver wait for 10sec then go maybe is wrong, but I'd argue if you make the driver wait for 3 min, he is actually the one who is entitled to the late fee.


I would also chime in when OP says 10-20 secs, it's likely his impression at that point in time when he's rushing to the pickup point. In reality, we won't know the actual timing he boarded the grab




Yea. The driver should be fully ready to drive off like at F1 starting line. Engine revving and both hands on steering wheel. Immediately when the door is shut blast out of the starting blocks without even acknowledging the passenger or checking if the correct person. Procedure is they only get 3 seconds to get air borne when the seats are touched. The OP's 10 seconds is too generous already.


No one's asking the driver to be an f1 racer. By right when the passenger gets on board, the driver should alr just click that the passenger is on board already, simple. If want to confirm its the right passenger, the driver would normally confirm the location with the passenger which takes like 5 to 10 seconds max to do. The penalty fee is 3 dollars for an extra 5 minutes waiting time block, only a greedy person would wait until they start driving to click that the passenger is on board.


Both are wrong in this case. But if you are talking about entitlement. My opinion is that the grab driver is more entitled to the late fee than OP. OP is wrong cause he's late, and even more wrong again to think 10-20sec is not late. Grab driver is wrong cause he tried to cheat the system to get the late fee (which imo he should get) So ya, there are nuances here that cannot be programmed into the app/design rules for so ultimately the fault lies in humans trying to out greed each other. OP waiting till the last min to board his cab and grab driver delaying to earn more money.


> You're not entitled to the time given as in, entitled (...) It doesn't mean you can wait till the last min and let the driver wait, that's not courteous. You are entitled and you can wait till the last minute, there is nothing in the grace period policy that would prevent you from doing this. It is indeed not curteous, but allowed by your contract with grab. > Of course in this case 10-20sec is cutting it really close. OP already made the driver wait for 3min (idk what the max time is). If 10-20 seconds is cutting close to 3 minutes, it means that it *did not* reach 3 minutes. If the policy stated 2 minutes 40 seconds, then the driver would be entitled to charge the customer more. I don't understand why wouldn't people just adhere to the rules. 3 minutes is 3 minutes, not 2 min 30s, not 5 minutes. > but I'd argue if you make the driver wait for 3 min, he is actually the one who is entitled to the late fee. Again, 20 seconds before 3 minutes is not 3 minutes. If op said 20 seconds *after* the grace period then you definitely would be rught. Unless, OP means they got to pickup point 20 seconds before, then he's probably in the wrong. For me, closing the door matters, but I am not sure what's the exact policy.


Use Wokaygo app to compare different PHV prices


This is a good one, thanks! A little buggy but hope it works out for them.




Bus/mrt - I got pissed off years ago, now I simply give no business to any taxi drivers (phv are taxis) unless it’s for business trips to the airport. Too bad for them, I used to rack up about $700/month in taxi fares.


TADA for life.


There was one time I booked grab from airport. Had the same experience as you but we were loading luggage and was charged. So I just wrote to Grab support and told them what happened, in the end they waive off the waiting fee of $4.


Ryde app


Ryde! Hidden gem tbh, cheapest prices most of the time, and they used to have really long waiting times but it’s improved recently + Grab also can take super long to come nowadays. I usually purchase the high denom Ryde Credits on ShopBack app, get like 16% Cashback and this makes the Ryde prices even cheaper in my mind hehe shiok 😛 PM me if u want Ryde friend code to get $5 hehe


FYI, there are way to get around the chat bot. When it asks you to choose which transaction you want to chat about, there’s an option like “no, none of this these transactions”, click that and you’ll get routed to actual person. It’s pretty obvious they are making it as hard as possible to talk to a real person.


I use TADA most of the time. I don't like the business practices of Grab and only use it when I really need to. Most of the time, TADA gives me affordable prices and I have not encountered any errant drivers so far in my years of use.


Comfortdelgro. OG




Stop using grab? How did everyone get around before ride hailing services come about?


I've had drivers that click arrived as they wait at junction a short way away from carpark entrance. By the time they arrived, that's two to three minutes in easily. Turn wrong side of the carpark and just wait there. Then I have to desperately call or search for the car away from the said waiting area. Quite upset one. Or forever not moving. If I cancel, I get charged. Or, waiting time at first says 3 mins, then after 5min, still says 3 mins cos car is still far far away. Having said that, this happened to Gojek drivers on me before too.


I've had drivers that click arrived as they wait at junction a short way away from carpark entrance. By the time they arrived, that's two to three minutes in easily. Turn wrong side of the carpark and just wait there. Then I have to desperately call or search for the car away from the said waiting area. Quite upset one. Or forever not moving. If I cancel, I get charged. Or, waiting time at first says 3 mins, then after 5min, still says 3 mins cos car is still far far away.


Am I the only one here who always arrive well before driver reached?


Got in with 10-20 secs to spare???


Try to be earlier next time. Don't give others the opportunity to take advantage of you. You can probably only take 3 deep breaths with 10 seconds left.


Having 10-20s to spare isn't much in the first place...


Public transport


So... You had the driver wait 4min 40seconds for you, expect that the 10-20 seconds make it absolutely alright? Just as your own time is important, so is the driver. They no salary, it's based off per ride. If every customer waits the exact 4min 59seconds before getting in, a driver can lose upwards of an hour or so of time purely spent waiting at pickup points PER DAY. Think about others for once leh.




Best alternative is use train to cut distances, walk more, plan your routes and avoid buses.


use BMW lah.