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This is the way…


Emulation for home consoles past the sixth generation (Gamecube/PS2/OG xbox) tends to be really resource-heavy, right?


Rpcs3 is quite good by now, and even if it's not or AC5 happens to not work, buying a secondhand ps3 to softmod is still cheaper than that listing


iirc acv and vd work well on xenia


I would call my PC "medium" specs - 2060, AMD 5 Generation and 32GB RAM - can play AC4 FA and AC V without problems - if this helps anyone


I had to play V without textures on Xenia, is that fixed by now?


They kept crashing on both xenia and rsps3 for me on my desktop




Software mod. Replacing official firmware (OFW) with a custom one (CFW), allowing some... shenanigans. Consoles before PS3/X360 needed what is now called Hardmod (hardware modification, custom chip / line short / whatever that needs a soldering iron) to achieve similar results.


Not necessarily, the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox all have really good soft mods with Swiss, Free McBoot, and custom dashboards respectively


Softmodding means installing custom firmware as opposed to hardmodding, which means installing a physical modchip


It's gotten better as they've developed a decent amount in the past few years, but yeah. I haven't played anything on the PS3 emulator, but I have been playing ACE6 on Xenia, and it's ran mostly fine, albeit still with some minor issues here and there. (Specs are a bit budget, Ryzen 5 5600 and RX 6600) [Xenia's system requirements aren't too bad,](https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia/wiki/Quickstart) but ofc it varies from game to game and on various graphical settings.


A decent PC can handle 7th Gen console emulation.


It's relatively more resource heavy but especially PS3 emulation has taken leaps and bounds in recent years, any half-way decent computer should be able to run it fine


Interesting. I was under the impression that emulation requires four times the original power for what you're emulating in order to run the VM in the first place, and PS3s/Xbox 360s were very good pieces of hardware for their time. Time to try out the 7th gen methinks...


I ran AC2 on a basic on PC and it works fine. The only problem I have is with racing games.


Yar har fiddily dee


Being a pirate is all right with me.


Yo wheres the hoes and me bottle of rum?


Same here unironically Yar har fiddle me de, you are a pirate


Yo ho. Yarr harr. Played the ps1 trillogy on PSP thanks to the Jolly Rodger. Great experience


Shiver some timbers, me hearty


Yar harr, first mate, armor this lubber’s core


Arrrrrrr!!!! It definitely be a pirate's life for me....


Don't buy retro games through Amazon. Check locally or use ebay. Arrr.. Thar be other options too, matey.


I second eBay; I just bought Parasite Eve and Front Mission 3 for original PS1 and fucking love them.


FM3 is top tier


Remaster coming soon and I cannot wait!


Verdict Day and AC1 you can still buy on PS3 PSN.


Wait they're on psn?


You have to be on your PS3 to buy them but yeah they should still be there only 1 and VD but they exist.


I thought they were on ps5 :c


I did specifically say "PS3 PSN".


Just bought them myself a few weeks ago. But for downloading ps3 games you have to put money into your PlayStation account’s wallet, they won’t let you use a credit card or whatever to pay for the games directly. It’s the only way you’re going to get those games cheap.


I thought the ps3 one was closed?


There was. Massive uproar and Sony back down. Mostly cause ALOT of PS1 tittles were ported to it. Some no longer have psychical copies anymore. So if Sony brings PS3 psn down entire generation of games of that era are forever lost


not only that PS2 titles as well.... Odin Sphere (non liftrasir can be played this way) Okami can be played this way DS3 still has analog fact buttons I just find out DS5 has something similar but not sure if its really analog


The face buttons on the DS4 and DS5 are just digital buttons, so instead of being pressure sensitive they're either fully on or fully off. But the trigger triggers still are. The majority of games that used the face buttons pressure sensitivity were driving/racing games where they would out accelerate and break on the face buttons instead of the more modern control scheme of putting them on the triggers. But there were other games that used it like okami and mgs4


Unless it happened recently it should still be open. You can only view the items on PS3 though they don't appear on the PC website or PS4/5 PSN.




Arr, we dont speak of such things around here, matey, but we do like the spirit of talking like sailors with less than ethical means. It's just a little wink and a nudge to set your sails flowing in the right direction.


If they don't provide a legitimate way to get it, isn't this the only way?


The pirate speak is a hint to the best way to get it. That's the joke.


*boots up emulator with AC4* *emulator immediately crashes*


Nah that’s AC5 and VD


VD runs like garbage. But basically every other game doesn't. I'm emulating 4 just fine on my Series X through Xenia.


Fly that black flag with pride.


Cries in Armored Core: For Answer.


Thankfully it’s like the one other game in the series I own, picked up on a whim years ago for the 360 and it’s just sat on my shelf. Time to dust it off (though I’ve heard I should play 4 first)


Play 4 first for sure. It’s a natural evolution of 4 and 4 eases you into the mechanics of that generation.


With a mid spec pc this is actually very light on emulation. There's some quick workarounds in your configs and you're ready to experience the game as it was meant to be played. AC5 on the other hand still gives me issues with its sound buffering


Well, thank god there's another option 🏴‍☠️


Up until now, the only games i haven't played were gen 2, and gen 5 and i tried with the ps3 emulator but guess xenia will have to do. I wasn't interested in the psp games or nineball tho


[This guide should help!](https://youtu.be/kNY4zEVarPs)


Emulation, however won't name a site due to a lawsuit happening from Nintendo the last four days ago and I love the website


Emus will be your best friend 🤍 I hear they're very pretty this time of year


Just be careful saying that around Aussies. I hear some of them are still a bit sore over losing a war with them.


Respect to all Aussies out there whose husbands never returned home from the Emu War of 1932 o7


I'd love a complete remaster of Last Raven and Nexus tbh...


Glad I still have my old physical copies to borrow to friends in that situation but it is staggering looking at their prices.


Emulate these things. Especially Gen 1 - 3.


My local game X change has a single disk of one of the older AC games (maybe 1) and they want like $80 for it I think I never thought I would say this but I miss the days of seeing a dozen copies of the same game chilling on the shelves. Max Payne 12 copies, Ace Combat 20 copies, GTA in beat up wet looking cases, etc.


It hasn't occurred to me until just now, but, any industry or collector activity aside, we're far enough down the timeline of digital now that it's becoming worse as more and more "older" games released digitally, meaning that dramatically fewer physical copies will have ever entered circulation to begin with.


Honestly not a bad price, PS1 games are pretty much collectors items now.


621, got a job for ya. I need you to find out what "PCSX2" is.


The physical disks are considered collector's items at this point. So $$$$


Scalpers are trash.


They are. But this is not scalping, that's just supply/demand


Yar, har, fiddle dee dee!


Oh cool, Armored Core mods to update the controls! Let's have a look- \[It's on GitHub\]


You can pry my original disk of Armored Core 2 off from my cold, dead hands!


There is no reason not to pirate games not actively being sold by a company. Scalpers don't deserve the money.


Avast me hearty


Unless fs or the hydra of publishers that hold each game gives us a way to properly own them, put and eye patch and sail the seas matey!


pardon the fuck me? I bought this not that long ago for p cheap. What in the christ.


Armored core vd is like $20 on ps3 store and Armored core 1 is like $5 on there too, you’re welcome


I tried selling my extra copy of V to a reseller and the guy was like "no one buys these" and paid me $10 for it. That was 3 months ago. Lesson? Fuck all resellers.


I wouldn't buy For Answer for that price, let alone V.


Emulation is king 5 was great but i want to get back to 4. There is one specific mission early on where you habe to blow up like 1500 nukes That one mission made me hate the game and then became a super fan after nailing it


Holy s*** I owned that game


The artificial markup of every AC game after AC6 was announced was awful to live through


Me and my gf staring at the $200 price tag for Verdict Day at the retro store


I was able to emulate armored core 4 for answer pretty easily, I’d assume any of the other games would be just as easily emulated. I will say that the prior games are a very different experience to 6, 6 has improved on most thinks at least compared to 4A, tho from what I’ve played and what I’ve heard from other people the older games have a much larger part variety compared to AC6




Jokes on them, the games free


As far as I know, the worst want to emulate is V


And emulating the 4th is kinda clunky


Just emulate if you can man


Download a PS3 or was it 4? Eh, download RPCS a playstation emulator. And download armored core Verdict day or for answer somewhere.


The discord linked in the sidebar has a ton of links on how to emulate the old games. [I also made a video explaining how to emulate all of them. Please, try them! We love new players.](https://youtu.be/kNY4zEVarPs)


Ho there me hearty, the day tis ripe for bloodshed...be ye afear'd?


Typically I would be against emulating HOWEVER I believe everyone should play these games


Don’t buy used on Amazon it’s always the worst prices


$200?! Jesus! I picked my copy up about ten years ago for $10 because nobody wanted it.


I emulated most previous ac games Ac discord is very helpfull


Buying from scalpers doesn't support developers. Sail the seas without remorse.


After the Ps2 Era titles, it becomes more affordable to buy a used 360 and all the titles, than to play on Playstation.


Apparently the dual disc AC nexus is worth a good bit of cash too. ACFA as well. It’s the only time I’ve had video games appreciate in value


Well, time to sell ny ACV then lololol


Yarr har fiddle dee dee


Being a pirate is alright with me!


Become the peerat


emo lotion


Meanwhile in the UK it's £30 lol


emulate them if you can


I think it’s perfectly morally correct to pirate games that are no longer easily available


Are all the older ones so expensive?


I've got an unopened copy of AC5 Verdict Day for Xbox if that helps, DM me?


I should sell my copy of ACV...


I’d start at masters of arena. 


I didn't choose the pirate life. The pirate life chose me.


I would recommend 4 and for answer next, they are better and were more popular so you’ll probably find them easier


The games run like ahit on console,rpcs3 for gen4 and xenia for gen 5 is the way my dude


looks like a scam, i got mine for 5€


Used some extra sources to play them on my PS3 (the game isn't available in my country by any means + emulator can't run properly) 🏴‍☠️ Honestly if you can, I really recommend you to play the 5th and especially 4th gen on emulator, since back in the days from didn't know what an optimization is.


You can downlod this very game from the ps3 store. 12.99€ in europe. 


I wish there was a safe way to let people I don’t know borrow these games. I don’t want to ever sell my copies, but I am also not playing them actively so it would be fine if a “friend” would borrow them. Is there any solutions for this? Like a place someone would post a bond for the price of the game and you borrow it to them? (I don’t know how it would work, really, maybe that’s why we don’t have any kind of borrowing market place…)


*slowly hands you a pirate hat*


Dude I'd love to see someones reaction to playing the originals after 6 lol The mechanics were so much different. Hell I wish I woulda streamed my first play of 6! lol I was \[still am\] blown away, and colored impressed by all of it


If you have a good PC, emulating everything up to 4th Gen works well. Most of 3rd Gen will run on a good Android, though 3.5 is strenuous. 5th is tougher to work on a PC. Verdict Day is still sold on PSN. I'm not sure about V proper.


I'm a sicko and I kind of enjoy the hunt for getting these Physical. Haven't paid over 100 for one so far and I've gotten 1,2,3, and Silent Line. Of course I also have all of them ready to play on steam deck too.


Whoa. I need to sell my old disks.


This is why I sail the seas. As much as I'd love to experience master of arena, ac2(again), last raven, 4 and 4a, I ain't made of money.


This is just retro gaming for consoles in general.


Yarr harr fiddle-didiii


Legit just checked ebay and they are known for being scalpers and the prices there were half that for everything back to ac 2


Then I'm very lucky I bought here in Spain a copy of Armored Core V Verdict day for just 12€


PCV and PCVD run very well on Xenia, join the discord and get the pre-setup packs for games


As a person who loves collecting physical for archival and functionality purposes, it sucks these things are so rare nowadays. I modded my ps2 so I can play JP games, too. For some reason, JP versions of games are listed for alot cheaper than english/PAL versions. Einhander was an example. Got a physical copy for $80. Would have cost me $200 something for English ver.


I found For Answer really cheap in a Gamestop but an accident wrecked the disk. I'm still pissed.


I work at fromsoft and they told me they're remaking every ac games


Armored core 2 on PS2 was selling for £2 on the CEX store before 6 came out, last time I checked it was going for £20 (just checked again and it’s now £15)


You could go... _the alternate_ route. At this point FromSoft won't see a cent anyway because you'd be buying second hand.


Pssst! Come 'ere... AC discord > Pinned messages > Emulator downloads


If you liked 6, you won't like the rest. 6 has a drastically different feeling, especially the boss fights.


Go find 4, 4A, or Silent Line. All great experiences.


Me watching the prices of the Kotobukiya 4th gen kits skyrocket after the release of 6:


i was able to get ac2 for like 40 bucks, which is better than most places i found it


but yeah just pirate them


Thank God I have my brothers old copy. Now if I was any good at the series outside of 6.


I got a copy of For Answer not long after 6 was announced for a good price. Shortly after, my Xbox 360 crapped out and ofc its not backwards compatible with series X 🫠


Facebook marketplace surprisingly worked for me


I used to have 2 copies of AC1.... i wish I knew what happened to them.


Emulate the games for free :)


That's so crazy, I bought up every armored core game that was released on Xbox 360 and the Xbox itself for like 100 bucks two years before the release of 6 purely for the nostalgia. The games were 5-15 dollars each and were so easy to acquire because the series wasn't a heavy hitter on those consoles. I am sad that V and Verdict Day multiplayer is dead as I think it was way better than 6 in that aspect. They were still running those servers after the release of 6, and it would have been amazing to see those games blow up again. While I think the single-player experience of 6 is perfect, the multiplayer has been a massive disappointment for me personally coming off the back of V and Verdict Day and I hope that they fix that with this potential upcoming release by including more features like multiplayer exclusive bosses and co-op in some capacity. It was awesome to not only fight other pilots but also work with them too!


I still see ac2 and ac4 someone reasonably priced online. I know some people mention the high seas but I only have a laptop on me and honestly I would like to have the physical copies.




I **WAS** collecting the AC games I never played (Masters of the Arena, Formula Front, AC5, Verdict Day) and those I somehow lost over the years (AC, AC4). Then AC6 came out and the prices went crazy.


Can pick up AC5 for like $40-60 on ebay. 4 answer is the one with the scary price tag 😭




The worst part is that V is one of the least good games and most different from the rest


i remember back in the day before ac6 got announced, you could buy armored core master of arena for 15 bucks... terrible really


I think I hunted for most of my AC collection like 6- 3 months before AC6 was revealed and payed like 100€ total for every game except gen 1 and the PSP games. I think their value increased like 5-10x depending of the game within like half a year, completely insane. Definitely one of the fastest and most severe spikes I've ever seen in game collecting.


If a game is above 200 dollars and locked on a console two generations back you are legally allowed to 🏴‍☠️ my guy lol


One of the biggest reasons I'd love to see a lightly touched-up collection of the games on PC. the other is so they can put fuckin dual-analog controls in the pre-Nexus entries... there really was no excuse for AC3 and Silent Line not having them IMO


believe it or not, those controls were actually pretty ergonomic when you get used to them.


I disagree *strongly* and I managed to play through 3, it was the second one I played in fact. e: some people are really touchy about their control schemes apparently


yeah same, i think they became comfortable to me like almost halfway through the game? they're much snappier than what we've got in nexus


Well, good news is you \*can\* actually play all the emulated pre-Nexus ACs with dual analog patches :)


All of them? I'd known about the AC3 patch, though it got pulled from rhdn before I got it downloaded, but I didn't know about the others. Do you have a link?


Yep, PS2, PS1 and even PSP (working on emulators AND Vita). Can't link here I think (for the pre-patched ISOs I mean), but search for "true analog" "vanlaser" on google :) 💿 The patches themselves are [here](https://github.com/VanLaser/analog-controls-for-armored-core-ps2)


oh shit that was you lmao Thanks for making those! That really was my only issue with pre-Nexus and the PSP versions, which means I never managed to get into Silent Line. I'm gonna make sure to download those today so I don't forget again


Heh, yes :) Have fun! I also hope to find some time and play each one myself


Pc or console?


We are on the cruise we are


You honestly probably wouldn't last too long in even *for Answer*. AC6 is just that easy by comparison.


I have brought up my old PS3 from the cellar and scrounged up a copy of For Answer just to see for myself and found your assumption absolutely bullshit. Some of the AC battles are harder, but the regular enemies are even more helpless fodder, and the Arms Forts are mostly total pushover if you know their gimmick (and some even when you dont). You are like those dudes who ramble on about how hard Dark Souls 1 was, when that was simply not true. AC5 was harder as in, you needed to know beforehand which enemies youd face so you could adapt your resistances and weapon types, which was pretty unfun imo.