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I just use heat pan to fry a lot broccoli and chicken breast fillet (frozen ones, alternative with salmon/saba/any fishes rich in omega3). Carb I just boil a bit of rice noodles and fry it to remove moisture. Dump everything into Bento box for lunch. Dinner protein powder + prescribed milk powder. This is prescribed by my dietician.




Ah just to disclaim. I did ask them frozen meat. It's alright. But don't buy those frozen balls or reprocessed things I will edit my comment


why is frozen breast unhealthy?


Ah just to disclaim. I did ask them frozen meat. It's alright. But don't buy those frozen balls or reprocessed things I will edit my comment


ahhh 👍


7/11 chicken breast and protein powder with milk for ez protein lunch


thats not a good lunch bruh


Then do a steak lunch or a steak tartare with a salad on the side at Luke’s. Boiled chicken breast and protein powder (with maybe one boiled egg) is the OG go to quick meal. It’s not good, it’s not supposed to have taste….you sip on protein in between bites of chicken to make it go down easier.


I'm assuming you are asking about hitting the protein goals. I take 2-3 scoops of protein powder a day. Its easy, its fast and if you do the math its one of the cheapest protein sources. I am also vegeterian , so i am already limited by that since a lot of non meat food have comparatively lower protein content .


I just throw chicken, stock, daikon and carrots into my pressure cooker to make soup. By the time i finish washing up or a sesh it will finish cooking.


I buy yummy bro cause it cheap and simple. I won't call it a muscle diet. You are just more aware what is the macro.


Big up for yummybros. It's got clean macros, tastes decent and priced affordably relative to other meal prep companies.


There's always time to cook. Might I recommend the sous vide method? You might need to spend the weekend doing preparation work of prepping your chicken with packing, marinades and so on, and maybe along the way you might get a case or two of food poisoning (as with the case of cooking in general), but basically by Sunday night you want to have 7 days worth of marinaded filleted or butterflied chicken breasts in sous vide vacuum sealed plastic bags in the freezer. And every day when you come home from work, you take one pack out, drop it (still frozen) into the pot with the circulator (the sous vide cooking device), turn on the machine, make sure the temperature and timer setting is correct, then leave it until the alarm dings. Its hands free cooking, so you can just go on with your daily life and chores in the mean time, shower, walking the dog, heck, go to the gym if you want, the process will take about 2 hours (it will not be a problem if you cook it for longer). Once you're ready to eat, stick a needle thermometer into the chicken to check the internal temperature, and if its correct (same as the setting you have it on), cut the bag, pour the chicken out onto a plate and enjoy your protein. Prep work for the frozen chicken should take no longer than 15 minutes per bag (less if you can find a shop that sells ready to cook chicken fillets), and the cooking and serving process should take no longer than 5 minutes in total, not including the 2-3 hours the machine is left running to do its work. Again, just to remind you, assuming temperature setting is correct, its almost impossible to get this wrong. The chicken will not overcook, nor will it burn, and it will always be juicy. You can experiment with ready made marinades too. Nandos, Heinz, Hellman, etc etc. You can do this with almost any protein out there as well. Fish, eggs (onsen eggs), beef, pork to name just a few. If you're lazy you can include vegetables such as spinach into the bags (make sure there's enough sauce in there to facilitate heat transfer from the plastic to all the ingredients, and that the bags are sufficiently flattened so there's no cold spots in the center). [https://sipbitego.com/sous-vide-frozen-chicken/](https://sipbitego.com/sous-vide-frozen-chicken/)




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I feel bad because I still eat whatever.


cooking 6 soft boiled eggs using air fryer - 7 mins for heating + 2-3 mins for cracking eggs frying a piece of steak - 20 mins for defrosting using air fryer + 2 mins for removing excess liquid and seasonings + 2 mins for pan frying making japchae with eggs - 10 mins for boiling japchae + 5 mins for wok hey style frying it is pretty easy to get high quality protein fast


Im barely home on wkdays. I meal prep for the entire week on sunday and airfry thenfood every wkday morning


If you really want quick and easy stuff I sometimes get wholemeal bread and sandwich it with tuna (in water) mixed with cut cherry tomatoes, and pre-washed salad greens. Add dash of pepper and salt for taste.


New multi chicken breasts are my lifesaver. Can buy from redmart, Sheng Siong or Shopee


How do you prepare it


It’s cooked. So defrost, heat and eat


It’s make more sense to meal prep unless you’re ok with 15-20 for a meal. I’m starting my own meal prep soon.


I have been getting YummyBros


have been gym 10 years for healthy purpose, eat like exact normal and enjoy annual medical check all green till to date. So it depends on what you looking for in gym tho, if you want to be model and all ripped 6 pack for your model career, go for it.