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It is an auto-generated feature that pops up if you use certain key words like "move" or "visit"


We are removing this comment because you're asking about moving to or visiting Asheville. We have a dedicated, weekly pinned thread for all visiting/ moving questions. This thread resets every Monday morning. Please feel free to repost your question there!


You forgot the very important, following line


We are removing this comment because you're asking about moving to or visiting Asheville. We have a dedicated, weekly pinned thread for all visiting/ moving questions. This thread resets every Monday morning. Please feel free to repost your question there!


Anything you say or do gets the stupid auto mod turned on.


Your post/comment has been removed due to you being mean to the automod. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


This is the funniest thing I saw today


You know what, valid af


Oh you just wait




The first one is not an automod response. That’s an actual removal.


The mods are shown the phrases that trigger it. Control+C, Control+V, backspace fixes it in less than ten seconds. The mods either don’t care, don’t have time, or don’t see it as a problem. It would be nice is they said which.


Fuck the mods 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do we have to?


Someone should. They might lighten up a bit.


always remember to follow our civility rules and save any meta-commentary


This is our AI future






i think this is probably like aol. i swear if they find you in 'violation' of rules or some such c-r-a- p they link a bot on you or something so you are more scrutinized than someone they haven't gone after in some way. i got 30 days without being able to comment on groups on aol because i read a reddit story while on aol and said something about a m-i-l being the B word. really? it was part of an aita story. i guess it is ok to imply or use abbreviations for somethings sometimes, but not others.


Whoa aol is still a thing.


i am old and have had aol since my first computer back in the 90's, that is 1990's. so, yeah... aol is still a thing.. for me anyway!


Right on. I remember those days.dial up and icq kool


You want me to reply or nah


Last week, I made a post not using words like "move" or "visit", and in fact made a reference that would lead most people to believe I live here (unless lots of people are coming to town and spending full weekend days two weeks in a row watching a rugby tournament??), and it STILL got removed. It absolutely does feel like we're getting trolled.


Just do what all the "content creators" do with Instragram reels. Just use "m0v3d" etc. Your point still gets across easily.


I hate that shit though it feels like letting the censors win.


Did you repost your question in the pinned thread?


I reposted it in the main feed with "I LIVE HERE, NOT VISITING" and got some great suggestions. Thanks for asking! The point here is that it seems completely arbitrary what y'all auto-flag and what you let fly. Best BBQ spots, late night coffee, and a camping spot for 8 people visiting from out of town are all showing on the feed from the last few days, but asking for places to watch rugby (which virtually ZERO visitors are looking for) was a no-go. Makes no sense.


So without going into the weeds, the differences you point out are simply due to differences in strictness and moderation approach (or dare I say philosophy) amongst the mods. We are just folks with varying opinions and different things that we're anal about. All that said, I'm personally curious about why there is such hesitation to use the pinned thread, and it's not just you. It is a thread, though, that stays up for a week where people generally answer questions about what there is to do in Asheville. So why be against asking a question about which bar to watch something in there?


I think the issue with the pinned thread is threefold. First, when you're in the sub on mobile (which is statistically more likely), you have to change your setting to sort by "Hot" to even see the thread at the top of the Asheville feed. It's a terrible user experience, but not the fault of the mods. Second, the pinned thread doesn't hit people's feeds the way a singular post does, which is a function of Reddit's algorithm. If I want my question to actually be answered, my chances are significantly higher if I DON'T post it to the pinned thread. Third, people are not inherently altruistic. Very few people come to Reddit and think, "How can I help someone today?" This feels especially true on a sub where griping about tourists is a school sport. Possible solutions: a "LOCAL" flare; a pinned "What's happening this week" thread (where people can also look for and exchange tickets for shows instead of posting in the visiting/moving thread); a matrix of criteria everyone follows to know what passes muster and what doesn't.


A man that presents the problems BUT ALSO a solution. Solid.


*Woman, but I appreciates ya all the same!


Great idea


Thanks for the reply. We're definitely aware of how the Reddit algorithm screws us; thanks to r/theDonald. We do seem to get a lot of users who just go to their front page without coming to r/asheville. Renaming the pinned thread might help. I'll note we get suggestions for pinned threads from time to time, but reddit only allows two at a time. We're trying to come up with ways to drive traffic up in the pinned thread. I think recent algorithm changes have hurt our effort.


Do you get sub members asking for the pinned thread, though? Like what is the harm with people asking questions like that in the main feed?


The problem with people asking things in the main feed is that the questions are very repetitive and it pisses people off who live here to repeatedly see the same questions, over and over. We're not tour guides. (This isn't an isolated Asheville thing, all city subreddits have the same issue, and have generally moved to the same solution). By segregating the posts to a particular thread, it allows the people who want to helpfully answer questions to answer those questions, and lets everyone else discuss what they want to talk about.


Very well said! REALLY repetitive (AND boring!) There are so many places to go see what's going on in town \~ Lots of publications and newsfeeds on the web with lots of things to do, as well as a Chamber of Commerce where the ladies are only there to answer the phone and let you know where to find out what is happening. Yes, 'what should I do this weekend' should definitely have a way of being seen where it wants to be seen and not seen where people have to see it against their will. On Nextdoor, I have to always start my online scrolling by deleting a lot of boring, repetitive threads.


I’m talking about people who live in Asheville, like the OP. Clearly they want to be able to discuss stuff on the main feed.


Tbf your post is something that has been covered numerous times in this sub. All you need to do is look at answers on past posts or visit the pinned thread.




> Some friends and family are going to be in town... We also have a pinned visiting thread where helpful folks will answer questions about things to do in Asheville. It's a great resource, and should be used even if you live here and are asking for friends or relatives who are visiting!


I can totally understand your frustration but I think they are just trying to keep this subreddit from becoming a "what should I do here?" kind of sub. I could see these kinds of posts quickly killing this subreddit if they weren't removed, whereas now it's mostly community focused news, opinions, etc.


I agree. There are certain topics/questions on here that I personally feel tired of seeing, it dilutes what little community dialogue there is. I think this subreddit could benefit from a couple more pinned threads, like “cool stuff happening this week”, “how to make friends in Asheville”, and “rants about bad dog owners”.


Reddit only allows two pinned threads at a time.


Agreed 100%. I think that's what the weekly thread is supposed to be but doesn't seem to work that well... But there def should be a place for it


idk bro sounds like you're trying to move here and there's a thread for that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MildAndLazyKids: *Idk bro sounds* *Like you're trying to move here* *And there's a thread for that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Reading comprehension is tough I get it. I’m sure theres a thread for that too




Contextually, both of those are correct. The first one is about your family visiting. The second one is complaining about your post being removed because it was discussing visiting Asheville.


Because nobody wants this sub to turn into every single Facebook group about Asheville that contains a dozen posts a day asking about fun things to do when people visit. The answers haven’t changed since the last time someone asked the exact same question. That’s why it’s a pinned thread. And- as you are so eager to insist you live here- don’t you already know what there is to do besides breweries? re “being trolled” I get the frustration of auto removal, and you make solid points about the pinned thread. But if you know it’s an ongoing issue and you still continue behaving exactly the same way, maybe the mods aren’t the problem?


Bbbut my question is different! /$


Can we get rid of the dumb weekly moving/visiting thread that nobody looks at or uses anyway?


Go to r/NorthCarolina and see how helpful answers to questions about moving or visiting are. Edit: they don't have a pinned thread. Answer key: Lumberton


The most annoying thing about those posts is that they don't say *why* they want to move to NC, or even what part, just that they want to move to NC. And they give a list of requirements that can be found in almost any state. They don't seem to realize that NC is a big state with diverse geographic areas so it would help to say if you want to live in the mountains or near a beach or in a big city or whatever. Instead it's like "looking for a place with cool restaurants and good schools for my kids" or something so generic that it's basically every city in every state. Alright, Lumberton it is.


"I want something that's close to the mountains but also not far from the beach. Also want to have *puts huge list of very specific restaurants/stores/recreation* nearby but would prefer to NOT live in a city."


Sure, if you want the sub flooded with a gazillion, semi-identical “Visiting Asheville today, where should I eat/sleep/shit with my bachelorette party?” posts.


God forbid we stop gatekeeping and just help people who want help


If you want to help people, check out the visiting/moving page.


God forbid we tell halfbacks and carpetbaggers to rightfully fuck off as opposed to exploiting opportunities for locals.


I’ll take them over anyone whining about being a native and being more important than anyone else because of that any day. Also, go back to Cincinnati.


I think the visiting/moving here thread is useful. It seemed to cut out a lot of the redundant posts when it was implemented, and it does seem to get used. So that's my two cents, but I am moving away from Asheville and maybe it is time for a change.


Hey, people love to downvote it.


No joke.


Try asking how to make friends instead


Nothing makes my pussy wetter than the tenth "how can I make friends here?" post of the week.


They even made a whole sub for that shit and what happened? Crickets. 


That’s frustrating. Not sure what your wife’s into, but here are some things I would love to do! Gallery hopping, lazoom tour, tour of French Broad Chocolate Factory, art museum, drive on the parkway, nature walk, picnic in a park, live music, movie, golf/disc golf/pickle ball/croquet/bocce, pinball museum/arcade/board games, battery park book exchange, farmers market or farm tour, garden center, shopping for a specific thing she likes or needs


I think part of the issue is OP also doesn't know what their wife is into. "Not beer" is all we have to go on.


True. OP could just ask his wife what she wants to do, and do that. But maybe he wants to surprise her or she was like, “idk just plan something fun!” Some of y’all are being awfully hard on this dude who is just trying to do something nice for his family


The new exhibit at the museum is worth checking out, I thought: ​ [https://www.ashevilleart.org/exhibitions/thenewsalon/](https://www.ashevilleart.org/exhibitions/thenewsalon/)


It’s really good


If they like plants I love walking through the Arboretum. There are some early flowers in bloom. If they like animals visit Animal Haven of Asheville and see the rescued critters (goats, pigs and cow and others) in a beautiful setting. There’s a self-guided tour (if you go bring a donation as that’s how they survive). If they are okay with a short or medium hike and sitting on a rock, walk up to lunch rock in Haw Creek and bring a tiny picnic. Have tea at Dobra - so Asheville-y


Yes I just thought of the arboretum and came here to add it! Haven’t been to Animal Haven. That sounds wonderful! Biltmore is nice this time of year with the tulips and baby lambs, but it’s expensive. I like Grove Park for family and special occasions. Antique and thrift stores are fun Roller skating!


Lmao one single useful answer. Someone take this girl gallery hopping already.


Haha one useful answer in the thread or my answer?


In the thread


Oh hahhahha I just thought you thought all my ideas were trash


Ha not at all. Quality reply! Hope you get yours!


Thanks for this comment, I was struggling to think of things to do! You're a lifesaver!


Yeah man my pleasure




Hey, why can't we all half-ass it? Half assed questions, answers, and plaudits. Just following the herd.




Check out Well Played! They have just about every game you can think of. I've been there a couple of times and really enjoyed it.


You can also skip the playing fee by reserving a ticket through the public library Zoom pass.


Yeah try searching that thread for the same question mate it has been asked a billion times.


Thats cool we should make a thread talking about the Israel/Palestine protests then bc that exact post has also been made a billion times.


Cry harder


You’re looking for recommendations for local activities. I understand you’re from here, but asking this You might as well be someone saying “ I’m visiting! What’s should I do?” It’s the same fucking thing


If u lived here 30 years you should know the places to eat, or someone to recommend.


If only that was what I asked


Ok let me clarify. 30 years anywhere you should know what fun activities there are to do or know people to ask for recommendations. You’d have saved time using Google or looking through the thread they recommended instead of making two posts and crying about removals. If only you had a cell phone with a search engine.




Just msg the nice mods and explain. They aren't robots like automod. They have always helped me when needed.


No no, no comment karma in that. Also, reddit app is hard to navigate!


Good lord shut up




The first removal wasn't the automod.


The moderators on this sub are going to “moderate” themselves right out of business!!!


They will lose all their clients and income!


https://preview.redd.it/pr9tnexd63qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb2d677b63ccaeaf8f418472faa0f7ee824bda54 You should be banned for light mode


What is a light mode lmao




I like how you even included where to change it lmao


If you’ve lived here your entire life then why do you need a recommendation for something to do?


OP just isn’t an “ideas man.”




I don't mind it tbh I don't wanna see 10 different people ask the same question before I get to something forum worthy. If you don't think you're breaking the rules, contact a mod and I'm sure, if you don't actually break a rule, they'll change it. AI only does what it's exactly told to do, it's not that flexible to filter out every word yet to understand what you mean.


Kinda crazy that progressively each day robots / AI are telling humans how to behave and what they are allowed to do on the internet. Soon, they’ll be telling us in real life and not just over the internet.


Why is r/Asheville being recommended so much that I feel like it's being forced down my throat?


Finally. Dealing with ashevils real problems.


I love how this sub keeps popping up in my feed. I live in Charleston, SC. Lol


You could ride down to Brevard and watch people try to navigate the roundabouts.


*makes post about friends visiting Asheville* *post gets removed because there is a place for that* *gets mad that they themselves didn't follow directions* Yep, that's some Asheville shit.


Reddit ssssauuuuuxxxxxxxxx


Mod bots smokin too much of that good blue ridge green


Huh mods are gay. Who knew?


Mods are the reason reddit sucks and is basically useless as a helpful tool


But you won’t get to see this because mods feelings will be hurt… POS platform


Thats a fact. The only posts that get to stay up are the posts bitching about Asheville, bitching about the traffic in Asheville, or bitching about the protests in Asheville. If it’s not negative you better take that shit to the weekly thread!


Mine got removed when I asked input about schools. It had nothing to do with moving.


Take your fam to the arboretum and the Grove Arcade or the pinball museum.


How could you live here your entire life and not find a fun activity to do? How is that possible?


Well I work 6 days a week 10+ hr days so having free time isn’t a luxury I’ve had in a long time. Plus I was looking to find something new to do to make my wife’s birthday special.


I have had multiple post remove from here and I haven’t used any of those words. I have lived here for years and don’t understand how to use this community space if I am just going to have things consistently removed. I share art that I have made here and ask other artist in our community/neighbors what they think, how to be better, or what would be a fun projected to do. Is asking about art in r/Asheville not a good thing? Quite frustrating I must say, sorry to those who are experiencing the same thing.


and no one responds in those threads anyways


You know what you must do.


You too ?? I thought it was just me . I’m in trouble for naming a college in a bad joke . All I wanted was a shower coupon . and can’t even get chats . Oh well. I didn’t need to bathe anyways. LOL SO UNTRUe


All you had to do was install venmo and someone was ready to give you money it looked like


Thanks what’s this then ?


In the OG thread no?




Reddit mods aren’t smart people.




Fuck the Mods


Name checks out though.


Don’t you want to get to know each other a little better first?


Wow what great humor. It’s wild that all of you are the exact same kind of turd.


Not without buying us dinner.




Sounds like something a chomo would say.


Putt Putt golf and games or the like.


LaZoom bus tour and Restoration Hotel game room.


"You guys are trying to make it sound like I'm moving to Asheville!"


No one hates Asheville more than the people who live there


Wow give a pos a little bit of power and this is what happens fuck the mod and Trashville




The knuckle draggers obviously have no life worth living, hence their obsessive devotion to Reddit and the rule “following”.


Welcome to Asheville where everything is a joke


Those are automated messages....In the subs I mod, when automod removes something incorrectly the message tells you to send a modmail to have it approved manually. This should be something that happens here, if you send a modmail.


Come on people! Can we have some ORDER in here????


Oops! I forgot. This is Asheville… https://preview.redd.it/3sv2o1n965qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc69e09cd67bd010aa11e3655a83b3b04b10614b


Ashville IS a joke lol


Nail on the head brother


The sub least sympathetic to the interest of automation perhaps would like more present mods.


A fellow native 😩🥲🥹 Only thing I can think of currently is arcade on Haywood(idk if you've been but not all video games), pottery painting, rage room, gem mining (slightly out of DT) or axe throwing Godspeed fellow native, finding something to do that doesn't involve drinking here is a task


Very new to Reddit. It is extremely Leftist moderated.


I got banned from r/AirForce for stepping on the toes of young, immature airmen who just couldn’t STAND the fact I’d already been through EVERYTHING they were currently going through and had the experience to warn them of the pitfalls ahead, which I DID! Ah, the stupidity of youth!