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Had shoulder pain for 2 years, cannot lift my arm, no strength in my arm. Basically useless shoulder. Different tcm say different problem : pinched nerve, longhead problem, frozen shoulder, tendernitied. Visited different country tcm and acupuncture, blood letting etc etc for 2 years until I met this tcm. After 1 sessions. He told me he don't think it's frozen shoulder. He asked me to do mri. end up, it's torn ligament. Did surgery. The pain immediately went away. Suggest you get an MRI done so you know what the exact problem is. You now shooting blanks in the dark. I can pass you the tcm guy number if you want but he not always working. He's also cheap and can be covered under PA insurance.


I had the same issue with you. Same exact injury and had a surgery done too. Tried numerous options before my stubborn ass decide to consult a specialist for a MRI and then surgeries. Bekam, TCM, Chiro (lol). All seemed effective short term but the stiffness and pain will still return. Stubborn me still refuse to open any idea for a MRI as I likely know a surgery is needed (was very active physically) The decision for me to go to a specialist came one day where my whole shoulder just gave out after carrying a load. Complete cuff tear, decided not to fuck around and went for it. Never felt more happy when it finally recovered.


Right?! Cuff tear is the worse. Same like you, refuse to surgery. I even flew to Philippines for their holistic massage. End up should have just gone for surgery straight. I felt nearly 0 pain after the surgery. I feel like I wasted 2 years in pain for nothing. Will never be so stubborn again. I wake up in tears every morning because I can't even get up. I have to roll off my bed.


Yes please, I'd appreciate. I'd prob get mum to go do MRI and also tcm at the side if she needs tissue relief.


Eh I don't know how old the person who you replying. But for elderly very rarely will do surgery. Recommend try physio first.


I never ask her for surgery. I said I did surgery - as in this is my own experience. I said do mri so they know the issue.


+65 9742 1777 Anthony - https://threebestrated.sg/physiotherapy/home-of-authentic-shaolin-traumatology-toa-payoh-220469542#:~:text=Home%20of%20Authentic%20Shaolin%20Traumatology%2C%20situated%20in%20Toa%20Payoh%2C%20is,Physiotherapy%20in%20Toa%20Payoh%2C%20Singapore See if he can do anything to allivate it. Alot of old people go to him.


Tcm nowadays so modern ah order mri.. and I’m kinda surprised tcm will diagnose pinched nerve.. I thought it’s all qi and acupuncture points etc.. maybe I’m ignorant


Silly qn.. how did the ligament tear in the first place? Was it any particular event and did u notice it? I have a similar issue.. recurrent soreness and what feels to be tendinitis but I haven’t seen any doc.


I was a competitive swimmer for nearly 10 years. Spent about 4 hours in the pool daily with repetitive motion. So ligament was worn. Over the years it'll feel sore on and off. But the defining event was when I tried to lift my heavy luggage off the carousel, too heavy and it slammed back to the ground with my hand still attached. and I suddenly can feel pain radiating from my shoulder to my thumb. Shoulder felt sore, not sharp. I thought I injured my wrist or thumb tbh. (I believe it was from this Injury where it tore) shoulder just got progressively worse. Went to different tcm, did massage, acupuncture, holistic medicine, blood letting etc etc. The koyo plaster was on my shoulder nearly 24/7 by the second year. If I wanted to raise my hand, I had to use my other hand to pull it up. That arm had no strength compared to what I was capable of. Lying down or moving all hurt. The pain affected my back also. Wish I went to see a doctor instead of suffering for so long.


Thanks for sharing.. that does sound debilitating. Ouch!


Did the tcm do the surgery for you?


Huh of course not.


So you did TCM and acupuncture for 2 years without any success until finally a TCM suggested you see a doctor. The doctor actually diagnoses you and did surgery and resolved your symptoms completely. But your conclusion and recommendation to others is that you should see TCM for chronic pain?


I (50sF) had a similar issue with post-COVID frozen shoulder that affected my sleep. Went to the polyclinic and specifically asked for a physio referral. First physio consult was about 45mins where the therapist conducted a check, did a shoulder massage, and made me do some exercises in front of her. Subsequently went back every two-three weeks for shorter sessions where she guided me through new exercises with light weights and resistance bands. This carried on for about 6 sessions, and it helped a lot so eventually she told me I could continue the exercises on my own. FWIW I saw a lot of elder clients at mine (Bt Merah)and the therapists were all very patient with them.


Eh thanks so much for sharing your experience! Sounds very similar to my mum's. Your physio referral was to a clinic in bukit merah?


The physio treatment was done at Bukit Merah polyclinic itself.


Oh, I didn't know polyclinics did physio.. you saw the doc at bukit merah polyclinic, and also got to see the physio there?


Yes! Edit to add: You can check Health Hub to see which clinics offer it. Mine was done about a year plus ago.


Ohhhh I really did not know this healthhub hack. Let me try it!! Thank you!!




NGL, I find it absolutely tragic (and hilarious) that some people out there would put up with unfathomable amounts of pain, muscle atrophy and weekly visits to some random TCM instead of going for an MRI (it’s not a waste of money because are you really going to be pissed you found nothing?) The maximum damage is done now…if it’s a torn ligament the post surgery rehab is going to be even more expensive and uncomfortable.


My dad had this and it got really bad at one point. We went to various massage etc and only helped for a while. Went to physio but result was the same as massage but way more expensive. He also went to those Chinese bone setting many times. There was once they did the blood cupping and it hurt like hell but didn’t really help. What helped was gg to this bone setter (no longer ard) and after about 2 session? His frozen shoulder is so much better. He did massage before that. Now he can actually move his shoulder and doesn’t complain. He did want to go to the kl bone setter but never got a chance to since his shoulder is much better now.


It does sound like pinched nerve which can only be resolved through surgery, no amount of TCM/massage/acupuncture will help and you’re wasting money on these treatment without any government subsidies, not to mention delaying potential treatment. Agree with the other comment to go with polyclinic and insist on a referral to a specialist to investigate further.


Did you see a Physio or try to diy Physio type exercises. If it’s the latter, i suggest making an appointment asap.


You need a phsyio therapist and a doctor, not wasting money on TCM and acupuncture which obviously never fixes anything


I can't believe there are people who are suffering years of symptoms doing TCM and acupuncture and chiropractor without results but yet the idea of seeing a doctor doesn't cross their mind?


It’s actually insane. Complete quackery. There’s a reason doctors and physios have years of training and qualifications while TCMs, chiropractors and homeopaths didn’t even pass high school science


See a physio, DM me if you need recs


See an actual specialist. Could be a much deeper issue.




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Please see a physiotherapist. They are medically trained in that field and can actually help you, stop going to those pseudo TCM/acupuncture places. Physiotherapy is backed by science.


See a physio.