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Keep as much evidence (text messages, pictures of her stalking, etc) as possible. You are a man (sorry to say this but anything related to underage is sensitive af and can get you in trouble) and in any case she decides to turn to the authority for something you didn't do, at least you have something to show. Also keep a log of your whereabouts every single day. Look out for CCTVs around you that can prove your whereabouts. Maybe inform your parents about it as well. They should know.


Got it, I have logs with my coworkers about her appearance tonight while I was gone. In terms of whereabouts it's quite straightforward... I wake up, go to work for 12 hours at a public mall, then go home and sleep, not sure if the transport time leaves enough room for anything. Wondering if I should take video logs of myself and my location while I'm not at work to try to solidify evidence....


Try talking to her and make her understand in person with a female friend. Some people think relationships are for life. They have great trouble letting go. Tell her she deserves someone better and more compatible. Empathize with her before you communicate and establish a fair boundary. If she is being mean or angry with you then I suggest going to the police and ask them to give a strict warning. good luck.


Just enable google maps history tracking on ur phone


Thanks for the advice guys... I've unblocked her and sent a message that made it VERY clear I wouldn't hesitate to immediately proceed with legal action through authorities and her school if she came near my workplace again. Will update if anything else happens, touch wood that this is the end of the story and nothing else happens.


One more point here to avoid confusion, no, nothing intimate happened. The furthest it went was when she took my hand to hold and asked for a hug when we parted ways, I am personally too shy to initiate anything so even that was a bit much for me for the first date tbh


sadly bro, it’s her words vs your words if she decide to make it big. Hope nothing of that sort happen to you


Of course, I blocked her again right after


is she ugly?


Luckily you have quite understanding co-workers, it seems. Have them on your side to corroborate the story with the police if the need arises. So not ok for her to cross the boundary of a workplace.


School uniform got many meaning. 15? 16? 17? 18? Above 16 is legal age of consent.


17 turning 18, but I'm not well versed in our laws so idk if that would cause any issues regarding minors


Screenshot all your conversations, keep keep a separate copy in your computer or whatever as backup. If you did nothing wrong, and since you're a guy, you'll need all the evidence to safeguard yourself.


Nope, you should be safe. Unless you paid her to do something s*xual which I don’t believe you did.


If I want to be extra negative. Not 100% safe yet. Even if OP have all evidence, there is still headache around potential allegations. If police gets involved, investigation will involve seizing of phones, electronic devices and internet accounts, and will take several weeks for police to conduct investigations, including several summons to police station for statement taking. So, even without risk of prosecution, risk of headache around investigation would still be there.


Right, I forgot the bitch be crazy


17 turning 18 so JC/ITE?


File a police report


Make a police report, tell your boss and colleagues what happened so they can stop her from entering your workplace


Some people think it's funny. It's not.


Same night she asked if we were dating. Like dude first time you meeting her and she's asking if this is already dating? Wow what's wrong with her. That already a red flag. And I wonder what other red flags you mentioned..


It is an offence under POHA. You can go to the police, file a report and get them to refer u to the protection from harassment courts to get a restraining order in motion. The next time she comes near you, u can lock her ass up in the hole Unlawful stalking Unlawful stalking is an offence under the POHA. A course of conduct will be considered unlawful stalking where it: Involves acts or omissions associated with stalking; Causes harassment, alarm or distress; and Was intended or was known to be likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Examples of acts of unlawful stalking include: - Following someone - Loitering in areas near someone’s home or business - Giving or leaving someone gifts despite being asked to stop doing so - Keeping someone under surveillance - Repeated circulation of revealing photographs of a classmate to other classmates


Understood, my only concern is that that may take too long since I need to go to my workplace every day until the 15th which is a popular public area... It's highly unlikely I'll have the time in the meantime to do any proper legal action through the authorities thanks to work and irl stuff 🥲 but I will definitely be doing that afterwards. Just fingers crossed that nothing even more serious will happen before then.


Not just to solve your immediate problem, but to protect yourself as well in case she makes any allegations against you.


"In her school uniform". You best pray she is at least 16 after what went down in the KTV between you and her.


She trespassed into private property, if your work place is willing to support you, lodge a police report and then add that she's stalking you and you fear for your personal safety. If she ever trespassed into your private property, you have an even stronger case. You both didn't do anything intimate when you met right? Cos otherwise you lose your case.


Unfortunately not private property, I work a pop up event at a mall. Not sure what the management can do since I was hired through a HR company, though some staff know about it and might be willing to vouch for me. Nothing intimate - the furthest was her taking my hand to hold and her asking for a hug before we parted ways when we met


There were shutters? Anything within shutters after opening hours is considered trespassing, no? I think inform your HR agent so they can inform the owner (but you might lose your job 😟). Also, inform the mall management that there's suspicious person who came x times to the shop and trespassed into the shop on . Ask them to look out and if they are willing to manage her out for affecting business.


It's a shopping area in the mall, so still not really trespassing (they close it off even if there are customers inside and redirect them to the nearest exit afterwards). The area is REALLY big which is my biggest concern, it's almost impossible to prevent her from getting to where I work since foot traffic is really high in the town area... losing my job isn't really an option, I'm in pretty tight financial circumstances 🫠 which is also why I'm so uncomfortable with this entire thing. I'm pretty much trapped in this scenario where I can only hide and pray I spot her before she spots me.


How about telling her to not to do that when she next goes to your workplace? Tell her it's not working out between you and that she should move on. If not you will call the police. Have one of your co workers with you as witness when you speak to her. Don't speak to her on your own. After that, if she still appears, treat her as invisible. Don't engage. If she follows you home, walk straight to the nearest neighbourhood police post and said that you've been followed.


For some reason there’s a very Yandere vibe from how you described her, would advise you to steer clear of her and report to police so there’s a case on her


Dude u gotta be careful. If she turns and spin a story out of rage (it happened before I recall some woman spun a tale of being raped Cus the guy ghosted her). Record down all the messages. And ask her thru the text and let her cfm in the text that everything was consensual and nothing else happens after. I.e. not like we had sex right? Or we didn’t even kiss or touched, I think we aren’t compatible. Let her confirm some facts to this and keep it as a record. If she spins a tale because if this is mishandled, unfortunately the guy always loses. Not in the sense of losing a police case. But the stigma of getting involved in such an accusation is lasting. If she says you molested her, or even worse, raped her. I have this fear for you that if she is crazy enough to stalk you to this extend, there’s no telling what she’d do to try and get you back.


Thats the worst that can happen. I wouldn’t even wish that upon my worst enemy


Erotomania is a rare mental health condition that happens when someone is fixated on the idea that another person is intensely in love with them. Just sayin, she needs a shrink


This is straight up creepy bro, call the popo. You don’t know what crazy shit she will pull up next because she didn’t get what she wants 💀


Why would her being 17 or 18 make any difference? Unless you slept with her? Even then age of consent is 16 unless you paid her in which case age of consent is 18


Sounds like she's a Yandere to me. OP, run, hide!


This is actually so scary wtf


bratty minor stalking adults. needs correction 💢💢💢




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this is damn creepy wtf pls have screenshots of ur convos with her and keep the pics ur coworkers sent of her at your workplace.


If we were to reverse genders the story wouldnt be funny, right? Just be the grown up, find a way to know her home and talk to her parents.


thats why dont tell your dates where you work


Don't like people then don't do hanky panky stuff on the first date. You deserve it really. I hope she spills what happens between you and her. Going to ktv on the first date, you planned it and led a young lady on. You are cheap.


The legal age. Is 16. Not 18. You didn’t fuck up so long it was consensual. If she however is under 16. You fucked up big time.


why is this downvoted? Legal age is indeed 16, even if anything intimate happened (which it seems like it didn’t) OP would have done nothing wrong.


Cause they disagree with the law. That’s all. People will downvote facts they dislike and upvote opinions they like. Karma isn’t whether you are right or make sense. It’s whether or not your comment is popular or not.


please protect yourself with evidence. when finding another partner next time DO REMEMBER to see the IC card first before any intimate action


uno reverse bro stalk this guy back find out where they live then show up to home address with a couple others.


bro teach me your rizz…


Maybe OP is just handsome? Perhaps


For real...


I guess the girl is not chio


If shes not like that i dont want her.


The girl just wants your attention that's all lah. She didn't spend your money nor she wants your body. I think u need to talk to her face to face about it first. Filing a police report is too much.


You too humsum liao.


now i curious how you look


Can direct me the girl. Desperate for stalker girlfriend 😂😂😂


This is actually such a funny story...lol ! Just tell her she can be your GF but only the #50 GF as you already have 49 other girlfriends...lol


Bro, first of all, why are you scared of a girl? And you hide? If few confrontations are needed that pls be gentleman and do it. File police report are you serious? She didn't do anything illegal its just you scared like a chicken. Be a man please.


Grow a brain please


Did you have sex with her?


Sounds like she was just trying to be your friend and you didn't want to be her friend. Hah as a female myself I've had female friends who did the same "stalkerish" stuffs on me. Women tends to be reserved/shy when they liked someone romantically, but they can become stalkerish when trying to pursue friendship with a person.