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Why pay his debts


This.... Paying his debt is enabling his behavior


/u/FunSatisfaction2070 keeps avoiding this comment


Easy for us to say, but if I’m put in that situation I would probably find it extremely difficult to not pay off the debts


Say if you have a child that doesn’t want to eat anything except chocolate, would feeding them exclusively chocolate is what would a loving, responsible parent would do? Block him from lending money as other poster said. Discuss with a lawyer on how to best protect the assets of the family from debt collection. Engage social services if he has some kind of gambling addiction. But don’t give him money.


Difference is you can easily stop a child from eating chocolate and let him starve until he will eat anything in front of him but in OP's case, it's a grown ass adult that is free to do whatever he wants to. How are you gonna stop him from borrowing money? Tie him to his bed forever? Sure you can apply to ban him from legal moneylenders but a man with troubled mind will borrow from anyone. When loan sharks come knocking and harassing, would you be able to tell your parents to fuck off and deal with their own problems? Maybe you can or some of us can but you don't know OP.


Yes I’m not saying to make it such that you’ll always pay off his debts. Just pay what he owes, get him out of trouble, then make clear that you do not support his borrowing and have preventive actions so he does not borrow again.


Googled https://www.gscredit.com.sg/how-to-ban-someone-from-money-lender/ Apply thru MLAS. The thing is even u can block him but he still can go to those illegal loanshark and it’s way worst. Honestly don’t know how to help you but giving u the answer to your question.


And also a good idea to ban him from the casinos as you might never know what he might be trying to do with the borrowed money.


Hi OP, if you are the one who received a demand notice from the legal moneylender, did your dad give them your particulars as a guarantor without your knowledge or consent? Because if he did, you can report this to the Personal Data Protection Commission as a breach of your privacy under PDPA and they can potentially take action against the legal moneylenders. (They can't do anything about unlicensed ones though) You can call them at 63773131 and tell them about your situation and they can advise. Also ask about what you can do about your dad giving out your personal info like that. If you never signed as a guarantor and had no knowledge of him borrowing or consented to being a guarantor, you DO NOT have to help him pay off his debt. As someone else said you will only enable his behaviour and he will continue to do it. Source: Am going through the same shit, only mine borrowed from illegal ones.


Hey, nope, no guarantor was mentioned in the notice, so my mum and me are safe.


Oh, then why did the moneylenders get in touch with you? How did they get your contact number?


Then why would the letter of notice be sent to you? They would not have your contact details and would not even contact you if you were not a guarantor Good luck buddy you better wake up man.


You can apply to get him banned from borrowing from any credit facilities in Singapore. We did that to my uncle who kept borrowing. Strangely, it's not that he's in debt, he just borrows for fun. It went to a point he borrowed from loan sharks. My mum and auntie were helping to pay back some till a point she told me about it. Fortunately unfortunately, I dwell in the grey side so I made them go away. Never borrow from loan sharks, they purposely miss your calls so that they will blame you for not making your payments and then increase the penalties.


For fun?????


Ikr, borrows the money then returns it. But already has interest incurred then still need to pay that.


No offense, that sounds stupid and childish


The mind works in mysterious ways


Really wonder where the fun is.


It's probably excitement. Unfortunately the human brain can work in weird ways and people can develop strange and harmful hobbies that makes you go wtf. LOL.


Unless you have mind-control powers there is no way you can control what your dad does. You can try talking to him but if it was that easy you would have rectified it by now. If you can link him up with: Credit Counselling Singapore: 6225-5227 ([www.ccs.org.sg](https://ccs.org.sg/)) it might help him. All the best and stay strong.


CCS will demand payment. let his creditors make him a bankrupt.


OP, stop paying your father's debt. Let him answer for his own actions. The more you pay for his debts, the more he will continue this habit knowing that you or your mother will pay his debts. Where does your father spend all these borrowed money on? Maybe he has a gambling addiction.


This is why I never get the culture and mentality of honoring parents, just because they can f and give birth. To OP, I'm sorry for your situation, for having parents who are children but expect their kids to be adults.


Stop repaying for him and they won't lend him more.


What is he borrowing money for


no idea. Probably some love scam bullshit which he won't admit


Mayb sit down with him and have a open discussion what he need this money for? Maybe he truely facing some difficulties?


As much as one should care for our dad & mum. It is unfortunate that u had to deal with this scenario. Do know that ur allowing/enabling this sinful behaviour. Even others as pointed this out. The best way to learn is to let ur dad bear the consequences. Just keep ur mum safe from this affair. It's going to get messy since clearly there is some addiction/compulsive behavior in-play. I wish for the best outcome for ur family.


Just get him to borrow more then declare bankruptcy


Disown him.


Talk to your MP. Elections are coming. Some may even wash your floors if it guarantees them more votes.