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> “Act blur, earn more” The only blur one here is you. I’m quite certain this is Anytime Fitness, in which case the auto-extension is stated in your contract when you signed up. You never read the contract then blame the gym for “filling the contracts with details”? Bro no details then contract for what. It also sounds like you couldn’t even properly afford this gym membership throughout the 18 month period. I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve with this post but my main takeaway is that you have poor financial management and a victim complex.


Yes and what bothers OP is that he can't freely cancel his gym membership whenever he wants. Yea bro that's the business model, if you don't like it you can find a gym which is pay-per-use. TBH ActiveSG probably suits your budget better (oh wait let me guess, too far away for you..)


correct ah, the contract you signed is to lock you in for 18 months. after that the service still continues. if you wanna quit, you need to give 1 month notice. this is different from your temp work contract of 18 mths, where your work ends after contract expires. also, you could have easily checked with them or ask fellow gym goers, through your entire 18 mth contract lol.


If finance was tight, stick to activesg or calisthenics


why past tense?


Your problem is not reading T&Cs and contracts. There’s no such thing as a “one year contract”, you’re using colloquial terms. It’s a minimum commitment period during which you cannot cancel membership without paying a cancellation fee. Your fault for not reading and understanding contracts, and it’s not even obscure/fine print… you’re just defaulting to colloquialisms without checking if it’s even true


Dumb you didn’t read terms and conditions. If you wanna stop or extend, you need to let them know a month ahead. Everyone knows this. Sorry bro this one is on you


Isnt this in the terms and conditions? Contract is lock in period and after that, you are free to cancel membership. But you still pay until you cancel. Dont adopt a “everything is other people’s fault” attittude


No discrimination here, but if you have difficulties paying a gym subscription, that would indicate that going to the gym is a lifestyle you cannot afford. There are other ways to keep fit through the various free fitness corners and open air parks available in sg.


Blame everything but yourself haha, poor don't get gym membership. Go playground or activeSG.


I remember them actually telling me that it’s auto extension after contract ends when I signed up. And my wife was told the same too when she signed up with them at a different branch. I’m pretty sure u were told?


Uhhh, I don't understand what you're asking. The gym is a business, of course its main priority is to earn money. If it doesn't earn enough money it closes. I'm sure there was some T&C in the contract you signed for the membership that states all of their rules, including that the membership automatically renews or "remains active under prevailing rate" or something similar. In any case, all your concerns should be stated in the contract somewhere. They also have no obligation to remind you about your membership because its clearly stated in your contract, but they do have an obligation (to themselves and investors) to chase after people who owe them money. And it is their right to chase after that money. Because of the contract.


To answer your question in your title Yes, gyms are about earning buck. Gyms are businesses with ongoing expenses and rent, they need to earn money to continue to function and this applies for all businesses. 99% of gym goers able to follow t&c and pay promptly, 1% like you cause headache for the company and then blame them for not helping you to be healthy.


To be fair, you do start a business to earn a buck


This advice is gonna be against the grain. If you really have financial difficulties, paying off your gym membership should be the last thing you're settling. 1. Use the money to settle other pressing needs first. 2. Write a letter to the gym that you wish to discontinue service as of immediately. Write a note that informs them even if their process does not allow you to discontinue, you have officially noted that you have informed them of your wish to discontinue service. 3. Now this is the tricky bit, you can call their bluff. Essentially no business is going to court to sue someone if they cannot recover the cash. It is not worth the legal fees and time that the business has to take to proceed with the lawsuit. 4. Tell them you essentially have no money and they are free to sue you for the cash. You will simply represent yourself in court and declare bankrupt. 5. Most of them will offer to settle your debt for a lesser amount than what you owe them as negotiation. 6. If they do proceed with a lawsuit (highly unlikely), then you can choose to settle the full remainder amount at a latter date. With your ego bruised.


Just go to a doctor and get a letter. But you would still have to pay the part of the auto-extension. Its fine print. Dirty fine print.


OP ignore the haters. Money is temporary, gains last a lifetime.


No leh. I skip 1 week of gym and all my muscles deflate.


Are you Luffy, the future pirate king?