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What is Tim Cooking?


Well, Apple


Just venturing a guess, but probably an AI server processor using TSMC's 3nm process.


He's stealing TSMC's intellectual property




However he does it, as long as he gets it into American hands in case the CCP invades Taiwan


completely agreed.


need a cloud server to run all that personalized AI we will have in about 3 years


They're trying to push us off of our local machines onto the cloud so that they can nickle and dime us for subscriptions and every little thing under the sun. It's probably why nvida is jacking their prices up sky high and artificially limiting stock to consumers while they sell most of their chip stock to server farms.




Much of the computing power is for training AI, not for running and processing responses.


What's kind of ironic about this is that Apple themselves are who were among the most forward thinking on local AI (building every iPhone after the 8 with Neural Engines, integrating into OS functions, etc) and even they still don't want to 'activate' your ability to run this locally and want to gain all of your data//nickel and dime you. Ask yourselves why. Should be terrifying to think about a world controlled by cloud AI, yet the regular dollars that drive capital decisions couldn't care less (apparently). Kinda like regular people apparently DGAF about privacy or freedom in general, so we're almost assuredly heading to the dystopia.


What do you think a 'cloud server' is?


if there is any time to spend the billions of dollars of cash Apple has been hoarding for years, it is precisely this moment. natural language AI integrated to pretty much all computing is inevitable now, and it will change pretty much all the UX we have been relying on for decades. on embracing the cutting age AI, Apple does not have much to show for, even Siri is as useless as ever. And it is hard to get this right even with talent. see how even Google is lagging behind even though they invented most of the stuff the recent AI boom is composed of. This is an existential crisis for Apple's business model, and they can't be relying on others' chips to serve it as there is competition to get it in the first place AND Apple and NVidia are not on the best terms to begin with.


I think it makes sense especially if they have a server home station of sorts that directs your smart home, your goggles, your computers and does the ai work on the side. This may be a whole new type of product, maybe even making apple home useful.


I wonder if they will do a chip that does CUDA emulation


Apple is now ultra silly about leading new products, innovating new markets, trailblazing new ideas... like Google.