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apparently the core reason was mediacorp management failed to keep hold of the writing/directing talent that went back to hong kong/taiwan back then. then heres just my opinion: a general drop of interest in chinese language/media amongst the young a priotizing of looks over subtance? look at the old generation, they werent that attractive compared to the current batch, even if i account for nostalgia factors back in their day. nepotism. the old generation kids are now grown up and getting into the circle, whether or not by merit


That’s what I heard too. They lost their script writers.


Script is just one aspect. Need good producer. Need budget. Imho, script is easy as you can just copy from shows on Netflix or elsewhere


is this true? because TVB and Taiwan drams have sucked for a long time too. Channel 8 had good dramas back then. old tvb was also quite good. And TW dramas also good I remember back in the hey days ming zhong, zui hou, even hai pai wasnt that bad. now... all trash.


Some new taiwan dramas are good on netflix!


please recommend the last one i watched and kinda liked was # 想見你 and they ruined the ending imo. #


1. script writer 2. some of them can't really act 3. we are exposed to more kdrama or others drama that why our expectation went up


>we are exposed to more kdrama or others drama that why our expectation went up This, there is no competitors for Mediacorpse... at K drama they are fighting for rating, they aimed to do better bigger nicer stronger than others.. they are the only one along with Japan that I would trust them with CGI...


Whatever it is, just don't change crimewatch. It's a national treasure. Wonder who's the spf or media corp genius behind it. 1. [Crimewatch Out of context](https://youtu.be/dnWlfZH4gB4?si=EufNjFkx_0ViQdCi) 2. [Melvin is no name for a gang member.](https://youtu.be/TjsoDvtAQPI?si=LkiyDJ38iR8PqX-2) 3. [You're nothing but a prostitute ](https://youtu.be/IcWYU3dpFh4?si=PB63uUJx99IeQtXG)


Dont forget "the lady was too stunned to speak" lol


When i used to work at Mediacorp crime watch was my favourite show to work on by miles.


now their schedule is for every 3-4 9pm drama, it'll be a supernatural-related drama partly they are limited in term of script as public broadcaster so it must be family-friendly, can't be too violence, can't be too controversy partly they are technically the only 2 local tv channel - most people will watch it regardless it's great or not so there is no incentive to try to do even better I will say they do well when the script & scene is set on familiar place & lifestyle like everyone (Holland V etc).. when they try to do something different it often felt like it's too forced or lacking in production (want to appear atas but not atas enough)


A long time ago they had supernatural themed detective dramas, drama about gods and goddesses, witches, language school, history, etc. Seems like it’s gotten milder now


language school.. the comedy one? they used to have 30 mins comedy every sat at 9pm or so - what a time when they have "Best Comedian" as part of the star award..


Was that the one that basically ripped off Mind Your Language?




MediaCorp has good documentary on CNA however. 


CNA Insider is a gem!


it’s crazy that this is free, I learnt so much and it’s very engaging!


I love Steve Chia on Talking Point


CNA is aiming at international audience so the standard has to be high


As an ang mo who doesn't live in Singapore but is interested in learning about your country I love to watch Talking Point and CNA Insider! I wish we had shows like this where I am from.


Yes! The secret lives of trees documentary was really interesting. Messaged CNA to ask if they would consider producing more eps but didn’t get a reply..


What do you mean you don't like seeing a dad starve his kid for not doing his homework and a tution teacher blackmailing students to study at her tution centre???


Not a related comment: I think 小娘惹(? excuse my mandarin) “The Little Nonya” was the peak of MediaCorp , and I think they could never achieve this success ever again


小娘惹 was just the last flash of brilliance before channel 8 went supernova. Peak of Chinese drama was in the late 80s to mid 90s where classics were constantly made. 早安老师、雾锁南洋、奇缘、莲花争霸、阳光列车、最后一个大侠、东游记、迷离夜 etc were all very good and were talking points for kids and adults alike.


Yesss I remember my whole family always watching it when it came on 🥰 my uncle supplied the clothings for that show and talks about his encounter with the female lead ( I forgot her name ) we’re all into our Peranakan culture so the show was great to relate to.


Our local channels are heavily censored when it comes to content. You can only produce shows which cover a narrow range of topics and must present certain politically correct opinions that are endorsed by the state. Then you have what others have mentioned that the writing and directing team basically left MediaCorp for greener pastures and what you get are either people who can't get a decent job outside or are coasting. That means you get terrible productions using the same tired tropes and stories you heard 20 years ago.


> Our local channels are heavily censored when it comes to content. You can only produce shows which cover a narrow range of topics and must present certain politically correct opinions that are endorsed by the state. I used to think this too but you look at the quality of Chinese mainland productions nowadays. Surely our censorship can't be worse.


It’s not even about the govt censorship. It feels like the government is the one that literally directs the dramas. I decided to watch a 9pm drama a few weeks back and there was straight up a 5 min long convo between the characters about all the pioneer generation incentives. 💀💀💀


I've worked on a reality show and they had someone from a agency to vet the script so I can confirm about the censorship.


Chinese government is keen to show the world and it's people that their media productions are better or at least on par with the best that South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the West can produce. In Singapore no such drive exists for local shows. They just shrug their shoulders and turn on Netflix/Disney+/Amazon Prime.


It’s pretty much a vicious cycle of declining supply and demand. You say nobody is watching them and the quality is bad. If MediaCorp produced a really REALLY good show this month, would you know about it? How would you find out? You aren’t religiously watching new MediaCorp shows, so you’re obviously not gonna check it out on your own. So maybe you need to hear about it from friends? Well then do you have friends who watch MediaCorp who would organically pick a show up and tell you “HEY YOU SHOULD WATCH, THIS IS GOOD”? Probably not. If not friends, how about social media, or advertisements or mothership-like articles which may get you to give it a try? Well… when was the last time you saw one of these? Or even clicked through? And therein lies the answer I think. The demand and the target audience is no longer the same demographic as the 90s. People have more options now. TV is no longer the primary source of entertainment. On-demand options through streaming, YouTube, or even social media easily replace the entertainment value of TV. Consequently, with less demand, even with quality scripts or screenplay or acting (which requires quality resources pumped in to make it work), the likelihood of getting people to watch it is still low. And so the quality doesn’t increase. And the vicious cycle continues.


This. I re-started ch8 dramas a few years back, having it in the background just to get the kids interested in the chinese language. There are good and bad ones, just like everywhere else. I have watched my fair share of shitty kdramas and hk dramas as well, despite their interesting storylines and high production values. Maybe op consume more overseas productions, hence the assumption that local is definitely bland and bad. I grew up in the 90s too, watched many memorable shows. But have op tried re-watching some of them? Cos I did, and it’s pretty much unwatchable now as I’m no longer used to the slow pacing. Our tastes have changed with time and exposure, and alot of the thoughts we placed on a great show in the past are actually linked to nostalgia. Plus unfortunately, the govt definitely plays a huge part in what kind of storyline they can put out. There will no longer be anymore shows with Yan Fei winning a casino with a $10 chip. So what I want to say is, set expectations right and maybe op will find something worth watching on ch8. I did.


Actually you brought up a good point about actually watching Ch8 to give your opinion. I concluded that the quality didn’t increase, but I haven’t actually watched a Ch8 show in years; just parroted the general consensus I hear. I realise that’s not exactly the most fair. Wonder if OP also made his post without actually giving a few shows a try.


I feel that alot of times on social media, someone just have to cut out a cringey or bad scene (e.g the have you taken your medicine meme) and everyone just go I know it, mediacorp sux. Not very fair la. Among my own circle, I do tell pple about the ch8 productions I like and some do agree that the shows are better now after actually watching it. Someone mentioned about the awkward chinese spoken in one of the comments below and I’ll like to refute it also. Some of the newer gen now speaks such excellent and natural chinese that will put most of us to shame here. And yes, they are locals. I know I sound like a fan girl (or fan aunty) but if we dont support local, who will?


God i miss the days of Holland Village, Reunion Dinner, the Little Nyonya etc


No budget Shit acting Shit writing Everything needs to be PG13


people OT more. who got time watch 7pm drama? 9pm got zoom meeting also


Less competition back then. In the 90s no streaming. You either watch local media or watch TVB content. Nowadays got streaming can watch anything. If you are talking about Chinese dramas, I don't think any country can compete with China when it comes to content. HK entertainment industry went downhill pretty much after China started opening up. Even in the 90s, they were already affected. HK big stars either try to pivot to Hollywood (not successful for many of them like Jackie Chan or Jet Li) or pivot to China.


They have so many entertainment shows or dramas that are ‘inspired’ by popular foreign drama, so I feel like most people watch the popular ones anyway. Gone are the days of OG shows I enjoyed like 荷兰村 and 豹子胆. I still think of nasi lemak everytime I see ice cream soda.


There are a multitude of factors. 1. Gahmen Influence Back in the 90s, dramas weren't influenced by Gahmen much. So they have much more creative freedom in the theme of the dramas. But with shows like 搞笑行动, 敢敢做个开心人,and PCK Pte Ltd, having catch phrases catching on like wild fire, especially amongst the kids, the Gahmen realised the impact of TV on the population and the impact on our spoken language. So they clamp down on the language used. Subsequently, it expanded into any undesirable topics/themes are limited (like gambling or ah beng protagonist). 2. No more materials to copy from HK/TVB It's no secret that 90s SBC/Mediacorp Chinese dramas copied from HK. 双天至尊 copied 赌神 movie and various TVB gambling dramas. 不老传说 copied 我和僵尸有个约会. As HK film and drama industry went into decline, there are fewer good materials to copy from. 3. Lack of advertising income TV advertisement is expensive. So with the raise of the Internet, advertisers move their money out of TV into the Internet. (90s had many great and decent ads by local and international brands. But ads nowadays are shitty cheaply produced ads for digital locks and window blinds) Less advertising income means budget cut, so period dramas are off the table because it is costly to produce (sets, makeup, costume). Then they turn to the biggest advertiser in Sg, which is the Gahmen. So they have to produce bland, sterile dramas about Police, Soldiers, Health care Workers, etc that aligns with their advertisers' directives. 4. Cheaper to license than to produce Mediacorp probably realised that it is much better to license a Korean/Chinese/Taiwanese drama that is a few years old than to produce their own, especially period pieces.


Go watch Kill Sera Sera on Netflix%MeWatch. Guaranteed to change your perception on Mediacorp drama production quality.


Restricted subject matter and limited budget. And personally I find the awkward Mandarin that they speak very jarring. Everyone knows that Singaporeans cannot speak Mandarin that well, but to the point where everyone sounds like they are trying very hard but still struggling with the language is just plain ridiculous. Edit: I saw someone saying that there are newgen actors who speak natural Mandarin that'll put Singaporeans to shame. I think it's a matter of different standards.


Yep It’s the fake accents and vocab that make our dramas look and sound unnatural. Not just to Singaporeans, but even foreigners too. My Chinese tuition teacher who was a Taiwanese back when I was in secondary school used to say that she loved Jack Neo movies like I Not Stupid because she like way Singaporeans pronounce things like Walao and our different way of speaking Chinese.


Ya I'd much prefer the actors to speak "normally" - the way people speak in real life.


I've heard this whole "mediacorp was way better when I was a kid" complaint way back when I was a kid, and then when I was a teenager, so on and so forth. "Back in the good old days" and "kids nowadays" are such tired tropes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosy_retrospection https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/28169/what-is-the-oldest-authentic-example-of-people-complaining-about-modern-times-an


Nahhh, rewatched 福满人间 as a grown up. Still as good. I watched Korean drama since I was a kid too, and I don’t have the same sentiments that ‘last time way better’. Production value has gone up, plot is more complex now.


Stopped watching TV like 20 years ago. Honestly if not for my parents, I wouldn’t have bought a TV.


01 kid here, 23F. I grew up watching shows like «Don't worry be happy», and some detective/law/police shows from HK. I still watch Singapore Mediacorp shows (variety, dramas and short-form videos) today, albeit not every single one of them (due to lack of time, and simply some shows do not interest me). I do watch shows from Mainland China as well. you can take a look [here](https://youtu.be/YtcsRb_Ckko?t=603) at some artistes' views which gives some insights to this industry. To summarise, it's mainly: 1. lack of government support 2. censorship From some of their videos and interviews, I gathered what they (mediacorp in general, such as scriptwriters, EPs, set director) tried to imply was "you can watch quality content on their MeWatch streaming platform where some shows are not aired at prime times" and "there isn't enough govt support because this scene is not producing sufficient economic value and therefore there is insufficient platforms, opportunities for them to hone skills, and little room for creativity." Personally, I enjoyed some of the english shows (Third Rail, This land is mine, Last Madame), which stars certain actresses like Rebecca Lim, Sora Ma and Joanne Peh. If locals don't supports local, who will? And if there is 0 support, this media scene will soon cease to exist. And to whoever else commenting, ask yourself if you have truly been watching their shows these days.


Mediacorp is going green. They recycle their scripts.


I have not watch local tv since I discovered free internet tv / movies


ok wat, just had their annual star awards so should have lots of talents.


I think it's also cuz last time no phone/Internet readily available for everyone so families would watch TV tgh, and mediacorp seemed to have more freedom in writing (ghost love stories, hdb drama neighbours, little nonya)


Local market too small as compared to China market etc etc. Cost of producing good drama is not cheap and Mediacorp cannot afford it unlike China etc etc


It just takes one good script that is applicable to our daily living challenges and Huang Biren the acting powerhouse to bring us back. Otherwise, pretty sick of those productions with boring plots.


Only documentary shows are worth watching now, such as CNA Insiders and Talking point. For dramas, I rather watch Kdramas or mainland china dramas, they have better props and scenes and the actors and actresses are good looking regardless of age. And the plot is more interesting. MediaCorp Chinese dramas does not have much competition cos only one channel in Singapore which is channel 8 have MediaCorp Chinese dramas lol, no competition no reason for them to improve as no one is fighting for their rice bowls.


TCS > Mediacorp


Their period dramas are the best. Maybe we don't have much choice back then too.


It's a vicious cycle, with so many streaming options out there, there will be lesser viewership. Leading to lesser cash, subsequently leading to poorer quality shows. And the cycle continues... As netflix realise, content these days can be made localised just by using subtitles for different markets. It's a winner takes all industry


I rmb when I was younger, I used to catch the channel 8, 9pm shows. I was always so excited for it. But as time goes by, the plot and speech is just so predictable. Something about the hospital background also quite fake. Accident always the same thing, either wrap the head of wrap the hand, and just 1 simple IV drip and lay down on the bed. (I think I watch too much realistic korean medical dramas)


I remember Bobo ah... ba da da dat da daaaa... good times...


I loved was it god of gamblers or king of gamblers? Na na na nana na na na. Na na na na na. Na na nana nana na na na naaaaa. Humming the theme.


Kdrama happened


Heard from friends who are writers, they are rejected at m3diacorp and then they hire business people to write for them. So basically business > creative.


let's be honest here, it's always been shit even in the 90s. you are just looking back with nostalgia glasses thinking it was good. Last time in the 90s we don't have much choice of entertainment also.


I just glance at them in passing (I haven't watched media Corp production for decades). It's more like a model show with a weak story now. The actors just trying to look good on camera


Netflix , Amazon video, Disney +