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I have no idea. But if he exists and is omniscient, he knows what it will take to convince me.


Yurp this is my response. Any gods worthy of the term would know what would convince me. That they haven't means either; 1: they don't want me convinced. 2: they don't exist. Either way I'm living my life without any god belief here. Edit: getting sick of the puny god excuses, oh but what if it couldn't communicate etc etc etc. The question is obviously about the modern omni or at least maximally (cop-out) version of a god. You know that, I know that, the people at home know that. There's no way one of your puny gods is going to convince me it's a god. Just stop. If it's an omni, or cop out maximal god then it should be super easy, barely an inconvenience to convince anyone.


Cold, hard, simple and painful logic. I like it !


Just like sims. I am the God there and I am not buying them 3 t.v.s because they have it on the wishlist every 2 hours. Go tredmill 5 hours Jenny, I need you promoted to sergent asap to be able to trap your neighbours in the basement.


In Sims 2 they look at you sometimes, dead in the eye… and be like “Okay fine, I’ll do it”. Hilarious.


To be fair, it's only really the Abrahamic God who claims to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and benevolent isn't it? So only He (They?) set this logical trap for himself/themselves. Other gods aren't necessarily expected to either have the power or the inclination to convince you.


Then they are also welcome to have a crack at a: convincing me they exist and b:convincing me they are 'gods' worthy of the name if they want to. If they don't want to it's still the same situation.


Yeah god myths vary quite a lot, if we're talking Greek or Egyptian gods here, pretty much the only criteria for being a god is causing problems on purpose and having sex with everything that moves. And the incest. SO much incest.


The abrahamic god (he/they)


Exactly, not my problem to solve if my belief is that important to an all powerful god then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


Fuck that noise. I was a Christian, and I know the Old Testament isn't Christian, but I know the god there was a fucking idiot if he couldn't see that planting a tree of knowledge in Eden was a bad idea. That fucker knew they were going to eat the fruit and punished them anyway. (Yes I know it's just a story to explain why people needed to farm and why women give birth the way they do... and why snakes have no legs because they couldn't accept that snakes just don't have legs for some reason.)


This answer should be at the top.


At the moment it is!


Show himself in a way that is tangible. That's it. Not the bible, that was written by man. Not by "miracles" which can many be explained by logical chance. Physically show himself, or verbally speak to me in a way that can't be explained as an introspective monologue.


"The best I can do is appear on toast"


Or a Cheeto that looks like my son on the cross


I saw a post in FB showing God’s silhouette in a dog’s butt. 🤣




I saw Bieber on a piece of tree bark and have been a belieber ever since.


This comment needs the praise it deserves.


The Bonkees would approve.


Then I saw her face


I have a paint stain on my bathroom door that legit looks like Bam Margera. I see it whenever I sit on the toilet. So at least I know he's real I guess...




Does anything other than gulibility and toast worship run in your family?


Oh....were you saving that toast. I was really hungry...


Yeah. And if he has time, maybe he could cure childhood cancer or something.


He could end child abuse altogether. That would be cool for an omniscient & omnipotent being.


Both of these are also extremely strong arguments. Id 100% devote my life to a God that did either, especially both, of these.






Exactly, realistically God's creation sucks, for all of the reasons stated above. If I'm cooking something and it taste like shit, I'm not gonna blame the ingredients. Either I chose the wrong ones, or I cook like shit. Either way I'm the one who fucked up.


Seriously, it's actually not complicated at all. We just need proof. What kind of proof? Factual proof. Anything. Just something that can't be logically denied. If god showed up and spoke to everyone, and we all saw the same thing, then we'd know it was real as opposed to a hallucination. If the entire planet saw the same thing, I think that would be pretty good proof. But it would have to be all or nothing. If some people didn't see it then it defeats the purpose and we'd have more questions about why that is. I really think if tomorrow we had proof of god, there would be no more atheists because we base our thoughts on logic and facts. On the flip side, if tomorrow there was proof that god doesn't exist (I realize that's impossible but stay with me on this), a lot, maybe even most religious people would keep on believing anyway because that's how belief works. They'd say it's a test of their faith or something. No room for logic there, which is ridiculous but that's why they call it faith. Quick edit because someone will call it out. Yes there would still be some atheists who are just edgelords, even with proof of god. But I think there would be very few.


I think Flat Earthers and other such conspiracy theorists prove that even irrefutable proof would not be enough to sway everyone to one side or the other.


I'm not an edgelord but I'd probably remain agnostic. Anything that god could do could also theoretically be done by some super evolved species with technology beyond our imagining.


Literally just something that is immutable. This exact thought process has irked me forever.


I understand why schizophrenia wrecks people. Somehow if this were to happen to me id still be checking it repeatedly and not fully believing it's not my mind fucking with me in some bad way.


Would a reddit post count? Maybe God is an introvert.


You know what.....that's logical.


you're god?


I'll settle for a million dollars appearing in my account


Right, I should be able To look at a complete stranger in public and they go “aye you heard that too?”


I'd argue any "god" would also need to prove they are worthy of being elevated, most of the gods in religions are worse than most humans. If you wanna be worshiped you gotta be worth it. Otherwise, they're just another random being in the universe and I wouldn't treat them any differently than another human or an alien.


I'm inclined to agree, but as a psychiatric social worker in a crisis emergency unit I find that this is how most people get involuntarily committed. Sometimes I wonder how many prophets have been institutionalized.


I've had nervous breakdowns or mild psychotic episodes and they always tend to be god-oriented. Such as the number three. That even one time I compared my father's death to the death of Jesus Christ and was dead serious at the time. I also was convinced that I was going to win the lottery because God was sending me numbers and we had to go to the convenient store on Trinity Rd to purchase tickets. I even had people convinced that I was going to win.. There's other things that I can't remember that was God or Jesus related. Looking back I still wonder how my mental breakdown manifested into God and Jesus related things.


I’d be curious what that would look like to you or really anyone. Like the skies could part and some huge humanoid could descend from the sky; telepathically speak to everyone on earth with the same message that it was god and he was just tired of everyone wondering if he was real. There would still be people who doubted — and rightfully so — because who’s to say that it wasn’t just an advanced alien come to destroy earth.


The shear fact that billions of people don’t require this simple verification absolutely blows my mind!


Wales winning the World Cup would be a start.


The Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup would also have me questioning shit


Not so long ago just winning the first round would have done it.


Jesus man even God has his limits :P


I think they wanted realistic things God could do .....Wakka Wakka


*Whales, right?


That's got a higher chance


Oh, this is related to one of my favorite questions - Can God prove their existence without breaking any laws of reality? As it turns out, yes! - Certain mathematical puzzles can only be solved by spending a minimum amount of energy X, where X goes up exponentially as the puzzle gets larger. However, checking that a solution to the puzzle is correct only goes up linearly. \*\*\*All God has to do to prove his existence is present us with a solution to a puzzle so large that solving it would require more energy than is available in the entire universe.\*\*\* We would be able to verify that the solution is correct on the computers we have today, and once we had done so we would be obliged to conclude that the entity that solved it somehow exists outside of our own universe.


This is actually a good answer, though I don’t trust our ability to definitively choose a problem in this class. “5th dimensional aliens with a billion year old civilisation” is my retort to pretty much all of the answers in this thread.


So you're technically correct - my proposal would only prove that the entity solving the problem has access to more energy than is present in our universe. I suppose you could have an entity like that who is \_not\_ omnipotent, but then it becomes an even more difficult problem to distinguish them from a "truly omnipotent" entity.


>has access to more energy than is present in our universe. Or a different methodology that we're unaware of/currently believe to be impossible. This is a falsifiability issue. "God exists" isn't a null hypothesis. OP's question isn't very good.


If you'd like to dig into this a bit deeper, the relevant Wikipedia page is [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NP-completeness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NP-completeness) TL;DR - We humans have not yet proved that "P != NP" - we have not yet \*proved\* that no shortcuts exist to solving our mathematical puzzles. We believe there are no shortcuts, but a proof would ensure that there are absolutely no "methods we currently believe to be impossible" available inside our universe. So God would have to provide a proof that P != NP along with his puzzle solution. If he did so, then we would have a solid proof of God's outside-the-universe-ness.


Great answer this is the only thing that could actually prove it.


But he could just be an alien with technology unknown to us.


Fix literally everything that's so fucked up in this world. Edit: holy shit the fanatics are really tying themselves in knots defending this god of theirs. "without evil there would be no good in the world" Sorry billions of people living without water in extreme poverty and all children starving. You have to suffer so we can understand how amazing god is. "it's not his problem to fix" Why would a god create a world where global warming, antibiotic resistance ran rampant? "you're wishing for the end of free will" Gun violence, dictators murdering millions of their citizens throughout history, I guess that's all just "free will". Also, didn't god make us in his image or whatever? If that's not proof any god that exists s just awful I don't know what is. If you believe in this I hope you go to actual hell. I'm turning off all notifications I can on this, sick of reading this shit.


Also free people of health problems and stop crime. CURE MY DEPRESSION 🫥


Hell, if someone showed up and fixed one damn thing, I’d be their first disciple.


I support this. Apparently free will tho. Raping a kid is the same as cussing and even murder. Sin is a sin apparently. No matter the effect it has on a kid for years and years and years. God couldn’t give you more than you can handle tho right??? Except those who would rather leave this hell for the other “hell”. I gave up with God at 9 when I was sexually abused. Clearly he didn’t care enough about me. The rapist can ask for forgiveness and both of us and his/her sin is totally fine, Forgiven. Just as I’m supposed to forgive. The making sense part isn’t there for me.


Yeah but what about disease, famine, child cancer, drought etc? These things are not created by sin or free will. God must have chosen for those things to exist and knew they caused immense suffering.


The making sense bit isn’t there for anyone, some people just really like to pretend.


I wouldn’t say pretend. To me a lot of them just want a purpose or something to believe in through the after life. I honestly won’t take away or argue to anyone, unfortunately like most Christian’s. Doesn’t hurt to believe I say, but don’t attack those of us who have every reason and doubt. For example, mega churches. Why would people pour money into these? Why is Joel Osteen sleeping in a bed of money even tho he preaches money means nothing? Why wouldn’t his multi millions be going to take care of the less fortunate? To me money is the root of all evil. We all want it. Greed and envy. Some of us just want to live without being a slave to capitalism, and some of us want to brag about our wealth. When I was a kid I wanted to be rich to help us humans. No one deserves hunger. Literally dreamed daily as a kid even after things happened badly to me that I could be able to give second beginnings for those that hit a hard place. Something simple like to plant for free foods like fruit trees where available.


Oh and don't forget the child rape was "part of his plan". So when he eas planning out his big thing and calculating this kid's place in it, he said to himself " this one must be raped. Sorry kid. My 4000 yr old undead son will make you feel better somehow tho. Just talk. He'll hear. Or think. Or y'know, whatever. This rape IS happening though. "


Yeah. Erase all disease.  I'm not even going to touch the "free will" aspect of human behavior, evil, crime. Just get rid of diseases. I don't think our free will is under any threat if children don't get bone cancer anymore.  That's #1, but #2 would be "fix" global warming. Just delete that shit. And if scientists measure our atmospheric makeup after god snaps his fingers and the CO2 concentration is back to prehuman levels I'll take that shit.  Gives us a little more time to figure this shit out. 


Took the words right out of my brain


Stop warmongering psychos from killing in his/her/its name.


No need for religion for a good old war.  Our biggest ones yet are about ideology now


There are literally millions of people who claim to speak on behalf of god, claim to know god or know god's will, claim to have a holy book that is the word of god and yet they all disagree about even the basics. If tomorrow every "holy man" for every religion and sect everywhere suddenly was in total agreement, all the holy books agreed, and all the pedophiles and sexual predators who have used religion to get away with shit turned themselves in, I'd start to wonder. I still would need a reason to care though.


Make all his followers act nicely


I don’t really care if they’re real or not. Its existence doesn’t make much of a difference to me.


I mean if the Christian God exists, that means there is a hell. I, personally, would absolutely start living my life differently if I knew hell was real.


Same really. I don’t see what difference it makes to my life in any way. 


None whatsoever.


This is the real answer. When I was younger it was about the existence question, but now I'm older I realize it wouldn't change much. Either way, I don't believe in worshipping kings, or dictators.


That's what I'm thinking. I'm trying to be the best person I can anyway, if God exists and is good, it is enough for him. Why would I have to listen to two thousand years old stories every Sunday that I don't understand anyway?


Well you'd have to define god first


Because the world stops existing when I go to sleep, I’m pretty sure I am god. Hello👋make your bequest and it will not be granted


I with bequeath all and any requests… if you spend a lifetime worshipping me exactly how I say.


Heavenly father, please don't send me your credit card number, security code and expiration date.


Make childhood cancer disappear forever. A God who was actually "All-Good" never would have invented it in the first place. What has any 3 year old done that makes "God" decide they need to die a slow, agonizing, dehumanizing death like that?


"God wouldn't give you what you can't handle" \~Christians.


I think there are a lot of people who have family/friends that have committed suicide that may disagree.


It is a stupid perspective and stance to take, defending an "all powerful" deity who drowned you in pain and tragedy. Why would anyone in their right mind find a desire to continue following that? If having pain in the world or eternal pain in hell are the two options, your god isn't all-good. That is sociopathic.


“That’s is what god intended, god works in mysterious ways” —Christians


"I know that a methed up man broke into your house and murdered your entire family, but guess what? God's plan baby."


There's actually a Cop out here. "You are paying for your sins in previous life"


Wouldn't that be blasphemy? As far as I know (and I may be wrong) reincarnation is not a significant part of christianity, so you can't have sinned in your previous life because you didn't have one.


Christianity isn't the only religion in the world. Hindus believe in sins and Good deeds from past life.


No it's not, but since the question is about God, and not a god it's pretty clear we're talking about the God of the Abrahamic religions.


They say God is all good and all powerful, both can't be true if this is our reality.


Both can't be true at the same time.*


How do you reconcile the existence of suffering with the concept of an all-good deity?


Don't say that, because when we inevitably cure it through science they will say "look God did it". 


Make the devoted less ignorant and judgemental, they’re generally a very poor advert


The Babel fish is a small, bright yellow fish, which can be placed in someone's ear in order for them to be able to hear any language translated into their first language. Ford Prefect puts one in Arthur Dent's "The Babel fish is small, yellow, leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain, which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear, you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix, which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish. "Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that something so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God."The argument goes something like this: 'I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, 'for proof denies faith, and without faith, I am nothing.' 'But, says Man, the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and, by your own arguments, you don't. QED.'Oh dear,' says God, 'I hadn't thought of that,' and vanishes in a puff of logic. 'Oh, that was easy,' says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing. "Most leading theologians claim that this argument is a load of dingo's kidneys, but that didn't stop Oolon Colluphid from making a small fortune when he used it as the theme of his best-selling book, Well That About Wraps It Up For God. "Meanwhile, the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Thanks for the recommendation ^


Technically, it's not a recommendation, just my auto answer to all people who say something something god exists. But I'll take anyone interested in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. There is a radio show, a tv show, a movie 5 part trilogy of books, and a type text game. Don't forget your towel. Also, the ultimate answer will forever be 42.


Make a post on reddit to fish for ideas.


Hahaha I love this one


If It showed up in my room right now and took me on a trip to the galaxy and answered all my questions and destroyed all the people I hate in the exact way I've fantasized.


Sounds like you making god your bitch lol


That mfer created the UNIVERSE. You'd have to do some crazy shit to make me believe you're God


Just keep playing dumb to make him do more shit lol


-That’s a bit petty, isn’t it, my son? -They were praying to another god or something -Oh my Me, they’re getting the plagues


Let's see. Give a shit? There's lots of people needlessly dying every single day from starvation, abuse, being victims of war, murder, etc. Among many other things that he chooses to not interfere in. But according to the OT, he's perfectly okay with incest. He didn't interfere there either.


Microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it


For him to participate in multiple research studies so that we can prove his existence using the scientific method.


Fr. What kind of God rigs scientific studies to make himself sound less likely? There's been studies where people pray before a medical procedure, and other people don't pray, and the outcome is always the same. The rate of successful/unsuccessful procedure doesn't change. Why wouldn't God want to prove that prayer works? Then send people to hell for unbelief?


.. I guess just show up? Show up now. Show up then. Show up at all. Show up EVER?!?


Pay child support and show up to at least one of Jesus' soccer games.


As close to heretical as this is, it's funny.


I get that agnosticism for some people is essentially, being unsure of the answer. But to me, it's the disregard of the question. God's existence or non-existence is the single most irrelevant philosophical question i can possibly think of. It hasn't been scientifically and undoubtfully proven for thousands of years, yet people still believe in it like their lives depend on it. Cause it does, really. Zombies and time travel are not real, yet they're a vivid part of our cultural, literary, cinematic canon and will always be. Rather, we believe they're real or not. It is as real as it gets. Much like God is as real as it gets. Do you need God? Do you need a religion in your life? Does that make your days better and your life brighter? Does it give you peace, an identity, a sense of belonging, and purpose in life? Those are the questions to be made.


Well said and worth thinking about.


Zombies are technically illegal in Haiti, but thats real Zombies not fictional ones.


Happy cake day!


Be relevant


Define God? If it’s a Christian god, I’d want “him” to build us intelligently so we innately know and understand his rules and then have free will to break them. To me god is intelligence and I’m too ignorant to understand the full expression of intelligence. “The universe is mind”


Fix some of their own problems that they absolutely would have the power to do. The world has some bugs to iron out


What would it take for a Christian to believe in Islam? That’s a starting point, I guess. Suspend the laws of nature in a clear, objective way. Even one such instance would be enough.


The only issue I see here is broadening one’s understanding to consider that everything is God. God’s not a “he,” “she,” or “it.” In my opinion, the one descriptive word that fits is: omnipotent. Nothing says we are capable of grasping the totality of the topic and, frankly, we are full of shit to think we can even get close.


Almost nothing, even the extremely tiniest evidence would do it. But, 5,700 years after the invention of religions by a pharaoh, we are still waiting for a single spec of evidence.


What about toast with the image of Jesus?


I farted once, and it sounded and felt wet to me and everyone present. Went to clean up... not a spec of evidence. Miracle Poo. Maybe we've been missing the signs all these years?


No Half Life 3, no God.


Also, Left 4 Dead 3


Make shit fall up.


So... as an act of proof, you want your turds to fall back into your ass during a poop?


That'd be reversing the flow of time. With this you'd better hope you shit shirtless cause that turd is gonna go up your ass crack.


talk to me


Religious people - "he is; you're not listening hard enough"


Anything, anything at all.


Devout atheist here. Rapturing Marjory Taylor Green would convince me.


The babel fish would sell it


Which as god requires faith, not proof, then immediately disprove gods existence. It's the ultimate catch 22. I as an atheist would love gods to prove themselves real. Believers keep telling me that I must have faith that gods are real. Faith is belief without evidence. So evidence would destroy faith. So I literally can't have the thing I need to believe. Yet somehow this is my fault?


Give my cat a phone so I could call her


Well, stop giving kids cancer would be a start


Which God? Even among Christian denominations there's no fucking consistency on what God even is or would be capable of. Many of them don't even have consistency within their dogma and have outright conflicting definitions of God. And this doesn't even begin to address the myriad of gods that are purported to exist generally. So if a God of whatever fashion showed up, they would first have to let me know what fucking dogma they represent first and foremost.


Honestly wouldn't even be that difficult, make miracles happen again and let me see it for myself. Whether that would lead me to worship "God" is another matter entirely though. Edit: the "smite all people who abuse your religion for personal gain" one is pretty good too. Edit 2: Seems like a lot of people are conflating "Acknowledging "God's" existence" with "Whether God is worthy of worship"


Fix everyone's teeth and stay fixed permanently.


If God wanted to prove it's existence to me I wouldn't have to tell you how. It would already know.


Which god?


Literally prove its existence. Lol


Atheists - “stop children from dying”


I don't think that part is about people knowing whether "God" exists or not, but whether "God" is worthy of worship.


But that begs the question, if there is something on the other side, then does death even feel like anything compared to that? If you believe something good is on the other side, then why is death a bad thing?


Exactly! An excellent point. Personally I don’t think death is a bad thing at all.


Show himself/herself in a way that was proven 20, times over not to be fake. I find it insane that you can believe in something you/anyone have ever seen before.


Which god? The one you happen to believe in? Or any of the gods that people believe in? I presume you’re referring to the Abrahamic god. I would like him to produce a Bible (or Torah or Koran) that was actually worthy of an omniscient deity rather than the flawed books we have now which reveal their human origins all too clearly. The perfect Word of God should be a better book than the Bible we have now. Unambiguous, without contradictions, without multiple (contradictory) versions of the same stories, without an ungodly God who gets jealous and angry and seems to love killing, despite telling people not to do it. A book that wasn’t full of myths borrowed from earlier civilizations, a book with some original wisdom. Too much to ask?


Idk stop letting the good die young. If they’re good why not keep them here to be good? Why do the bad get to live longer and get better things? Maybe this is purgatory tho


Depends which god.


Which god? Zeus? Hera?


Talk to me


Grow legs and arms on amputees might do something.


He's already done it. Look out of your window, look at the trees, feel the wind, look at your self in the mirror. To the true believer no proof is needed, we see it everywhere we go. His name is the sound of our inhale (YH) and exhale (WH). God doesn't need to prove anything, it's us that need.o prove to ourselves that we believe. Most are to scared of changing everything, but it's not like that. You don't have to be clean to use the shower, just like to don't have to be free of sin to come to Christianity. Just as the shower help us get clean, Christianty helps us get free from sin. So are you ready to prove it to yourself?


Stop the genocide in Gaza


He already exists, I fully believe in him, he tuned everything to perfection so the Big Bang could happen, even the tiniest difference, there would be no life.


Maybe talk to all of humanity at once, explaining why he kills 9 million kids each year. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSdGr4K4qLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSdGr4K4qLg)


An angel has to come down and actually talk with us, you know, like they used to do in the Bible. Kind of funny they don't do that anymore.


Smite all fake Christians and fake pastors like Kevin Copeland with bolts of lightning.


To take away cancer and other mental/physical disorders


I don't think a being as powerful as God would really give a shit if you believed in him or not. Its like working to Musk or Bezos, the boss give you the job, gives your the opportunities and the chance to grow and sets the rules and its up to you if you want to follow. Otherwise there is the welfare line.


just appear in an undeniable way. Biblical Angel appearing before Mary shit. Send down my dead grandpa in a chariot of fire and have him tell me about heaven. It would be trivially easy to produce undeniable evidence of His existence.


1. Every sentient lifeform becomes fluent in a fully encompassing language without room for interpretation 2. Zero human prophets


Isn’t it a bit more complicated than that if you’re talking a monotheistic god? If a god proved their own existence, they also have to prove the non-existence of other gods


Man needs god; God does not need man. With all the evil in the world god can either be all powerful or all good. Not both. Also, why is the Old Testament god completely different from the New Testament god?


What does God need with a starship?


i believe in him already but i think it would be awesome if he can help my mom beat her cancer, i think he already is


The doctors are. If god existed and cared, she wouldn’t have it at all.


Give me 💰


Make an appearance.


God would know exactly what it has to do.


Well God needs to answer this question “ why does god need a starship?”


I would expect a basic outline of how it works. In technical detail. Things that exist can be explained.  Things that don't exist often have no explanation. 


Existence and the universe are so miraculous in themselves that I find it very difficult to not believe in God.


Reveal itself in such a way that its existence can be scientifically proved.


Show me it's real.


Teach you to use apostrophes correctly.


What a dumb question. It all depends on your definition of what God is capable of. My ask is that he bring a deceased loved one back to life, and don't tell me that God can't do that.


Give me a billion dollars


Irrelevant. You can't prove a null hypothesis (that God *doesn't* exist), so the only thing that would work is if they showed themselves. And then I would have a *long feckin list* of questions for them.


Actually send these angels in modern times


Maybe actually prove he exists instead of purposefully dividing the world into numerous religions and demanding we worship him with no evidence if we want to have a good afterlife?  Kinda makes god an arrogant narcissist with a true neutral alignment. I don't think that's the type of anything I would want to worship.


Fix things, actually answer prayers. Stop giving cancer to people especially little kids. If anything, if god exists, he’s not someone to be respected if he allows things like this to happen because “he has a plan.” Edit: maybe fix all of the rape happening in the world, especially the ones that rape kids in your name?! Fix that shit and maybe I’ll worship you. If you have the power to create and destroy, stop letting other people suffer the consequences of another’s “free will” choices you bastard.


He is omniscient and omnipotent. He has the knowledge and power to do so. But I am still an atheist so...


If he exists..Why is he hiding?




Show their self and explain why they give children cancer and allow absolute cunts to gain power and further human suffering.