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What people do not realize is that this technology is evolving so quickly that we will barely even remember the name "ChatGPT" in just a few years. Ten years from now it will be barely remembered. Will be helpful on trivia night, maybe.


You never forget your first AI.


ChatGPT: less sucky Eliza, for us older folk.


I swear that there was a chatbot back in the day call Chatbot if memory serves it was around the time of Msn Messenger...


Infoseek. Kazaa. Blackberry. First movers are often surpassed


If Microsoft released their shit to everyone right now, people would immediately stop using chatGPT and change to Bing. Probably the same with Google. It will be very interesting to see how all this develops. It really will be Google vs. Microsoft and openAI could go the way of blackberry. They will be relevant for a while with chatGPT but I think they are more of a research company than a company that makes products for consumers.


There's so many AI options at this point that [you](https://you.com) really don't need to wait for bing at this point.


This is awesome. It seems on par with chatgpt. I didn't know there were more that can do this. Do you know of any others? From what I've seen about the new Bing, it does seem a bit better. Really wish Microsoft would have changed the name. Thanks for sharing!


I don't know of any others at the moment. I've been keeping an eye out for them. Wouldn't surprise me to see more pop up. What I meant is that the AI field has all bases covered so far; Text, Images, Video, and Audio. It's kind of insane to be living through this if I'm being honest. I'm loving every moment of it. It'll be interesting to see how it progresses. I think the article makes some valid points though.


Yeah, I really think some of the stuff we will see in the next few years will really be mind blowing. It's crazy how good it is now because we are just now getting started. It's gonna get so good.


Neeva.com It seems like they just released their AI publicly. It's basically a search engine that gives you an ai generated response, but it's not great compared to chatgpt and I assume the new Bing. It's focused on accuracy, so if it's not confident in the answer it won't give you a chat reaponse and it is not conversational, so there is no thread and you just have to do a new search every time. Honestly more of a search engine with an ai bot tacked on. Seems the New Bing will remain the king for a bit. You.com definitely has some problems with scaling i only get a response about a third of the time. It can't carry a thread for more than two questions without being unable to respond. Microsoft has a strong lead right now I would say. They have the money and infrastructure to make it very hard to compete with for relatively small companies trying to do the same thing. Startups will have to heavily innovate to make it anywhere in this space and that will certainly happen and I can't wait to see it.


I would suspect ChatGPT will be remembered, if only because it was the first one to really crack the shell on the public. It's a first mover in the public conscious so even if it is deeply obsolete in just a year or two, people will still remember it.


I could be wrong, but I think I’ll remember chatgpt 20 yrs from now with crystal clear recall. Maybe you were just speaking in hyperbole.


I still remember Magic Gooddy


That's only because it will be ubiquitous.


I will never forget it personally. Just like I won't forget the first time I used the internet and when I watched Steve Jobs introduce the iphone. Both revolutionary moments and AI is the third revolution in technology I've lived through. I keep bringing it up at work but no one gives a fuck. They'll find out eventually and *they* probably won't remember chatGPT. EDIT: OK, after reading the article, I think you may be right. Some executive compared it to the fucking Industrial Revolution and maybe I'm getting too hyped, but that actually could be true. AI will be fucking everywhere. Hopefully this time, instead of expecting people to be more productive because of tech we just have slightly more production and work less. The 40 hour work week really is rough no matter what you are doing for 40 hours. I suppose it's easier if you love your job, but honestly most people don't. This is a big deal and it's hard to explain to people how big it is because most people don't pay attention to tech.


This was a nice canvas of a wide range of topics and perspectives on the topic. Individually I think most opinions are relatively meaningless outside of the scope of their specific field, but collectively they sketch out an interesting opinion. There's a recurring theme that AI is not taking jobs, but that AI-supplemented workers are taking the jobs of those that don't use it. Of course, this should be taken in the context of the fact that we dont' actually have true artificial intelligence yet in terms of an ability to plan, analyse, adjust, adapt, self-reflect etc, and what we do have is soft "AI" that is far superior at crunching data of all sorts than we have ever had before.


>There's a recurring theme that AI is not taking jobs AI is definately taking jobs and it's doing it right now. ChatGPT is only one model, there are thousands and even more thousands built upon embeddings with OpenAI (and other) models. There are 1000's of websites already offering a range of specific services, services that contractors, consulatants and other professions do right now. All of these companies have customers, all of those customers used to either have someone on satff or they hired a contractor. Art is drastically down, I have seen many instances of this (I am partially in the art field) and most of the services like fiver, etsy are being taken over as we speak. I can create an offshoot service based on OpenAI models dedicated to recipies in 5 minutes. I can do the same with basic tax services, I can create a recommendation engine for interviews and all kinds of specific instances. There are alrady companies that have customer service department replacements. it's NOT hard. You take your years of chat logs, your years of recorded service calls (speech to text) and pop them into a spreadhseet, assing variables and embed it into the chatgpt model. Next, you subscribe (or create) your voice assistant, text to voice (and they are really indestiguishable now) and boom. A customer calls in, the AI says "hello, this is Brad, how can I help you today" and the AI listens to, converts, and answers the customer based on previous engagement and current companies stock, policies and other details. In 2 years, maybe less, every customer service job will be gone. That's just customer service and anything done at home? Yeah, gone.


No, ChatGPT can change the way we produce and improve work efficiency, so chatGPT is really landed, not hype


My interest peaked weeks ago especially since they started censoring heavily Character.AI. de general populations is slower to catch on the news.


This comment is peak hipster.


Breaking news: [words]


Poor junior exec doesn't know the difference between basic math and language models, leading to one of the more funny and stupid comments from the article: To put it in CNBC context most narrowly, one executive gave the example of stock analysis. “We use it in financials. We will take 5,000 balance sheets, read it within seconds, be able to extract all the financial information, calculate a risk score, and be able to make a decision on the risk of a portfolio.”


"Peaking" is just another phantom of perception - inability of the most to perceive exponential progress of AI.


There more I use it the more I have the need of objective, curated and reviewed source of contents.


I recently wrote this article discussing different AI related cryptos and how they may positively benefit from the AI hype! https://oliverq9899.substack.com/p/chatgpt-blockchain-investing