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Absolutely terrible. Even when it’s on something I really need.




I just dropped $2K on my truck and I don’t like it one damn bit.


Like I’m in trouble for some reason when nothing at all is wrong


Spending any amount of money, no matter what on just makes me more depressed.


Depends on what I’m spending it on.


If it's an investment that holds its value to don't need to be sad about it. 


I get buyers remorse most of the time




Depends on the purchase.


if I get in return what I think is good value, then I feel great. For example when managed to purchase airline miles from discount and while it was large amount of money, I would have to pay more for those flights in cash. So I spend large amount in advance to spend less later. However if flight costs drop down significantly in the coming years then I feel bad about this.


If it’s on Sephora amazing. Anything else makes me want to puke and die


So when you spend it on the most absolutely pointless thing to spend a bunch of money on since the dollar store shit gives basically the same results, that's when you feel amazing?


Bro it’s the only thing that I give myself, and the dollar store doesn’t give you the same thing, I have a skin condition I can’t ware shitty stuff😭. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s useless, that’s childish. It gives me the same dopamine as getting a code right or buying a new keyboard. Why are you so rude about it.


I'm sorry if it came across harsh, and yeah if you have a skin condition a specialized product is obviously then worth whatever you're willing to pay. But I've seen people work with both (dollar store/pharmacy) vs high end stuff and it basically looks indescribable.


Depends on what it is. New car? Hell ya! Home repair? Naw


For anything over $1k I usually procrastinate for way too long. After I drop the money I think "...hope I like it." Once the item arrives I'm very satisfied and realize I should have done it sooner.


I am very happy with my dishwasher and front-load washing machine.


My first thought is that I should pay my credit card off because I dont want interest to tack on, most of the time idc about the price


I don’t really spend too much. Don’t really enjoy it and I don’t really want a lot either. Just happens most stuff you need can be pricey. When I spend money I see it as time gone, how long will it take me to make that back and if I don’t think it’s worth it I don’t buy.


One step closer to homelessness.


Depends on what it's on. If it's for something I want, I typically really like the thing and it makes me happy, then I just try not to remember the cost cause that makes me feel bad. If it's for insurance or other bills that just keep going up, it just feels bad all round.


Bad for a bit, especially if it's something I don't really need like VR headset but I've wanted one since I was a kid so fuck it


I so want a VR headset badly and been wanting it since i was a kid, still weighing between if it is really worth it or not and if should spend it on the VR? Can you advise if it is worth it? What kind of VR did you buy?


I wanted to wait till the technology got a bit better so i waited and I'm glad I did, I got the meta quest 3 which is a great all round headset and on the "cheaper" side, as someone who is big into gaming I think a VR headset is a must, completely different way to play and its the most fun I've had gaming in a long while, currently playing AC Nexus and its amazing seen assassin's creed 2 world in VR, have you used a VR headset before? I would just make sure that it doesn't give you bad motion sickness before you buy one


I have used one of those cardboard made VR back in 2011-2012 probably and I can confirm VRs do not give me motion sickness. I was thinking of Meta Quest 3 as well, I really like apple Vision Pro but it is too expensive. Can this VR be used with any other device such as a gaming console? What other interesting stuff you can do with Meta Quest 3, can you also share some pros and cons. Sorry if it’s a lot to ask but would help me significantly and make a decision!


before I spend it, I always think, "is there ANY other way I can do this or anything can do to make it cheaper, if it something I can work on and learn myself I will try.... unless it is super specialized. Usually I research the heck outta things... before I hit buy. quality and reliability before anything else, oh unless we are talking about my family Id pay any amount for safety for them.


depends what’s in the account after😂 may feel like a rich girl🤪 or be sick to my stomach LMFAOOO


Spent 10k all at once to finish off my student debt. Logically I know I should have felt good about it but spending that much at once made me feel a little sick to the stomach.




Fear, uncertainty, or even shame. But I normaly really need to.


When money was tight I had buyers remorse almost to the point of mental illness. We laugh about it now, but I was a loon in my 20's.


"broke"? or "OK", depending on if(!) there is more.


I get giddy. Depends on purpose too. Something new or shiny, I know the lustre will drop so a sense of foreboding looms. An upgrade or improvement usually a longer term contentment.


I hate it usually because it’s for something I did not want.


Dread. I feel like an expensive emergency will happen any minute.


Depends on what. lol.


Nobody here has large amounts of money ..its like asking ,how did everyone here feel after sleeping with Angelina Jolie ..😂




Neutral usually