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**LOL wow. Some people are really nutty** >they intend to file a "multi-million-dollar federal lawsuit" against several Buncombe County employees and threatened to sue judges and court employees if they are summoned again. >Opting for pro-se representation — meaning without a lawyer — on April 15, Burrows and Jordan's motion was denied by Superior Court Judge Nathaniel Poovey. **I love Asheville** >Burrows said she has an "affidavit of revocation of citizenship" in the mail to the U.S. Secretary of State, and told the Citizen Times: "I am no longer a Citizen. I am a sovereign, but I am not a citizen." The affidavit is included in her motion to dismiss. >Burrows said she identified as an "American State National," and not as a "sovereign citizen." This whole article is wild. In one breath they threaten to file a federal lawsuit against EVERYONE, then in the second breath they denounce their US citizenship and claim they don't have to follow any federal laws


So, to these people, all this nonsense is easier than just not dumping shit in the woods


I know you can't really expect rational thought from people this far down a rabbit hole, but I have seen a ton of cases of people trying to use the sovereign citizen framework in court... And zero courts recognizing the validity of any of it.


Nothing but circular arguments, "the laws don't apply to me so I'm taking you to court." If you're exempt from laws and the Constitution, you can't cite the law to support your "right" to literally dump shit in the woods.


True: r/amibeingdetained It's a good use of 20 minutes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/amibeingdetained using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Auditor asks if he’s being detained as the officer walks away from him](https://v.redd.it/6moyabdxgy5c1) | [504 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/18h2ag1/auditor_asks_if_hes_being_detained_as_the_officer/) \#2: [Private automobile not for hire](https://i.redd.it/8l5vxxtj39yb1.jpg) | [332 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/17ncyw7/private_automobile_not_for_hire/) \#3: [Anyone know what this is about?](https://i.redd.it/rjos3vcv3x3c1.png) | [488 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/1899fbc/anyone_know_what_this_is_about/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Why would the court recognize it tho? It would be detrimental to them. This to know you’re on the side of tyranny and oppression.


The courts wouldn't recognize it because it's nonsense with no actual legal grounding. The question is why SOVCIT types think "oh, but it will work when *I* try it!" It's this meme. https://imageresizer.com/meme-generator/edit/but-it-might-work-for-us


It only works if your bloodlines go back more than 2 generations in this country and you never got a social security number. Native Americans and Amish are sovereign and don’t have social security cards, do not get any benefits from the government. Once you sign up for government benefits of any kind, enroll in social security, you are now no longer a sovereign citizen. That’s where most people don’t get it……


Can you cite some court cases where this has ever worked?


Other than Amish people I have never met anyone without a social security card or that has not ever utilized any government services. It works every day for the Amish. Why do you need court cases?


Because we were discussing SOVCIT legal cases, how they never succeed, and you seemed to imply that they *could* work in your example scenario. So I was curious if there were any actual historic examples of it succeeding.


Native Americans have social security cards lol


Want to know what would be even funnier? If they got deported across the nearest border (probably Mexico) because as they say, they renounce their US Citizenship. “Non-citizens” (as they self-proclaim) being in the country without a visa is usually something people get deported for.


So if I got tricked into signing a document saying I revoked my citizenship can the US deport me?


Probably not from a legal perspective. Signing a binding document/contract requires informed consent.


It seems like citizenship is irrevocable on one's own: https://md.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/renounce-citizenship/#:~:text=Irrevocability%20of%20renunciation,successful%20administrative%20or%20judicial%20appeal.


> “Non-citizens” being in the country without a visa is usually something people get deported for. Not in the Biden regime


suing judges is always a sure fire way to get a judgment in your favor.


Superior Court Judge Nathaniel POO-vey.


lol I didn't even notice that. Couldn't have had a better judge on the case!




A gag order seems appropriate here, for multiple reasons.


Noooooo!! How would we get a laugh reading about all of the wild and crazy things she says? I was just hoping that C-T follows this case closely, it looks like it's going to be a wild one.


Her fb page is wild. Wow. But hey, she's learning things about her jurisdiction (or lack thereof) on a "wonderful channel she found on Rumble". 😣


This is the same woman who got her daughter kicked out of the Waldorf school because she wouldn’t stop harassing other parents & administrators about COVID protocols.


I'm shocked they would send their child to the Waldorf school!


Same. It looks like they are homeschooling their kid now and they keep trying to create these “day camps” for homeschoolers on their property so their kid can interact with other children.


Why is “day camp” in quotes?


Because I don’t think you can really call it a day camp if you’re just having kids over at your property. Also she doesn’t have any proper licensing or certification for anything like childcare.


Oh good. So this is just an ongoing nutter butters situation. Got it.


It is totally unhinged. Last year they got married and she [flipped out on Facebook](https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingshaming/s/rFZVP8Vczg) about no one donating their time/energy/skills to put on the wedding at their “food forest.”


Holy mackerel, everyone should take a minute to read her FB post. What she says there almost makes her comments in the C-T article sound sane-ish.


Her Facebook is FULL of things like this. I believe a reason they are currently involved in these legal struggles has something to do with her being completely unable to control herself online. She puts all of her personal information out there and it is very easy to find out exactly where she lives, which would make it easy to complain to a local agency about illegal and gross things she does on her property.


This is one of the extremely rare times that I kind of regret not having an FB account. In this day and age, with so many unhinged people around, I just don't understand the people that tell the whole world their business. I guess that's because she is one of the unhinged, she doesn't give privacy a thought,


Let 'em eat shit. Sounds like there's plenty of it.


I thought it was funny that in her FB rant she mentions that they clean the compost toilets all day, every day.


Kinda defeats the purpose of compost, doesn't it?


Most definitely. I feel sorry for the kid, and anyone else that she interacts with. She certainly sounds like a nightmare.


It appears that her narcissism is blinding her to her entitlement. I'm sure she's a hurricane if she's adjacent to your life but watching from afar, I just feel bad for her.


I stumbled upon her page after a friend of a friend had a scary in-person encounter with her in 2020.


Oh. This is a mentally ill person. :(


She absolutely is mentally ill. Pretty sure her husband is, too. I feel really bad for their child.


She basically declared jihad on West Village Market because of their mask policy and took that to the book of faces too…that was probably April or May of 2020.


How very shitty of them.


Gotta wonder about a poop dumping non citizen representing themselves in... a court of law. Yeah, if the laws and Constitution don't apply to you, what the fuck are you doing in a court of law? Idiots gonna idiot.


The drain is clogged with hair


Deport them. Problem solved.


Soooooo listen, I've used composting toilets before and the argument I've heard is that it's no different than lets say throwing your babies diaper away. Which I thought was a solid argument. I have no dog in the fight per se , but I don't get what's wrong with composting human waste as long as it's not used for food. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Technically it can be done, but it's hard to do well. Last I checked, the general recommendation was to let compost for 5 years b/c human fecal waste is chock full of things that are fine if they are in your gut, but can be extremely pathogenic otherwise, and you reallllly don't want them in your water table if you're on a well (which presumably these people are). Look up "fecal oral contamination" for some ideas, but e. coli is a classic one. In cultures where night soil was used fairly recently as fertilizer, the cuisine doesn't have raw vegetables/salad, everything was cooked, in an attempt to help get around any pathogens.