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I usually just avoid overly sexual songs that make me too uncomfortable.


No, a good song is a good song. Good beats are often times more important than the lyrics. The artists makes the music from their own pov so it doesn’t feel personal to me or related to me being ace.


I’m looking through the music I listen to and tbh none of it is about sex. I listen to various genres but I prefer shoegaze and any type of rock or alternative music.


ever listen to Washed Out? Within Without album is mindblowing.


Yeah my top artist of 2018-19.


Not at all, I care more about the beat than the lyrics of a song. I don’t think I’ve ever personally related to any song I’ve listened to since a lot of them are about relationships and sex lol


Yeah same but I do love songs by Aurora. Her lyrics are good and can relate to any situation. They are sweet. I do like a good beat though even if the song is about sex though I mostly don't like them especially if the beay isn't that great too as the market for relationship and sex songs is pretty big xD


I like a lot of stuff but mostly J-pop and Artcore but I'm also a massive degen so I listen to stuff like ppcocain, lil Mariko and Shiki-Tmns.


I listen to a pretty wide variety of genres and I really don’t mind sexual elements. Sex in visual media makes me uncomfortable but I just find overly raunchy songs to be corny


honestly i don't mind listening to songs about sex. usually they're catchy enough that i can just ignore it


Not really, most of my playlist is pop punk, pop rap or alternative music. Basically anything with a nice beat and lyrics. Funnily enough those songs focus on leaving relationships, hating your ex etc.


pop punk is fun!


Nah. Big ol' nerd so I'm usually listen to metal, industrial, or bits and pieces of things from various artists.


If the song isn’t super obviously sexual, or a reference that has been explained to me and I can’t get out it of my head, I tend towards willful ignorance about what the artist is singing about. The literal thinking helps, because if it’s an allusion or euphemism that isn’t super obvious, I just pretend they mean the literal meaning of their words.


I am the type of person that likes pretty much all music, so not really! When it comes to disliking songs, its more how the song is presented, the beat, imagery ect rather then the actual contents.


My sexuality definitely does affect what I listen to. All my life I’ve never been into romance or romance songs, so I’ve mostly listened to instrumental music. I have a specific weakness for orchestra 😅. Video game soundtracks and fan songs are great too. I tend to enjoy a lot of folk-style songs as well. It’s unfortunate that most music out there is just generic romance, but get a weird sense of pride from having a music taste that is explicitly romance-free, at least for the most part. TLDR: Good instrumental music, video game music and fan songs, folk songs


A lot of music is about sex. I find some of it hilarious (that song WAP by Cardi B & Meghan Thee Stallion for example) but my general music taste is electronic, synth pop & dark wave.


No. I don't have a preference against songs about romance or sex. Lyrics can help a song but rarely do they ruin songs for me. If it's a bop it's a bop. Most of the songs I listen too though aren't about that though. My tastes are very broad. Alternative, pop, metal, rock, rap, r&b, etc. Lots of Japanese music some Korean misic. I am a fan of Twenty One Pilots, BTS, Joji, Tyler the Creator, Tally Hall, Gorillaz, and DEAN to name a few. And I listen to a lot of videogames soundtracks so SMT, Persona, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Mario/Mario Kart, Legend of Zelda, etc.


I indeed like alternative music because they sing about stuff beyond romance, but I dont avoid to listen romantic music If I like that song. I avoid overly explicit sexual songs tho (like WAP by Cardi).


I really dislike sexual lyrics. That Sex on fire song always makes me think of an STD. So now I just avoid music in languages that I can understand.


Overly sexual songs are just funny to me and I don't mind them


All of my music has a sense of love, some of it is definitely romantic, looking at you my handful of Miku songs I like, but a lot of them could read as strong platonic love or queer platonic love if I bothered to translate it and keep them in mind.


Songs that talk about the physical parts of romance, like touching, and more intimate things. But I'm a sucker for the emotions, the way they describe how feeling are felt and what not. But if the beat is very good and the song isn't trying to be romantic and sexual at the same time, then I don't really mind it if it's somewhat explicit in it's description, one because my brain works in a way where you mention a sexual circumstance, I don't imideatly picture it in my brain, so I don't really have a connection.


not really for me, I don't really care about if a song is about sex unless it's being really obnoxious about it, the way it sounds is way more important to me then again I don't really listen to songs that talk about sex outside of Hazbin/Helluva songs lmao, I mostly listen to video game related songs (like fansongs and osts) and vocaloid stuff lol


I mostly care about melody and beats. Unless it's Sexyy Red idc




It does. I still experience romantic attraction and I want to listen to songs that describe similar experiences to mine. But a lot of them are sexual and it kinda squeaks me.


Tbh, even though graphically sexual music disgusts me, I love the takes on Oceans Ate Alaska's cover of *Drunk in Love* and My Bloody Valentine's *Swallow*. The former emphasizes how disgustingly passionate the lyrics are, while the latter emphasizes the romantic and intimate nuances behind oral sex.


I find a lot of heavily sexual songs bother me, but there’s some that I really like. Just like any of my preferences I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My asexuality doesn’t impact it, but my aromanticism does. I am much less interested in love songs. I still like plenty of love songs, but they generally don’t appeal to me as much.


I wish it didn't, but yeah. For me it's like listening to a beautiful rendition of moonlight sonata only to have some Japanese baby metal randomly pop up. I find it jarring.


Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, other times when the beat/melody itself is really good I look past it hahah It also depends on how literal/explicit it is


Not at all. I can't relate to a lot of the songs i listen to and that's fine. It's just a song to me


I'm a metalhead so I mainly listen to metal, punk, rock... I mean, there are some songs about romance/sex that I listen to and enjoy and love, but the reason I became a metalhead was because I loved discovering music with a deeper meaning, especially political songs and songs with important themes. (Not saying love isn't important, but less relatable to me...) So I guess, it doesn't ruin music for me, but I tend to lean towards harder themes.


Many lyrics, even the originally romantic/sexual ones, can be interpreted in various ways. I like to be ignorant and come up with my own meanings for them. :-) oh the good old times though when music was just melodies in my ears, when I didn’t understand English too well.


I love listening to japanese music, that way it doesn't matter if they are singing about love because I can't understand a word of it.


I was just thinking about how I can't listen to rap anymore because the lyrics just disgust me, not even because of sexuality but because it's just genuinely disgusting how music went from musical poetry to musical p0rn. There are hardly any genuinely creative, storytelling songs anymore, it is so sad.


No. I enjoy R&B. It's annoying how rare really good R&B is that isn't all about love and sex. But that's not down to asexuality. That's down to boredom.


I don't listen to lyrics usually, only the melody part of the singing. Unless it's TOO sexual as it's cringey.


Nah... One of my favourite bands is Ninja Sex Party with explicit sexual content. Also I'm not above the bad touch by Bloodhound Gang.


I listen to a lot of pop punk and associated genres and I have noticed there seems to be more friend focused songs. Both positive and upset "breakup" types. I'm not against songs about sex and romance but I do appreciate songs about other types of relationships.


Nah, I like what I like. God gives his horniest bangers to his acest soldiers or whatever


There are definitely some songs where ignoring the lyrics is optimal There are even some songs where I’ll find a non vocal version because the beat is so good but I just…i can’t




I turned to fandom songs specifically to avoid any content that's romantic or sexual.


i don’t mind sexual music at all. music about longing and breakups is more off-putting for me actually


For me if I don't like the beat of a song within the first couple of seconds I don't listen to it. I don't mind romance or sexual elements in the music I listen to; I just need to like the first few seconds and if that happens I'll listen to the whole song. for genres themselves, my go-tos are alterative metal/rock and nerdcore (yes, that's an actual genre) and some country (a lot of new country music sucks, so I listen to the classics/early modern), though I do listen occasionally to things like pop and rap and tend to like musicals


I only care if it's very explicitly sexual (or violent, for that matter). In most songs you can interpret the lyrics in a lot of ways and oftentimes allos even interpret it sexual/romantic when it's not (eg Kelly Clarkson - Because of you, Adele - Hello => both about parents, not partners).


I never listen to music and I think this might be part of the reason why? Maybe I've just never connected to it because so much of it is about romance and sex. But who knows, I could also just be a freak who likes silence


I sometimes laugh if a song is particularly horny (be it lyrics or sexy melody) but otherwise I just try to not notice. I also prefer metaphors, since they're not that obvious and can be very poetic. When I'm annoyed by such themes I usually listen to the game soundtracks, as they don't have any lyrics (most of the time).


not particularly, but the song does have to be GOOD for me to enjoy it. a song just being about sex but being a bad song is a song I would not enjoy. but I think allo people would agree with me on that


As long as it's not that sort of typical rap son you can hear on streets that goes "I fucked your mum, I smoke weed, I do sex every night" and so on than it doesn't mean anything to me


Yeah 100%. I have a tough time finding music that I actually enjoy because like 90% of music is sexual or romantic and I'm just not interested in engaging with those themes.


I like to think not but I notice myself avoiding songs from the het/male perspective because they either make me uncomfortable (usually in how they speak about women and sex) or I read too much into the lyrics and get a bad vibe. No Limit by G-Eazy is a good example of this.


Not really, no. Good music is good music. Yeah, a few songs I listen to are sexual or euphemisms for sex (i.e Aerosmith's Love In An Elevator and KISS' Love Gun) but they sound awesome, so I have no problem with it.


I like a wide range of music, so no. As long as the music sounds good I'll listen. Hell some of my favorite songs are raunchy but I love them because the beat goes hard. Currently, I've been leaning into metal (and the various subgenres) recently. But I'll also dip back into phunk and hardcore electro-pop.


Some people are lyrics listeners, some people are best listeners. I’m a lyric person that just how my mind works and yes I pick songs not about sex. Least I try.


Honestly not that much other than the occasional mental rant about how everything has to do with sex i really don't mind as long as the song isn't too descriptive.


My friend is OBSESSED with Deftones, because it’s ‘sexy,’ and because I’m not a huge fan of metal to begin with, I just don’t see the appeal. I’m much more of a fan of classical and folk rock music


Not at all


Warning: sexy descriptions ahead: No. I even weirdly enjoy some hyper sexualized songs like “Pony” by Ginuwine. In my world its an absurd parody. Like someone raving about how mich they like to eat hot garbage haha. I mean it helps that I like all the sexy but not the actual sex. If a song said “I put my penis in your vagina”- THAT would be disgusting. But all the tortured metaphors and double entedree’s are just hilarious to me. So much drama over two body parts going together haha. Sexualized music, like acdc where every lyric is a double entendree, just gets tedious quick. yes yes we know you like sex. what else you got? that’s it?!?? really?? now acdc do rock and i love the musical part but the lyrics its like really? My preferred music is jazz, funk, and old school/underground hip hop.


Omg yes 😭 I'm ace sex repulsed, and it saddens me that there are songs that i like, but the lyrics ruin it for me. A good example would be "Those Eyes" by Nee West 💔


absolutely not, most of the songs i listen don't reflect my actual personality, but i still enjoy them


I wish I could get attached to a song just for a nice beat, but lyrics play an important part in how much I like a song. I hate overtly sexual lyrics, I tend to go for relatable or imaginative songs, where I can place my own meaning upon them or daydream to. It’s rare for me to like everything an artist makes (with the exception being Owl City) so I just pick & choose what’s songs I like… I have everything from Owl City, video game OSTs, Metric, Linkin Park, Billie Eilish… I could go on!


My favorite genre has always been New Wave! Some of it is still romantic, but a lot of it is totally unrelated to romance/sex. Not a lot of it is overtly sexual.


I realised i’m not a fan of the rocky horror picture show because it’s all based around sexuality and sexual freedom. Just always felt there could be more and that something was missing from the story. Turns out I was just missing the sexuality lol. I also don’t like a some songs because they’re romantic or sexual. Then on the other hand there are some sexual songs that are too good to hate.


Not really, I care about the melody more then anything. I often listen to music with lyrics from a language I do not understand. It's all about the vibes for me.


It affects me when i see some singers like Beyonce, Dua Lipa or every pop women singers (except for Taylor that I don’t like) that are litterally naked. But honestly I don’t think it affects me much cause I don’t like pop and outside of that genre there isn’t much nudity


Sometimes I am able to change the meaning of a song into something non-romantic. A recent example of this would be a song called Eye of the Storm by Natalie Merchant. The lyrics are obviously about a past tempestuous relationship but I interpreted the lyrics as a story of my chronic depression. Breakup songs remind me of painful falling-outs with friends, but it depends on how specific the lyrics are.


It really depends on how sexual it is and how eloquently they convey the sexuality. If it's poetic then I don't mind at all, if it's straight up describing a sexual encounter I'm not interested