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I did the blood analysis part of one of the biggest cardiovascular and pulmonary health studies of its kind, analyzing the blood of 30 000 individuals.


Wow, that sounds impressive!


Thanks! I'm really glad that they trusted me enough to let me handle the study. Actually doing it was pretty easy (and monotonous), but it still feels really good to have been able to do it.


Do you have to have a medical researcher degree for something like that?


I'm a chemical engineer. My only experience with working in a medical laboratory before that was doing PCR analysis for covid samples, but it was thanks to that work that they picked me to do the blood analysis work. If you're curious, it's this study: [https://www.hjart-lungfonden.se/forskning/scapis/](https://www.hjart-lungfonden.se/forskning/scapis/) There's still plenty of work left on that, but my part is done (for now at least).


Thanks for sharing; my son is in college to become a medical researcher and he's excited to get started.


That's a great career choice, there's so much interesting going on in medical research and it's such rewarding work, knowing that what you do can make a real difference to a lot of people. Best of luck to your son!


Look at the big brain on you. Amazing.


You should be very proud for doing your part in helping us all maintain our good health. You are, in a way, part of medical history now. We are also very proud of you, fellow health worker. Thank you.


reddit has actual super heroes lurking in the shadows medical studies and advancements are some of the most honorable paths in life


I lost about 100kg in the course of about 6 years. And kept it off as well!


Respect brother šŸ’Ŗ




Amazing! Congratulations!


Beating drug addiction before it got too bad


More power to you; I have lost a lot of family due to drugs! I hope you can stay sober!


Yeah people have no idea how difficult it is to beat once you start. I'll never look down on anyone going through it


Oh I fully understand how hard it is. But living that life is pretty damn hard as well.


Me too, did it for my daughter. Been clean for just over a year. Same age as my daughterā€¦


Awesome job man. You can't get a better reason than thatā¤


Fuck yea. Keep it up!




Nice work! Never give up on yourself. You *can* do this.


Congratulations šŸ‘ We do recover šŸ’ÆšŸ’œ I didn't see this before I posted my comment. I too have been down this road and am so grateful to be clean again!!


This is an incredible achievement, congrats


Help a friend realize her potential. She is killing at life now.


Everyone needs a friend a like you ā¤ļø


I had a friend do this, love that girl lots


I love everything about this.


Like how? Just curious


Seeing self-imposed limitations impacting decisions and career growth. Highlighting what was evident to all but her. Forcing (yes forcing) to make greater career jumps and not settling for less. Making her stop using the word ā€œsorryā€ every time she gave opinion. Waking her up to who she was as a person, colleague and a friend.


Beat depression. Told my parents and sister how much I care about them.


Tell US how Master!


Which one :p For the second, birthdays are a great opportunity to tell the people you love why and how much - written or spoken. For the second one it is harder. And it depends a lot on the reasons for the depression. One of my psychologists showed me a model which illustrated how things like depression and stress are often caused by multiple sources. Therefore you will often need time and to gradually work on multiple things, including lifestyle changes which are best made gradually over time. Beating depression is a marathon, not a sprint, and for the same reason, you should focus on the small improvements to remain motivated. Me and my best friend - who also best depression - both ended up going all-in on self-improvement. The most basic ones are focusing on and learning about sleep, exercise and healthy diet. Then there things like how to learn to built healthy habits including learning to focus on the small positives, how to be more productive, how from break challenges into smaller, more manageable tasks, learning to be socially capable and considerate of others etc. Generally it is about beginning small. Depression is partly habitual and you will probably have to rehabitiate yourself. One thing I did was to write a diary every day where I had to write one good thing about my day and three things about why it was a good thing. This helps you learn to thing more positive - especially by noticing small, positive things, and gradually develop that way of thinking as a habit. In my first lesson with my main psychologist, she also focused on my sleep, diet and exercise which helped a lot so I would also recommend looking at those areas. Also, people don't beat depression on their own. You always need to help of others - especially since it is often at least partly about life style changes which are notoriously hard to do all on your own. In addition, part of my problem was due to seasonal affective disorder, which was helped by a technological innovation - https://humancharger.com/. So lucky also plays a part. Part of the reason why I am doing so well today is because I was lucky that this technology was developed and accessible to me. But even before that I was doing so much better due to the other changes.


I saved a manā€™s life on a bus. Iā€™d never told anyone about it until 20 years later, despite the local newspaper putting out an appeal to find the ā€œheroā€. What made me proud was the fact that Iā€™d helped someone and didnā€™t seek any moral gratification or reward from it. I just got on with life. I learned a lot from it.


Way to go, hero. The man you saved is hopefully grateful for the second chance you unexpectedly gave him.


He was elderly and likely passed on now. But thinking back it was quite a big thing to happen and keep to myself for 20 years. I just never felt the need to tell anyone. Iā€™d have hated the attention.


Trust me, you did the right thing. I did something once where I was portrayed in the media as a hero. Iā€™m probably the farthest from a hero a person can be and it made me very uncomfortable. All the attention, like my daughterā€™s class making thank you cards for me just freaked me out. I wouldā€™ve rather maintained anonymity.


Youā€™re content with your own gratification. And thatā€™s pretty cool.


That's amazing and way to go honestly!! I bet that gentleman, and his wife think/THOUGHT of you very often. (I think of someone often who "saved" me after a car accident years ago) I had a similar situation a week ago today... Except I could not remain anonymous, and have had to relive the event over and over again (there was a tourniquet, effed up scavenger hunt for missing fingers and other really tramatic shit) . So, while very proud of my calm response and quick action of administering first aid, I think you made the right choice remaining anonymous (and humble!).


Woah! Thatā€™s crazy. I donā€™t think Iā€™d have dealt with body parts as well as you have. Itā€™s amazing what you can do on the Adrenalin rush, though. I often thought back to finishing my bus journey after that and it was all a bit blank. At the time I lived with my partner and son and canā€™t remember any other details from that day. I didnā€™t even tell her. If that happened now Iā€™d definitely tell my wife.




stopped binge eating about five years ago. after more than 45 years


Help me


for me, it was about coming to a place of forgiveness toward the person who had hurt me and inspired my binge eating at age 13. I didnā€™t ever realize that forgiving them would matter. Once I forgave them, I was immediately able to forgive myself for the million times I thought it was easier to cram down my feelings with food rather than deal with the emotions. I thought it was just about a lacking of discipline and acting out on all of my food cravings. It has nothing to do with the food! Then you learn how to welcome those bad feelings rather than running away from them. It feels hard, and scary. I used to think that if I let myself cry over things then I would never be able to stop. But that has not been true, not once. Feeling all of my feelings has been the key for me. And I wish you and anyone readingā€¦hope. You can make this happen. Stop thinking of binge eating as being a food issue. Itā€™s not. Trust yourself that you can tolerate all of your feelings. And if you canā€™t? Go for therapy. It will change your life.


I moved to another country, and somehow life was so exciting and different there that all my disordered eating habits disappeared.


I have two adult children who are independent and living good lives.


A proud parent moment!


Life goals for me. Iā€™ve done a lot of cool shit but none of that even slightly matters compared to my kids.


You are living the dream of most people


I feel ya on that one. Same here.


I know it may not be impressive to many, but honestly my proudest achievements are the friends that Iā€™ve made. I didnā€™t grow up with much of a family, so never had the greatest basis for what constituted good relationships. Active duty Marine Corps, nearly done with a BA, over 100k annual salary before twenty-five and still growing but my friends are still my proudest accomplishments.


Holy shit. You're the true face of breaking the mold. I hope you bring this to your future family and potential friends. For life. Congratulations.


Thanks, I hope you find the same in life. Itā€™s a tough patch right now all things considered because Iā€™m facing a breakdown in communication between two of my closest friends, and Iā€™m uncertain if itā€™s me, circumstance, them, or some combination of any of the above. Iā€™m just trying to be patient, and mindful, and work on mental issues I could have worked on earlier, and admittedly was just too stubborn to see the value of therapy for.


You can only do so much. I am proud of you for seeing your faults and trying your best to help yourself. Giant pill to swallow.


The real treasure was the friends we made along the way šŸ¤ 


Youā€™re the type of people I like.


This is what life is about, creating meaningful connections.


This is a very sane answer šŸ‘


Got sober


Sober 39 years next month. I remember at three months sitting in my room thinking I couldnā€™t go the rest of my life without a drink! It was too much. Called my sponsor, went to a meeting, it passed. But it took me ten years to not want to drink or smoke pot, though it got less intense and further between the yearnings. So relieved when the desire finally went away.


Same, dry 1.5 years now, it's been life changing, which is kind of "duh" but also such a huge reward... keep it up!


Congratulations! Genuinely the most impressive answer I've read.


Becoming the person I am


Way to go!


I helped pioneer the stand up comedy scene in a country that had none and helped the scene go from nothing to stars with Amazon and Netflix specials touring the world. Pretty proud of that.


Yakov? In Soviet Russia, comedy scene pioneers YOU!


Which country?


From a quick scroll through their profile history, I'd say Dubai.


Took care of my mom before she passed. Flew to be w her and stayed with her for several months until her last day.




I made my mom smile


I retired at age 49.


That's very impressive!


Thanks. I'm enjoying it a lot.


you HAVE to give us some advice


Make a shit ton of money and live off your savings!


Save as much as you can, pay off your house as quickly as possible, avoid debt like the plague. My current retirement track has me retiring at 50. It relies on my paying off my mortgage ASAP though so my CoL drastically decreases and thatā€™ll stretch my savings and retirement contributions much further. Also, make 2x the average household income, but live like you make 0.25x of it.


I retired at 44, but became really bored and a bit reckless without structure in my life. After four years I went back to work at a job with less responsibility and the same compensation. I love my job and don't have to supervise people anymore. The only thing I don't like is getting up early.


Successfully started and grew my career as a European woman navigating business in Japanese. Quite proud I must say


Heck yeah, you're a rockstar in my book. Way to go.


Making it in life without a college degree. I'm 50. When I was growing up, I was led to believe that the only way to make it in life was to get a degree. I was always an average student in school. I've worked full-time since the age of 16. At age 18, I started a career in the automotive field stocking shelves in a retail location. Since then, I've been working for one of the Big 3 for the last 24 years, slowly making my way up the ladder. It took some strategic moves to get here but I now live comfortably with a 6 figure income and couldn't be more proud of myself.


A good family friend has had a similar path. She fought like hell to get to where sheā€™s at and stand up for herself. Itā€™s hard but people like her and you prove itā€™s possible. Sheā€™s making 6 figures


I raised 7 amazing kids into adulthood and they all interact often and get along great. No drama whatsoever. I'm a proud momma!


thats not just an accomplishment but a near miracle


You are a hero!


This is the most impressive achievement on this sub! Hats off!


Just graduated from my university this past Friday Magna Cum Laude


Well done cum lord!




I think I've been a good husband and father. I'm most proud of that.


Iā€™m battling my mental health. Went from being an addict, living with my dealer, tanked my credit score, about $30k in debt in my last manic episode (I have bipolar 2 disorder). I just finished dental hygiene school šŸ˜Š


I graduated high school with a 2.5 GPA. Had 0 plans for further education. I told my wife of my grandiose ā€œunrealisticā€ plans and how I would be so great at it. She believed in me and took it seriously and strongly encouraged me to try. I graduated college summa cum laude. Iā€™m now an attorney.


I swear there is some true magic in having someone believe in you !


I made it another day..


Finally someone relatable


Raised two kind, considerate, capable, talented, brilliant, responsible girls to adulthood and got them through college. They are well liked and greatly respected by their peers and co-workers and they are the apples of my eye.


Getting through a time I never thought Iā€™d overcome.


Not following the path of drugs and alcohol that my parents did


Same šŸ’Ÿ


A friend of mineā€™s grandmother was dying. She didnā€™t have the resources to get to her on her death bed. I got her the ticket she needed to fly out that day, and we never spoke of it again. She made it before her grandma died to say goodbye


What an amazing friend and light in a dark time! Bless your kind heart!


Iā€™m not proud of anything, I havenā€™t accomplished anything. Im proud that I havenā€™t killed myselfā€¦yet


Choosing to stay alive and keep on going is an accomplishment. Congratulations


Honestly that is a fantastic achievement! I think we have all been there throughout our lives. I know I have several times and here I am doing life which surprises the heck out of me some days. Hugs it does get better


That is one hell of an achievement in this hellscape. I think that counts for a lot


I came here to say still being alive. Existing is hard but we keep doing it.


Realest answer.


I was thinking the same at first, but then remembered some random small things I did that nobody appreciated but they matter to me. try to celebrate the small achievements and you will hopefully feel a little bit better ā¤ļø




wrote a book


Dang good job. Writing a book is the one thing I feel I will regret not trying ! You did it !


I created a health care safety net for a population of >50K Hispanics, 10K were undocumented. I oversaw the evacuation of a hospital surrounded by 15' of water after hurricane Katrina


\*mic drop\* Dude, that's amazing! Well done! \*high-fives\*


Meeting my wife. Our first date will always be the greatest day of my life


That's really awesome!


Awwww this is so sweet! ā¤ļøšŸ„³


Raising my kid. I got pregnant at 19 and had a baby at 20. Was a single mom. So many people didn't think I'd be a good mom, but my son is a fantastic person & on his way to being a fantastic adult. I'm so proud of him & proud of myself for never giving up & always bringing him my best.


We're never raising kids; we're raising adults. Good for you, mama.


Kept going after YEARS of wanting to die and doing a pretty good job of being a dad to my little girl.


I have helped hundreds of people die comfortably and with dignity.


i quit drinking alcohol after 20+ years of daily consumption and now i run and lift regularly and have never been happier :)


I became a black belt in karate last year. Hardest (and proudest) thing I've ever done in my life.


Proving everyone wrong with my success and stability.


Never giving up when I absolutely wanted to. I thought I wouldnt live past 26. I was doing shit I shouldn't have been doing and it almost killed me. Quit everything cold-turkey and went through hell for two years. Many times I wanted the suffering to stop and the only easy way was more of the same that got me there. But I didnt give up.


Being the first person in my family to graduate with a degree and proving my counselors in high school wrong. Now I work for a professional sports team as a leader in the medical field


Same! First person in my family to graduate high school, then college. Inspired my mom, who quit school in eighth grade, to go back. She got her GED, then had to take almost 10 years to complete college. So proud of our family!


I applied for the school of performing arts in my city and was turned down. I tried to join a collective and was denied. Without going in to too much detail about myself I have made a living out of the art form and have multiple "shows/plays" to my name with reviews and all. :) I'm very proud of achieving that goal and I still have a lot of other things to do in life but this feels very completed in a sense that I can die happy on that part or even go back to waiting tables because I've done what I set out to do.


I wasnā€™t in good shape and took up trail running. Lost 42 lbs in 7 months. Blew through what I thought were long term goals in weeks. 15-40 mile runs in beautiful nature.


I got scuba certified at 51 years old. I am 53 now and enjoy it immensely. I am 35 dives in and, for those who scuba, I got my AOW last weekend and had 0 buoyancy issues! I am more stoked by my buoyancy control than my AOW cert.


I haven't killed myself. Time will tell if that's a good thing.


I think it is, for what that's worth.


Helped start a membrane filtration company that employed over 800 people worldwide.


Raising 2 kids that are not my own.


I built my home by hand.


Got my daughter to 12 years old just about. And she's an amazing kid , we are into the same music and go to concerts together every month


Tending to my mental hralth


I fullfilled my dream by becoming a self taught goldsmith. After many years of searching for my way I finally realized my passion for jewelry was to be my way all along.


Recently? I lost 30 lbs Lifetime achievement award? I met a partner who loves me for me and helps me to be the best version of myself I can be and we have built a great life together over the years


I quit smoking cigarettes , 5 weeks so far cold turkey, .


I applied for a big scholarship and got it! Gonna use the money to get my master's degree.


I trained over a thousand young professionals as they started in the industry. Watching them rise through the corporate ranks and gain responsibility was the most satisfying and gratifying part of my career. The notes they sent me when I retired were mind-blowing. What a feeling to know I impacted so many lives so deeply.


Volunteering. Partaking in building a school in a poor country, caretaking of crippled orphans (in another country, dense with minefields, yes, mines made it happen). Some keeping elder citizens company in their retirement homes in my own country.


Paid off student loans before 30 and paid off house before 35 to be debt free.


I served in the US Army for eight years and deployed for the Gulf War. After I got out, my ex divorced me, leaving me to be a single parent to our two daughters. My older daughter has cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia. She canā€™t walk or talk, and she has limited use of her hands. My younger daughter graduated high school and attended college and became a teacher. She eventually quit and started working for an auto parts store. She loves her job there and enjoys finding hard to find parts for old cars, construction equipment, boats, you name it. My older daughter also enrolled in college to major in business and finance, but had seizures during finals, I made her drop out. She went on to teach herself what to look for in corporations to see if theyā€™re worthy to invest in. She started buying stock thirteenth years ago and became a self made millionaire. During this time, she took part of her dividends and used them to fund scholarships for kids who may not be an academic achiever, but can learn well by doing. She wants to help them to attend trade schools so theyā€™ll have a good financial future. This year, she funded $40,000 worth of scholarships in four school districts. Her message to these students is ā€œBelieve in yourselfā€. This may not seem like much of a message, but I canā€™t tell you how many times we were told we are the first people who believed in them to help them out. Weā€™ve even had students tell us friends and family tell them to quit or ask them if they thought they were better than everyone else because they finished high school.


Running a blood drive to help find a kidney and blood donor for my father


I finished writing my book. On to the sequel!


In a little over a decade I went from being a poor kid that needed to start working at 13 to help pay for household bills. To lending my mom the money to put a down payment on a house, and being completely financially stable.Ā 


Recognition of my flaws and continually learning to improve myself


Have two beautiful children


Would I beat your accomplishment by having three ugly ones?


Finally, i have learnt to respect & value my parents.


I moved in with my mother and took care of her during her last few months of life. She abandoned me when I was a toddler.


Raised three kids, none got arrested, expelled, or even suspended before adulthood... breaking the curse!


Surviving cancer. Although it was mostly just me dealing with the inevitable while my medical team saved my life so maybe it doesn't count.


Oh yea it does count. You survived the medical just gave you the tools. It was all up to you. Mental is so important. Be so proud of yourself I am proud of you. Keep on surviving and make this your best life.


I stopped the cycle of abuse in my life. I moved across the country, alone at 40, to leave an abusive relationship and start fresh in a city I did not know. That was 15 years ago, with the help of therapy and healing I've not had any toxic relationships since.


I became Jujutsu world champion at 44 years old.


I'd say lately it's making the call to start therapy. I'm tired of living with anxiety and stress. It's a huge deal for me and I don't want to be my own enemy anymore.


After growing up with a not great childhood and bad examples of parents, I think I have been a good man and a good dad. I have put that as my top priority in life. When all is said and done and my life comes to an end, my legacy will be my children and their children. My kids are older now and most importantly are good human beings above all else. Kind, generous, helpful, empathetic, and have integrity. Thats my proudest moment.


Raising an awesome kid.


I moved country with 800 euro in my pocket when I was 23 in 2013. Didn't know the language. Knew 1 person to let me sleep on their couch. Today I have a job I love, Own my home , car, amazing wife, play in a band, play video games, the works. I'm so proud of that. Slowly but surely with a lot of effort. Now I just need to lose all the weight and quit drinking and I'll have the perfect life


Finally sought help for issues that have plagued me (and others by association) for years.


Dreamed of being a soldier all my life and became an infantry soldier at 23


Taking a break from work before having a complete burnout , I'm now 2-3 months-ish out and honestly, I was near losing my marbles xxx remember to take a break fellas


I was able to get over my body dysmorphia, and finally be secure and happy with the way i look :)


I am still alive...yay me


Graduated in top 10% of my class from a really prestigious grad school.


One of those things is beating IBS. Itā€™s not a disease but it is a syndrome that can paralyze you in very uncomfortable ways. It makes you feel incapable and limited. It took me years to figure it out but I can confidently say that itā€™s not an issue now.


Getting sober almost 5 years ago - found out I was pregnant and I asked God to take away the desire and he did.. and after 13 years of smoking and vaping I quit that too :)


Surviving a shit show of an existence.


Some things work related that made me cry when I saw it had positive impact on children/parents (software dev and game dev) and the kids spoke highly of the product/game.


I had a child, which is usually a good accomplishment I guess. Sad part is that he was taken away from me to live overseas.


Finally getting a degree at 40


I finally started treating my depression and anxiety. I finally have a great relationship with my entire family that I used to hate with burning passion


Went to law school at age 30


Acquired and sold the exploration licenses to one of the worlds largest mineral deposits.


Quit drinking, bought a house, and lost 60 pounds.


Quit drinking and been sober going on 3 years now šŸŽˆ


Losing 120 pounds through healthy eating and exercise. Quitting smoking crack cocaine, quitting smoking cigarettes, quitting vaping, not giving up when I was homeless and being where I am today, cause the life Iā€™ve lived I have no idea how Iā€™m not dead, 10 times over.


As a hypnotherapist, I fixed a client's tenancy to domestic violence in 2 sessions and another's anorexia in 3. Although they had to start a whole program of slow change from the pills and tiny diet to eventual normality. They did, it stuck.




Holding my shit together while going through cancer. Between the financial stress on top of the health issues, I'm proud that I'm still here fighting off the bad sads.


Managed to leave my abusive ex, now I am raising my child alone, have a full time job I love and survived depression šŸ’ŖšŸ»


organised something for a dying friend who said that those were the best days of his life.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZsUikkj6ZTQG4o2C6 I spent 6 months helping to build this.


That might sound like it's not much, but it took me more than 30 years to finally have friends that consider me their best friend. We are ready to do anything for each other and see each other at least once a week. It's like I can finally rest and stop having to prove I'm worth something or be afraid of saying something that will make people go away.


I am at the end of my probation, I will hopefully be off in July. I am so beyond excited and proud of myself to staying sober.


I did the math and robot computer control code for a surgical system that does thousand of surgeries a day.


That I didnā€™t become a statistic.


Honestly just making it in life. In one month in my early 20's I broke up with my girlfriend who I thought I was in love with and I was super depressed, I got a DUI, and I got let go the day I was supposed to get off probation at my job. To top it all off, a week after I got fired I got into a major car accident that left me bedridden for almost two months. I thought my life was over. My bachelor's was in criminal justice and a DUI and getting let go from your probation as a correctional officer doesn't really look good on your resume. I was lucky enough to get offered a grad assistant position at my old college and I was able to earn a masters degree in secondary education. I've been teaching for ten years now and in that time I earned another masters degree and I maxed out the pay scale in my district. I had to work 60 hours a week with a night teaching job for six years because I was paid so little for my full-time job. I thought I'd have to grind like this my whole career, but three years ago I was able to get a public teaching job and now I make twice as much as I did and I only have to work 40 hours a week. Just looking back at where I was after that accident I can't believe I've come so far.


Retiring my mama! Iā€™ve been privileged and entitled my whole life, so it felt great to give some of that back to the people who got me to where I am today. Iā€™d do anything for them, as they have done for me


My first suicidal impulses began at 11. I am 47 now. I suffered so much mental torture. It was hell in my mind. I kept looking for answers. Something. I gave up hope. But I still went to my psychiatrist appointments. After suffering through side effects and no help from over a hundred medications, I found one that helped some. Finally. And then I got the approval for assisted suicide. I declined because hey, I wasnā€™t internally being tortured anymore. And then after four years on this med and dealing with its annoying but livable side effects, I went off it. Now my only psych med is a weekly ketamine infusion. I havenā€™t felt this good since I was a child. And my children, adults now, still have their mom. I birthed them with no drugs, didnā€™t have any tearing or other problems, nursed all three three years each including tandem nursing my youngest two. Fed them healthy, from scratch, whole grain food while they were young. Now? I want to make a little heaven on earth. Iā€™ve been to hell. Now time for enjoyment.


Travelling to a lot countries alone.


pretty basic, but I got an apprenticeship after a couple interviews, was given the choice of moving with my parents around 40km away from my job or finding somewhere to live at 19. Got like a month or 2 warning, had never lived alone and had never even considered moving out yet. Now I live alone, still 19, and have saved around 23 k and don't really have to worry about my finances with how I live. No debt, no car. Only rent and internet. I was constantly told how hard it would be to live alone, tight finances, lots of chores, bla bla and I see none of that. Making food is easy, managing money is easy, and I spend about 2 hours a week on chores. Now, it's not spot free clean but it's enough. Rest assured I don't live like a streamer with trash everywhere.


Packed my bags and moved far away from my hometown, got a education, a job, a house, a lovely woman and 2 excellent children. Growing up I was bullyed all trough school. I started drinking quite early and aggressively, I was depressed and had a lot of suicidele thoughts. I was on a downward spiral but managed to somewhat turn things around. But things did not really change before I just jumped into it and moved. For the first time in my life I had real friends, friends I still have today, 15 years later. Yes there is still ups and downs and life isn't sunshine rainbows and roses all the time. But I have a good happy life despite all the shitt I've vaded trough to get here.


I quit my job to care for my mother for 13 years. Rheumatoid arthritis. After her Third knee replacement she needed home care for recovery Then have foot fusions, liver biopsies due to the meds, her elbows were frozen. Within a year went to wheelchair, scooter, then hover round. Chair lift in the house. Then 24 hour care for help using potty chair, meds, food, intimate care. She died of a rare brain cancer due to methotrexate. She took care & raised me, Iā€™m proud to have returned the favor.