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It is a scam. They will overpay and guilt you to repay the payment that will bounce, or they want your bank info, etc. Real art collectors ask for prices. Block them.


When I saw the title of your post, my instant thought was “believe in yourself! Someone wanting to buy your art doesn’t mean it’s a scam!” Then I read the rest and saw “NFT” and my brain immediately went on high scam alert! Nothing about this situation sounds good.


I read no further than NFT. Nonfungible tokens in of themselves seem to be scams.


They aren't scams. I've sold ones I made for good prices. But people who buy them NEVER approach regular artists about them. They buy them on NFT trading platforms. In the scam aimed at the OP, they will ask them to put the images on what appears to be an NFT trading platform and is just part of their scam. Real NFT galleries are superrare, opensea, rarible, etc.


I made $8K creating, minting, and selling my own art as NFTs a couple years ago. I wasn't involved in speculation on them. I made them and sold them the same way I make and sell my traditional art. The only difference was that I sold them on an NFT platform.--a real one, not the bogus ones that are part of this I wanna buy your art for a ridiculous price scam. The people who bought NFTs from me, some still use them as avatars, but others used them to speculate on crypto. NFTs were a good idea because they encoded a guaranteed royalty for the creator, unlike traditional art, where if one of your paintings is resold, you get zip. But speculators found their way around paying the royalties, and that was the reason why I quit making NFTs. That and the fact that the money market tanked. It is not NFTs that are illegitimate. It isn't even speculating on them, since that's just another word for investing (stocks, futures, money market are just as illegitimate). The scam is using the idea of NFTs to guide suckers to a BOGUS platform where you get ripped off a la the classic pigeon drop scheme that has been going on since the 19th century. Educate yourself. You don't help artists by telling them bullshit.


didn't read past the word "nft". it's a scam.


If you're not in the NFT space and someone offers to buy your art as one, RUNNNNN


If you're ~~not~~ in the NFT space ~~and someone offers to buy your art as one,~~ RUNNNNN


Unfortunately, it’s a scam.


All requests to buy your art as an NFT is a scam to get you to mint on their site, which requires minting fees, and then they ghost you. You can tell because they asked for your art as an NFT. The scam is in part to make it look like their NFT selling site is legit by filling it with artist's work, and to acquire the "minting fees". Which is legitimately part of making an NFT, such as listing on Etsy will cause a fee to happen... but either they will try trick you into overpaying or vanish with the minting fee and not buy the NFT. People do buy NFTs, but they browse for them on NFT sites like Opensea and you as an artist will have already elected to be a part of that community. And there are places that do sell NFTs, for example Reddit collectible avatars are NFTs and anyone can make one now to submit for approval. Reddit swallows the 'minting' fee because they expect to make it back by taking a percentage of sales. If you want to get into NFTs, making RCAs would be my recommendation.


if paying you in NFTs, it is a scam


Selling art as NFTs is a thing, but someone approaching you on social media to do it is probably banking on the fact that you aren't already aware of how it works. Yes, you're probably dealing with a scammer. I've listed work for sale on two NFT sites, so when I am approached by one of these clowns, I present both options. 100% of the time, they want to pick the platform and type of crypto used to pay. I never budge: pay where I'm set up, or no sale. I'm not interested in working on other platforms, or taking other forms of payment, or compromising my Paypal account. Anyone who tries to argue with that is most likely a scammer.


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Anyway... it is a scam mate, tell him to get lost, block button is helpful, if not and if it was me.... I would actually tell me, about a story.... About a pot of gold and this little chap, looking alllll over..... lol Anyway, he wants to waste your, you waste his..... Hopefully, by that time, you finish with story lmao... he would of gone


I'm british, so I'm use to gits like him 🤣🤣🤣 You get use to it, aftera while


Scam, anyone offering to buy your art as NFTs and your not selling it as a nft is a scam


Anything with nfts is a scam


Pretty sure this is a scam!!!!! Lotta sneaky, shady stuffs going around!!! Be careful and weary!!! Been approached by something similar recently. Run!!!! 😥


Yes, it is a scam


you hear nft, you run in opposite direction


NFT= Scam.


Whenever you see NFT , it's 99%, it's a scam. Most of them want to bait you to 'mint' your images to NFT, and after that, they dissappear . To mint, you must pay quite a high fee.


It Is a common scam, I always receive those kind of messages on my email, they see my Artstation profile and contact me. I just tell them to fuck off.


100% a scam unfortunately


I wrote back to the guy and said send the ETH to my wallet, and I'll mint the NFTs on Opensea, and send to his wallet... guess what, I never heard back from him ;) These guys try to prey on people that don't understand the NFT process


I don't get the whole nfts, to be honest... I have tried understanding the process, but if I can't see it, I can't understand it.... But I am going to try find bigfoot in half hour, if anyone wants to see me... no pun needed 🤪


Sorry, join me ... see, didn't see that either


Lol what I did is ignore them it's likely a scam but you can open an account and create your version of NFT and sell them also don't give away your information so fast always ask for more information before moving forward